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RE: you must be dreaming

think what you want but nobody else is up here helping these animals and its not a tax rightoff for her because shes not donating anything. I'll tell her right up front that I don't drink coca cola products . Are you still buying them.

RE: you must be dreaming


Ok, so its "the organic garden lady meets Patty Hearst". Hope you have found a good buddy. I'd be willing to bet that since she is out playing with puppies that she is not part of the family power structure.

Hey, some of my best friends are rich. ( No not really.)
RE: CAT;You must be dreaming, phone booths, illegalities:

CAT'However for the fact of wealth, this does not explaine the most violent cases of masturbation, within phone booths in San Francisco?

Cases are; "Hold my tool, hold my 357 Magnum, but don't mix the two at close quarters...."!

Honree de Black has been known to do this and set feduciaries are never apparent, especially if anuities are not as stable as projected?

RE: CAT;You must be dreaming, phone booths, illegalities:

Observation noted--suggested recourse to trip iden w/blue drack?
Negative influence increasing. suggest s--j--- and possible entity pm soonest
RE: CAT;You must be dreaming, phone booths, illegalities:

Can't be Ptaah.

Reason, the Atlantian sect of Pleiadeans don't masturbate, nor do they have an understanding of what that means.
RE: CAT;You must be dreaming, phone booths, illegalities:

>Observation noted--suggested recourse to trip iden
>w/blue drack?
//Should read; Obserevations within our deviceivness notes, a possable tripple idenity factor, outside the 1982 April change, (period).
Editorial insertion, the Pleiadeans, especially the Atlantian sect would not be conversive with the Blue Drack continum?
>Negative influence increasing. suggest s--j--- and
>possible entity pm soonest
Should read, as via our deviceive natures, Negative social connotations not really understood, nor cared about.
Goes on further to say, that Semjase may be contacted, concerning either Pleiadean Management, or post midnight contacts, for resolution of problem?

These statements by Ptaah do not make any sence.

What if I was only expressing myself, in a social sexual type of way and really do not have three seperate personalities?

Maybe three seperate influences within the genetic sence, however not three seperate personalitites.

Remember, the real Ptaah is apparently isolate and also deceptive, to to his denial that Grays had ever been on the 1975 beamship?

So this personna of Ptaah, may be some false creation, by two people who use to post here, such a Palmera Morje and expert Tee-meor 92115.

What is the need for deviceiveness, towards creedo, in three qualified busniess personnas, as in creedo the social, creedo299 the expert in technical and creedo 299X9 in time travler phases?

What busniess is it of the Pleiadean heiarchy, when they are filled with major self concern any way?

Nothing here to correct, "Ptaah", if you are after all,..the real Ptaah?
RE: CAT;You must be dreaming, phone booths, illegalities:

Dude, what the hell are you talking about? What ever happened to you saying that little kids come here to do research for their homework, and then find you here with your pants down masturbating making your self-look like a fool?

Setting a good example I see…

I mean, come on, is it just me, or is your bullshit pile growing exponentially daily? I guess that’s perhaps the only big thing of yours you have to look up to and be proud of. Just make sure the flies don’t lay their larvae in your ears
they may go into your brain and fill up the vacant space.

RE: CAT;You must be dreaming, phone booths, illegalities:

Creedo, What did you say your real name was? Dick or Dan?
RE: CAT;You must be dreaming, phone booths, illegalities:

The line is cast.

And this is always the case, as they who observe, also may judge, without being part and parcel of the equation itself.

Marks Ingels Rasputins moters sister named Ralph....

This is a loney figure.

What gives any agency or spectre the right to observe and interfear, so offering comments without sharing the social load of responsabilities themselves?

The ruse of economics, is only tersherary.The real meat of the subject, is whether of not social equnamity transplaces those minnor foibles, which other seem to want to trounce upon.

Firearms and sexualities do, uppon occasion mix within phone booths in the San Francisco area.

What is not understood, however is the social relavency of such.

Was Patty Hurst saying, "Fashish-ta-me-fashista"!!, said while holding an automatic weapon within a bank, a sentiment of mind rage aginst the machine, or a deeper quality still?

