You People are Really Something!!!

Yes Syria will play a role in the coming war. But I tell you now you should keep a close eye on Russia. For the bear has fooled all those who thought he was dead. Even now Russia is building up it's defenses for what is to come. Another one to watch is China. Watch them very closely.
Once again you ignored all questions posed to you, ignored the simple fact that YOU HAVE NOT MADE ONE CORRECT PREDICTION, and are continuing on your ramble that no one wants to hear. This has been going on for months and you apparently will not stop. Do you really think anyone here believes you?
Nothing happens on that day that I remember. Since I have only had bad news since I got here I will tell you this. Space travel will be taken to a whole new level very soon.
Brzezinski: false flag operation to provoke war with Iran

Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor for President Carter, warned during testimony before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the U.S. is on the eve of war with Iran, possibly provoked by way of a false flag operation in which an attack on America will be blamed on Iran: 'If the United States continues to be bogged down in a protracted bloody involvement in Iraq, the final destination on this downhill track is likely to be a head-on conflict with Iran and with much of the world of Islam at large. A plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran involves Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks; followed by accusations of Iranian responsibility for the failure; then by some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the U.S. blamed on Iran; culminating in a "defensive" U.S. military action against Iran that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.'

What you have said is true. As I type this now planes are being made for the war that is to come. The fall of the USA as the only super power is near. War is near!!! For the united States Dollar will fall soon.
A barrel of oil will exceed $100. The weather will continue to get even worse then it is now. A Super Tornado will hit with winds around or over 350mph. Hail stones will grow to over basketball size. The earth will shake in places that you would never think would have earthquakes. For the time is at hand for these things to come to pass!

As for Iran,The powers that be are now trying to get the war started with this fake event that is going on now with the British Troops. They have tried many things to get the war started and have failed. What if I said yet again that the war will start with an attack that would appear to come from Iran? Things are not what they seem to be right now. Do you really think that gas prices should be as high as they are now?
It isnt real, it is not a coincidence there was a big interview done with the only female prisoner only hours before she was "kidnapped" . I think they were allowed to go in Iran waters... and that their capture was what was desired..
Either a Trojan horse or they will all be killed .. possibly by western agents.. this could lead to another false flag reason..
They only need the sheep on their side for 5 minutes.. same as Iraq..
The death of these servicemen or an attack on an Allied ship might just do it..
The way that destiny seems unstopable suggests to me there is only one time line and all our actions are predetermined.
Boys and Girls,

Quit looking for someone to tell you what's going to happen. You can pretty much guess especially with the Middle East. Just read It's a Russian propaganda site that deals specifically with the west's screw ups in the Middle East. Or continue to watch FOX news and continue to believe everything is just great. Right! It's a little difficult to get through the propaganda but it is an alternative information source. It contains very good analysis as well a lot of BS.

I believe in multiversity. Our world will be slightly or greatly different than other universe. It all depends on chance. So please disregard anyone’s claims of future prediction as they are surely full of it. If they truly new anything about physics they wouldn't be making any claims what so ever.

Boris Out.
hi there this is my first post..i ve been wondering around this forum for about a month and i have never found a TT who confirms another TT claims/predictions.. or am I wrong? 5-9-07 is jus around the corner.. yesterday the wheather gave me quite a scare cuz it was like zeus was throwing his lightning bolt all over my place..and it wasnt quite normal in my pov..
I've been reading thru many posts in this forum. It looks like this thread and "watcher" probably wins the prize for most predictions that haven't come true. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif But look out! We're only one week away from "05-09-2007". I'm excited. -BBS
Watcher\'s prediction was right on

>The first thing I will tell you about is 5-9-2007. That's it, that's all I will say about that day. Remember 5-9-2007!!!

>and I have given you a date 5-9-2007 that's all I will say about that.

>No wave my friend, but a war is coming very soon, very soon.

Grizzly Bear Kills Moose in Couple's Driveway
HOMER, Alaska (May 9) -- Odd sounds outside their home woke Gary and Terri Lyon early Sunday morning, so Gary got up to check it out. He looked outside and saw a 500-pound grizzly bear killing an adult moose in their driveway.
Re: Watcher\'s prediction was right on


Grizzly bear kills moose? Quick, everybody. The end of the world in near! Dear Lord, have mercy upon us. :D

But wait... May 9th isn't over yet. There are still quite a few hours for armaggedon to happen. Shouldn't we give the guy a chance? (Actually... no.)