Viewing time before traveling

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RE: CAT-can-do dejavu

Pertaining to Dejavu maybe each dimention is not the same maybe they differ slightly from remnants of past radiation frequencies. Maybe if one were a Time Traveler that Time Travel would be in a catagory all by itself just contained in that dimention. Maybe there is a way to change the future through thought?

Thought is the most potent of any radiation because it has control over the vibratory field of electro magnetism. It operates through the heavenly ether. Thought is omnipresent. It is already there, no matter to what point you refer. It is the impingement of thought upon the electrons that causes thought to appear to move.

The correct thoughts would be to choose the door instead of going through the wall. But the ultimate thought would be to question who has made the door in the first place?

I have given psysic phenomenon a second thought. I think that it is some sort of vibrational frequency transmitter/receiver. Looking at nature for an example of this I noticed that even the lines, dots, colors, shapes, movements and timings of a spider are based on vibrational meaning. These are symbols and can be heard with the inner all knowing ear! Resonating a vibrational signature. By listening to vibrational frequencies and synching yourself to them you go beyond words, beyond meaning, to the heart of life itself!


P.S. Clara I found and interesting site for you about removing alien implants, david stone
RE: CAT-can-do dejavu

Yes cat I know all about implants and have had mine removed. the greys did a little breeding scheme on me years ago and tried to come back periodically to do more. I was aware of their presence and contacted someone to have them removed. I haven't seen the greys since then. Also do not get confused. The greys and the zeta's are not the same. I do believe they are related though. they both took different paths eons ago. clara.
RE: CAT could-ja tell me a little more?

Social call:

Could you please tell me, with reference to implants by aliens into our bodies, will they set a portable walkie talkie off, with wow and flutter, when you pass the antenna over the site of the implant?

Is there a way to tell if you've been tagged?

Secondly, I was under the impression that there were many differing stiles of Reticulans?

The Retics. that Barney and Betty Hill had contacted, were more humanlike, however arn't their differing divisions of them, such as workers, soldiers, scientist and so-on?

In other words, they breed a specific body stile, to sute that task..?

I know that there are all differing types of Grays, however does anyone have a identifier of the many stiles of Grays, or pach-en-chirals out there?

Pach= elephant-like skin, which Grays are part of.

Thankyou Cat..
RE: CAT could-ja tell me a little more?

To tell you the truth Creedo I really dont know that much about alien imlants! That Clara's department!

But I bet you have one in Gomer!

RE: Clara\' could-ja tell me a little more?

Social call:

Could you please tell me, with
reference to implants by aliens
into our bodies, will they
set a portable walkie talkie
off, with wow and flutter,
when you pass the antenna
over the site of the

Is there a way to tell
if you've been tagged?

Secondly, I was under the impression
that there were many differing
stiles of Reticulans?

The Retics. that Barney and Betty
Hill had contacted, were more
humanlike, however arn't their differing
ivisions of them, such as
workers, soldiers, scientist and so-on?

In other words, they breed a
specific body stile, to sute
that task..?

I know that there are all
differing types of Grays, however
does anyone have a identifier
of the many stiles of
Grays, or pach-en-chirals out there?

Pach= elephant-like skin, which Grays are
part of.

Thankyou Clara..
RE: CAT-can-do dejavu


>>>Maybe there is a way to change the future through thought.<<<

I think so. (hahahahahahahaheeeeehaha etc.)

Ok, so it wasn't funny, but yes it WAS funny because it isn't funny.

What do I think about thought? How do you OBSERVE your own thoughts?
If I have a thought I'm thinking not observing. And if I'm observing I'm not thinking. Does a telephone hear itself? I suspect we are back to the sound of one hand clapping. You know I still don't understand that one.

What of the "Big Empty". What if everything went away, matter, light, thought, even spirit. What would be left when nothing is left? Obviously "nothing" would be left, "nothing" would exist and it would exist for all time in all places. This means that nothing exists right now except you can't find it amidst the abundence of somethings.

What if the Big Empty was right where it is supposed to be, right at the seat of our very souls?

Call 1-800-DUST-DOCTOR. There is no telling what is living in your homes heating ducts. CALL and let us "suck your ducks today!"

Here is cautionary note to all those who seek enlightenment: Look at what it has done for me!
RE: Clara\' could-ja tell me a little more?