We shall not know this.

It is only systemanic communism held within the collective concuiousness of CAT's pan-euphoric governmental undergarments, where industrial man meets industrial women, that socialist work quotas are properly met.

An unshaved armpit, is a statement that "I too can be a worker, who tightens bolts on Russia ageing fleet of Zlin automobiles".

Is it true that Commisar CAT-o-vich, is really Valdamire Lennin's sister, ludmelia, or has the atomic worker's heart transversed into Grace Slick's area, or Adam Heart Mothers volition?

We can never be totally sure, as these are all pressed incraments of indistrial stampings.

Long live the imperialist pigs, who wear polka dresses!

Long live CAT's capitolist underwear, with pictures of the universalist racoon, so imbossed upon them!

Viva La Puenta, Viva Gormen, Viva Swaymen, Viva Towel Dispenser.

Long may George Bush Junior tinkle within his secret closet of non-investments.

Via La Buntea!!!
RE: CAT;You must be dreaming, phone booths, illegalities:

Creedo, GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: CAT;You must be dreaming, phone booths, illegalities:

I am CAT, I regressing due to emotional scars.

I need you to hold me and be my atomic mother.

Remember CAT, in Picasso's world, a woman can have boobs on just one side and still be normal.
RE: CAT;You must be dreaming, phone booths, illegalities:

hahahahahahahahaha Creedo!!!!!!!
oopz im sorry, just thought that was funny. im really, really sorry, im going to leave now. hahah errr. boobless hahaha sorry, again shiots, i think i should stop.

RE:to cat from clara

Cat here is the quatrain from nostradomos about the men wearing turbans.

The king enters Foix wearing a blue
turban, he will reign for less than a
revolution of Saturn. The king with
the white turban, his heart banished
to Byzantium,Sun, Mars,and Mercury
near Aquarius.

Here is the authors interpretation:

This quatrain, because of the turbans, apparently describes a Moslem or Eastern invasion. Foix is understood to belong to a blue turbaned man who rules for less than one cycle of Saturn,29.5 years .In other quatrains the Ayatollah, the man of the white turban, is described as being followed by the "man in blue, perse." McCann (1942) dates this quatrain as February 18, l981, but I think it is still unfulfilled. The perse may be the precursor of the Antichrist or the Antichrist himself.

This came from a book by Erika cheetham. It must relate to what is happenig now.

here is the quatrain about mabus. subam or sudam.

Mabus will soon die and there will happen a dreadful destruction of people and animals. Suddenly, vengeance
will appear, a hundred hands, thirst and hunger, when
the comet passes.

the authors interpretation: Again Nostradamus mentions a comet together with destruction and war.The " The hundred hands " is very evocative of the many refugee camps all over the world where people are suffering from famine, " thirst and hunger ." When Halley's comet passed in l986 there were famines in africa the far east and south america. Is Mabus the name , possibly an anagram , of the third Antichrist to come . I think it is more likely that he is envisaged as a forerunner , so the time of the Antichrist is still awaited .

I think the comet that is predicted in this quatrain is Planet X. I do not think Nostradomas would have seen it as a planet but he would have described it as a comet. According to the Zetas this planet will pass in 2003. but some believe it will not pass until 2012 which is the end of the mayan calendar and I believe the great pyramid time line ends in 2012 also.

Here is another quatrain about Mabus

His hand finally through the bloody alus
he will be unable to protect himself by sea.
Between two rivers he will fear the military
hand. the black and angry one will make him
repent of it.

authors interpretation:

Alus is another unsolved mystery and an interesting one. I ( he's) appears to connect with the fearsome Mabus. Is Alus the precursor of the Antichrist, whose hand finally acts through the bloody alus? There is the repetition of the word (main) in connection with both. Or it may be an approximation of the Antichrist himself, tying up with the crytic quatrain II.XXVII where Nostradamus seems to be trying to give the letters which make up the name of the third antichrist.

