This is a perfect example of your insistence upon trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, Peter:
In reaction to my question: "What's "general" about predicting in April 2005 that the next big event for the US would be a crisis that could be seen in the skies? (Katrina)", Rainman sloppily retorted: "these were NOT Zeshua's predictions. Rather, they were YOUR predictions based on YOUR decoding of what YOU thought she was trying to say."
Wrong. See page three of this same thread, at where Ren asks Zeshua "What major event happens in the next 5 years (from March 1st 2005)?" and Zeshua replies "The next major event for the United States in your upcoming time is a Crisis, look to the skies and you might find the answer you seek."
The simple facts prove you are the one who is wrong, Peter:
1) Zeshua
never predicted Katrina. That is
your work and you
insist upon foisting it upon everyone each time you bring up this vague statement of Zeshua's.
2) Zeshua
never even predicted a hurricane.
3) A hurricane does not "come from the skies" it "comes from the ocean". This has been pointed out before, and you have continued to ignore it.
4) The crisis that caused problems in New Orleans came from the seas also, as it was the levee breach that flooded the city.
All of this shows that it
was not Zeshua who predicted anything, but rather
you who post-facto interpreted the words of Zeshua to fit her nebulous words.
And you are quite a fool for continuing this sham, Peter. But I shall continue:
Sure. No prob. See this same thread, at When Zeshua was asked "Will there be a war/civil war in the future?", she replied : "The Civil War, its not what you think it will be, its not started by anything you might think. No its not Yellowstone erupting (I Love you yellies), although that hasn't happened yet."
More of your bad intepretations. This is not a prediction that Yellowstone did not blow, but rather that Yellowstone blowing was not the cause of the civil war. Furthermore, you will wish to claim that because Zeshua (a fictitious figure from a fictitious future) said "that hasn't happened yet" that you can somehow say she "got a hit" because it hasn't blown by now! Using your own (weak) rules, Peter, wouldn't you have to wait until 2026 to determine if Zeshua had a "hit"? Answer: yes. yes you would. If Yellowstone blows its top ANY TIME before 2026, that proves Zeshua wrong... as much as I know you would never admit it. That is pure logic.
You see, this is the willy-nilly nature of how
you, Peter Novak, insist upon making Zeshua "correct". You use any weak opportunity and just ignore logical analysis that proves you are incorrect. By doing this, do you really think that sane people take you seriously? If so, you had better get checked out yourself.