To All! The TRUTH about JT from 2026!


Well, I guess I was harsh, but I am not really. So go ahead and post, I guess. Makes no difference to me!

5 * (1 - 0.24219) = 3.78905 mean solar days added, but 5 by the calendar for leap year. Still just thinking about that, I guess. Although there are also other type of days also. Mean Helocentric Sun whatever and all of that also.

But hey, perhaps, we will be here for 2012 and hitting the 0,0 point of the Galaxy!

I am an idiot, and I am not getting there with my math!

Hoy, Yi, Yoy!

5 * (0.24219 / 0.25) == 4.8438 mean solar leap days added!
Rounded up to 5, but still there is only 23 hr. 59 min. 55.8139 (56) seconds in a day anyway!
Well, not sure about the 55.8139, but it is not quite 56 seconds either!
Travel long enough and another correction would be needed. Well, back the astronomical formulae book, if I can find it!

Other things to do, goodday!

Hello Zeshua,

I am just now reading your posts and I would like to exchange some conversations if you are still available. I was not here when John Titor was posting back in 2000-2001, but I wish I had been, because there are many things I would have liked to ask him. As for his predictions, I follow them closely and so far, I have not really found any discrepancies in what is happening in our world today.

You said:

"The Civil War, which is more of a Global Civil War, is the same all over the globe. It is truly a David versus Goliath scenario and this is one thing JT never said, this is a worldwide phenomenon. It just happens to be Focused on the United States. You will feel as though
you've just been through a movie in which the last 5 minutes changed the entire first 2 hours of the movie, the Twist, as it were, which Cannot be guessed (we are sure, you have Tried, every single time), and cannot be revealed, is very 'Unexpected'."

MY FIRST QUESTION: Would this Twist be that Marshall Law in the US is declared because of a nuclear war, and from that point on, no more elections will take place and the government takes full control of the people?

Hope to hear back from you...meantime I am reading the rest of your posts.

Sincerely, Amanda
Re: Question...

Amanda wrote:

Would this Twist be that Marshall Law in the US is declared because of a nuclear war, and from that point on, no more elections will take place...

Titor did say the following:

The President or "leader" in 2005 I believe tried desperately to be the next Lincoln and hold the country together but many of their policies drove a larger wedge into the Bill of Rights. The President in 2009 was interested only in keeping his/her power base.

To me that implies their was an election in 2008. Note I used the word implies. He did not actually say their was an election in 2008 to elect the next president.

Titor also said:

There’s not a great deal I know about Canada except to say they were pretty much in the same type of conflict.

So it was not just the USA. Only North America? Who knows.
Re: Question...

J K Jizzle,

Elaborate. Is there some time of catastrophic event that takes place? Famine,
plagues, locusts, a war? Oh wait... of course! It's the civil war Titor spoke of! Correct?

In 2005 we are in the middle of a War right now, is that not an accurate statement? As
nobody has answered my previous question, It hardly seems justified to propose a new one.
The War the U.S. is currently involved in, what makes you think the end is in sight or
those troops are coming home?

This event, which I have stated as Not being the Yellowstone Eruption which is talked about
for several years, is not so much catastrophic as it is cataclysmic. The catalyst is in
place, the powers that be are warming up. With the albeit slow decline of Western
Civilizations' most valued currency, many countries hang in the balance, words like
"Recession" and "Inflation" take on a whole new meaning. It is truly a Global Economy.

This "Unexpected" occurrence I speak of, will take everyone by surprise. I would be
unlikely to ever elaborate on this, and although it has been guessed at many many times,
nobody is ever even close. When it happens, and it will, your lives will be indelibly
altered and permanently changed as mine has now become.
I would also like to state, for the record, this is not the end of the world, life goes on,
we are still surviving and getting by. Patience and Cautiousness are now the words of the

I'm a Junior as well. I've been on the 4 year plan for 6 years. Have you mentioned
to us what your major is? I'm assuming an area in the field of science? What university?
And this "proxy tunneling" experiment is being done under the university? Is your
government involved or aware of this?

My Major is currently in QIT as it applies to the CRL I work at part time. The work is
still cutting edge and is the basis of all higher level computing resources available at
this time. The Bridge, or as you refer to it here "proxy tunneling" is not currently being
conducted by the University and is solely an off campus experiment that now I alone am
participating in. My Government, as I am a Citizen of the U.S. but currently out of
country, my Government is more than likely not aware of my specific involvement in this
experiment. However, as I have stated previously, the degree of alteration for the
timeline can be sequenced and determined, then using somewhat simple routines and
triangulation there is no doubt large enough disruptions in the timeline (Referred to as
Time Quakes after a 20th Century author), can be detected and pinpointed.