Mabus spelled backwards with the b turned around is :


I think Nostradamus was very good at what he did. I also think I know how he did it. He used trance in order to put himself in an altered state. that is why he was a recluse . As I have stated before it takes great concentration and a lot of energy. He basically had no energy left for everyday living . He was also a healer and I believe he was using methods that today would not be considered magic but in his time was. that is why he was being persecuted by the church. I also believe he was using hypnosis on some of the people he healed. the czar of russia had a priest named Resputin who also knew of these same techniques. He used hypnosis on the czar's son to stop him from bleeding as he was a hymophiliac. Resputin also predicted his own death and told the czar that if he was killed by one of the royal family the country would be thrown into darkness. He was killed by a cousin of the Czar and we all know what happened after that .

I was using this same technique when I had the vision of JF Kennedy Jr."s Murder. I recieved other predictions that did come true. I couln't keep this up because I was losing so much energy . I could hardly function. that seems to be why it is so rare for people to be prophets. The price is much to high.

I do believe these prophecies could have been altered but now with what is going on in the middle east I believe we have passed the point of changing things. If the storm is coming I guess the best we can do is prepare for it and wait it out. things will get worse, much worse but they also will get better, much better . I have had visions of people arriving at my house because they had no where else to go. the thing is we will just have to wait and see and do the best we can. but I would advise at this time that you not look at the numbers as being evil they very well could be your ticket out. clara
RE:to Clara from CAT...

Hi Clara,

Yes I read the Mars artical. It was quit interesting. What I find even more interesting is the fact that the sphinx face on the Mars has the same measurments as the one here on earth and that the one on mars is lined up by the planets grids and Orion in the same way the one here on earth is.

I came accross something else very interesting in one of Clyde Lewis articals on the UFO cover up at Roswell that could make a connection to your dream about fighter planes turning into UFO's and what I have speculate the government is regulating. It states in this artical that on June 21, 1947 Harold A. Dahl was cruising in a boat that he operated with his partner Fred L. Crisman. During the afternoon Dahl and his 15-year-old son were in the Puget Sound area near Maury Island Washington when they spotted six round objects that looked like flying doughnuts. The doughnuts were circling one that looked like it was in trouble. It started sinking towards the boat. As the unknown aircraft was spinning it began to emit hot metal. The metal hit the boat
and some of the slag burned his son. Other white hot metal ejecta landed and killed a dog that was on board. Dahl pulled towards Maury Island and began taking pictures of the event with a

You see Clara the government is up there patroling and controling this interdimensional threat. And maybe the crash at roswell was somehow connected. I mean dont you think its a bit strange that an alien craft so advanced and civilized that could withstand the inpacts of space would come here and crash! No I dont think so!

If you watch the move Alien Autopsy there is a comment made by one of the witnesses that said that when the aliens came out of their crashed ship one of them was hold a Black Box!

Well Clara, I think this Black Box was their frequency modulator to get back home! They really didn't need the ship, IT WAS THE BOX THAT WAS THEIR LIFELINE!!!

Well onto your post about the antichrist. Who really knows who he will be? everybody in the political eye is a candidate! But I guarantee he will be the last one any of us would ever suspect!


P.S. Creedo your an cantankerous imbecile, I think "you" should fix your little picaso problem and go in and have that penile straightening procedure done! And as far as my Boobs go! I'm not a carpenters daughter!
RE:to Clara from CAT...

cat if the government is corrupt and they are shooting down slien craft then all the more reason for us to form some kind of contact with them so we can find out just what the government is doing. the part I wanted you to read was the guy who says he was recruited to work on mars and went through a time portal and was there for 20 years. clara
RE:to Clara from CAT...


Ooopps! I read the wrong Mars artical! But I am glad that you kept hounding me to read this! Because as foolish as this story sounds it hits home!

I cut and pasted this part out of the artical:

It was during the first session as described in the book. I was in Great Lakes, Illinois, in the Nuclear Power Program. I had completed Electronic Tech School but they supposedly did not have
room at Nuclear Power School for me at that time, so I was assigned to be an "Instructor Assistant" at one of the Electronic Schools. My memory from that time seemed "flat", like a cartoon or something.

