That's wonderful, but the moment cyanide touches your tongue, you start metabolizing it. And as you breathe in the cyanide vapors, they travel to your lungs where it's ingested, and 90 PPM- which is the size of a pin head- is enough to be fatal. You're not going to win this one- you over reached and now you can't take it back.

That's assuming it's in liquid form. ;-) Don't assume.

So it was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, right Obi Won?

Nope, same galaxy. And this takes place in the future. So what, because the species is old, you crack a Star Wars joke? Your wit grows thin.

Let me see if I understand this. These alien races are competing to see who controls the most livable planets, right? And looking at our own solar system we have roughly 110 planetary bodies with only one of them capable of sustaining organic life: Earth. But no one is interested in the Earth, right?

Earth isn't livable to most extraterrestrial species.

"Technology" is the logical progression of effective and practical solutions. You're saying they can't put stuff together well, but they have a space fleet. You're contradicting yourself.

The INTERFACE wasn't intuitive to me. The example I gave was proper: their keyboards are set up radically different than ours.

This is like trying to make someone believe you made an A-bomb in your basement. How? Well you weren't intuitive but you somehow managed to make an atomic bomb... it makes no sense, you are beginning to embarrass yourself. The more you make up, the more you have to live up to. We call this continuity.

What the hell are you talking about? Who made an atom bomb in their basement? Are you on drugs? The weapons had a certain simplicity, what's weird about that? There's a shooty end, and you push a button, and the weapon fires. The actual mechanism is complex of course, but the user doesn't need a whole lot of training.

"Proxima Centauri is the nearest known star to the sun, at a distance of about 4.2 light years."

And? That's the Yoorach homeworld, which is incredibly closer to Earth than the Binx's. I told you that.

Another contradiction. Genitalia is external in humans for a reason- sperm cannot survive at 99.1 degrees. The only way these DNA based life forms could have internal genitalia is if their core temperature is a lot lower than 99.1 degrees, and if this is the case, no transplant from Binx to human could ever possibly happen.

Again, terracentric. The Binx's cellular nuclei had thermoprotective layers like nothing seen on Earth. "Oh now you're just blaming it on alien physiology" - hell yes. It's alien. But it's okay, it's not like you could foresee... you know, anything beyond your narrow personal experience. But try to wrap your mind around this one, okay? Okay.

A blatant error. If a planet has a solid core, then how is it heated? How can it rotate and orbit? And if you're scooping up and terraforming planets, aren't you also getting rid of the most important part of the planet: topsoil? What good is bedrock?

You know I hear stars are a pretty good source of heat these days. Sometimes when a planet orbits one, it's called a "sun". Can you say "sun"? Good boy!

Plenty of celestial bodies orbit without molten cores. See: The goddamned Moon.
More than one of your responses have seemed drug-induced and overlook statements I've repeated over and over. Perhaps you should just quit reading this thread and go drop your pants in front of a John Titor post. You already have a rubbery one for him. And the blood rushing from your brain to all three inches of you must be the reason you can't focus on what I'm actually saying half the time. Goodnight little small-minded boy, your meaningless LSD-invoked responses are no longer welcome!
Jimmy Earth wrote: "More than one of your responses have seemed drug-induced and overlook statements I've repeated over and over. Perhaps you should just quit reading this thread and go drop your pants in front of a John Titor post. You already have a rubbery one for him. And the blood rushing from your brain to all three inches of you must be the reason you can't focus on what I'm actually saying half the time. Goodnight little small-minded boy, your meaningless LSD-invoked responses are no longer welcome!"

<font color="blue"> You are nasty.[/COLOR]

He's not simply "nasty", he's a troll.

The "associate" that told me to tell Jimmy

"You, my friend, sound like a paranoid schizophrenic with hallucinatory tendancies and delusions of grandeur. Seek help.."

was none other than Jimmy. I was quoting a message from him to another member on a seperate forum where he is posting the same story.

Like all the other trolls who stop by here, in a couple of weeks he too will be gone.

He said in bold, red all caps that doesn't care if we believe him. But he sure does seem to care whether or not we read his story.

