To All! The TRUTH about JT from 2026!

Zooha's predictions are as general as they can get. Anyone can make those kind of predictions.

What's "general" about predicting in 2005 that a worldwide financial collapse would arrive in 2007 and last until 2011? (

What's "general" about predicting in March 2005 that the Pope would die on April 3rd 2005?

What's "general" about predicting in April 2005 that the next big event for the US would be a crisis that could be seen in the skies? (Katrina)

What's "general" about successfully guessing in advance how many numbers Nitescott would post in his test?

What's "general" about predicting in 2005 that Yellowstone absolutely would not blow up, even though hundreds of articles in 2005, 2008, and 2009 were published by well-educated people warning that it might be about to?

While any of these successful predictions might be individually debated, the collective gestalt of her many successes are hard to ignore. Time after time after time, her words have come true. And not a single one of her predictions has been decisively shown to fail.
How many times must your erroneous and misleading statements be corrected, Peter?

What's "general" about predicting in 2005 that a worldwide financial collapse would arrive in 2007 and last until 2011? (

What's "general" about predicting in March 2005 that the Pope would die on April 3rd 2005?

What's "general" about predicting in April 2005 that the next big event for the US would be a crisis that could be seen in the skies? (Katrina)

As you have been told before (ad nauseum), these were NOT Zeshua's predictions. Rather, they were YOUR predictions based on YOUR decoding of what YOU thought she was trying to say. And you will, no doubt, come back with your standard answer "Zeshua told me in PM that I got it right", to which you will be the recipient of another middle finger oriented in your direction.

What's "general" about successfully guessing in advance how many numbers Nitescott would post in his test?

So this looks to be a new one you are parading around. All I know about this one is it did not happen here and therefore it was not likely in "open forum"...hence, suspicious.

What's "general" about predicting in 2005 that Yellowstone absolutely would not blow up, even though hundreds of articles in 2005, 2008, and 2009 were published by well-educated people warning that it might be about to?

Please quote what direct words from Zeshua (posted in an open forum) that you believe makes this prediction. And while you handle that, I've got a "prediction" for you: You will not die from food poisoning. Won't you be amazed on your deathbed that I predicted how you would NOT die? (I hope you get the point)

While any of these successful predictions might be individually debated, the collective gestalt of her many successes are hard to ignore.

Watch me ignore...both you AND Zeshua!

Time after time after time, her words have come true.

Your words, as an interpretation of her words within the context of the present. Big diff.

And not a single one of her predictions has been decisively shown to fail.

You really don't want me to do this, do you? You should know by now that I "keep files" around here with ammunition should the time arise that said data can be used. I can easily find a Zeshua prediction (NOT a Peter-interpretation-of-alleged-Zeshua-prediction) that DID fail. Just say the word.

Prediction #1 of Zeshua's to fail:

There Will be Waco type events, there will be a
continuation of what you now only sense as small

FAILED. No Waco-type events.

<font color="blue"> NOTE: It should be noted that I reserve the exact same tactics applied by Peter to "determine what Zeshua was predicting" for my own determination of which of her "predictions" have failed. What is good for the goose... [/COLOR]

Over 200 threads and thousands of
correspondence stretching from February 22nd 2005-March
1st 2009.

This sets a coming end date for when ANY of Zeshus's "predictions" could be considered prescient. In other words, if it ain't happened within the next few weeks...sorry, she gets no credit!

Mt St Helens blew her cap again,
bigger than the last but nothing that really concerned

FAILED...unless it happens in the coming 2 weeks...

There shall be more... if Peter really wants it.


There's a ray of bright sunshine coming down the old time tube, my friend. In two weeks we'll receive the last, final and forever and ever Amen missive from Zeshua. Way back when, in 2005 good old Zesh said that the last message was sent on 1-MAR-2009, the experiment was over and the project shut down.

Hip-hip, hurrah! Hip-hip, Hurah! Hip-hip, Hurrah!!

And think. Can you believe it - Zeshua never did answer my question about her Ludwug "Lorenz" faux pas? Oh, swollen.

Peter asked: "What's "general" about predicting in 2005 that Yellowstone absolutely would not blow up, even though hundreds of articles in 2005, 2008, and 2009 were published by well-educated people warning that it might be about to?"

Rainman replied: "Please quote what direct words from Zeshua (posted in an open forum) that you believe makes this prediction."

