Viewing time before traveling

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RE:to Clara from CAT...

jesus did say "I have others that are not of this fold. I think I would rather have jesus as my leader instead of you . you see cat you are just not powerful enough. you haven't even figured out the numbers yet. clara
RE:to Clara from CAT...


Its not that I don't understand them Clara. Its just that I'm looking for other explainations instead of putting all my eggs in one basket! And thinking I HAVE THE ANSWER!

Its not even safe for you to say or speculate what they are, because you yourself dont know either. I think they go over all our heads...

Today I was pulled over by a State Trooper because my headlight was out. Luckily I didnt get a ticket just a warning! BUT YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT THE LICENCE PLATE ON THE SQUAD CAR WAS?


RE:to Clara from TTA

Big words, for someone who’s using the name of Christ in a form of competition. Please Clara, your not exactly all powerful and knowing your self either.

You haven’t even figured out the numbers cause either, so I wouldn’t be the one pointing my finger at Cat and resorting to childish prideful antics, i.e. “well I got something you don’t.” Grow up.

RE:to Clara from creedo...

I can explaine Clara, it is the synchronicity, of Ronald Regan's numbers, which are 22 and 222, which is a delineate of 22.

Ron ment well' however he had a lot of people out there gunning for him.

He was shot by a 22 automatic, I'm not sure of the date, by John Hinkley Junior.

Because of the Reagan Administration, there was a lot of tennsion easing, because Reagan did not give a care what he said.

Outside of Harry Truman, he was one of the last honest presidents that the U.S. had.

Wasn't perfect by a long shot, however was honest.

I think that's what were seeing, is some of the old synchronicity from his old policies, so this is invested in the numbers 22 and 222, as you saw.

You keep callen-em girl, I think that you know what your doing and doing a good job!

If this acceleraits however, please let me know more in detail what your seeing.

The Reagan Admin. also helped out on the Eldrige deal, however for technical reasons, I'm not going to go into this."STOP"

Love to you and the family, Dan
You\'ve all changed.

Well Well, is it just my imgination or have things taken a strange turn around here?

There’s more then meets the eye with some of these members lately, and here’s why:

First Clara was sounding quite intelligent, and non-new age for quite a while.

Now she’s reverted back to her former self. Which is a shame, I was really starting to become accustomed to her new ability to actually reason
and spare us that crap she is so used to dishing out.

Charm’s colors showed through, from what seemed he was pretty much well liked, to now being someone in need of psychiatric help

Creedo, from a pervert with fantasies of Cat, to now actually having manners and sounding decent for a change.

Weird, No? Could such a thing really be possible? And if it is, for how long will it last

I wonder what else is next. All this switching sides and people changing faces, reminds me just like the WWF, opps I mean the WWE. Which I don’t like the name change
. Why couldn’t they leave well enough alone?

Well, I just thought I mention what I noticed.


P.S. Glad to say that the TTA still remains the same. The one and only original, as he has always been since 1999. But a lot more wiser and brighter
, or is that calmer and more understanding? Maybe all of the above
hehe. Aged to perfection, still great taste, still sharp punch.
RE: You\'ve all changed.No we havnt, really that much!?

It might be the flow of issues TTA?

I am not sexually prevereted towards CAT.

She will do anything any where to get ahead and she has even intimiated this TTA.

My supposed date with CAT, was a non-sexed vehicle, in order to tell the truth to my supposed sister, Semjase, as I can't log in here in order to confirm who's i.p. handle this was?

Maybe you could ONLY tell me, if the i.p. numbers, match anyone who post here regularily?

Technically, yes it's Spring and I am intrested in this subject a little, however CAT as an object?; no not more than a door knob would be.

I don't care what she does.

CAT uses people and does not like when someone turns the table of issues on her.

She does not especially like when someone paints a supposed picture of her humanity?This really disturbes her.

To CAT, everyone including herself, might be a perp and I don't want to interfear with this process, if she self convicts herself to this point too sevirely?

You had also said that I was trying to change everyone here?

No this is not true, you may stay the same.

People have asked questions and I have answered the best of my knowlege.

Maybe they have changed themselves?

I'm not perverted, don't want and or need this handle and resent you placing this handle upon me.

Maybe this infrence comes as a wave from Bill Clinton, talking to ABC in the White House press room, telling everybody, how big it is?

Then in time, just as event come back to the pompus, he is convicted of wrong doing in this area, or maybe the play was stagged to only look this way.