Clara, I lived right down the street from GREAT LAKES ARMY BASE for most of my life! I know exactly what it looks like in there and I know percisly where this Nuclear Power Program is!!! what a coincidence! Infact from were I work right now I can look over lake Michigan on a clear day and see it! I have seen some past and recent strange things over the skies including patterns in the comtrails. I also know people that have worked there, infact one of my neighbors recently retired from the Navy and was stationed there and has said some pretty wierd stuff while intoxicated with liquor!

Infact not far from this site down a busy street that leads straigh to the lake and the naval army base, is where I witness two people dematerializing before my eyes! STANGE! I AM DEFINELTLY GOING TO DO SOMEMORE RESEARCH INTO THIS STORY!


In Michael R's story he mentions how he was used by our Military and government as a defender and destroyer of these interdemensional entities in a Time Travel setting that takes place from Great Lakes Military base and then stationed dimentionally on Mars! And somehow its strange that I already know this goes on and takes place within the Military and government!

RE:to Clara from CAT,Phobos and Demos...

Ed note; was said that both Earths moon as well as the possability of Phobos, a moon of Mars, is of artifical manufacture.

Russians sent a probe to land on Mars and last imagery sent from spacecraft, was a huge object comeing out of Phobos.

Shortly after this, spacecraft malfunctioned...?

From what I understand, Mars, is a byproduct of a collision between Earth, I guess...?

Check Spirit-web, for more details off yahoo.

Thanks, intrersting stuff, Daniel.
RE:to Clara from CAT...

I have been trying to tell you guys about all this stuff. I was used in there breeding program and was having post traumatic stress from this. I had energy implants and have experinced severe mind control. that is why I keep telling you guys to watch your thoughts they may not be your own. Cat, where do you work if you don't mind saying on this post. I must admit to you now that jesus was the only thing that got me out of it . It seems that he is still alive. I went to him personally no preacher and no church just one on one. I ask him what the hell was going on just like you would a trusting friend . I said what is wrong here , life should not be like this down here . He has continued to stay in contact with me and inform me and sent me to a place high in the moutains where I met someone who could remove the implants. These people are hidden in order that they be protected . You see the dark side would love to assinate them because they are screwing up there plan . You cannot kill them like I said before they are way to powerful. they are using mind control and hypsnosis, Key words , sound and sometimes the telephone. The best you can do is stay clear of any music with words on it or tv, don't be in crowded noisy places. clean up your body by stopping all stimulants, caffeine , cigeretts , alcohol, sugar, drink large amoumts of water. Stop all negitive thinking. they use you these things to wear down your resistance in order for you to do there bidding its just enough for them to push you over the edge. All these people who are doing all these random acts of violence I bleive have negitive implants. Most of the churches and preachers don't have a clue about what is happening that is why they cannot help you . The work of being a clearer is very risky and hard that is why there are so few of them. but beware there are also those that would fool you into thinking they know and they don't . I have run across some of these. UNderstand that you may have been split. Having more than one personality and not knowing it . The best thing to do is to stay calm in any situation watch what people say but DO NOT REACT. Become an observer of yourself. And one last thing if you have the money leave your job and move to the country . Like the guy said he couldn't do it without jesus to help . I would still be in that hell also . I told you before I grew up on a military base. My sister recalled seeing the black triagle ufo. I have memories of being abducted of going to a military installation. My sex life was almost destroyed because of there experimenting . Your mind will always hold the trauma of a horrific event even if you don't know its there it will come out as anger , fear, temper tantrums, phycosis. the charge must be released . your mind must accept the fact that it has happened and it is in the past. Jesus told me just last week to put the past behind me now I was safe and could go on with my life. I am being protected simply because I believe in something that will protect me . that doesn't mean I let down my gaurd. they can only protect me if I listen to my feelings along with my common sense. Now not everyones problem is because they have been abducted. We do all have our personal issues of jealosy , hatred , etc. but alien abduction is evil and goes against the laws of the universe. We all do have free will but go out and kill someone and your going to jail. My life is not perfect I make mistakes and bad things do still happen but now I'm not at the mercy of someone using me for there own agenda. Don't make the mistake of confusing this with religion. Religion sold out a long time ago . Just look what is happening in the catholic church. nobody and I mean nobody should be between you and jesus. If he is a time traveler well so be it . Just like I said about terminator . If the boys father wouldn't have traveled back to save his son the terminator would have killed Sarah. It takes one to know one. so maybe he is a time traveler maybe not who knows? I just know he helped me to know the truth . He did say before he left that the truth would be revealed everything that was hidden would be made known . Maybe this is what he meant. It seems a lot of truth is coming to the surface and with our help he will reveal it. I think he told the truth 2 thousnad years ago but humans could not accept the facts so they killed him for it . I think he has a better plan this time but only time will tell . clara
RE:to Clara from CAT...

