1st Annual "Titor Was BS" Party- 1 Jan 2006

Re: Time to plan the 2nd Annual Titor Was BS Party

In fact, I will go so far as to "predict" that no one will EVER prove he was not telling the truth... for the simple fact that his story was unfalsifiable.


Which surely lends to the fact that it is not so much truthful facts and information, rather, a cleverly structured hoax. A hoax containing 'science' and 'information' that is so ineptly put across, yet quite impossile to prove incorrect. The predictions are also just deep enough to be applied to specfic 'current' events, yet abstract enough to be continuosly linked to every potential (event) that comes along, after each one before it fails.
Re: Time to plan the 2nd Annual Titor Was BS Party


The theory, as referenced by Ray would have to be as follows:

"That Titor's assertions have never been proven to be false they are, therefore, taken to be true."

There's no possible way to experimentally falsify the theory.

For a theory to be correctly stated it has to allow a critical experimental test that if it fails just once requires that the theory either be thrown out completely or to be modified such that it allows for good and justifiable reasons the exception that was found.

In the above case there is no critical test that can be applied short of Titor himself coming back and disclosing the truth of the matter (but that's not an experimental critical test). Even if none of his predictions ever come to pass the theory is not falsified because of the totality of the circumstances of the story that involve alternate worlds.

The above statement is not a theory. It is a tautology. It is a true statement only because it self defines the
"truth" such that it can never be experimentally disproved.

On the other hand we can rephrase the tautology and make it a valid and falsifiable theory:

"That Titor's assertions have never been proven to be true they are, therefore, provisionally taken to be false."

This is easily falsified. If Titor returns with his gadget and physically shows all and tells all or if all of his predictions come true within the norms of experimental error the theory is falsified. That does not mean, necessarily, that the story is proven to be true. There are other ways to have the situation occur, at least in theory, that don't involve his time traveling to 1975, 1998, 2000-2001. However, because the theory is falsified it has to be modified or tossed out completely.
Re: Time to plan the 2nd Annual Titor Was BS Party

For those who can be in cyberspace for the occasion, I will have a few episodes of "Rescue Me" a show that I just got into starring Dennis Leary. It's about New York fire departments doing their job post 9-eleven. It is in my opinion the best television show ever created and it has 3 seasons completed so far. Check it out if you get a chance. There are lots of episodes on http://btjunkie.org

By 2008 there will be a massive infrastructure shortage in western Canada due to massive oil sands profit seeking. You cant prove I'm wrong so I'm right. That is all, carry on.
Re: Time to plan the 2nd Annual Titor Was BS Party

Hi Einstein,
You make me feel like I inadvertantly got transported into a parallel universe. Or maybe you are just deliberately trying to make a false prediction. There must be some motive behind your statement. Care to explain?
I think Darby did a fine job of explaining what I was getting at. (OMG! I ended that sentence with a preposition!)

The only things I would add to Darby's explanation of the concept of "Popper Falsifiability" are reference materials for further study. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Karl Popper is the namesake for this important concept for how "proper" scientific theoris should be formed and stated.

Straight from the horse's mouth.

One of the (several) ironies of the Titor story is the fact that Titor uses the work of Frank Tipler in weaving his story of how time travel "works" in the world(line) created by Group Titor. The irony is that Tipler himself is a staunch advocate of falsifiability as an essential feature of any scientific theory. So I would hazard to guess that Frank Tipler would be at odds with the whole Titor story, since it is clearly not Popper falsifiable.

