You People are Really Something!!!

Re: I think this is supposed to be like C2C

This is not to gang up on anyone...
Oh, no? You sure have fooled me...

But I really think this website and then the time travel claims section was meant to be like the Art Bell Show about 'Time Travellers' calling in
Funny... I thought this website was meant to be a discussion board.

Anyone with an IQ over 80 knows that ...
You know, if this is the way you speak when you aren't ganging up people, you are one heck of a frightening dude.

Anyone can say you are a "Phony Time Traveller' feel great about it...
Very True. However, actually backing up such a statement with evidence, requires some thought.

Boy, are you in for a surprise... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Tell me, Cigar Man, how come you are so sure? Are you a physicist? Do you even have the faintest clue regarding the theory behind time travel? Did you know that even in 2007, physicists are toying with the idea and making serious speculations about it?
Re: I think this is supposed to be like C2C

Ummmmm, yeah. Just thought I would point out in this thread that May 9th came and went. Big yawn. Watcher is now totally discredited. And oh yeah. I also want to take this opportunity to take back anything nice I said about jmpet. He's pretty much an idiot who can't admit when he is wrong. And if that bubba wants to trash my university, why doesn't he come and tell me to my face! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif Grow up, dude. -BBS
Re: I think this is supposed to be like C2C


As for "Oh, no? You sure have fooled me..."

How so... I don't gang up on people for writing creative fiction... You "physics" geeks seem to be mean nutballs to me... You actually think these people are serious... I think thats a problem /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for "You know, if this is the way you speak when you aren't ganging up people, you are one heck of a frightening dude."

When have I ganged up on people?... How do I scare you? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I just exposed your idol (RainmanTime) for being the fanatical right wing mean lunatic who thought anyone commenting on Titor is a "Terrorist" lol...

And Titor was exactly what I said it was... A collection of psychic prophecies... And had nothing to do with physics or time travel.

As for "Tell me, Cigar Man, how come you are so sure? Are you a physicist? Do you even have the faintest clue regarding the theory behind time travel?

Not a physicist but alot smarter than you think I would be /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for "Did you know that even in 2007, physicists are toying with the idea and making serious speculations about it"

Time Travel is league of "Cold Fussion" I'll wait for my cold fussion car while you work on your "Time Travel" theories... Get real my friend lol

Trying to impress you idol, RainmanTime? Looking for a good grade? Sucking up for a job? Hoping to get your top secret clearance in the Military Industrial Complex? lol

Well I'm not impressed...

Enhance your low self esteem by making fun of "creative writers"!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
They are the ones truly laughing at you! HA HA HA HA /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: I think this is supposed to be like C2C

Let me get this straight:

You think that I'm openly claiming that a wacko idea is scientificly sound, in order to impress my professor?

Now, that doesn't make much sense, does it?

As for the scientific status of time travel circa 2007: I suggest you read a few books about popular science before you make your verdict. The question of time travel is, at the moment, an open question in physics. More precisely: the question of backwards time travel is an open question. The fact that one can fast-forward into the future simply by approaching the speed of light, is a well-established scientific fact.

But don't take my word for it. Go to the nearest library, and look for popular books on modern physics. You'll be very surprised at the way they handle the concept of "time" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: I think this is supposed to be like C2C


You think that I'm openly claiming that a wacko idea is scientificly sound, in order to impress my professor?

YES. But you are also attacking your professors ARCH-ENEMIES as well...

You are also attacking JMPET I take from recent posts for disagreeing with RainmanTime credentials?

Sounds like you are a real suck up. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

If time travel was real, you would have traveled back in time to stop me from posting... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I rest my case /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'm still waiting for cold fussion too!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif lol ha ha ha /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: I think this is supposed to be like C2C

If time travel was real, you would have traveled back in time to stop me from posting...

There are a couple of problems with your reasoning.

First, there is a difference between a plausable idea and a proven idea. If you read my last post carefully (which you did not), you would have noticed that I said that the possibility of time travel is an open question. If anybody in 2007 knew how to actually build a time machine, the question of time travel would have been settled, right?

