Re: the \"twist\"
According to my records, Zeshua made mention of “the twist†on a total of 12 occasions. Here are those references, not necessarily in the order originally given):
Q. "Will there be a war/civil war in the future?"
S. The Civil War, its not what you think it will be, its not started by anything you might think. No its not Yellowstone erupting.... The Civil War, which is more of a Global Civil War, is the same all over the globe. It is truly a David versus Goliath scenario and this is one thing JT never said, this is a worldwide phenomenon. It just happens to be Focused on the United States. You will feel as though you've just been through a movie in which the last 5 minutes changed the entire first 2 hours of the movie, the Twist, as it were, which Cannot be guessed (we are sure, you have Tried, every single time), and cannot be revealed, is very "Unexpected". Once the initial panic is over, the confusion sets in, this is the time Big Brother steps in and you no longer have that cushy 100% freedom you treasure so Dearly. Well, get Used to it.
S. I Might also make the suggestion you study the JT Prophecies and how they fit in with what Malachy had said. Disbelief and Misinformation comes in the form of being "Vague" but to a "Point". For Example, to answer your question about Arafat and The Pope. Perhaps this Analogy would work best. Imagine if you will all of these large domino's being setup, all over the world. Interlinking countries, Dictators, Rulers, Presidents, Leaders. Arafat, Terri Schiavo, The Pope, are exactly like this, stand them up carefully and watch them all fall in succession. I Might add, the thing about Domino's is, you find it almost impossible to stop them once the chain reaction of events has started. All it needs is One Catalyst, One starting point, something to set it off. Or what I refer to as "The Twist".
Q. What's "the twist"? Is it religious, political, psychological, archaeological, or astronomical?
S. No, no, it is psychological in basis, no, no.
Q. Re: ["The twist"] is psychological in basis.... > Oh. Oh my. I do hope we can discuss that a bit more. > My research into the binary soul doctrine convinced me long ago that the prophesied "Judgment Day" scenario would primarily be and result in a psychological transformation and reorientation of the human species. Perhaps of a magnitude similar to that described by Julian Jaynes in his seminal book "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind".
S. Of The Ultimate Magnitude. It is psychological in nature, and thus, unavoidable unless the society at a whole were capable of change. Which I assure you it is, it only takes one major setback before people are willing to Wake Up.
S. Please keep in mind, there is only one timeline, it is in constant flux. John Titor never mentioned the Twist that will leave many in the world shocked. John Titor also spoke of a Nuclear War, however he left out a lot of details and left open to interpretation many of the exact same details I would be required to leave open.
S. I know that nobody has guessed the twist because its one of the questions I have repeated and kept track of, the counter is still set at Zero and will be raised to 1 if someone emails me and knows the specific event I am referring to.
Q. Does Nostradamus discuss the Telluride Occurrence or the Twist? If so, where?
S. Here is one interpretation of a Nostradamus Quatraine. As you know, Nostradamus wrote in French so these are Translations/Interpretations.
"For seven days the great star will burn, The cloud shall make two suns to appear: The big mastiff will howl all night When the great pontiff changes country."
Q. You say that after the Twist, people will wonder greatly about our world, and will not see it the same way again. And you say that this evil person who acquires control over the collective unconscious will be a master of illusion who can alter our perception of reality. Are they related? Does this evil person directly cause the Twist?
S. Yes, they are related. Purposefully, Intently, Indirectly!
Q. Is the Twist the awaking of mankind's collective unconscious? Or does the awaking of the collective unconscious cause the Twist?
S. No, but wouldn't that have been a wonderful outcome. We didn't wake up until After we "Got It".
Q. You speak of a computer virus sweeping the globe in 24 hours. Is this related to the "Telluride
Occurrence"? Is this related to the "Twist"?
S. I Cannot answer this question.
Q. Is this the correct cause-and-effect sequence of events : the "Twist" comes first, which triggers the economic collapse, which triggers social chaos, which triggers the war ?
S. Good Question. More like in Reverse my friend. The War, triggers Social Chaos, which affects World Trade, which causes Economic Collapse and brings about the Twist in which you realize All that has been going on was but the Tip of the Iceberg. Are you familiar with this term? This is among the reasons why it cannot be guessed. It will have already occurred, Its existence in public form will be delayed.
S. The Crisis is the Catalyst, it is what leads up to the events. Certain chain reactions of events already set
into place. Even stopping one cannot stop the whole set of events which are cascading. The Twist, merely the point in which the General Public realizes they had been living with this set of circumstances, All Along.
Here is my own personal interpretation of those statements:
The Twist cannot be guessed, and Titor did not mention it. It is not a religious, political, archaeological, or astronomical event. It occurs during a chain reaction of world events that cascade one after another. The Twist comes at the end of a specific sequence : war triggers social chaos, which affects world trade, which causes economic collapse, and that brings about the Twist. However, although the Twist comes in the middle of a chain reaction of events, it itself is also a catalyst that sets off another chain of events all over the world, including and affecting interlinking countries, dictators, rulers, presidents, and leaders.
The Twist will leave the world shocked. The Twist is primarily psychological, and produces psychological changes of great magnitude in our culture. The Twist is a public realization or revelation about conditions or situations that have already occurred. When the Twist arrives, society will realize that all that has been going on was but the Tip of the Iceberg. The Twist is “merelyâ€the point in which the General Public realizes we have been living with this set of circumstances, all along. After the Twist, people wonder greatly about our world, and will never see it the same way again. This Twist will cause our culture to re-evaluate and revise our previous views on history. It will initially cause panic, and then confusion, and then a Big Brother police state takes over. The Twist is related to Titor’s Civil War, since Sara initially mentioned it in response to a question about the war.
One Nostradamus quatrain seems to describe the Twist :
"For seven days the great star will burn,
The cloud shall make two suns to appear:
The big mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changes country."
The Entertainer who acquires control over the collective unconscious is purposefully and intently related to the Twist, but is not directly related to it.
Now, regarding the bit about
"it occurs during a chain reaction of social and political events that cascade one after another. The Twist comes at the end of a specific sequence : war triggers social chaos, which affects world trade, which causes economic collapse, and that brings about the Twist. The Twist occurs after, and as a direct consequence of, the economic collapse †,
War seems to start the event sequence that leads to the twist, but I don’t think this is either the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, because Zeshua uses the word “cascadeâ€, which I take to mean “in rapid successionâ€, as if the time between the start of the war and the arrival of the Twist is not very long at all. I find myself wondering if that war is the same “Middle East War†she has warned about starting before the end of this year, and if the expected Israeli attack on Iran is what will start this whole ball rolling."