There were a lot of National Leauge baseball players, other than some such as Pittsbrugh's Roberto Clemente, who could catch the ball, however Clemente would always make the outfield catch, look so much more dramatic.

Maybe this is what Bill clinton was doing and was trained to do, with reference to both his underworld links and his sexual foibels, which stunk up that particular office so bad??!

That was nice of you to give advice to Charm, concerning the right direction in life.

This is all I have to say, be as you are, do as you wish, take freely when directed or as needed.


RE: You\'ve all changed.No we havnt, really that much!?

Okay Creedo, since I see you’re in a such a good mood in explaining you’re past crude behavior towards Cat, then you won’t mind explaining what you mean on the Paranormal Conference, under the thread: "To Clara, re. personal:"

What’s the deal with you sleeping with her husband? Are you gay or something?

And why constantly try and read what’s going on in CAT's personal life?

Do you not see this speculation about her life as an invasion of privacy?

For example, I may get visions about people’s life styles all the time (personal and non-personal), but I have the decency not to post every personal detail about them. After all, I don’t have the persons permission to do so, and it would be disrespectful if I did.

What are you doing with it? Your exploiting it, and making others want to stay away from you, that’s what.

It’s common sense when you think about it; no one wants an uninvited “Peeping Tom” in his or her lives. Especially one that thinks he can remote view, and makes up false inaccurate readings about them.


P.S. <<This is all I have to say, be as you are, do as you wish, take freely when directed or as needed.>>

Talking freely when directed to, is really not talking freely at all.
RE: You\'ve all changed.No we havnt, really that much!?

barf barf tta makes me want to barf. like creedo said just say what you want who cares. Now your telling people they can't even talk to jesus without being harrassed. what a hypocrite. I 'd like to know who made you god. clara
RE: You\'ve all changed.No we havnt, really that much!?

HaPPy!!! MotHeRs!!! dAy!!! TTA!!! i am giving you my honor of a day ahead. everyone on this post believes you are the "MOTHER-FORUM" or is it just me?

RE: You\'ve all changed.Answer to TTA\'s querstion.

No Im not gay.

It is just that Earth humans are very insecure about their sexuality, both male and female.

Some cultures here on Earth are not.

Forinstance certain oriential cultures are based in a sexuality where men actually hold hands and walk down the street togeather.

They are not practicing homosexuals, it's just that their sexuality is divested differntly.

Westerners are way, way up-tight about their sexuality and this redily shows.

Why couldn't two men share a bed, without sexual behaviours, like two brothers?

This is the animus of the sickness within the past Bill Clinton presidency.

Remember, Jocyalin Elders, only answered a question about masturbation, in the medical sence that was asked of her at a U.N. health meeting.

She answered in ture form, like a doctor and look what Clinton did to her, he asked for her resignation.

No wonder people are so psychologically fucked up after this Clinton Presidency.

He wanted ultimate control over everything, even people's sexuality.

This is a most preverse and cruel testiment of misuse of governmental power.

Our supposed date with CAT, which had included everyone here, remember I said date without romance, physical contact, or even a kiss goodnight.

And what did all you uptight folks do?, right you all went through the roof.

I am not here to judge, what is to judge is our supposedly rightious moral system and how for intimate acts of assoication, this system lambaste people.

Check your own psychological back yard, before tossing darts of inuendo at mine?

No hard feelings, however is not a shut off act of socialization, a block animus which according to Freud, leads to disease?
RE: You\'ve all changed.Answer to TTA\'s querstion.

Clara, why is that I get a feeling that your feeling left out of things, perhaps a little envious? Don’t get me wrong, but for a highly spiritual person you claim to be, I don’t sense any serenity emanating from you, how you always brag about being better then all of us, because you know something we don’t.

Now that makes me sick, that you can tell CAT and others what to do, using the name of Christ in some sort of childish competition. Pointing fingers and ridiculing others who don’t share your Alien/Jesus beliefs.

That’s all I’m saying. And as for who made me God, I’m afraid I wouldn’t want to be him. It seems like too much responsibility, and I wouldn’t want to be responsible for more people then I can handle,



<<Westerners are way, way up-tight about their sexuality and this redily shows. Why couldn't two men share a bed, without sexual behaviours, like two brothers?>>

That’s sick Creedo, what are you some 1960’s liberal? The reason why western people are uptight about it is because it’s morally wrong. Who wants to see to men in a bed together? The very thought makes many cringe. Not to mention it’s against all that nature stands for, it’s the principle behind it after all. Nothing can come out of 2 species of the same gender.