I don't know what the implants look like or what they may set off. they seem to be able to put these in your body without cutting you open. so there is no scar. I know of one instance where a lady had them imbeded deep in her brain. It did show up on an mri but the doctor said there was no way to do surgery on that part of her brain to remove it because it would be to dangerous. this women was from austrlia and under hypnosis recalled the alien abduction along with her two sons. I am also fimilair with the betty and barney case and the betty andresson case. believe me I have done my research. The implant that I had recieved I believe gave a signal that I was ovulating. It was on my ovorie. I do recall the instance when they came for me and it was very unpleasant. they can telepathically tell you were to go so they can pick you up. You don't even realize they are doing this. One instance I was working at a pizza hut it was about 9 or 9:30 . I started having ringing in my ears and got very dizzy. Then the feeling that I had to go home imediatly. I went home at then they came for me . they erased my memory but only partially . when I saw the cover of communion by whitley I started remembering. thank God for that man otherwise I would have never put 2 and 2 together. then I remembered the eyes. I have recently recalled some of the incident but most is to traumatic. If you have relatives in the house they will simply send them away or they will be asleep and not respond . It is hell to find this out and you do feel quit alone . but like I said once you know their there you can tell them to eat shit and die you ain't falling for there crap anymore. They use hypnosis to put crap in your head and I do believe they have a device that they insert in your ear so you will hear voices. but if you understand how the ear works you will not hear a voice that is sound but one that is vibration because they are going directly to the ear drum itself. that is how people hear voices in their head . I have often wondered how many mental hospital patients are alien abductees. scary ain't it . Well I've said enough. clara
RE: Clara\' could-ja tell me a little more?

Thank you very much Clara' this was realy very, very sweet to share this information with all of us?!

I know D.S. of Texas is one of the contacts he can help to have your implants removed.

Creedo 299
RE: CAT-can-do dejavu


Ok so you want to play rough hu? You think you have it all figured out tough guy!

Well, I had a overloading thought today at work while my boss was trying to fix my computer and explain a few things to me.

And I was thinking perhaps time realms can be likend onto a program loading onto a computer. Some programs just load straight in , while others need to creat a space on the harddrive to put files that they need to load the program, but are not part of the program and when it is finished loading it erases all the loading instructions. The hard drive is still the hard drive, but for a time the program used a sector of the hard drive and created a temporary dimension.

So its like one hard drive, many programs, loading instructions for new programs that are then erased. If there is one true dimention and infinite universe within it, does one paticular universe exist of and by itself at any given time untill it merges into a new one or is there within this one true dimension multiple universes as real alongside each other?

So lets say if one wanted to go back and change history you must first creat an alternate universe to do it.

But when you move to a new universe you are no longer in the original one which continues along its own path. The path of the old universe you bring into the new one. And when you become part of the new universe you have just created you are no longer part of the old one you just left. It just goes along with everyone else there.

RE: CAT-can-do dejavu


<<<boss trying to fix my computer and explain....>>>>

He's explaing your job to you while you're cavorting with Einstein? Pay attention lady.

Most multi paragraph questions are unintelligable but yours actually makes some sense, now let see if I can answer it half as well.

You're right in that we need room in our theory for parallel worlds. All joking aside its a chore jamming that much stuff into one space. The question is, is there one overriding dimenston that contains all the others. My latest guess is in the affimative; that overriding dimension is nothingness. This is the non-thing that can be mathmatically discribed with exacty no (mathmatical) parameters at all. For lack of a better word call it the Void.

The Viod can now be subdivided into as many cartesian coordinate systems as you like. Each system set would be a separate universe. Now you can consider that the one and only center point in each of these world-universes is home turf of a sentient being. From there on out it just a matter of filling the blanks any way they fit.


Computers (and trees) are cool models of reality. Computers in the von numan PC format ARE time machines thought they are bound in the present.
Viewing time before traveling, is the way we are doing it right now. Before we create ..we have to imagine, to see farther. So the way the world is going is because a few groups work in the same direction and with the same "view". Are not those how leads the world ?.
Anything i or you imagine it's possible to exist now or in the future, the only cuestion its, if i or you want to travel in that direction.
slightflyer (Baja, Mexico)
RE: CAT-can-do dejavu

Well thanks Shadow,

So you like my hypothesis? It is really something to think about.

Its a brain teaser! Nothing like doing a few push ups with the brain!

RE: CAT-can-do dejavu

ok If I were a light being could I exist on these other dimensions at the same time . Could my body which is made of light leave this form and travel to another form that may exist on another planet . the trick would be to put this body to sleep and then leave and travel at the speed of light with my light body and enter into another physical form. would that not make me multidimsenal. Maybe I am a time traveler and don't even know it . COOOOOOOl. could I not go get information from one body and bring it back to the other body . Presto ! I would have information nobody knew yet . Maybe this was what Einstien was doing. they did say he nodded out alot and took numerous naps during the day . If would also explain Edgar Caseys abilities. clara
RE: CAT-can-do dejavu


I just had another hair brain hypothosis.

Clara, I most certainly believe that we all have the capability for OBE's.

