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RE: CAT-can-do dejavu

You know, there was also one little tidbit of information I forgot to mention about my dream. It was that before anything with the Alien dream transpired, I had another dream that showed me taking off my own skin from my right hand; just like in the Terminator. And in there, in my boney hands, I found a tiny little chip. Which actually in real life, I just have a piece of pencil lead stuck in my hand since grammar school.

And today while I was brushing my cat
and when I got to get up from the floor, I felt something on my left hand, like a little bump, like if you where to have your hand pressed on a pebble. But when I got up to touch it, it was gone. Hmmm, strange no? Perhaps I have a deeper connection to the Aliens then I thought. Bad news for them, I’m equipped to kick their ass Jackie Chang style the next time I see them. Nothing like a couple of hours playing the Cello and reading musical notes to quicken the synapses.

RE: CAT-can-do dejavu

To cat, Hey check out this site . Go to then to surfing the apocalypse, scroll down on the right you will see new: MARS RECORD BOOK 2 NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE DOWNLOAD READ ALIEN LOVE BITE. I only found this site this morning. the beings that I have been communicating with told me about this very thing also I recieved the same instrutions on what to do to protect myself. clara
RE: CAT-can-do dejavu

First of all TTA, thanks for taking good care of your Cat. It showes good respective character and empathy towards all cats!

And anybody that is a Cat lover in my book, is a friend of mine!

<when I got to get up from the floor, I felt something on my left hand, like a little bump>

Maybe you should get down on your hands and knees and scour the floor for more evidence! You never know what those crooked Time Travels left behind in their startled and scared presents of you! After all you are the TTA!!!

You might have something of value of theirs and they will be comming back to get it! Keep it in save keeping, it could hold some personal significance to one of them!

Clara, Clyde Lewis has so many good articals I dont know which one to read first! I read the apocalypse one and I found the part of Princes Diana and the biblical prophecies that are linked to her dealth. Also it mentions that her son prince William could be the Antichrist! It wouldn't suprise me! HE IS RIGHT IN LINE OF THE FAMILY TREE OF THE GLOBAL ELITE! How sad and compelling at the same time...


How else could they keep the Monarchy?

RE: CAT-can-do dejavu


You might want to check that story out on Clyde Lewis.

RE: CAT-can-do dejavu

actually I think nostradamus has pointed out who the anti christ is. his name is mabus, if you spell this backwards it is subam turn the b around and you have sudam. I know its not the correct spelling but nostradamus also spelled hitlers name wrong he said it was hister. nostradomas also has a quitrain about the antichrist he says he will be wearing a white turban and he will be associated with someone wearing a black turban.I have seen picure of osama bin laden with a man wearing a black turban on tv.I can't remember his name . Next time I see him I will tell you his name. I do believe both of these men are working for Saddam. I personally think Saddam is the anitchrist and these are his henchmen. Nepoleon was the first , Hitler the second and now Saddam. An Antichrist would be someone that could not love and only thought of himself and his power. He would unlease the gods of hannibel which may refer to nuclear or biological weapons. I will find those quatrains as I have several books on them and let you know which ones they are. I have been so busy with my garden that I haven't had time for anything. I will also try to post that info on caffiene for you cat as I have not forgotten. I came across this info on saddam several years ago then I first learned of him .Just recently I visited John Hogues website and he had came to the same conclusion. He is an expert on Nostradamus and has been on sightings the tv show many times .I think it is as clear as the nose on your face...................clara
RE: TTA your must be dreaming


<<<<tell me what you think>>>>

I think they don't like you. That dream has the flavor of something giving you "the finger". Demons like to "hang out" right inside your own psyche. When you take to resisting them they start pulling smart-ass tricks. Anything to keep you off balance. Anyplace you don't go in your memory is a hiding place for them, like rats in the wall.

One of their favorite tricks is to take on the persona-disguise of grey aliens. While you sleep they can abduct your entire dreaming mind and make you think that you have been abducted. Oh by the way speaking of coincidences I dreamed that I was (almost) killed in a dream the night before last too. I woke up to get away form the bad guys, but I'm kinda pissed that I had to resort to that escape because in effect they chased me out of MY dream.

In solving your mystery, take note of who and why you were woken by a phone call. It could be significant.
RE: TTA your must be dreaming

TTA again

to continue; We are back to Freudian slips. A two letter slip is, if even noticed, is passed off as a joke. But these slips can and do gain in degree till one may be saying entire sentences thay don't really mean.....minor thought forms (memes) are talking for you. As one moves up the "ladder of gaffs" it will be found that not just your speech but your thought s and actions are being instigated by "alien" forces camping out in your subconscious. In the most severe cases one sees demon POSSESION and is in line for an exorcisim or trip to the looney farm.

