You People are Really Something!!!

The weather is not the direct result of global warming, but involves the sun heating up the earth. Why do you think they want to block the sun? Did'nt you just read the article? Ah, I get it. YOu're from a different timeline. Huh, huh, huh.
I got a good question>

Who'll win at the Academy Awards? When I say who'll get the Oscar, not just the Best Actor, I mean everyone who won. Um, I can't think of anything else. I'll come up with something.
This post is full of ignorance

A) Of course the weather has to do with global warming

B) What do you think global warming is, if not the sun WARMING the GLOBE?

C) If anyone tries to block out the sun, they are fools. High school science students will tell you that that's just retarded, a fantasy brought to you by the idiots who brought us dyson spheres and immortality powered by nanodes.

D) There are no time lines. Time is absolute.
I told you these people all love John T!!! If you talk like him they will not attack you. I bet you money they all have 2 or more copies of the failed movie that was just released.
Yes you are correct. But now that the snow has done what it was meant to do, watch out for the tornado's!! For this will be the year of the super tornado! For this will be the year of many horrible things. The tornado I speak of will be the largest tornado ever recorded on earth. The winds will be over 350 mph. Watch for the things that I have told you. For you know not the time of the end. Quakes strong soon.

For now you will hear of Explosions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
several of my popcorn kernels exploded....does that count?
I feel compelled to post this, especially since I have had a vision of something like this and it was very real. Who knows when this will truly happen, but this was posted on the GodLikeProductions site. Here is the post. Even if this doesn't happen in March, you should still have a supply of food and water. Everyone should.

Tsunami from outer space: Please prepare yourselves for unimaginable destruction in the weeks ahead

I work as a research assistant at the European Space Agency in Darmstadt, Germany. I'm breaking all the rules in warning you, but it has to be said.

People everywhere are going to be in great danger soon. We have a sort of "Tsunami" approaching us, and the impact on the climate and infrastructure is inestimable.

Please see to it that you make the same sort of preparations you would in anticipation of a nuclear war. There are many survivalist websites that can advise you in this respect. You should be fully prepared by the end of the first week in March at the latest.

I wish you all the best of luck.
No supernova. Many people have asked me who will be the next USA president? In my past Hillary was the first female president. And was elected in 2008. But as I have stated you should all be worried about the things that are coming upon this planet. Like the weather and the sun. For as I have told you things are going to get just plane bad.
Well, why are you still here, Watcher? I thought you were leaving Jan. 25th and you are still here. Staying for the Galactic wave/tsunami that's on it's way? Hhhmmm. Watch for the rainbow in the night sky. That will be a sign it's going to get interesting. I believe the rainbow is an aurora borealis.
Watcher, we can see things heating up ourselves, but for what reason? Maybe, it isn't a wave; I don't think scientists are sure themselves what it is, but there will be an aurora beforehand and many think it will initiate a spiritual wonder. I'm being positive. Something will cause the high winds;be logical. How about Syria? Will they play a part in the war?
>>No wave my friend, but a war is coming very soon, very soon.<<

Can you be more specific, or are you waiting for any war to start anywhere at which point you can say "I told you so"? You know in the entire 20th century there were less than 200 days of peace on planet Earth... there is a war happening somewhere, anywhere, all the time. Coming here and repeatedly writing cryptic, non-specific dire warnings gets annoying after the third or fourth time.

And while we're at it- how do you know this?
>>But now that the snow has done what it was meant to do, watch out for the tornado's!!<<

What snow? Where was the snow that was supposed to do all those horrible things to everyone?

>>For this will be the year of the super tornado! For this will be the year of many horrible things. The tornado I speak of will be the largest tornado ever recorded on earth. The winds will be over 350 mph.<<

You can save human lives if you give us a when and a where. Otherwise, you're either a blatant phony or a real bastard to let innocent people die just so you can make a point.

>>Watch for the things that I have told you. For you know not the time of the end.<<

Excuse me? "You know not"??? Are you quoting scripture? Do you normally speak that way?
"Welcome to McDonalds, can I take your order?"
"I knoweth not what I wanteth for luncheth."

Do us all a favor and SPEAK ENGLISH and START MAKING SENSE. Otherwise GO AWAY.