The question then becomes, why should we care that he wants his story read? What motivation has he provided that would inspire people here to want to read his story (other than to provide us with some entertainment in the form of criticizing it)?
&gt;but the moment cyanide touches your tongue, you start metabolizing it. And as you breathe in the cyanide vapors, they travel to your lungs where it's ingested&lt;

&gt;&gt;That's assuming it's in liquid form.&lt;&lt;

How else do you digest something? Solid, liquid, gas- take your pick.

&gt;&gt;Earth isn't livable to most extraterrestrial species.&lt;&lt;

If the Earth isn't livable to most aliens, then how could you survive on their planets?

&gt;&gt;And? That's the Yoorach homeworld, which is incredibly closer to Earth than the Binx's. I told you that.&lt;&lt;

Okay, then make up your mind- did you travel 4.2 light years or millions of light years?

&gt;&gt;The Binx's cellular nuclei had thermoprotective layers like nothing seen on Earth.&lt;&lt;

Then how do the Binx organs work on you if they're so alien to humans?

&gt;&gt;You know I hear stars are a pretty good source of heat these days. Sometimes when a planet orbits one, it's called a "sun". Can you say "sun"?&lt;&lt;

So you think the Earth gets its heat from the sun? Then why doesn't the temperature at night drop to 300 below zero?

&gt;&gt;Plenty of celestial bodies orbit without molten cores. See: The Moon.&lt;&lt;

The moon is glued to the Earth which has a liquid core and is locked into place; it doesen't orbit. If the moon was a planet, the gravity of the sun would kick start the moon's solid core just like the Earth's. Amazing- you spent four years on alien planets and seem to know all kinda of stuff, but not the basic principles that make it work. See: Titan.

Remember when I wrote &gt;&gt;It's only a matter of time until someone takes the time to rip apart your story and when that happens, you will miraculously disappear as have the scores of other weirdo storytellers who have come and gone&lt;&lt; You're now 95% done.
&gt;&gt;Nope, same galaxy. And this takes place in the future. So what, because the species is old, you crack a Star Wars joke?&lt;&lt;

Speaking of Star Wars, since you're from the future, you should have already seen episodes 7-9. Tell us about them, Obi Won.
Jimmy/Timmy Wrote:
"More than one of your responses have seemed drug-induced and overlook statements I've repeated over and over. "

The Hubble Space Telescope on drugs???? You LOL....Je, Je, Je...

"They" are looking for You...;category=news&amp;tBrand=northlondon24&amp;tCategory=newsislg&amp;itemid=WeED02%20Feb%202007%2016%3A56%3A48%3A657


5,6. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete
accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him
regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.
Wow- Jimmy "I've posted several time a day, every single day since I got here" Earth hasn't posted yet. Come on Jimmy boy- you got one last good heaping pile of a flaming post to leave behind for posterity's sake- go for it.

How Many Posts Before Jimmy Totally Loses It and Implodes as a Flame-Bomb
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />He'll Burst Into Flames Upon His Next Post
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />Next Post Will Sizzle - But Two More Posts and He Goes "Pop"
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />Three Posts. The Bink Then Snatch Him Up and Give Him Binx Ears and Nose. Thereafter He Bursts Into Flames
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>
all i can say is "wow"

i think i should write a tutorial on how to make a believable TT claim...

lesson#1:when your lying, dont make things too complex, you end up forgetting alot
lesson#2:dont talk about space. it really messes with rule#1 man...
lesson#3:dont flame on those who you wish to convince

i could find a number of inconsistencies in your story,this was just a lil faster :P

btw anyone look him up on whois?
&gt;&gt;He'll Burst Into Flames Upon His Next Post&lt;&lt;

I can't stop laughing everytime I read it.

My guess it was yeyeman- Jimmy Earth's email is a account just like Zeshua and also yeyeman. He then used to once again conceal his identity/ISP, which traced back to the west coast. As to why I think it was him, it fits the profile- short tempered and cocky so he's young (Jose is 17, Jimmy was 18 until I corrected him then he was 24), it's a "weird supernatural story" like Jose's, plus yeyeman wasn't here adding his two cents- yeyeman stopped posting the same day Jimmy Earth started. I'm only glad we stamped it out before it caught wildfire like Zeshua- good try Jose.
Again the brain-dead pill-popping zealot comes to wave his arms at phantoms.