God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. I hope there’s a cure for homosexuals someday, for I believe it’s really an illness that needs to be looked at and researched. They research everything else, but you never hear anyone looking for a cure for homosexuality. I guess common sense, isn’t so common

<<Our supposed date with CAT, which had included everyone here, remember I said date without romance, physical contact, or even a kiss goodnight.And what did all you uptight folks do?, right you all went through the roof.>>

Yes, and we all told you are concerns why though. Are you to do everything you please, even if it offends another? Is that how you excuse your exploitation?

Cat told you her self that she did not appreciate her name being slandered like that by you. It’s not that we were uptight about sex; it was just that you had no right to use her name in a fantasy date like that. Plain and simple.

O.k but wouldn't you have to travel towards the planet to view it in the perspective of seeing it play out in a before to after sequence instead of catching up to it and seeing it backwards?
You would have to get infront of it to see it correctly. P.S. good luck.
i believe that someone who in consequence of dairy actions decides his best course of action would likey regard someone else to do the same one day
i believe we are all time travellers because we're always moving towards the future. I believe that everyone makes their own choice, and if there is any logic in life we count from 1 to 3 when we add and 3 to 1 when we subract.
RE: You\'ve all changed.Answer to TTA\'s question.

I did none of this, as I was only kidding around as we all were then.

I did not even refer to any sort of homosexuality, however you did?

What's missing here is Clara, as you go here in that little room in the aliens section and chased her around berateing her about her belifs in Jeasus.

TTA seesm by even a conservative definaition, to be an intristic sadist, who derives great pleasure from terrifying and makeing others feel pain.

He is also by conserative definition, a masachist, as he then tries to befreind those who he has verbally tortured?

This type of person is a very dangerous one and should be kept an eye upon, by law oriented personel.

As I had said again, this was a typo and not ment for CAT.

Where is Clara TTA, did you enjoy chasing her around that little room and berating her like the worthless bully that you are?

Did you also enjoy calling my private residence and making one of my family memebers cry, as they had thought that you were a monster?

Your nothing but dirty animals and this goes for you too Son Of Babyalon, as when tta SOPUTS off, your right there doing the same thing.

You are all mentally sick and should not have the privilage to post here?

Should I cut and print my phone register calls from the phone company here, showing your phone numbers calling my residence, or are you all going to leave me alone?
RE: You\'ve all changed.Answer to TTA\'s querstion.

Why do conversations about time travel always end with sex?
RE: You\'ve all changed.Answer to TTA\'s question.

Creedo, you’re barely now responding to one of my posts that I wrote almost a month ago?

What took you so long to reply? Barely decided to alter the historical opinion of you on these posts (like the historical marker threads) and decided that after a month, it was a joke after all

And another thing, I thought you said you cut off all communications with all members of this forum?

Liar… :P Your posting to me again.

Well here I go again, right back at ya.

You said:
<<I did not even refer to any sort of homosexuality, however you did?>>

You made mention of 2 men in a bed. That’s sick even just thinking about it. What do you think putting 1+1 together will result? Don’t you think we would automatically do the math and add it up ourselves, not necessarily you telling us the answer?

<<What's missing here is Clara, as you go here in that little room in the aliens section and chased her around berateing her about her belifs in Jeasus.>>

You’re just being a crybaby because she’s not here to defend you. And as for her beliefs in Jesus, this had nothing to do with it. Anyone can simply go back and read the past posts to see that I was merely wanting to clear something up. As I clear up other crappy messes. I.e. yours

I do say I did a good job of making it spic and span
so clean and shinny you can eat off of it, ehh

<<TTA seesm by even a conservative definaition, to be an intristic sadist, who derives great pleasure from terrifying and makeing others feel pain.>>

I do Mr. National Enquirer? Please please, gossip with us some more trash about the TTA. Even with out the proof, your word is as sure as gold around here. And I’m sure you’ll always find one sucker (like you) to believe it.

<<He is also by conserative definition, a masachist, as he then tries to befreind those who he has verbally tortured?>>

What are you actually trying to spell?

<<This type of person is a very dangerous one and should be kept an eye upon, by law oriented personel.>>

And what kind of people should keep an eye on you. Maybe someone like me
. However I think Kathy should put you away in a padded cell, your tantrums are really starting to get old.

<<Where is Clara TTA, did you enjoy chasing her around that little room and berating her like the worthless bully that you are?>>

What exactly did I do to her Daniel? Please, be specific. And do give the details how I proved her to being a hypocrite hundreds of times, and the times when she damned us all for not following into her New Age doctrine.

