
if the Hives don`t have a new album, that means that there is a new timeline for
if you , yes you Timmy was confinned to the past...that's means that the Jinx Race are alive right now, why you don`t have the effort to contact them, and prevent a holocaust????!!!
and if in this timeline you are not born yet, that means that you need to change your own future...Now LOL!!!

ohhh!.. please, Jimmy tell Us about your Abduction..., 2030 year, yours timetravelers to the future..., and the great war...


5,6. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete
accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him
regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.
Time and space are absolute. THE timeline has been altered and the is no ALTERNATE timeline. And the Binx race has been dead for millions of years already, the Lu'Pan destroyed them in the PAST - hence the TEMPORAL war!

Correct, I will be born in 2012, and I'm in no danger of atomically replacing myself, because my own atoms come mostly from Binx organs. Well, I guess there's a little danger. But whatever.

And like I said, once I traveled back in time to now, thanks to temporal genesis, I cannot change my OWN future, but I can change the other entity who would have become me's future.
Can you tell me if any new countries are founded or if any old countries are obliterated? Does the USA cease to be a superpower in the future?
There are no superpowers by 2030. Nationalism prevents it. Europe is consumed by the European Union, which means that while the internal countries do exist, and there are some language barriers, borders and what defines a "nation" become a lot less clear. Is Sweden still its own country? Or is it a province/state/territory of the E.U.? Some nations like Australia and Iceland react with isolationism. Iceland passes laws forbidding anything to be printed or transmitted within the island country unless it's in Icelandic. Australia bars naturalization without a marriage license, and limits any foreign national's stay in Australia to seven months until compulsory ejection. And you have to wait twelve months before returning. In fact, the first reforms to this should be happening shortly. Their strict laws made it really hard for my family to vacation there when I was fifteen.

The United States' power in the world will be diminished. We'll remain the number one military power, but the E.U., China, and Japan will steal away our economic power. In order to maintain US influence, the Senate will pass a bill allowing the CIA expanded power - which is scary because it seems they already had enough. The CIA used that power to try and overthrow some South American governments. Hugo Chavez will go down, one way or another. I don't agree with it, it's just true. Unless me being here has already changed that - who the hell knows? But the quality of life and the value of the dollar both decline. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, until we resemble ancient Rome a little more - a kind of Patrician class and a bunch of Plebs underneath. There will still be a middle class, but it will be very marginalized.

Mexico will undergo a major internal conflict, but people will refuse to call it a civil war. Despite this, the Mexican Populist movement, fed up with the government's inability to serve the people, will hold its own election in the northwest region and appoint its own leaders - a parliament and a prime minister. They recruit soldiers, and defend their own borders. No other government will recognize them, and the Mexican government calls them a cult, saying they worship Satan. So the fight, which begins in the mid 2010s, lasts until the early 2020s. It's reported as a police action around the world, and the Populists are labeled unconstitutional rebels. The populists themselves, however, claim that they are the only legitimate government. In the 2020s Mexico undergoes a regular election, but invites the UK, Ireland, and Germany to oversee the elections, due to fear of rebel tampering. The three European nations oversee it, but to everyone's surprise Lupe Ortega, leader of rebel forces, wins the presidential election in a write-in. The UK, Ireland, and Germany each do their own recount - four times. Ortega is still the winner. The rebels disband and, in the next election, take the Congress of the Union. So is it a coup? I dunno. I'd like to think so. Is it a new country? Probably. But depends on your definition.

Sudan falls into utter anarchy, and the central African nations, from both the Congos to Rwanda, begin a multisided war, and the borders flux constantly. South Africa tries to intervene, but it ends up just getting caught in the middle. Egypt and Libya try to occupy certain parts of central Africa to maintain order, but the chaos consumes them. All three countries face problems of leaving or staying, fearing the conflict may spill out and consume them as well. The E.U. and America elect not to intervene, and instead depend on pirate markets for oil and diamonds, scoring billions of dollars from the conflict. It was still going on when I left.
Jimmy/Timmy Wrote:
"Mexico will undergo a major internal conflict, but people will refuse to call it a civil war."

do you mean The Tortilla War? The Ethanol Affair...