A proxy talks ordinary TCP/IP. If you can post to a proxy, you can post direct to
TTI with your real IP.
Zeshua, Set up a webcam, don't use an anonymous proxy, arrange to connect to a 3rd party
wifi network so we can see you logon, and show us the headlines from newspapers. The more
you show us, the easier it will be to believe your story.
The thing about text files is anyone can make them. You don't even need to be old enough to
have a credit card to pull of this hoax. Anyone doing university level experiments with
this would know they have to give something more credible than a text file posted via
anonymous proxy.

I would like to take a moment to explain why many things are not possible with this new
emerging technology. Imagine if you will, a world without time, a specific space/time
coordinate system that can essentially "See" a specific moment in space-time, an Echo if
you will. Now imagine trying to interact with a world that is Paused at one exact moment
in time. Measurements can be taken, but no real interaction can occur unless you take into
account the next Moment in time. The Use of a proxy, is to receive information, queue it

up at its own pace in its own time, and to transmit that information. As of this moment it

is as close to near real-time as possible, and keystrokes can be transmitted as if in
real-time. The proxy is still an integral part of this system and cannot be taken out of
the equation as far as I have been able to surmise.

I had forgotten about that file, that was actually part of a message to myself, sent
several months ago, before the team broke up and luckily before the disruption in the
timeline lead to my arrest. I was not arrested mind you, but apparently came very close.

The more I show you the harder it will be for the majority to remain in disbelief. So long
as most individuals remain in this constant state of disbelief then almost no alteration of
the timeline can be recorded. This is a good thing from my point a view. I do believe
however it is possible to get the word out without compromising the timeline and causing a
Time Quake, although it may take a little engenuity.


so, to Zesh (the nick Darby has used),

You say you'll answer our questions, well here are a few.

What major even happens in the next 5 years (from March 1st 2005)?
Do any major celebrities/politicians, basically tell us who is famous and dies? Don't tell
us nobody dies cuz people die all the time, someone famous is sure to kick the bucket
within the next 5 years.

Really dude, whats your purpose if you are as you say you are, What are you trying to
accomplish by posting on these boards?

The next major event for the United States in your upcoming time is a Crisis, look to the
skies and you might find the answer you seek. As far as who dies, I have already answered

Ren, what is your Purpose on these boards? Per our previous conversations ~2008/2009 you
seem to have this fallacy that an answer you are looking for can be found on these boards.
I am here to tell you, "The Answer is un-important, to Question is the Answer."


Hello Zeshua,

I am just now reading your posts and I would like to exchange some conversations if you are
still available. I was not here when John Titor was posting back in 2000-2001, but I wish I
had been, because there are many things I would have liked to ask him. As for his
predictions, I follow them closely and so far, I have not really found any discrepancies in
what is happening in our world today.
Please do not ask me about JT, I am just as curious as you are. I now have my own personal
beliefs about who perpetrated the story and how it was done, what's more important I have

my own personal beliefs on Why it was done. Is that not the question you should be asking?

Continue following the predictions, I make guarantee a certain number of them are flat
wrong, but also several of them can be interpreted in a manor which suggests a possible
knowledge of future events were known by this individual who claimed to be John Titor.

You said:

"The Civil War, which is more of a Global Civil War, is the same all over the globe. It is
truly a David versus Goliath scenario and this is one thing JT never said, this is a
worldwide phenomenon. It just happens to be Focused on the United States. You will feel as
though you've just been through a movie in which the last 5 minutes changed the entire

first 2 hours of the movie, the Twist, as it were, which Cannot be guessed (we are sure,

you have Tried, every single time), and cannot be revealed, is very 'Unexpected'."

MY FIRST QUESTION: Would this Twist be that Marshall Law in the US is declared because of a
nuclear war, and from that point on, no more elections will take place and the government
takes full control of the people?
Hope to hear back from you...meantime I am reading the rest of your posts.

Marshall Law is not legally declared in the US. Elections have continued to take place,
although some have been sped up to a point many of us thought was almost ludicrous. In
some cases an individual post had been filled by means of special elections within less
than 2 months.