She obviously was going to hear it from one of us sooner or later. But who would want a combination of 2 crazy New Age/Alien collaborators making a mess of the posts? I mean, just look at how you people overwhelm the posts with superstitions without any proof at all. That’s a lot of $hit to clean up

<<Did you also enjoy calling my private residence and making one of my family memebers cry, as they had thought that you were a monster?>>

Well that I was not aware about. And for that I am truly sorry, I did not intentionally intend for someone to get scary feelings over that call.

But…. There is a But

I called you 3 times, each time you hanged up on me. Knowing that there was someone calling your residence with a voice disguiser, why would you then allow your son to pick up the phone, 20 seconds after the last one you hanged up?

Fully knowing that the possibility for another call was immanent, why not your self pick it up
? And again answer the phone every other time, when I called you the 4th time to say it was me, and that there were no hard feelings. It was a joke, and you said it was alright.

Doesn’t that make you suspect and responsible?

One would think that you intentionally allowed your own son to pick up the phone for the sole purpose of uncovering who was that person on the other line.

And further more, I didn’t hear any crying as you said there was, which you are basically responsible for anyways. He said; “dad, I think it’s for you, sounds like some robot” (not monster) and I politely said; “thank-you.”

No harm done.

Get your story straight. It’s incredibly not consistant with actual events. As all your other explanations always are

<<Your nothing but dirty animals and this goes for you too Son Of Babyalon, as when tta SOPUTS off, your right there doing the same thing.>>

Hey hey, why are you being hostile towards Sonofbabylon. He didn’t do anything to you. Why you taking things out on him? One would think you have something against him, not just me. But he never did or said anything to upset you, just politely defend his opinion. One would think you don’t like being proven wrong

I guess your rowdy behavior sure beats those empty threats your always making, and me debunking. But still, why complain about others etiquette and manners, when you yourself apparently don’t have any.

Again, your experience with the subject is completely disproportional to what you say, and is apparent within your actions.

<<You are all mentally sick and should not have the privilage to post here?>>

And your not, and you should…?

Please Daneil, you’re the worst of them all

<<Should I cut and print my phone register calls from the phone company here, showing your phone numbers calling my residence, or are you all going to leave me alone?>>

First of all, I only called you once that day. If your getting more calls from others, that’s not me. That’s your own business to deal with now. Sadly you know you brought this all upon your self in the beginning. You should have thought about this before. For I warned you well within last month, that I will not be responsible for the white vans parked on the side of your house. The black helicopters flying over you when you leave the house. And the phone calls. I made that perfectly clear to you.

For I never posted your information, you did. You made it public your self. One would simply just need to go to: and do the investigation themselves. It’s as simple as that

I think you shouldn’t take it out on others for your mistakes, but instead take it out on your self. For it was by your hands that all of this came about. And seeing your awkward lifestyle of wanting to be an off world ambassador, I can see why you would be such an easy target to being influenced. You bring it all upon yourself Daniel.

Here is my current working idea for time device check my site for flow drawings
Computer Time Server or CTS.

Concept: Set up a dedicated computer time server ( linix box would be nice more reliable
check for $299 box) with battery back up and all redundant back up possible
this would sink to atomic clock through phone or gps.

Step one: Construct message program that will send text or Morse code pulses or test
pulses at a precise dedicated time, this would be possible for current and future time. In
other words enter simple message and then enter time of transmission (insertion) then time
of reception (released time). The first step would be to get this box to work with in itself.
In other words to type test message then send in 5 minutes the program would do itself,
than receive in 3 days. You have just sent a message to the future. So far this is similar to
a time announce or digital assistant program. A wake up call if you will (but with your
message). Also a complete log would be kept of transmitted and received pulses.

Step two: Send message back in time.
Enter message time of transmission than time of reception, the message would then leave
on a digital or analog I/O card (basically a card that interfaces your computer to external
hardware similar to remote control devises or PLC’s Programmable logic controllers)
this message would be inserted into the external Hardware i.e. (transmitter /receiver)

External hardware: This is the tricky part, obviously the computer is always on ready to
transmit and receive from this external device. It must be left on and message event must
proceed at a designated time. At first it would be easier to send a series of cascading
counting pulses that vary each transmission so you can decipher when in the future that
pulse would occur. Example you no that on Tuesday 1000 hours it will send 10 pulses so
if on pre-Monday you receive 10 pulses you have received a message from the future
(assuming theses pulse have come from your external hardware not internal from the
computer remember the computer can send pulses forward through time not back) This
future event would be controlled by the computer not you! no time paradox here, like I
forgot to type the pulse so how could the past receive it.
External time box this is where I am brain storming. The box would transmit/receive
Light, RF, Radiation, Particles or what ever method or modulation proves time
susceptible, it good be an accelerator or decelerator (absolute zero). maybe the reflections
of the past would be show in the future (remember we are talking simple pulses here) This
external hardware would also need to be vary reliable, always on so to speak.