And we can also read about differing opinions on how falsifiability applies (or does not apply) to science. In my opinion, I do not think this author makes a terribly strong argument against falsifiability as a useful tool in defining "good science". For example:
Science is not a robotic process of conjecture and refutation. It involves the ability to call into question inherited assumptions that are elements of our background framework, thereby opening up possibilities that could not have been foreseen at the start. What we do in laboratories is both inquiry into nature and self-inquiry. Those efforts put our guesses about nature to the test and force us to reinterpret the assumptions on which these guesses are made.
This point seems weak to me, because having the ability to test (and prove wrong) prior assumptions that lead to prior theories is EXACTLY what Popper Falsifiability is all about. The example the author gives about Miller and his reproduction (with different results) of Michaelson's and Morely's experiments does not mean Einstein's assumption has not been falsified. It simply means a certain body does not accept this result as falsification of Einstein's stated assumption. The important thing is that Einstein's body of work in Relativity is falsifiable. Miller's work may indeed someday be found to be a falsification of Einstein's assumption of constant speed of light. Then again, in the future, some OTHER falsification may come along which is even more convincing that Miller's example.

Anyway, enough this is babble...
Re: Time to plan the 2nd Annual Titor Was BS Party

In reply to the above responses it should be noted (logically) that (a) Titor traveled through time /did not travel through time and (b) His story was true/false are two entirely distinct propositions.

In fact, one could state with some plausibility that if the former (a) were true, there would be good reason to suspect that (b)was false, being some form of disinformation. But to what end?

The hamster runs at full speed and his cage spins around and around. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: Time to plan the 2nd Annual Titor Was BS Party

Your article mentions NOTHING about the Z-machine being used in a time machine therefore I think you picked a great example. Total BS.
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006


You're having another party? Shouldn't you be having a Bruce2047 party? Still carrying the Titor flag?
He must have been onto something if you want to discredit him so much... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

And you have friends? and chicks show up to this party? Wonders never cease /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Thanks Newbie for introducing me to secondlife. It was a good time, and you've certainly got a lot of nice toys there in meta-Huntington Beach, meta-CA!

Had a nice time over here in the real HB, CA. No one from TTI showed up but I had several friends who I had to explain the whole John Titor Experiment to. They got a good kick out of it, especially the Mad Cow Burgers!

Creedo: I don't understand what you are getting at. Razimus is certainly welcome to join us as we party the end of the John Titor myth!
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006


4) We can have "Hillary for President - 2008" signs (even though I'd never vote for her)
5) Since I will be your cordial host, I will pledge to dress up as the last "black pope". We can throw in some santanic rituals during bowl game halftimes just to keep things interesting.

I'd change the theme to Bruce2047 party.

Hillary for President - 2008 doesn't seem 'so crazy' now... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
And Pope Benedict - The Black Pope an ex-nazi soldier doesn't seem 'so crazy' either /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

Look here everybody! CigMan is stalking me! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif (Per his own definition, or as best I can understand it, since he won't give me his clear definition)

Hillary for President - 2008 doesn't seem 'so crazy' now...
Still seems pretty crazy to me. You don't think so? If you don't then that just means you haven't seen the dossier on her that will be brought into the light during the campaign.

And Pope Benedict - The Black Pope an ex-nazi soldier doesn't seem 'so crazy' either
You haven't studied your prophecy too well, Ciggy. St. Malachi made it quite clear that "the glory of the olive" would be the last pope before the "Black Pope". And the order of St. Benedict refer to themselves as the Olivetans.

According to St. Malachi, Petrus Romanus will be the "black pope". Class dismissed! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006


"Hillary for President 2008

Still seems pretty crazy to me. You don't think so? If you don't then that just means you haven't seen the dossier on her that will be brought into the light during the campaign."

Oh the rumors of the "sisters of sappho" stuff eh? Or that guest on the Howard Stern show years and years ago /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif lol But personally I don't think she'll make it through the primaries 'Titor' or no 'Titor'.

And Pope Benedict - The Black Pope an ex-nazi soldier doesn't seem 'so crazy' either


"You haven't studied your prophecy too well, Ciggy. St. Malachi made it quite clear that "the glory of the olive" would be the last pope before the "Black Pope". And the order of St. Benedict refer to themselves as the Olivetans.