Hello Zesusha,
I have an Idea to test and prove as to whether you are for real or not.
It is simple.
Next Wednesday the 9th of March 2005 I will post a some random numbers on this forum.
All you have to do is post those numbers before I do. Just copy and paste them onto this
forum today, right now, right here. I will do this on the 9th of March 2005. (Note where I come from being Australia and my time zone)
These numbers will be generated in an excel programme just seconds prior to the post. I
don't know how many numbers or how many decimal points of any number that I'll post. But I
assure you I will do it.
If you post any numbers at all I promise I will not just copy and post them on that date.

So, let us just wait and see if this works.
I hope that it does, but I won’t be surprised if you back down from this test. That will
mean that this is just another pile of bull from another wantabe who would be a good script
writer for star trek

Let’s wait and see.

Nite Scott.

Provided below is the solution to this problem, although the solution has been altered, via
b9.v2-(a)Encryption. I thought you would like to know, on a side note as it were, this answers your test but also proves that your test does not have a definitive answer. This solution works, but in no means is this a finite answer. This has been discussed before and in due time may be
brought up again.

Ev°N`¥C/œaRÜøL,Pßz $W
‡¸29¥©úÄ4ê;Y Û¾/œ óìRªÎÿZ¥·7±D¹7_þ–$O

)¢ Q¥·Î²sۆ žå™Q²sûîZS»zc…ñ³”¥»Ïƒ¾}92>‚Q0ìœ!¿y_Åë¢3*ó\ sκ+/äJøÛ—UËœ

²«yjQâüÒ¢KúIözÄ¥‘,?˜. c£ÕµƒësÎa~w>íÃá
ZÛ#‘Œ5Î#ÝXzWÄVåó¿!N~›Ã:4˜¯ 2ì%ºˆÏý

ªóÃsÒ8 Ø>¾µâq&,RG¥Ê«¥ÈÀúÄ„?5•Ú2;½$"v

קT¡¥hßó`¯ î|sÝÐ5&›‘ª~Å“ ée[yY<Ž?γY‡DÃŽnÞ‡õ*"M
r°¨[ š†o1J¾ZÚLXÅž¤

-Also noted, the process of Encryption on this algorithm would impress me in a personal
nature if there is an individual capable of deciphering. I will be in no dire pressing need
to disengaged the real-time lock. I would expect to be present here for the next several
months, following along as it were.
Re: Question...

The more I show you the harder it will be for the majority to remain in disbelief.

Is that you Darby?? o_O

Z, you could for example post the source code you wrote to accomplish the posts. That would cause no disruption and it's harder to spoof.

You say you are here to put the word out but you haven't said ANYTHING yet. Yellowstone caldera is 20,000 years overdue. If it's not that, then what is it, and what can you do to help us?
New Questions...

Hello Zeshua,

When you replied to my email, you said, "Your messages were received, its much more difficult to email replies than posting on the forums at TTI." I do not understand your reasoning, but I will oblige. Before we begin, please disregard any religious aspects that you think I might be coming from. (I was only speculating on some religious prophecies in my email. I am not using that as a reference point.)

Perhaps I am wrong, and if so, please forgive me, but I feel like you are skating around many of the questions posed to you. If you are truly communicating from the future, and if you have something to tell us, then please spit it out, because some of are genuinely interested. So far much of what I read is encrypted codes, which no one understands. With that said, let me rephrase my questions.

QUESTION 1: Could you please tell me what happened over Y2K on your timeline? Were there serious problems?

QUESTION 2: Was there a world nuclear war...and if so, was the US involved in it?

QUESTION 3: Is or was there ever a one world government or new world order that included the US? If so, what country does the leader of it come out of? Or is it made up of a 'group' of leaders?

QUESTION 4: If the answer to the previous question about a one world government was 'yes', was our current president involved in that merge? Or did he lead into it? Or was he the cause of it?

QUESTION 5: Does our current president survive this term in office? If he survivies, does he continue in his presidency even after his term is over?

QUESTION 6: Does the US government acknowledge the presence of alien beings? If so, are they supposed to be friendly or threating to humans?

QUESTION 7: Is the federal government in the US knocked out of business, either temporarily or permanently, because of a war on US soil?

QUESTION 8: If the answer to the previous question is 'yes', was it due to a Civil War, a World War or both?

QUESTION 9: Are the "special elections" you spoke of held because certain US officials in office have died?...perhaps due to a war?