Second, there is a HUGE difference between "scientifically sound" and "technologically feasable". All scientists agree that IF time travel is possible, it can't be done with current technology. No matter which method you pick - wormholes, FTL travel, rotating cylinders, cosmic strings, quantum entanglement - it won't happen in the forseeable future.

Third, just because something is technologically feasable, doesn't mean that good ol' Sigo has access to it. (Then again, this goes both ways. Just because time travel isn't feasable in the 21st, doesn't mean good ol' Sigo ain't a time traveller from the far future... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif)

Fourth, even if I did have a time machine, using it to control something as trivial as your posts would be a very foolish thing to do.

Fifth, if I really wanted to stop you for posting, I wouldn't need a time machine at all. A little PM to our good moderator would do the trick. However, I believe in freedom of speech, even for those who choose to misuse it.
Re: I think this is supposed to be like C2C


As for "Fifth, if I really wanted to stop you for posting, I wouldn't need a time machine at all. A little PM to our good moderator would do the trick. However, I believe in freedom of speech, even for those who choose to misuse it."

Be my guest...

The moderator and (the super secrets) really like me... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I don't think you'd get far...

Don't care for empty threats...:)

Re: I think this is supposed to be like C2C

How could it be a threat, when I explicitly told you that I won't do it?

As for "Learn to read, man."

I can read. Just calling your bluff and grandstanding.

I'm back!! I have went over all of the responses since I was gone and I must say you people do not learn anything. Oh Watcher ran away with his tail tucked in between his legs. Oh Watcher was so wrong blah blah blah blah!!! No I was not!! I said 5-9-2007. On that day, the globalist George W Bush sign into law with no congress approval the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive. It declares that in the event of a "catastrophic event", the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power. The event was a major marker in the timeline of events. For now it was a stab in the chest of America. But I tell you now the stab in the heart of this country will be if the Amnesty bill passes for the Mexicans. Woe to this country and all of those that live in it!! The globalist must pass the amnesty bill it is a major part of the plan that they have for you. The games have begun and the time is now for you to wake up and fight for the ones you love!! Get outside of the loop get outside of the matrix and see with your own eyes! For you have not used your eyes before, so how can you say you see what is going on?

Many people wanted to know where did I go when I disappeared? I went to 2008, November 2008. I will let you all know what I witnessed in that year. I'm trying to figure out a way to put it into words. 2007 has many more surprises in it. Here is a day for you 7-7-7. For now, here is a link to what George did....
power blinds as always. and the greed seeps into the empowered.

since the watcher is here, i thought i'd bring up a comic book from my childhood. it was called "what if?" comics. and the main character was the watcher. you remind me alot of him and i sometimes wonder if that was your inspiration. not calling you a liar in any way, of course.

the main thing of the comic was "what if" this or that happened. thats why it reminds me so much of this situation.

On that day, the globalist George W Bush sign into law with no congress approval the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive. It declares that in the event of a "catastrophic event", the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power.

So, where does the Directive say this? Please indicate the section and paragraph for our edification.

Thank you.
Good job American people you have changed the timeline!!! The timeline in which I came from is no more. In my timeline the amnesty bill past and all hell broke loose afterwards. And when I get back to the year in which I came from I will see what took place. But I warn you all now you are not out of the woods yet. For the globalist will fight and fight!!!! Every since 1963 when they killed the last real president of the USA they have been playing games with the American people. And I promise you this, they will continue to kill and try to strike fear into you all. But I must say many of the American people have woke up and is bringing a hell of a fight to these devils!!!

Since the timeline has been changed I'm not to sure if 7-7-07 will take place now. We will have to wait and see. I know that something's will still take place because they must take place. But I do know that the road ahead is still very dark for what is left of America. When you all fly flags on 7-4-07 and say, I love the USA!!! Prove it, and fight for your country. If you don't I promise your kids will have no America when they grow up.

The globalist have no problem setting off a nuke in a city to get their agenda going fast again. I say this again,Wake Up and fight people!!!!!!!!
So you come from a timeline of hatred and bigotry? Figures...

I bet on your timeline that Scooter got what he deserved, a fine homosexual gentleman named bubba as his cellmate...

Go back to where you came from bigot, and take your Facist agenda with you.

Only a free mind can comprehend the meaning of "why"...