Chrono Cadet
That's wonderful, but the moment cyanide touches your tongue, you start metabolizing it. And as you breathe in the cyanide vapors, they travel to your lungs where it's ingested, and 90 PPM- which is the size of a pin head- is enough to be fatal. You're not going to win this one- you over reached and now you can't take it back.
That's assuming it's in liquid form. ;-) Don't assume.
So it was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, right Obi Won?
Nope, same galaxy. And this takes place in the future. So what, because the species is old, you crack a Star Wars joke? Your wit grows thin.
Let me see if I understand this. These alien races are competing to see who controls the most livable planets, right? And looking at our own solar system we have roughly 110 planetary bodies with only one of them capable of sustaining organic life: Earth. But no one is interested in the Earth, right?
Earth isn't livable to most extraterrestrial species.
"Technology" is the logical progression of effective and practical solutions. You're saying they can't put stuff together well, but they have a space fleet. You're contradicting yourself.
The INTERFACE wasn't intuitive to me. The example I gave was proper: their keyboards are set up radically different than ours.
This is like trying to make someone believe you made an A-bomb in your basement. How? Well you weren't intuitive but you somehow managed to make an atomic bomb... it makes no sense, you are beginning to embarrass yourself. The more you make up, the more you have to live up to. We call this continuity.
What the hell are you talking about? Who made an atom bomb in their basement? Are you on drugs? The weapons had a certain simplicity, what's weird about that? There's a shooty end, and you push a button, and the weapon fires. The actual mechanism is complex of course, but the user doesn't need a whole lot of training.
"Proxima Centauri is the nearest known star to the sun, at a distance of about 4.2 light years."
And? That's the Yoorach homeworld, which is incredibly closer to Earth than the Binx's. I told you that.
Another contradiction. Genitalia is external in humans for a reason- sperm cannot survive at 99.1 degrees. The only way these DNA based life forms could have internal genitalia is if their core temperature is a lot lower than 99.1 degrees, and if this is the case, no transplant from Binx to human could ever possibly happen.
Again, terracentric. The Binx's cellular nuclei had thermoprotective layers like nothing seen on Earth. "Oh now you're just blaming it on alien physiology" - hell yes. It's alien. But it's okay, it's not like you could foresee... you know, anything beyond your narrow personal experience. But try to wrap your mind around this one, okay? Okay.
A blatant error. If a planet has a solid core, then how is it heated? How can it rotate and orbit? And if you're scooping up and terraforming planets, aren't you also getting rid of the most important part of the planet: topsoil? What good is bedrock?
You know I hear stars are a pretty good source of heat these days. Sometimes when a planet orbits one, it's called a "sun". Can you say "sun"? Good boy!
Plenty of celestial bodies orbit without molten cores. See: The goddamned Moon.