Sure. No prob. See this same thread, at;Board=time_travel&amp;Number=31064&amp;Forum=All_Forums&amp;Words=Zeshua&amp;Match=Username&amp;Searchpage=1&amp;Limit=25&amp;Old=allposts&amp;Main=31064&amp;Search=true#Post31064 When Zeshua was asked "Will there be a war/civil war in the future?", she replied : "The Civil War, its not what you think it will be, its not started by anything you might think. No its not Yellowstone erupting (I Love you yellies), although that hasn't happened yet."

In reaction to my question: "What's "general" about predicting in April 2005 that the next big event for the US would be a crisis that could be seen in the skies? (Katrina)", Rainman sloppily retorted: "these were NOT Zeshua's predictions. Rather, they were YOUR predictions based on YOUR decoding of what YOU thought she was trying to say."

Wrong. See page three of this same thread, at;Board=time_travel&amp;Number=31446&amp;Forum=All_Forums&amp;Words=Zeshua&amp;Match=Username&amp;Searchpage=1&amp;Limit=25&amp;Old=allposts&amp;Main=31064&amp;Search=true#Post31446 where Ren asks Zeshua "What major event happens in the next 5 years (from March 1st 2005)?" and Zeshua replies "The next major event for the United States in your upcoming time is a Crisis, look to the skies and you might find the answer you seek."
In reply to my question "What's "general" about successfully guessing in advance how many numbers Nitescott would post in his test?, Rainman wrote :

So this looks to be a new one you are parading around. All I know about this one is it did not happen here and therefore it was not likely in "open forum"...hence, suspicious.

Wrong again. It did happen here, in this very thread. Obviously you aren't even bothering to read the stuff you are attempting to debunk. This was in Zeshua's 13th post at this forum, and her fifth post in this thread. Nitescott proposed a test of her abilities and she accepted. He prepared a secret set of numbers that he was going to post, and challenged her to post them here a day before he did.

She then posted a set of 12 lines of encrypted code, at;Board=time_travel&amp;Number=31446&amp;Forum=All_Forums&amp;Words=Zeshua&amp;Match=Username&amp;Searchpage=1&amp;Limit=25&amp;Old=allposts&amp;Main=31064&amp;Search=true#Post31446

A day or so later, Nitescott posted his prepared list of numbers at the same thread. Everyone thought the test was a failure because Zeshua's list was encoded, and we all forgot about it. But eventually, someone noticed that Zeshua's list of encoded test was exactly 12 lines long, and Nitescott's list of numbers was also exactly 12 numbers long. So either you have to accuse Nitescott of being part of a hoax, or you have to give Zeshua credit for coming up with the same number of answers in Nitescott's test.
Prediction #1 of Zeshua's to fail:
There Will be Waco type events, there will be a
continuation of what you now only sense as small

FAILED. No Waco-type events.

Mt St Helens blew her cap again,
bigger than the last but nothing that really concerned

FAILED...unless it happens in the coming 2 weeks...

She set no time limit on either of those predictions, saying only that these things happened sometime between 2005 - 2026.
Does Zeshua will appear in last than a week as usual?

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
This is a perfect example of your insistence upon trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, Peter:

In reaction to my question: "What's "general" about predicting in April 2005 that the next big event for the US would be a crisis that could be seen in the skies? (Katrina)", Rainman sloppily retorted: "these were NOT Zeshua's predictions. Rather, they were YOUR predictions based on YOUR decoding of what YOU thought she was trying to say."

Wrong. See page three of this same thread, at;Board=time_travel&amp;Number=31446&amp;Forum=All_Forums&amp;Words=Zeshua&amp;Match=Username&amp;Searchpage=1&amp;Limit=25&amp;Old=allposts&amp;Main=31064&amp;Search=true#Post31446 where Ren asks Zeshua "What major event happens in the next 5 years (from March 1st 2005)?" and Zeshua replies "The next major event for the United States in your upcoming time is a Crisis, look to the skies and you might find the answer you seek."

The simple facts prove you are the one who is wrong, Peter:

1) Zeshua never predicted Katrina. That is your work and you insist upon foisting it upon everyone each time you bring up this vague statement of Zeshua's.
2) Zeshua never even predicted a hurricane.
3) A hurricane does not "come from the skies" it "comes from the ocean". This has been pointed out before, and you have continued to ignore it.
4) The crisis that caused problems in New Orleans came from the seas also, as it was the levee breach that flooded the city.

All of this shows that it was not Zeshua who predicted anything, but rather you who post-facto interpreted the words of Zeshua to fit her nebulous words.