Hey Jimmy, why you are so special than ETs want to keept captive?,
and why a entire rece is lost to freedoom you again?...and
because you are "hard to kill" "they" send you on Exxile to the Past...?
¿Why?...No ordinary Joe you are...LOL



5,6. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete
accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him
regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.
You're still omitting chapters 1-10 from your tale. You said you are from Iran and speak Farsi and then this:

>>I was not kidnapped per se. When I ran into a fugitive Yoorach, I became "contaminated". The Hij'kule officers pursuing him took me in for questioning just for having talked to him.<<

How did this happen? You're an Earth human from 2030. How did all of this start? Did a spaceship abduct you? Are you Muslim?

>>Maybe I'll vote for a certain local politician who will win by my vote, and they'll demand a different allocation of funds than their former competitor. That will cause a shift in the economic pattern of Washington State, then the United States, and then the world.<<

How can you register to vote? You have no ID. How did you get an apartment with no ID or money? How do you pay your rent? Who do you live with?

1. >>I think what you all really want to know is "when" am I from. That would be 2030.<<

2. >>I know that when I was a kid living in Seattle in 2026<<

3. >>Why am I not a native English speaker, you ask. I came to the United States from Iran, my native language is Farsi. Moved to Seattle on my twelfth birthday, from Esfahan.<<

4. >>Then they officially retired by 2010, two years before I'm born.<<

So let's see...

You were born in Iran 2012, moved to Seattle in 2024 at the age of 12, were a kid in Seattle in 2026 and in 2030- at the age of 18- your space story happened, right? So how old are you now? 18? This means you have a high school education, right? How long were you off planet Earth?
No, Tortillas don't factor into it. The "Mexican Crisis", as it was called in major publications, or "Populist Revolt" as they referred to it in their own publications, precipitated from the upper class's abuse of the working class, and the poor living conditions of Mexico. So many people leave Mexico to the United States to escape the terrible conditions there, but once the United States started cracking down hard on border jumping, the Mexicans decided to clean up their own country, make the economy better for the consumer instead of the major corporations, and expel foreign interests. You know, like the Clodians of ancient Rome, or the Parliamentarians of 1688 England.

The Hij'kule took me in because I interfered with their pursuit of a Yoorach fugitive. I'll explain more about this in the next post, but basically they considered me both a witness and a suspect in their criminal case against the pirate.

I am not hard to kill, and nearly lost my life many times in the war. I didn't CAUSE the war, the Binx rescued me from the Hij'kule, and the Lu'Pan weren't involved. The Lu'Pan had an ongoing conflict with the Binx whose disregard for formal declarations of territorial boundaries led to multiple skirmishes. Diplomacy was already breaking down between the two empires when I arrived, I just arrived at a bad time.

The Lu'Pan exiled me after a war crimes trial. I was the only remaining Binx soldier, having fought for the Binx in the Temporal War, eventually ascending to the rank of Sub-Jubtaer (roughly equivalent to a Lieutenant Commander in the American Navy, but not quite) and the position of Secondary Advisory Leader of the Ninth Division of the Fourth Fleet in Prince Gorrsh's Armada. Sounds bigger than it was. I sat in on planning meetings, simply because I thought outside the box, what with having an alien brain.

I was put on trial after the war, and the Magistrates voted 7 guilty and 8 not guilty for the charges of Precipitating an Attack on the Lu'Pan Peoples, Organizing Genocide of Colony Khersh9, and Conducting Mass Murder outside of Conditions of War. They decided that since I was innocent and could not be held responsible for following orders, they sent me back to where I once belonged. I had lived with the Binx in the stars, I couldn't just stick around with the Lu'Pan, and I didn't want to live with the Hij'kule or Yoorach, so I didn't disagree.
My LIFE story instead of my SPACE story? Very well then.

My Father was born in Esfahan to a single mother of five boys. My grandfather was a man named Nasser, who was a Turkish-Iranian. His family moved from Iran to Turkey three generations ago, and had now returned, his prospects dried up in Turkey. He had two wives, my grandmother being the second. A few months before the youngest son, my father, was born, my grandfather was involved in a motorcycle accident which killed him. The first wife inherited 80% of Nasser's assets, and 15% went to his parents. My grandmother was stuck with five boys and had to support them through housework in other peoples' homes. This was all compounded by the fact that she was deaf and uneducated.