To me this is the elemental basis of  a workable time server or traveler, the pulses travel
they are better equipped to do it..

Pro’s: No time paradox, no living matter, simple pulse transmission- reception
Con’s: no proven time transmitter (at least for sending to past)

Please send me your ideas for time transmitter or field generator to transmit into,
sendto: [email protected]        “Vision through electronics.”   I am planing to build in
my garage, not joking, if it doesn’t work out, hey I still get some good electronics out of
the experiment. (:
Project title:  Time Server Project
related equipment,  Time server, Time reference, Time transmitter.

Imagine sending the lotto numbers to the past! HAHA that would cover the costs!

This is a new idea as far as I know, I thought details of it yesterday , although ever since I
started in broadcasting I entertained the idea of transmitting through time and how to do
it. My recent contract computer work and knowledge tied the transmitter to the server in
my mind, mainly for logging, tracking and analyze, recording and timed transmission and
so on.

Let me say this project is in the conceptual stage (its only been one day of official work on
the time server).
I did a time search on MSN for time travel and it lead me here.
Let me say I know transmitters I have worked and tested, trouble shooted full power TV
and FM transmitters analog and digital, I was a chief engineer for a TV station for over
ten years. I have a AAS degree in broadcast electronics. I also am a certified commercial
electrician and not to bad with computers I built (put together) the one I am using now. I
say this not to brag (it was a lot of work and study) but to establish some creditability as I
have read a lot of wild posts in this area. (which is good let freedom ring).

Look for a web site (geo cities) soon (for real) under search word vistronics to present
this and many other ideas. I lost or someone ripped off my Hand spring Visor platinum
PDA, so some ideas are lost (yes I back up but I got hit with the lovebug virus and had to
reformatt both my computers than I took a trip with out backing up anyway....)

On to your comments,
The core idea is to send numbers (code) through time.
If you will, think, of a time “SETI” a “search for extra temporal transmissions”, instead of
extraterrestrial. The movie contact showed a form of this when they replayed the “Hitler
TV broadcast”, not like what I propose, but you get the idea.

I think this idea will work because its electrons, or particles or a Light wave or a RF
envelope that is doing the time travel (what ever method by trail and error experiment
proves itself.)

I mean lets start at the beginning, you know take baby steps, before getting online and
saying I got a time machine you can jump in.
Like Marconi in the early radio days with a spark gap transmitter, did he build a TV
transmitter? No but it lead to it. Exact parallel to the Time Server.

Much of what I described uses existing technology, but to transmit through time you need
a hole or a field (maybe you do not need this), a zone of non-temporality, a door so to
speak (or a peep hole), you know what is great about this idea is only needs to be a pin
hole to focus your RF (High F microwave) Beam or it could be laser, or modulated Ions
like in a klystron transmitter Particle Beam. Again trail and error experiments, scientific
observation of data, hard work and experamentation is needed.
Do you think some one just sat down and dreamed up TV?

I have several Ideas for the Time transmitter, one borrows from the alternate energy
people, of High speed spinning magnets, creating magnetic fields in a cylinder (of varying
polarity), and what is happening at the center of this field, the middle of this cylinder?
could this be the place to focus the message beam? And what if we density modulated this
area with a klystron beam?. Which is contained by magnetic force? Would the remnant
show through time? what of the harmonics? What about a microwave beam? Instead of
magnets what if we used super high voltage to generate a field 250KV plus? What then?
Do you know?  To create fields of this power and intensity require a lot of power 480
Volt AC 3 phase at a hundred amps. (Imagine that wired to my garage LOLL)

This Idea may not work, but with out experiment I can not say. But I have 2 more of my
own ideas for the transmitter not to much related to above. (notice we have not talked yet
about the receiver)

I am a big fan of OPEN SOURCE so share your ideas.
I am a applied technology guy I want generate data drawings ect.
I like to wax Philosophic sometimes but I am here for nuts and bolts and planning.