How else do you digest something? Solid, liquid, gas- take your pick.

They sprinkle solid cyanide over their food like salt. Of course it has to be taken in moderation - like you said, it starts metabolizing as soon as it hits your tongue. But there are no fumes, and it doesn't dissolve in saliva very quickly.

If the Earth isn't livable to most aliens, then how could you survive on their planets?

This is my umpteenth time repeating myself: pressure suits, gravity suits, the like.

Okay, then make up your mind- did you travel 4.2 light years or millions of light years?

The 4.2 million lightyears comes from when you asked me about the location of the Yoorach homeworld, and I told you where it was. But I never went to the Yoorach homeworld. I went to the Binx homeworld, which is on the opposite side of the galaxy.

Then how do the Binx organs work on you if they're so alien to humans?

Good question. I don't know. The Binx weren't sure either. Like I said, I was studied and prodded the galaxy over by Binx scientists because no one could figure it out. They had theories, but nothing for sure.

So you think the Earth gets its heat from the sun? Then why doesn't the temperature at night drop to 300 below zero?

Because we have an atmosphere that doesn't disperse heat that easily. It's called "convection".

The moon is glued to the Earth which has a liquid core and is locked into place; it doesen't orbit. If the moon was a planet, the gravity of the sun would kick start the moon's solid core just like the Earth's. Amazing- you spent four years on alien planets and seem to know all kinda of stuff, but not the basic principles that make it work. See: Titan.

If the moon didn't rotate, we wouldn't be seeing the same side of it every time. It's an inverted rotation.
It's called a job and a relationship. They come highly recommended. Turn off the porno and step out of your mother's basement and take a breath of fresh air. And go find a real vagina instead of that inflatable doll you made your mom go get for you.
Luckily Mr Lucas had the foresight not to do any more, thus saving a failing franchise. Of course, the extended universe was three generations in the making, and losing money because no one read anything from it except the authors.
Pretty hilarious, because I have no idea what you're talking about. Not like you'll believe me, but you see conspiracy wherever you look. I use gmail because it's better than other email accounts. My ISP comes from the west coast because I use Comcast Digital Service here on the west coast. Yea. I live in Seattle. Belltown, just north of Downtown, and just south of Queen Anne.

I think you're pretty funny, man. How many hits of acid do you TAKE a day? And who is your dealer? Give me the hookups, son!
I looked up this guy, yeyeman, zeshua, whatever his name was. I find the likening a little offensive, he's ostentatious and awkward in his writing, whereas I pride myself on a fluid writing style.
Aren't you something Jimmy boy. I think Darby is right about you - you're going to explode in a 'flamebomb' very soon.

The reason why I dropped asking the questions, is because you're stepping over the thin red between the true and fake story. Why? You claim all sort of things, but you forget to check if your story holds the 'hot air' it holds in it. I said you that these people are highly sceptical. You have failed on checking your 'story-ground' against the reality and there are several inconsistencies in your story. Then again these people would buy your story better, if you wouldn't be so rude them. I tried advocate you to try be friendly, but you're failing on it.

One thing (of the many things) which is coming out as questionable, is your story about the resurrection - it's really something else then what it really should be. When it comes to the other ones ... I think you know what I mean.
Ladies &amp; Gentlemen,

As I told Jimmy a while back he is a talented writer. However, he's a dismal failure as a communicator. And there's the rub.

This is a BBS forum where people attempt to communicate their ideas to the rest of us in order to influence our perceptions of the "world". Jimmy has put forth a sci-fi story and begged people to read it. They haven't. No one cares about the story because the author chose to become a literary suicide flame-bomber while whispering to himself that he's aggressively promoting his story.

Jimmy alluded to his self pride regarding his writing abilities. That's the witchery of pride in action. The workman is blaming the tools for his inability to get anyone interested in the story.