Like that gal (can't never remember her name when I want to) who recently was in the news for drowning her 5 kids. She thought she was saving them from going to hell. There was a good reason for that asside from the stress and prozac........ Some dumb-ass dipshit who thought he was a good christian priest personally convinced her that she and her kids were going to hell, and he did it for a personal power trip. He got off scott free, seems you don't need a licience to "practice religion".

Oh, the aliens are going to kill us alright, I know this for a fact, because they already are doing just that every day of the week. The only contention is "who and what ARE the aliens"?
RE: TTA your must be dreaming

Good points, I like your insights… However, this was strange what you said: <<Oh by the way speaking of coincidences I dreamed that I was (almost) killed in a dream the night before last too.>>

Ready for another coincidence?

I just learned today, that the person who I had the strong relationship with, who also sees the double digit and has alien dreams, like that anonymous person who posted regarding her birthday being Feb.22nd. Also had a dream of Aliens ambushing me and killing me, and vaporizing my dead corpse… All on the same day we all had our death.

Mark yesterday in the Calendar, for May 1st was a day that neither of us will ever forget.

Just like our last coincidence dream, the evidence of all of us having some similar connection cannot be denied. Something truly is behind the scenes of our subconscious and using it for some vile unethical end.

<<In solving your mystery, take note of who and why you were woken by a phone call. It could be significant. >>

It could be, I will have to speak with this individual again to find out

Hey Cat, what's up? My Kitty is doing great

<<Oh, the aliens are going to kill us alright, I know this for a fact, because they already are doing just that every day of the week. The only contention is "who and what ARE the aliens"?>>

I don't agree with you often Shadow, but I agree with your analysis. And I feel that until we learn who and what they are. We will never be safe from their dark influences. Finding who and where they hide should be our focus, in pursuing those responsible. And to bring justice to those who have been the victims to their manipulation.

Check out they are doing exactly what I just mentioned we should all do. Start by informing everyone you know about the threat, thus making it common knowledge among the people. And the need for people to rally to change global conditions will be the turning point in winning this long held conspiracy.

The world can do it, when properly motivated to do so. Just look at 9-11, and how it made everyone vote for safety being #1 priority. Now we have policy on the way.

Perhaps in time, human independence will also take precedence and be considered #1 priority. And then maybe The TimeTravelActivist can finally take that long awaited vacation
and rest.

RE: TTA your must be dreaming

Hi Everyone,

I have the opposite problem!

I have been cut off from dreaming. Its been suppressed and blocked out! I have not dreamed for a whole week! NOT ONCE! ITS JUST BLACKNESS! (Which is a rarity for me.)

Whoever these time travelers are, They are on to me and they are afraid that I have come upon some extremely important information. They are attacking my friends whom I have shared some of this information with! And have blocked my brain from engaging and advancing into REM sleep and all stages of dreaming.

I have not determined if this is from a good source or a bad source or possibly to protect me? Whatever the case I am on my guard.

Clara, I have read some of the stories on Sodom H. Even down to his mother wanting to kill herself when she was pregnant with him. I've heard tons of stories. But I highly doubt that it is him only for the simple reason that he is viewed as a bad guy. The antichrist will be a person that exhibits peace and kindness and is charming and full of character, witty, Handsome and good looking and very charismatic, and when he speaks pearls will flow out of his mouth. Somebody that will come from the royal family of the Global Elite with lots and lots of money and connections!

TTA, that's an informing site that you provided. I also came across some other interesting info. The US governments cover up policy relates to a Federal law known as Title 14 CFR Part 1211 adopted on July 16, 1969. Stating that contact between US citizens and ET's or their vehicles was illegal and punishment with a prison term. But on the other hand the US government denies the existence of UFO's and ETs, yet simultaneously pass a law stating that any contact between US citizens and ET's are illegal simply boggles the mind. What this law does is point out the fact that the US government if fully aware of the existence and presence of ET's. This regulation code also established responsibility and authority to guard the Earth against any harmful contamination or adverse changes in its environment resulting from the spacecraft and landing on or coming within the atmospheric envelope of our planet Earth in the interest of national security.