And you are quite a fool for continuing this sham, Peter. But I shall continue:

Sure. No prob. See this same thread, at;Board=time_travel&amp;Number=31064&amp;Forum=All_Forums&amp;Words=Zeshua&amp;Match=Username&amp;Searchpage=1&amp;Limit=25&amp;Old=allposts&amp;Main=31064&amp;Search=true#Post31064 When Zeshua was asked "Will there be a war/civil war in the future?", she replied : "The Civil War, its not what you think it will be, its not started by anything you might think. No its not Yellowstone erupting (I Love you yellies), although that hasn't happened yet."

More of your bad intepretations. This is not a prediction that Yellowstone did not blow, but rather that Yellowstone blowing was not the cause of the civil war. Furthermore, you will wish to claim that because Zeshua (a fictitious figure from a fictitious future) said "that hasn't happened yet" that you can somehow say she "got a hit" because it hasn't blown by now! Using your own (weak) rules, Peter, wouldn't you have to wait until 2026 to determine if Zeshua had a "hit"? Answer: yes. yes you would. If Yellowstone blows its top ANY TIME before 2026, that proves Zeshua wrong... as much as I know you would never admit it. That is pure logic.

You see, this is the willy-nilly nature of how you, Peter Novak, insist upon making Zeshua "correct". You use any weak opportunity and just ignore logical analysis that proves you are incorrect. By doing this, do you really think that sane people take you seriously? If so, you had better get checked out yourself.

Wrong again. It did happen here, in this very thread.

Well, that is the first thing I will readily admit to being wrong about... that it did not happen here in open forum. But as for:

This was in Zeshua's 13th post at this forum, and her fifth post in this thread. Nitescott proposed a test of her abilities and she accepted. He prepared a secret set of numbers that he was going to post, and challenged her to post them here a day before he did.

She then posted a set of 12 lines of encrypted code, at;Board=time_travel&amp;Number=31446&amp;Forum=All_Forums&amp;Words=Zeshua&amp;Match=Username&amp;Searchpage=1&amp;Limit=25&amp;Old=allposts&amp;Main=31064&amp;Search=true#Post31446

A day or so later, Nitescott posted his prepared list of numbers at the same thread. Everyone thought the test was a failure because Zeshua's list was encoded, and we all forgot about it. But eventually, someone noticed that Zeshua's list of encoded test was exactly 12 lines long, and Nitescott's list of numbers was also exactly 12 numbers long. So either you have to accuse Nitescott of being part of a hoax, or you have to give Zeshua credit for coming up with the same number of answers in Nitescott's test.

This is confirmation bias at its "finest" (worst). You seem to think that because you were able to figure out that there were (apparantly) 12 lines left in Zeshua's "code" that this is a "hit" because nitescott had 12 numbers. Here is a simple question that will show you are the one who is mistaken by making this square peg fit a round hole:

<font color="blue"> QUESTION: How do you know, for certain, that each line represents a single number rather than another interpretation which might say that each grouping of lines could represent a single number?[/COLOR]

You counted 12 numbers from nitescott, and the best way you could "force fit it" was to recognize that there were 12 lines (allegedly...if you ignore the whitespace lines) in Zeshua's "answer". Ask any scientist whatsoever if they would accept your "force fit".... Go ahead. We can wait.

In the mean time, you have not proven anything close to a Zeshua "hit".

Want some more failures of Zeshua (in direct contrast to the following overstatement from Peter)?

Time after time after time, her words have come true. And not a single one of her predictions has been decisively shown to fail.

Then just check out this post:;Board=time_travel&amp;Number=32399&amp;page=&amp;view=&amp;sb=&amp;o=&amp;vc=1

Now, I am sure we will witness while Peter does his "shoehorn" tactic and will find some obscure "evidence" that he can contort into "proving Zeshua correct." But for some of these, I would actually be entertained to see what he comes up with:

The Following are all events that will shortly come to pass. In your immediate futures. I will not give dates for these events, and although these may seem rather generic statements I assure you they are founded in reality based on fact. In the small chance that the posting of this information changes the outcome of the events, I see no way in which the events depicted would unfold "That much" differently than in my history.

<font color="red">- A Pre-emptive strike occurs between two war bound countries in Europe/Asia.
- 2 Federal buildings are completely destroyed.
- A Sudden outbreak of influenza.[/COLOR]
- The Patriot Act ends up in court, its powers used to spy on civilians "For their own good"
- A 3rd becomes next.
- A Massive Financial meltdown that puts the Euro as the preferred Global Currency. Repercussions abound to the almighty US Dollar.
- A New form of computer virus programmed by a small team of individuals sweeps the globe within 24 hours.
<font color="red">- The Telluride Occurrence[/COLOR]

Emphasis mine. First, I would find it hard to believe that with this being written in 2005 that "immediate future" has not already come to pass by 2009.... but I am sure Peter will claim there is still time for Zeshua to be right. So for the sake of brevity, Peter, could you please give me evidence for the ones I have turned red above?