<<I have been trying to tell you guys about all this stuff. I was used in there breeding program and was having post traumatic stress from this. >>

Are you sure your just not flattering your self? I mean, come on, are you even that hot for an Alien to even want to breed with? What separates you some of the other women who live in your trailer park, and shop at Wal-Mart?

Did they ever get the neighbor by mistake once? J/k

<<He has continued to stay in contact with me and inform me and sent me to a place high in the moutains where I met someone who could remove the implants.>>

So which is it, Jesus or the Aliens that helped you? You change your story so much, it’s difficult to see what your really want people to believe about you
other then your just full of it and a hypocrite.

<<My sex life was almost destroyed because of there experimenting .>>

You must feel real sure of your self and comfortable to talk about your sex life to thousands of people you don’t know. Just watch out for the perverts, like Creedo.

<<Jesus told me just last week to put the past behind me now I was safe and could go on with my life.>>

What happened to your Alien friends that you said you channel? Now you think your channeling Jesus? I think I heard it all now.

<<but alien abduction is evil and goes against the laws of the universe.>>

Ouch, now your selling out your Alien friends? That was completely unexpected. First you revert back to your old Christian beliefs about Jesus, and that he helped you through you tough times in life, and then deny ever giving any credit to your channeling friends and Alien bed buddies. What’s that all about?

I can only conclude that your probably channeling somebody else, and in that your next post will probably sound something like this: “Hey Guys, that wasn’t me, that was some church going friend of mine that was speaking, you all know I still love my Alien friends. Jesus is good and all, but I don’t buy into the whole literal meaning of the New Testaments interpretations of Christ.”

Which we all know you don’t…

<<Don't make the mistake of confusing this with religion. Religion sold out a long time ago . Just look what is happening in the catholic church.>>

So what your saying, is that the people that commit crimes represent the values of the church?

Like if Islamic Muslims all hate Christians, then the 9-11 disasters were proof of that. And that Catholic priests molest little boys? Please Clara, your logic is absurd. These people are acting out of their own will, not that of God. And your not making it any better. There is such a thing as blasphemy, and that’s what you should have said, then unfairly generalize the whole lot of them.

However, when I mention your New Age followers, I don’t see it as a double standard. Because in essence, they will be the ones to bring us down, and have us all accept exploitation by the aliens. And that is something I can never forget.

RE:to Clara from CAT...

Hi Clara,

Do you possibly think that seeing the double digit numbers could have a connection to implants and linked to the penial gland in the center of the brain which is the size of a grain of rice?
It could be possible even without a implant. Maybe these Time Travelers could send a code in the form of a frequency. Maybe even our own government could use this meathod of mind control as a weapon of war. Similiar to how the queen ant controls her colony by her chemicals determining if one ant will be a worker ant or another will be a care taker of the baby ants.

Who Are these people that you are refering to that are hidden in the mountains? Are they Channelers? and am I reading correctly when you say it is their plan to "hinder" the maturation of the spiritual cataclysmic take over that me and TTA have been discussing about on the post, or are they trying to promote it?

And who is using mind control and hypnosis, Key words, sound and sometimes the telephone? Our government, the mountain people or aliens, who are you talking out?

I know my thoughts and I know who I am! I have my daily regimin of ecercising and eating small healty meals! I usually like alternative upbeat music and classical instrumental music. I am always engaging in personal thought and am not easily influenced by others. I am not a follower, I AM A LEADER!!!