Yes Clara I'm still waiting for those statistics on chocolate and caffeine...I chucked down a Hershey's and Almonds when the clock stuck 5:05pm today!
RE: TTA your must be dreaming

you goobers I have told you this before they are hiding in your mind and the only way to get rid of them is to monitor your own thoughts . release anything negitive bacause that is what they use. meditation is a good method to learn about thought patterns. but beware as soon as you do this they will get worse trying to stop you because if you succed they will have to leave and believe me they don't want to go . yes shadow you are correct about the lady that killed her kids. she was hoodwinked into believing that this man had a better connection to god then she did. She gave her power away to this person and in the end her and her kids suffered for it. but thats not the only person she gave her power to the doctor and the phamacutical company and her husband . She listened to all of them over her own higher self. who do you think the preacher gave his power away to some god or was it some devil disquised as a god. you see they are all the same except some are of the light and some the dark. Jesus never said you were going to hell what he did say was that you would be in the dark . darkness is not knowing what is going on around you . Not knowing, not having awareness is a very dangerous thing. clara
RE: TTA your must be dreaming

Yes cat you discribed the anti-christ perfectly , to those that follow him he will have these characterictics, charm wit handsomness. Hitlers followers viewed him in the same manner, I even heard that some women fainted when they saw him. they threw flowers at his feet. the other day on tv Saddam hussain was walking through a group of children who were singing and were waving bouques of flowers over thier heads in honor of his presense . they see him as a liberator not a murderer. As long as he saves them they don't care what he does to us. They have no clue that he is the one who is oppressing them. His yang energy has completely taken over . that is why women are so oppressed . Nepoleon and Hitler were slightly different from this dictator. He is being totally controlled by his own dark ego. Power and worship is his agenda which is being controlled by fear. Hitlers agenda was building a perfect world . In his mind he thought that if he could rid the world of everything which he felt was ugly then his people could live in peace in a perfect world. Instead of controlling himself he chose to try and control everything he did not like . today he would probably be diognaosed as having compulsive obsessive disorder. He was not uncabable of love the way saddam is . Hitler loved animals and he did love eva braun. Nepolean simply had a small dick and to make up for it he had to be large in everything else . He felt the need to climb to the top of what ever he did neverminding what heads he crushed on the way there. You see these people have deep phycosyses. Most other normal dictors or heads of state simply go for the money and pleasures that that money will buy , Most don't have such deep inner demons so to speak. the people who allow such dictors to thrive have very low self esteem, they do not know how to work together so need someone to tell them what to do. they feel they need protection from the world at large and for the most part are totally afraid that they will have it even worse when they die if they do not follow the most powerful and the one that they think god has put in power, so you see it is all based in fear. FEAR FEAR FEAR on multiple levels. sounds to me like they took there clue from god . worship me fear me or else I will send you to hell . like father like son. clara
RE: TTA your must be dreaming

And you say I have it all figured out, and this coming from a person who speaks with dead people. What are you trying to say to people, join your New Age Doctrine? Doesn’t really sound like your trying to warn them, but more like becoming like you. What does it always have to be about fear that opens them up to us? And how can monitoring our thoughts defend against them? What must one do, describe it? If you seem to know the answer of repelling them and attracting them, then say so. But please refrain from using any more New Age Metaphors, it makes my stomach sick. I want to hear clear logical, reasonable explanations to this, how I know you can deliver.

That’s your weekend homework, among typing up that caffeine report for Cat

RE: TTA your must be dreaming

First of all who are you calling Goobers, Mrs. Gabble Garden?

Speeking about gardens, I am noted for growing the hottest Hobenero peppers in the neighborhood. My backyard gets full sun.

I also make the best Chilli south of the border! MILD, HOT, HOTTER OR HOTTEST and here is some spicy, hot off the farm field news for you.

Chillis are rich in vitamin C and also provide vitamin A and calcium. Capsaicin stimulates the appetite, helps to clear the lungs, improves circulation and acts as a painkiller for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Capsaicim, once ingested, causes the brain to release endorphins into the blood stream creating a natural feeling of well being. It also keeps the spooks away if you know what I mean!

Shadow do you know a good recipe for mixing Capsaicin and caffine with TNT to blow the lid and rings off any toilet!

RE: TTA your must be dreaming

who ever said I was speaking to dead people. the ones I communicate with are very well alive. there you go with the new age crap again maybe charm needs to repeat herself . Its not what you say but what you do.

good news , there is a lady here who's family owns the coca cola company. I guess she's loaded. she is building a $60,000.00 facility for the homeless animals in our area. I will be volunteering to help her. she is having a dinner for people who would like to contribute thier time or money to her cause. I'm so glad somebody is finally doing something about the animal population in this area. Now thats a good thing.