QUESTION 10: Is Marshall Law enforced in the US? (either officially or unofficially)

QUESTION 11: If the answer to the previous question is 'yes', will people living in rural areas, small towns, be left alone? Also, will county folks be fairly safe in the event of a nuclear war?

QUESTION 12: To any questions that are answered with 'yes' above, when will these events take place...what year(s)?

QUESTION 13: At some point in time, will our government try to confescate fire-arms that are owned by the public? If so, what year will that happen?

QUESTION 14: I have only one question about John Titor? Where and when (what timeline) did you first hear about him?

QUESTION 15: In your timeline, have they developed a transportation system that is similar to the monorail at Disneyland or something that would be considered high tech compared to today's transportation?

QUESTION 16: Does a comet or asteroid hit the earth and have serious affects? If so, what year does it happen? Does it happen on the day and month of March 21st?

I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks, Amanda
About J K Jizzle\'s Question...

J K Jizzle asked: "Elaborate. Is there some time of catastrophic event that takes place? Famine, plagues, locusts, a war? Oh wait... of course! It's the civil war Titor spoke of! Correct?"

Zeshua's reply: "In 2005 we are in the middle of a War right now, is that not an accurate statement? As nobody has answered my previous question, It hardly seems justified to propose a new one."

My Question: Zeshua, what 'previous question' are you referring to? The one about the Pope or some other question? Please clarify. Thanks
Hello Zesusha,
This is the post.
569,521.7 883
732,651.2 28

Re: To All! The TRUTH about JT from 2026! [re: nitescott]
03/08/05 03:50 PM ( Edit Reply


In reply to:

Hello Zesusha,
I have an Idea to test and prove as to whether you are for real or not.
It is simple.
Next Wednesday the 9th of March 2005 I will post a some random numbers on this forum.
All you have to do is post those numbers before I do. Just copy and paste them onto this
forum today, right now, right here. I will do this on the 9th of March 2005. (Note where I come from being Australia and my time zone)
These numbers will be generated in an excel programme just seconds prior to the post. I
don't know how many numbers or how many decimal points of any number that I'll post. But I
assure you I will do it.
If you post any numbers at all I promise I will not just copy and post them on that date.

So, let us just wait and see if this works.
I hope that it does, but I won’t be surprised if you back down from this test. That will
mean that this is just another pile of bull from another wantabe who would be a good script
writer for star trek

Let’s wait and see.

Nite Scott.
Re: Question...

The War the U.S. is currently involved in, what makes you think the end is in sight or
those troops are coming home?

So this War continues and expands. We go to War with...wait, let me guess, Iran and North Korea. Ding! Ding! Ding! "We have a winner! How did you get that right?" Wild guess. <rolls eyes>

The catalyst is in
place, the powers that be are warming up. With the albeit slow decline of Western
Civilizations' most valued currency, many countries hang in the balance, words like
"Recession" and "Inflation" take on a whole new meaning. It is truly a Global Economy.

Crap. I better dump my stock portfolio. Oh no, its the new world order, globilization, egads!

This "Unexpected" occurrence I speak of, will take everyone by surprise. I would be
unlikely to ever elaborate on this, and although it has been guessed at many many times,
nobody is ever even close. When it happens, and it will, your lives will be indelibly
altered and permanently changed as mine has now become.

Cliche. Do you write scripts for apocalyptic thrillers? I can almost envision this as a quote in a low-budget flick.

I would also like to state, for the record, this is not the end of the world, life goes on,
we are still surviving and getting by.

Oh thank heavens! I wouldn't want to miss the '26 World Series. Go cubbies!

Patience and Cautiousness are now the words of the

Sesame Street is brought to you by the letters P and C and the number 26.

My Major is currently in QIT as it applies to the CRL I work at part time. The work is
still cutting edge and is the basis of all higher level computing resources available at
this time.

How in the hell did you land that killer internship? You've got connections! Come on...tell us.

I was not arrested mind you, but apparently came very close.

You must be VERY relieved. Cause no one wants to go to prison in 2026. NO ONE. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/kiss.gif

The next major event for the United States in your upcoming time is a Crisis, look to the
skies and you might find the answer you seek.

Who are you, frickin Elton John? "An Answer in the Sky"

I am here to tell you, "The Answer is un-important, to Question is the Answer."

Did you get that out of a fortune cookie?