The youngest boy, my dad, grew up trolling the streets for odd jobs to perform, eventually settling as a shouter for a jeweler in the local bazaar, calling out to potential customers and luring them in with promises. He became very good at this, and when I was a kid, he would perform his fast-talking sales pitch to me and my sister and we would laugh constantly. He is a good, honest, hard-working man.

He just barely passed in school and applied to The University of Esfahan, where he met my mother. She grew up in Azerbaijan, and moved to Iran as part of an arranged marriage at age fourteen. But once she got to Shiraz, where her future husband waited, she ran away. She used her dowry, which she had stolen, and found sympathetic relatives, an aunt and uncle, in Esfahan. They changed her identity and helped her out. She was studying to be a communications expert, and he was studying economics. They had the same history class in their first year, and immediately hit it off.

Now, you have to understand, Iran is not Afghanistan. The Persian people are not Arabs. The upper class is Arab, having invaded and taken over after the fall of the Perso-Sassynid Empire. The Persian religion of antiquity is Zoroastrianism, and many Iranians practice a sort of fusion of Islam and Zoroastrianism. When in public, Iranians will act like proper Muslims, but in private they host wild parties with smuggled in wine and smuggled in western music. The women take off their chadors and kick off their shoes, and the men unbutton their collars and practice pick-up lines.

My father romanced my mother for a year before they got married. I was born four years later, when they had bought their own place in Esfahan, he had gotten a job at a local consulting firm, and she was at an entry level job at Datak Telecom. Four years after that, my sister was born.

I was raised mostly by my grandmother, learning her homegrown sign language and Farsi at the same time. For a while my mom was concerned that I'd be linguistically stunted, because I often combined the two languages while speaking, but I soon sorted them out, and helped my sister to do the same when she got older.

I went to school with all boys, saying prayers from the Koran before and after class. Woke up early in the morning to head out to school, and finishing before lunch time. The girls went to school after lunch in the same building and using the same materials. They thought that would keep us away from each other, but they were wrong. The year was 2020, and I was ten years old, just starting to like girls. This one girl was always waiting outside the school as we were leaving. One day I asked her why she was waiting there, and she said she wanted to go to school. I asked her why she wasn't eating at home, and she said she wasn't hungry. But when I handed her my sandwich, she ate it quick. I soon found out she came to school early because her father hit her, so she left before he woke up and stayed outside the school all day. Every day after class I would sit outside with her before her class started and share my food. Her name was Manijheh, and she was the nicest girl in the world. I sometimes think if things had been different, I could have loved her. I helped her in school, because they taught the boys better than the girls.

One day her father caught her hanging out with me, and grabbed her by the arm so hard it broke. She was crying so hard, and I wanted to protect her, but I was only eleven at the time, and her father was a seasoned football (soccer to you) player. I tried to stop him, but he hit me so hard I blacked out.

When I woke up my father standing over Manijheh's father's limp body. My father had heard what was happening from a neighbor while he was preparing to go to work, and ran three blocks to come to my rescue. The fight had lasted a half hour, and he'd eventually knocked out the bastard. Manijheh went to the hospital for a long time. She had been hurt really bad by her dad, and she had gone into shock.

This was the day I learned my dad was secretly a supporter of the Mossadegh secular movement followers, and that he had been organizing raids on known CIA moles. This was made worse with the revelation that Manijheh's father was a CIA mole. The problems stacked on top of each other when the Iranian police got involved, representing the Islamic faction of this three-way war. By the end of the year, my family was on a train to Turkey, where we flew to America.

Here I was forbidden from ever speaking Farsi again. When I was told to write my name, I wrote it in Arabic script (and for the idiots out there, the Iranians are not Arabs, they use Arabic script just English uses Roman script). For using these letters, I was hit by my mother. She wanted me to forget I was Iranian. Every time I used a Farsi word, I was hit. Now I can only remember some of my native tongue. I can speak English very well (I'm sure you've noticed) but my spelling is horrible. I spellcheck the crap out of everything before I post it, just so you know. But my most comfortable mode of conversation, the one I used with my sister and the one I actually think in, is my grandmother's sign language.

As I got older I became interested in history, technology, and punk rock. I was in several bands in my teens, playing guitar and bass. We were god awful, but we loved it. The highlight of my career was playing a show with my band "Pour Unfortunate Soles" at Studio Seven. The crowd danced for one song out of our half hour set. We sold two copies of out home-made EP, "Jam Packed Full of Crap".