But consider this thought (pertaining to my post above on computer loading programs) that we cut and paste a picture from one place while still keeping it open on the computer and than pasting it else were and saving it in the computer. The original body structure of the place you went to obtain the copy of the visual picture you wanted to transfer can be viewed as the human body while moving a part of it to another space and place in time. In essense isn't that whats happening when we dream and exsperience OBE?

Now consider this, Lets say that we delete all email so that visually no body can find it in the place they would assume they could. But the computer still keeps a record of it in temperary files. Somebody else can come along and retreive your emails.

So basically what I'm trying to say is that no information is lost its just transfered elsewhere. Leaving it open for those perfessional hacking Time Travels!

The human brain has this capability especially in Creedo case of multiple personalities. He keeps a loading disc on me! Anybody know how to cancel it because its malfunctioning and wont shut down?

RE: CAT-can-do dejavu

Now you got it. that is what I have been trying to tell you about alein abduction. the experience is simply in a part of your brain that you do not know how to access. there are hidden files with all kinds of information in them. In the case of past lives ( which I'm not saying I believe in ) I wonder how the information gets transferred if our computer brains disentergrate. Maybe there is a large computer out there somewhere with all our information stored in it. when we require a new body the computer simply downloads the past information into are brains. wow! what if God is simply a computer and what would happen if somebody unplugged it . what if some higher intelligence plugged us in to the main computer and then somthing happened to them. Maybe we will be the ones to unplug it but first we would have to outsmart it. I guess what I am describing is the Matrix. clara
RE: CAT-can-do dejavu


There is such an organ in the brain! Its called the Peneal Gland. Infact it is even in the shape of an eyeball. It is hollow and lined with light sensors, similar to our eyes. Its lens is located on the top and is open to your crown. It contains all the archetypal memories.

Maybe the brain in itself is one big Time Machine?

RE: CAT-can-do dejavu

OBE’s dreams, and Time Travel. I see Clara is at it again...

Well OBE’s are not my department, but I would just like to quickly state what I dreamt of just a few moments ago. I woke up from a very troubling nightmare, and wish to speak about it.

I was in this what appeared to be shack that was like a restaurant by the beach. It was getting cloudy and I was inside ordering some food. When all of a sudden, everyone was being drawn out side, everyone ran to catch a glimpse of what was happening.

As I got my digital camera, I got there and starting shooting what was happening. The sky was purple, the clouds were taking an awkward shape, they were growing, becoming larger in length, and every time it would expand lightning would seem to charge all around this cloud.

What then happened was unbelievable. I saw an opening take place, a funnel almost, ejecting this bright white light, blinding everyone. I then saw mostly everyone on the ground by me, paralyzed, and saw this huge grayish white creature come in. His eyes glowed purple.

There were a few of these Aliens, who later morphed into human form. Who demonstrated their powers over us by killing us with our own weapons, we were about to use on them. I was given a choice though.

I was given the choice of dieing painfully, or not-painfully if I surrendered. I asked them, “Why are you doing this?” And they said, “We have been watching your kind for sometime now, we are fed up with your actions, and need to teach you a lesson.”

What appeared to look more like a trial, of 7 male aliens and one female, turn more into an execution. Killing off everyone, one by one. But not by first giving up all of our treasured possessions. “It’s evil enough to kill us for no reason, but to rob us to,” I thought.

Then came my turn, and they said what do I choose. I said, “I will take the less painful way out.” One of the more empathic looking aliens promised me that it would just feel like a convulsion at first, but that the pain would momentarily subside.

After that point, I don’t remember how I died, I just felt like passing out. And when I came to and opened my eyes, and saw that I was still alive, I was thinking that maybe they can’t hurt me. So I thought about surprising them with an attack. Well so I thought I was alive. I was just a spirit. Unable to do them any more damage.

And then the phone rang and I woke up confused.
The End… Weird no? Well I gotta go, tell me what you think.

RE: CAT-can-do dejavu

And you think Me talking to the space brothers is dangerous. Maybe this will be your future that you are dreaming of. Maybe if you don't change your frequency this will be what will happen . who knows just a suggestion. sorry I probably should'nt scare you like that . Oh its probably just a nitemare because you are afraid and your brain is trying to make some sence and order out of your fear. clara
RE: CAT-can-do dejavu

It was a dream Clara, don’t compare me with what your doing. You do so intentionally and welcome their presence. You know, that the TTA does not.

<<sorry I probably should'nt scare you like that>>

Your concern is noted, however I do not scare easily. Unless it’s something personal someone I am close to has done to me.

<<Oh its probably just a nitemare because you are afraid and your brain is trying to make some sence and order out of your fear.>>

Maybe… Or maybe I dreamt that it’s futile to stand in the way of your Alien friends plan for humanity. But still, that’s not going to make me stand down