Re: Question...

On 3/8/2005, Zeshua wrote:
J K Jizzle asked:

Is there some time of catastrophic event that takes place?

Zeshua responded:
This event, which I have stated as Not being the Yellowstone Eruption which is talked about for several years, is not so much catastrophic as it is cataclysmic. The catalyst is in place, the powers that be are warming up. With the albeit slow decline of Western Civilizations' most valued currency, many countries hang in the balance, words like "Recession" and "Inflation" take on a whole new meaning. It is truly a Global Economy.

What's that you say, Zeshua? In 2005 you predicted the coming of a catastrophic or cataclysmic event that has to do with US currency, recession, inflation, and the global economy?
Re: Question...

So in other words, Peter, you are going to simply harp on the one "prediction" you believe she got right, and completely ignore the ones that have proven her wrong?

That is the game you want to play? Then all I ask is you take back your absolutist statement above.
Re: Question...

What's that you say, Zeshua? In 2005 you predicted the coming of a catastrophic or cataclysmic event that has to do with US currency, recession, inflation, and the global economy?

pete, keep in mind that she also said this in a tone that makes it sound far worse than the reality of it actually was. too bad she didnt predict: "a gigantic stimulus package would drastically change that scenario in a few years, so dont worry about it too much."

drop zeshua man... im surprised you arent in love with hdrkid by now.
zeshua said all that look to the skies crap about 2 days after katrina, I'm sure she'll be back any time now and "predict" some economic meltdown. freakin genius
zeshua said all that look to the skies crap about 2 days after katrina, I'm sure she'll be back any time now and "predict" some economic meltdown. freakin genius

Nope, that's HDR's bag. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

In reply to:
Hello Zesusha,
I have an Idea to test and prove as to whether you are for real or not.
It is simple.
Next Wednesday the 9th of March 2005 I will post a some random numbers on this forum.
All you have to do is post those numbers before I do. Just copy and paste them onto this
forum today, right now, right here. I will do this on the 9th of March 2005. (Note where I come from being Australia and my time zone)
These numbers will be generated in an excel programme just seconds prior to the post. I
don't know how many numbers or how many decimal points of any number that I'll post. But I
assure you I will do it.
If you post any numbers at all I promise I will not just copy and post them on that date.

So, let us just wait and see if this works.
I hope that it does, but I won’t be surprised if you back down from this test. That will
mean that this is just another pile of bull from another wantabe who would be a good script
writer for star trek

Let’s wait and see.

Nite Scott.

Provided below is the solution to this problem, although the solution has been altered, via
b9.v2-(a)Encryption. I thought you would like to know, on a side note as it were, this answers your test but also proves that your test does not have a definitive answer. This solution works, but in no means is this a finite answer. This has been discussed before and in due time may be
brought up again.

Ev°N`¥C/œaRÜøL,Pßz $W
‡¸29¥©úÄ4ê;Y Û¾/œ óìRªÎÿZ¥·7±D¹7_þ–$O

)¢ Q¥·Î²sۆ žå™Q²sûîZS»zc…ñ³”¥»Ïƒ¾}92&gt;‚Q0ìœ!¿y_Åë¢3*ó\ sκ+/äJøÛ—UËœ

²«yjQâüÒ¢KúIözÄ¥‘,?˜. c£ÕµƒësÎa~w&gt;íÃá
ZÛ#‘Œ5Î#ÝXzWÄVåó¿!N~›Ã:4˜¯ 2ì%ºˆÏý

ªóÃsÒ8 Ø&gt;¾µâq&amp;,RG¥Ê«¥ÈÀúÄ„?5•Ú2;½$"v

קT¡¥hßó`¯ î|sÝÐ5&amp;›‘ª~Å“ ée[yY&lt;Ž?γY‡DÃŽnÞ‡õ*"M
r°¨[ š†o1J¾ZÚLXÅž¤

-Also noted, the process of Encryption on this algorithm would impress me in a personal
nature if there is an individual capable of deciphering. I will be in no dire pressing need
to disengaged the real-time lock. I would expect to be present here for the next several
months, following along as it were.

Here's another "hit" for Zeshua : her answer contained exactly 12 lines.

Scott's challenge also contained exactly 12 lines, but she couldn't have known that when she posted her answer.