I also loved history and literature. I had all eighteen books in the Roma Sub Rosa series by Steven Saylor, a series of historical fiction books that was basically Magnum P.I. in Ancient Rome. In fact, he's still writing them now, so check it out. I devoured knowledge about the classical era. In my Writing Composition class I did a report on Queen Arsinoe IV of Egypt and her involvement in the Alexandrian War.

My love for historical politics led me to follow current events closely. I wrote political opinion columns for the school newspaper, the Garfield Messenger, and was always ranting about local politics to anyone who would listen. At the age of sixteen I was a common sight on the "Letters to the Editor" section of the Seattle Stranger.

I turned 18 on April 17th, 2030, and was ready to graduate high school. I had a job at the local theater, Meridian 16, and was doing well for myself. I had just cashed my first paycheck and was walking on air. I felt generous, so when a deformed man covered in blankets asked me if I could spare "some currency", I handed him a ten dollar bill and wished him good luck.

As I was waiting for the bus, the man came running at me, screaming for help. It was late at night on a weekday, and I was on Broadway, Seattle's home to freaks, so no one but me noticed him. He told me someone was after him, and I asked him who. He seemed genuinely scared, so I tried to be calm and I offered to call the police for him, but he told me no, he needed a place to hide.

That's when I saw two men covered in what looked like, honestly, bondage gear, walk out of the Red Light. I thought that was odd, because the Red Light closed at about six. They pointed at the man and he began screaming. Now, I was very confused and very scared at this point. I also was used to living in a big city, so I took out my pocket knife. I lived in the Central District, which is not a nice part of city, so I always walked with protection. I told the two to stay away, but they walked straight for us. When they were just out of arm's reach, they hit a button on their chests and I was suddenly no longer on the streets of Seattle, but in a strange white room. The men in bondage gear were gone, and the deformed man was screaming.

That is how I came to be "contaminated" by a Yoorach pirate on the run from Hij'kule police. The Hij'kule identified me as a "cohort" of the Yoorach, whose name was never revealed to me. That's where my space story begins.

Now, you already know what happens there. How many years in space I spent, I'll never know. In imperative time it's hard to tell because we did so much time jumping in the Temporal War. Relative time, I'd say about four years. I ASSUME I'm 22, but can't be sure because we didn't exactly have Gregorian calendars on the Binx ships, and in war we hardly slept regularly. Made worse by the fact that the Binx consider four hours a good night's sleep, and their days are 18 hours long. It seriously screwed with my internal clock. And I had Lu'Pan attacks to worry about, I didn't keep a tally of days passing.

But once I got back, I was dropped off by a Lu'Pan unmanned craft in Volunteer Park, about three days before Thanksgiving 2006. It was the middle of the night, and I was in a loose-fitting gray jumpsuit that the Lu'Pan had given me while I was a prisoner.

I was homeless for about two weeks, but found some odd jobs in Pike's Place Market. The local fishmongers had me do dock work for undocumented pay, and I did calling for them, just like my dad in the Esfahani bazaar. Eventually I had saved up enough to get a fake birth certificate and California ID. I used these to get a Washington State ID, which I used at job applications. I assumed the social security number of boy who had died in infancy in 1985 in California, so it didn't look too suspicious in Washington.

One day, as I was sitting in a blanket I'd stolen off another homeless guy, a man passed me by and dropped his book. It was "Factotum", the American classic by Charles Bukowski. I started talking to him about it, and we hit it off. He asked me why I was homeless, and I just told him I'd come on hard times. I couldn't get a job because I had no place to live, and couldn't find a place to live because I didn't have a job. He said I could crash at his place until I got a gig. He's now my roommate, Roger.

I did find a job, and now I'm on the lease too. Me and Roger jam together, me on guitar and him on accordion, and we're considering saving up to record some of our songs.

I found a nice Iranian girl via Craigslist, and she lives really close. We're not dating officially yet, but I hope soon. Both Roger and the girl respect that I don't talk to them about my past (because they'd think I was crazy!) but I think it bugs her a little. It's a bridge we'll have to cross some day, but I'm just not ready to risk it yet.

You will never learn my real name, the name of my lady friend, my family's names any last names, or my place of work, because I do not want you seeking me out. My life is okay right now, it's going where I want it to go. It's hard to forget everything, but I'm trying. I came here to vent. To tell the story no one else can know, no one else can hear.

That's me. That's who I am.
Lu'Pan in Chinese mythology is the patron of carpenters.

This one, for some reason, was not emailed to me, and I only recently discovered it.

You REALLY got me! Now we know that "law" cannot possibly be an English word, because it's a Chinese surname. And "pan" can't possibly mean a wide flat metal device used for cooking on in English, or dry feta cheese in Farsi, because it's a Greek god! Good lord our entire international linguology must be re-thought! It's all a conspiracy!

Since noon means both 12 PM in English and bread in Farsi, I really don't think you've hurt my story much. When words are composed of two or less syllables, you can expect it to mean something in more than one language.
Jimmy E,

I was put on trial after the war, and the Magistrates voted 7 guilty and 8 not guilty for the charges of Precipitating an Attack on the Lu'Pan Peoples, Organizing Genocide of Colony Khersh9, and Conducting Mass Murder outside of Conditions of War. They decided that since I was innocent and could not be held responsible for following orders

I have to correct you a bit here. You were not found to be "innocent". You were found "not guilty". There is a huge difference between the terms "innocent" and "not guilty".

Apparently the legal system that was used by the Whatevers differs greatly from ours. In our jury system an 8-7 vote for "not guilty" in a criminal trial results in a mistrial (hung jury). Criminal jury verdicts must be unanimous.

In the system under which you were tried you seem to have escaped being convicted of war crimes by one swing vote.
I'm surprised you expected the Lu'Pan judicial system to resemble the American system. And it was not a jury, it was a panel of Magistrates - elected officials, although in order to be eligible for the position of Judicial Magistrate they have to meet certain criteria: being born to a noble family, being in the top percentile of wealth, having more than one offspring, etc. And in order to preside over a War Crimes court, they have to have more than one generation's time experience in law. They decide through majority, not unanimity. I'm not going to disagree with a flawed system that worked in my advantage.

Also, you're picking apart a linguistic difference - AGAIN - for an alien language. The Lu'Pan don't have two words for both "innocent" and "not guilty", they are both the same word, a negation of the word for "guilty". I can try to write out the words for you, but keep in mind it was built for a different mouth than a human's and some sounds cannot be pronounced by our lips and tongues.

"lijghg'ter" is the approximation for the word for "guilty".
"Jy'jghg'teo" is the approximation for the word for "not guilty" OR "innocent". The negation is in the the first syllable, and it's made unaccusing with the last syllable changed from the male to the female.

So go ahead, try and argue judicial semantics. It's an alien system, buddy, you're not going to find a perfect analog. Nor will it always seem fair or make sense to you. What you call a "hung jury" the Lu'Pan find a perfectly reasonable decision by majority of the Magistrate panel.

PS - look up the Ancient Athenian judicial system if you want to know more about judicial systems that are NOT YOURS.
Jimmy E,

In reply to:

Lu'Pan in Chinese mythology is the patron of carpenters.


This one, for some reason, was not emailed to me, and I only recently discovered it.

You REALLY got me! Now we know that "law" cannot possibly be an English word, because it's a Chinese surname. And "pan" can't possibly mean a wide flat metal device used for cooking on in English, or dry feta cheese in Farsi, because it's a Greek god! Good lord our entire international linguology must be re-thought! It's all a conspiracy!

Since noon means both 12 PM in English and bread in Farsi, I really don't think you've hurt my story much. When words are composed of two or less syllables, you can expect it to mean something in more than one language.

So, my statement was incorrect; Lu'Pan isn't a character in Chinese mythology?
Jimmy E,

look up the Ancient Athenian judicial system if you want to know more about judicial systems that are NOT YOURS.

You mean "ours" don't you? I mean, the last time that I was there, Seattle was still in the State of Washington, which I'm led to believe is a part of the USA, isn't it?

Just checking.
My sense of identity is more complex than just my residency. I still identify, in many ways, as a Binx Officer, because I had abandoned all home of returning home, and adopted them as my own people. And once here on Earth again, I find myself deeply moved by the plight of Iran, my home nation, where currently my Father and Mother are deeply in love, and preparing to have me. So I feel far more Binx or Iranian than American.

But bravo, good job picking the most minor insignificant detail, a turn of the phrase, just to be an [censored]. You win. You get the trophy.
Jimmy E,

Well Atomic Displacement works like this: You eat a big rump roast in one sitting. .. (snip)

I'm not sure how long it is for humans, but for my people it takes twenty years for the body to shed a generation of cells for a new one. Thus if one of my people goes back less than twenty years, they will simply displace their former selves. Although if I'm not mistaken it's only seventeen years for humans. this picking on the most insignificant detail:

In the above quote from your first post you talk about how long it takes for "your people" to complete Atomic Displacement (20 years) but you're not sure about how long it takes for humans (maybe 17 years).

In other posts you allude to the fact that you're Iranian, you're parents are Iranian and you are "back home" on Earth. Once again, the last time that I checked, Iranians are human.

So, in some posts you're a non-human alien - in other posts you're human. Which version are we to take as fact and which version are we to ignore? Or are both statements to be ignored as "insignificant details"?
Hello mr Jimmy Earth,

There are few things in your main story which I find questionable in the contrast what you have revealed in your posts (I'm not sure have I read them all, but at those post what I have read so far). I would appriciate if you would answer to these questions.

One day her father caught her hanging out with me, and grabbed her by the arm so hard it broke. She was crying so hard, and I wanted to protect her, but I was only eleven at the time, and her father was a seasoned football (soccer to you) player. I tried to stop him, but he hit me so hard I blacked out.

When I woke up my father standing over Manijheh's father's limp body. My father had heard what was happening from a neighbor while he was preparing to go to work, and ran three blocks to come to my rescue. The fight had lasted a half hour, and he'd eventually knocked out the bastard. Manijheh went to the hospital for a long time. She had been hurt really bad by her dad, and she had gone into shock.

This was the day I learned my dad was secretly a supporter of the Mossadegh secular movement followers, and that he had been organizing raids on known CIA moles. This was made worse with the revelation that Manijheh's father was a CIA mole. The problems stacked on top of each other when the Iranian police got involved, representing the Islamic faction of this three-way war.

Who told you that he was a spy? What you were told about the his role, and what he was involved with? Could you define the tree-way war, please?

I turned 18 on April 17th, 2030, and was ready to graduate high school. I had a job at the local theater, Meridian 16, and was doing well for myself. I had just cashed my first paycheck and was walking on air. I felt generous, so when a deformed man covered in blankets asked me if I could spare "some currency", I handed him a ten dollar bill and wished him good luck.

How much they (theatre owners) paid you in year 2030? What you can get with year 2030 ten USD bill?

From rest of your story. How do you find your life in year 2006 America? Do you get respect or are people fearful towards you (race/origins)? (What happened to the monetary reserves what Iran transferred from USD based reserves to Euros?)
>>Now, you already know what happens there. How many years in space I spent, I'll never know. In imperative time it's hard to tell because we did so much time jumping in the Temporal War. Relative time, I'd say about four years.<<

So you were a missing person, right? I assume your parents filed missing person reports when you were gone. Have you reunited with your family, or you thought it made more sense to be homeless.

>>I was dropped off by a Lu'Pan unmanned craft in Volunteer Park<<

Where's the unmanned craft now? Is it still in the park or did it "fly away, leaving no evidence". And to answer this before I even ask it, I assume it was a stealth craft, right? Something that would not show up on radar.

>>I was in a loose-fitting gray jumpsuit that the Lu'Pan had given me while I was a prisoner.<<

Can you post pictures of these alien clothes?

>>I was homeless for about two weeks<<

So what exactly did you do after you landed? You walked away and started rummaging through the garbage for food? It never occured to you to call your family? Regardless of the fact you weren't born yet in 2007, your family is still here, right?

Is it safe to say that since you came back via an unmanned spaceship from a ride given to you by the "good guy aliens" that no one is looking for you? That your face is not on some intergalactic wanted poster? So why the secrecy? You said your atoms are different so you won't pop out of existence, so why the secrecy? You also said humans are a trivial species and the aliens don't monitor us, so what gives?

What's stopping you from collecting a million dollars right now?
>>Million dollar challenge: One Million Dollars awaits the individual who can prove, in a controlled setting, that they have "super" powers. <<

Your alien organs certainly qualify as super powers.