According to St. Malachi, Petrus Romanus will be the "black pope". Class dismissed!"

I think Petrus Romanus is the "Great Monarch"...

The "Prophecy Matrix" is stored away. The one with all the intersecting prophecy points that called me to action /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'll have to review... 1 mistake in 5 years not bad /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

"Look here everybody! CigMan is stalking me!" I just don't believe anyone goes to your 'parties' I think they are a figment of your imagination /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Funny how YOU study my POSTS so WELL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006

Why does everyone say Hilary for prez? Seems to me, Pelosi could be in the running......she is 3rd in line.....no more far out than half the tt claims on here! Sorry I missed the party
Party Planning

It seems to me that neither party would waste an election and support a female candidate.
There's a lot of truth in this statement... considering the first attempt at a female VP didn't go over so well.

Hey Fletch, I am starting my guest list for the big soiree this JAN-01. It would be great if you could make it out from Michigan (so sorry to see your team lose to the Buckeyes), and you are certainly welcome. But if you can't make it physically, can we count on you showing up virtually (in Second Life) sometime on JAN 1st?

It would be my pleasure to host you. The SL Bar Tab is on me!

Re: Party Planning

Ya, that is why N. Korea was in the News today, because their Leader is such a fine fellow.
And pray-tell, what happens when the USA pulls out of Iraq?

Flatland will have a party with flatheads perhaps, because everyone just wish it would go away for some reason like the raids on the Swift Plants where the employees have not be replaced yet, but that's all fine and well, because if salt was needed for anything else besides making people really sit on his/her computer most of the time, I really would know what everyone was doing in this World.

Even the tape of President Gerald Ford by Woodward might just be a fake, according to if you knew what the President said a couple of years ago about going into Iraq, but now, like anything else, there is no memory again because of certain people on this Planet.
That's why there is Talk Radio Shows in the first place, because some of the stuff some people state just don't seem to be -- should I say "TRUE"!

But let's all applause and be from "Hell"?

At least if the entire Country knew then things might be different but that won't happen until after the New Year. (the new political Congress takes Office then.)

Flatland Party and bring your own Flat Head!
Re: 1st Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2006


No need to post about Hillary... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It's already been decided by the Illuminati in dark masonic halls /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It her turn after Bush 41 Clinton 42 Bush 43 and then Clinton 44...

After her husband gave away American manufacturing to China with NAFTA, it's her turn to sell out America /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Maybe expand the Iraq war in IRAN (to prove she's tough) and keep the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act too

She is a terrible speech maker and polarizing figure...

Its hard to believe she is ahead by 30 points of Obama and Edwards...

Edwards was ahead 30 points before she announced...

It's all mind-control push polling... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif It's not real /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I really ought to keep away from politics

Friend CSM3

For the first time I concurr with you.

The powers that be have arranged the play yard in such a manner that the alternatives are truly not to the worlds' liking.

I truly despise the way corporations, secret societies and dark underground government power monmgers play with our rights. What the heck!! We have no rights. They atre the ones making the choices, making our world a better one for themselves.

Do you know that sickness, hunger, hate, poverty, war and slavery had all been tampered with by these great entities of the dark.

They are the ones that keep us sick, they are the ones that keep us hungry, they are the ones that keep us hating each other, they are the ones that keep us poor, they are the ones feeding us lies to keep on with crazy wars and the are the ones that keep us as slaves. Do you know why? Because the more sunken we find ourselves in those six dimensions the more the world is prevented from illumination.

It was said many, many, many centuries ago that every world that overcomes at least four of the afore mention list would receive the light needed to evolve to the next step.

However the powers of darkness seem to be holding the people of Earth by a tight grip.

We should wake up but until later becomes now.. ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ
Re: I really ought to keep away from politics


I thought you didn't like me... Or am I boring you... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'll slip in "flux capacitor" in a few sentences in the future...

You should perk up then /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

TheCigMan /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif