However, I have reason to believe that my younger self still exists out there. I told you about atomic displacement, but I think that during my travels I've actually gained so much Binx body mass that at a basic physiological level I will often come up as Binx on some sensors.


Now I'm back, renting a little flat in Belltown, just north of downtown Seattle, my Binx organs and memories the only testament to the life I lived. Needless to say I can never go to the doctor again. And I can only wonder what my dead and subsequent autopsy will do for humanity.


My sense of identity is more complex than just my residency. I still identify, in many ways, as a Binx Officer, because I had abandoned all home of returning home, and adopted them as my own people. And once here on Earth again, I find myself deeply moved by the plight of Iran, my home nation, where currently my Father and Mother are deeply in love, and preparing to have me. So I feel far more Binx or Iranian than American.

I hate having to repeat myself.

When I turned sixteen, I asked my father all about what happened that day, and he told me about his involvement in the secret war in Iran.

In the 1950s, CIA agent Kermit Roosevelt was sent to overthrow Mohammad Mossadegh, the first elected leader of Iran. The United States and United Kingdom were directly opposed to Mossadegh's government because Mossadegh had nationalized the oil industry. Before BP was British Petrol, it was Ango-Iranian Oil, but the facilities were taken over by the Iranian Government because the English had not been paying the Iranian workers for their facilities, and the living conditions were terrible. The English were weighing the books and keeping millions of pounds from the Iranians. The Iranians had had enough and evicted AIO. AIO, no longer having the "I" part, changed to BP, but had no assets.

The Americans depended on British Oil at the time, and the British managed to convince the Americans that Mossadegh was in danger of turning Communist because of his involvement with the Tudeh Party (the Iranian Communist Party) so the CIA, in its quest to destroy anything involving Communism at all, sent Kermit Roosevelt to Iran to organize a military coup. They re-installed the Shah, the monarch of Iran, who had been formerly stripped of power by Mossadegh. The Shah gave the Americans and English all the oil they wanted, and Iran fell into a major depression that it never fully recovered from. The Shah was a brutal dictator, and his support of Western culture, so opposing to his country's Islamic beliefs, led to the 1970s Islamic Revolution in Iran.

Mossadegh supporters never went away, supported by Tudeh officials in Azerbaijan, and fought the Islamic militants as well as Shah-funded CIA-armed operatives. Islamic officials, who are and will be in power in Iran, tried to suppress the Socialist Tudeh Mossadeghians to prevent a secular government, and fought CIA agents to keep American interests out. The Mossadeghians fought the Islamics to try and install a truly democratic and secular government, and fought the CIA to prevent American interests. The CIA fought anyone trying to stop them from influencing Iran to make it easier for the US.


I was paid $9.35, minimum wage, in 2030. For a sneak peek at the economy, I usually spent $5.30 on a KillerBeez Energy Drink and $7.80 on a baguette sandwich from the cafe in the mall. My two friends rented a studio apartment downtown, splitting the $1275 rent two ways - not including utilities.

Simply for simplicity's sake - because even in the future Americans don't really understand the Middle East - I often just told people I was "Persian". They think either "rug" or "cats" and pretend like they understand.

And as for Iran's reserves - no idea. Not something I ever learned about. I assume they must have because the Euro became much more powerful currency, but I couldn't tell you for sure.
My parents WILL file a missing persons report in 2030. I haven't even been born yet. Are you paying attention?

The Lu'Pan's only major competitor in the galaxy is/was/whatever the Hij'kule now, but they're more interested in their consumer market than galactic conquest. They don't want to make a gift of a powerful computer and interstellar drive to some crazy war-happy apes. Leaving the ship behind and alerting Humans to their existence would be a major tactical error. Of course they couldn't just land the thing. It was programmed to set right into the sun.

You know, funny thing. I didn't keep a camera on me during the war or trial! I could check with the guy from Pike Place Market who let me borrow his clothes while I was working the docks, but I don't remember him snapping a picture of me. But if you wanna know what it looks like, just look at any gray jumpsuit. The fabric was synthetic woven plastic - hot as hell and made me chafe. I got rid of them real quick.

I grew up in Iran, my family doesn't come here until 2024. Again, are you paying attention? And no, I wasn't given a ride here by the "good guy" aliens. The good guys lost. That's why I was on trial, I was on the loosing side. They ruled that I didn't orchestrate any war crimes, so I was given temporary license of residence. But I couldn't breathe their air, didn't have a place in their patrician social hierarchy, and had no way of making a living, so there was no place for me. They sent me back because they didn't want to deal with me, and couldn't punish me because I'd been found innocent.

I'm not drawing attention to myself because I just want to live my life. I don't want to be dissected by biologists or interrogated by the military - and that's best case scenario where people believe me! If people don't, I estrange my new friends, including the girl I like. I'll be labeled insane and alienated from society. I don't want to deal with that!

They don't grant me any special abilities. They're in different places, different shapes, and different sizes, but the Binx tried to retain my "abilities" so as not to screw with my sense of self. They did a good job, too. And even if they did make me superhuman, see above.
>>The Lu'Pan's only major competitor in the galaxy is/was/whatever the Hij'kule now, but they're more interested in their consumer market than galactic conquest. They don't want to make a gift of a powerful computer and interstellar drive to some crazy war-happy apes...It was programmed to set right into the sun.<<

Well if their consumer market is so important to them, then I assume transport ships also are- like the one they programmed to go into the sun instead of auto-piloting the thing back home, right? How much does an interstellar vehicle go for in 2030?

>>if you wanna know what it looks like, just look at any gray jumpsuit. The fabric was synthetic woven plastic - hot as hell and made me chafe. I got rid of them real quick.<<

I still don't understand. You were dropped off in the middle of a park in the middle of the night in a grey jumpsuit. I assume you bought new clothes before you got rid of these, right? How did you get the money to buy other clothes in the first place? Did you pan handle for it? Did you steal them? Then from there, I assume you slept in the alleyways as a bum, right? How did you clean yourself? You'd think someone would need to be presentable to apply for a job- even a crappy one.

And you're middle-eastern? So you're saying companies are hiring undocumented, middle-eastern looking foreigners to work the docks. Hello?! 9/11! Homeland Security! Americans openly opposed open trade with Dubai- and they're the good guys! Now we're hiring anonymous middle-eastern people to work the docks?!! Come on man!

>>I grew up in Iran, my family doesn't come here until 2024. Again, are you paying attention?<<

I don't know- are you: >Regardless of the fact you weren't born yet in 2007, your family is still here, right?< Did you consider calling grandpa or jumping a ship to get back to Iran? I only ask because at that point you had two choices- become a homeless, anally probed stranger with no ID or find some way to get to your dad. They have phones in Iran.

>And no, I wasn't given a ride here by the "good guy" aliens.<

I'm sorry- I am not paying attention to your made up story, I'm trying to bust you. I haven't even addressed the million questions I have about aliens.
A) You misread. It's the Hij'kule who are the consumers. The Lu'Pan, who dropped me off, are highly militaristic and territorial. They want to avoid another military power in the galaxy.

B) Again, you simply aren't reading. Don't try to poke holes in a story you haven't read, you only make yourself look stupid.

November 20th 2006 - Dropped off

November 22nd 2006 - Make a friend of some of the independent fishmongers down at the Pike Place Market, a Farmer's Market where companies cannot set up shop. Legally it's only open to independently owned business. I worked with other undocumented workers, which is not even uncommon at the Seattle docks. Many of my co-workers were illegal Chinese and Mexican immigrants who spoke little to no English. Like me, they were hired out of pity and paid less than minimum wage. The fishmonger who gave me a shot lent me some of his old clothes, which were mostly football logoed, far too big, and worn out.

November 22nd December 15th 2006 - Bought what I could, but made sure to put away money for the fake documentation I'd need for a better job. I worked eighteen hours a day at $6.00 an hour, but my employer also gave me all the free water I could drink and a sandwich bag of rice with some mixed vegetables every day. It wasn't healthy and I was constantly hungry, but it kept me alive. I was able to use $120 of the $144 I earned to get documentation. My employer helped me out by getting me a connection. I spent the other $24 on some new underwear and some nice food.

December 15th - December 20th 2006 - I kept working, but I also tried to apply to jobs, but they would never give me an in-store interview (for obvious reasons) and I didn't have a phone for them to call me back. Of course they weren't going to call me back. But I had to keep trying.

December 20th - Up to this point I had not bathed, except to hose myself down at the docks, and got in some fights with some fellow homeless people over places to sleep and blankets. This is when I met my current roommate, Roger. See story above.

I don't know what you think a Persian is, but it's not an Arab. "Iran" is the Farsi version of "Aryan" - you know, white skin, light hair, light eyes? My sister has bright red hair, gray eyes, and freckles. I have brown hair, light skin, and dark green eyes. The problem is that Persia was invaded in the 7th Century AD by the Arab Muslims, and they became the upper class - so all the Iranians you see on TV are NOT Persian, but of Arab descent.
If people don't hear my very Iranian name, they assume I'm white.

As for calling my relatives, yea, sure, for $5.00 a minute, I could have totally afforded to call my dead grandfather and deaf grandmother to tell them I was their future grandson back from space and, oh, please, spend a few hundred dollars to fly me to Iran! As if that makes any sense at all.
When I turned sixteen, I asked my father all about what happened that day, and he told me about his involvement in the secret war in Iran.

When you were sixteen the year was 2026 - bit over twenty two years since the US started to turn on the heat on at the Iranian allocated nuclear weapons - and your father told you about secret oil war?

Something is not right in here. I thought that the "hunting parties" were after the CIA agents from my recent conflict - what is fought now, not back at the 20th century. I understand that some of these things in the 'shadow' wars tend to go over for very long time, but well maybe you're not saying what you should say, because of the recent conflict with the US/Israel.

I was paid $9.35, minimum wage, in 2030. For a sneak peek at the economy, I usually spent $5.30 on a KillerBeez Energy Drink and $7.80 on a baguette sandwich from the cafe in the mall.

The money issue feels right (I can't check it - we are not in year 2030, yet). It's understandable that some of the items what we buy now (like a can of soda cost around 60 cents) and at the future after the monetary has gone through the inflation and cost more. Maybe some wiser person can elaborate this bit more.

About the Middle-East monetary transfers: If you google, you might find news articles, which tells you that the central banks around the world (including middle-east) are switching from the USD reserves to the EURos. (drug dealers started to do that at 2002)

Recently US froze Iran government bank accounts at the States, and now they don't have any other choice but to switch from the USD reserves to EURos. They had to do that in the order to stay in the OIL business (US central bank wouldn't sell them dollars - who wants them?). This was all after last year fiasco, where Iran tried to start an oil bourse based on the EURos (guess they got scared what happened to Saddam when he started to sell oil based on EURos)

If you read this right, you should get idea that the days of USD as the world reserve currency are counted.
For someone whose story is absolutely unbelievable and in all honesty retarded, you're sure full of yourself. You might want to control your temper a little more- you're 24 and there are A LOT of smarter, wiser and more clever people than you on this board. It's only a matter of time until someone takes the time to rip apart your story and when that happens, you will miraculously disappear as have the scores of other weirdo storytellers who have come and gone. Until then, a little more information and a lot less of your snide remarks and we'll get along fine. Otherwise you'll end up like Watcher- a time traveller that no one listens to, no one cares about and no one will miss or remember a month later. Play nice.
I'm wondering how many hit dice a Lu'Pan captain has and if s/he gets a -3 AC, +3 "to hit" bonus vs. Internet Sagas.
No, the oil thing is a history lessons for others on the bulletin board. He explained HIS involvement in the shadow war to me when I was sixteen.

Of course the conflict is still going on. How long has it been since they set up in Korea? As long as there are Pahlavian partisans who are willing to buy arms and information, there will be CIA operatives selling it.

I've already explicitly stated that the US will loose value and the Euro will get much more powerful. I don't know anything about who has what in reserves because I never really cared. I learn a lot about things that interest me - and that never did. Sorry!
When your questions and challenges force me to reiterate myself over and over, you are just wasting everyone's time. I will get snippy with whom I please, when I please.

And I don't care if you believe me or not - I have nothing to gain or lose, and it's not like I respect YOUR opinion - but if you ask me a question, I will answer. That's all.
I think this is a reference to Dungeons and Dragons. Don't know what that's exactly supposed to mean, but it's hardly constructive. Or even desconstructive! You're just sad that the only rebuttals you could come up with for my story were themselves rebutted by me simply quoting previous posts.

Since my story is the airtight you guys start just giving me flippant remarks telling me how ridiculous I am?
Mr Earth,

I'm not attacking you, if I would, then it would be totally different. I find your story interesting and very possible to believe as it's so live-like (please take that as an compliment).

What caused the 'space aliens' to replace your organs with their own?
Did you visit other planets? What did you feel when you step off from whatever it was to another planet? What did you see on sky/ground?
How fast did you learn their language? (How they teach their language to people like you?)
Did you see robots/androids?

Since my story is the airtight you guys start just giving me flippant remarks telling me how ridiculous I am?

Your story lost complete credibility when you stated time is absolute. Facts are facts. Gravity probe A confirmed time is relative. Your story just gets relegated with all the rest to the fictional time traveler claims section.
>>When your questions and challenges force me to reiterate myself over and over, you are just wasting everyone's time. I will get snippy with whom I please, when I please.<<

Well, since you're giving bits and pieces to a story that in all honesty no one here believes, you should be honored that I am asking followup questions, see below.

>>And I don't care if you believe me or not - I have nothing to gain or lose, and it's not like I respect YOUR opinion - but if you ask me a question, I will answer. That's all.<<

I am glad to hear you don't care. This is exactly the permission I wanted- to rip apart your every post from now on. Thanks.

>>Your story lost complete credibility when you stated time is absolute. Facts are facts. Gravity probe A confirmed time is relative. Your story just gets relegated with all the rest to the fictional time traveler claims section.<<

I don't think he's made a complete jackass of himself yet- I love it when a time traveller gets busted and this guy's gonna hit hard- you can just tell he spent weeks watching Star Trek, Stargate and D&D to make up this story.

Hey Jimmy Earth- when you base a story on fictional science fiction and try to pass it off like it's real, it's only a matter of time until you get busted. And the more rude you are, the quicker this will happen. Have fun-
Your story lost complete credibility when you stated time is absolute. Facts are facts. Gravity probe A confirmed time is relative. Your story just gets relegated with all the rest to the fictional time traveler claims section.

Yes, our best scientists are almost 100% convinced that time is relative.

...of course, a hundred and four years ago our best scientists were almost 100% convinced that heavier-than-air flight was impossible, and when questioned, were eager to explain all the reasons why they just had to be correct in that assessment.

- Peter
In response to: It's only a matter of time until someone takes the time to rip apart your story and when that happens, you will miraculously disappear as have the scores of other weirdo storytellers who have come and gone.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that make you weird for always reading the weird story's?
>>Now correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that make you weird for always reading the weird stories?<<

Yes it does. But then again, everyone on this forum is a weirdo to one degree or another. I like coming here to read time traveller's tales- I like a good story. And Jimmy Earth's story is not one of them. And I will even let a bad story go on in the hopes it at least has a good ending but there is no happy ending in this case. When you come out swinging like Jimmy Earth does... and when you claim you're a time travelling, space travelling, alien-encountering, galaxial space traveller, you have an awful lot to live up to.