Like I said I had been implanted by some alien force . I cannot at this time say for sure if it was the greys. I did ask Jesus because I do believe he exist and he told me where to go to get it removed. I do believe it was magnetic. I also have two guides that appear in my dreams to give me informaion. I know them well and do recognize them when they come. they do tell me things that will happen in the future but I will not say they are time travelers . they simply have a better view of things. I do believe they are remote viewers. they have told me that they will help me create the future that I dream of living in but I will have to do the work they can only guide me. I do believe they guided me to the lady that is building the animal shelter. they also guided me to do organic gardening . clara
RE: TTA your must be dreaming


You could be channeling with Pee Wee Herman for all you know and he could instruct you were to find his bicycle!

Coca Cola, its not just natural canic acid its loaded with caffine! (Remember?) and your going to donate your time to a woman who is loaded up the yahoo! AND YOUR VOLUNTEERING YOUR TIME TO HELP HER! Pleeeeeeese Clara, she could give the extra bucks!

However my heart does go out to the animals in this cruel world! And if its harboring animals without euthanasia then I'm all for it!

But like I said Clara your channeling is nothing more than a kaffee klatsch!

Why don't you kick back to reality and give the channeling and gardening a rest this weekend and eat some real food like kielbasa!

RE: TTA your must be dreaming

thats german food. there is a little restarant here that has german food. kraut and weiner snitzel. I never said I was a vegitarin although a lot of my friends are.You see this women inherited all this money. she isn't the one who invented coca cola. I think its good that she take some of that money and do something good with it . they certainly aren't going to shut down the coca cola plants just cause caffeine is bad for you.they will only close when you stop drinking it . It probably wouldn't even make a dent in her money if it did close. all her money is probably tied up in the stock market.I heard tonite that the plan is to form an education base that will teach kids in school how to treat animals . I would love to volunteer for that cause I love kids as much as dogs.
RE: you must be dreaming


Is this THE Coke family? You think they MIGHT be loaded? Check the history-biography section at your local library, talk to your neighbors, what ever, find out who you are really working for. Unless I miss my guess these people have money like Gates has money, but maybe you don't know who he is either. These people could drop sixty grand at a pay phone and never miss it. Trust me this is as close as anybody will ever get to Royalty, less they be royalty themselves. Ain't you the "want to know whats going on" kid? So how come YOU don't see, at least, the irony here?

The organic garden lady meets the Queen of American Capitalism?

RE: your post #50

I'm surprised that some one who has a technical knowlege of demonology doesn't keep more distance from channeling, automatic writing ect. You better have some trustworthy human talent for backup.

As for Yates, the bubble bath lady, like she just one day "gave her power away" to the other people in her life? Right, like once that transition had occured there was something SHE could about it? I say the collection of jackasses she had around her just flat let her down. Like " we can all see how difficult it is for you to get through the next 15 minutes without your usual megadose of horse tranqulizers, but hey would it be too much trouble to ask you to handle 5 kids by yourself for a week or two?" Jackasses. The whole bunch should be in jail for criminal stupidity.

Susan Smith (kid drowner extrodenair) now that one should have got a tast of their own medicine.
RE: you must be dreaming

for your information she was born into the coca cola family. she can't help it if she's rich. You know she could be on the riveria living it up instead of here in this shit town trying to take care of the animals that humans treat like dirt . If more people with money thought of other things instead of themselves maybe they could do more for this world. I wish I had a pile of money theres a lot of things I would do for the world. Nobody knows what they will be born into but that doesn't matter. Its what you do after you get here that matters to the world. rich or poor, black , white , red or yellow who cares. the heart is what matters at this point. she may have money but its a good thing her heart is bigger than that money. clara
RE: you must be dreaming


Shadow is right clarifying that someone like you who has a technical knowledge of demonology doesn't keep more distance from channeling. And why is that Clara that you don't?

I'm not debating the fact whether this lady that's putting up the funds for the animal shelter is bad because she is connected to Coca Cola, But what I am merely pointing out is the fact that "this company" with its deep roots into American history and culture is one of the fundraising companies tied in with the Global Elite. And if I can requote your saying on one of your previous posts:

<there's only one way to stop the illuminati.

Let me clarify this Clara, When you are rich you have to donate and give some of the money away for rightoffs, donations and tax purposes. The rich and famous are noted for this as well as our wonderful government. But the fact remains that they use these rightoffs and donations to promote and cover up covert operations.

Its an endless game of power and the MARK OF THE BEAST!!! Unfortunately its the way it works. What more is there left to say?