Off-topic : To everyone that is upset by my posts, seems I may have offended more than a few of you. If that is the case, I am indeed very sorry, from the bottom of my heart ...that yall are such pussies. Lighten up.
Well you are the definitive hoax Zesusha.

If you can't prove it, then you can't be believed.

Making statements alluding to the death of the ailing Pope won't do it either!

Put or shut up!

What De Fluk is the following crap supposed to mean or prove anyway?

Ev°N`¥C/œaRÜøL,Pßz $W
‡¸29¥©úÄ4ê;Y Û¾/œ óìRªÎÿZ¥·7±D¹7_þ–$O

)¢ Q¥·Î²sۆ žå™Q²sûîZS»zc…ñ³”¥»Ïƒ¾}92>‚Q0ìœ!¿y_Åë¢3*ó\ sκ+/äJøÛ—UËœ

²«yjQâüÒ¢KúIözÄ¥‘,?˜. c£ÕµƒësÎa~w>íÃá
ZÛ#‘Œ5Î#ÝXzWÄVåó¿!N~›Ã:4˜¯ 2ì%ºˆÏý

ªóÃsÒ8 Ø>¾µâq&,RG¥Ê«¥ÈÀúÄ„?5•Ú2;½$"v

קT¡¥hßó`¯ î|sÝÐ5&›‘ª~Å“ ée[yY<Ž?γY‡DÃŽnÞ‡õ*"M
r°¨[ š†o1J¾ZÚLXÅž¤


Re: Question...


I just discovered this information about Quantum tunneling. this is what you said you were doing, can you tell us if this is what you are doing to talk to us?

"Quantum Tunnelling is the quantum mechanical effect which permits a particle to escape through a barrier when it does not have enough energy to do so classically. You can do a calculation of the time it takes a particle to tunnel through. The answer you get can come out less than the time it takes light to cover the distance at speed c. Does this provide a means of FTL communication?

The answer must surely be "No!" otherwise our understanding of QED is very suspect. Yet a group of physicists have performed experiments which seem to suggest that FTL communication by quantum tunneling is possible. They claim to have transmitted Mozart's 40th Symphony through a barrier 11.4cm wide at a speed of 4.7c. Their interpretation is, of course, very controversial. Most physicists say this is a quantum effect where no information can actually be passed at FTL speeds because of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. "

"If the effect is real it is difficult to see why it should not be possible to transmit signals into the past by placing the apparatus in a fast moving frame of reference."
Check it out

Don't get so upset. These are only words. Simply don't respond to him if he bothers you.

always good advice. I have actually been running some decryption brute force programs on the snippet we got from this guy, so far nothing. its not like any encryption i've ever seen.

if i find out anything further i will let you know but so far i haven't been able to decrypt a single word or phrase or number. im sure there are other people a lot better at this than me perhaps they can try to crack this.
The Civil War, its not what you think it will be, its not
started by anything you might think. No its not
Yellowstone erupting (I Love you yellies), although that
hasn't happened yet. Mt St Helens blew her cap again,
bigger than the last but nothing that really concerned
Mt St Helens

"Mount St. Helens Releases Large Ash Plume; Most Significant Emission in Months"

Is this the event you were speaking of? I'm starting to believe but it will take more than a coincidence. i remembered reading you said something about that when i found out today Mt st helens blew her top again as you say.

I'm a bit new to this, so I'm also a little confused. You say you somehow inject/insert/whatever TCP/IP packets into some proxy/router/whatever here in our time. Now, that seems plausible enough, but...

How do you manage to alter the actual physics of the device on this end so that it's able to return ACKs back to your time? (Cool! That'd mean you could reconfigure matter in this time to create a device that could send messages to the future!)

And if you CAN'T do that, how do you keep it convinced to continue accepting each subsequent packet from you so that it manages to string each (unACK'd) packet together into a message? And if you CAN do that, how do you manage to change the physics in such a way that it only affects YOUR packets and none of the other packets that are passing through the adapter/circuit/whatever from other sources on the network without totally scrambling the whole set of TCP/IP conversations that are going on all the time?

To point out exactly how bogus your BS is, please describe the major technical problem that needed to be overcome in order to send coherent information back to our time. Don't discuss the solution; just tell us the problem itself. And I don't mean the physics of sending info across 'time' -- that's a given for this discussion.
2.) "Will there be a war/civil war in the future?"

The Civil War, its not what you think it will be, its not started by anything you might think. No its not Yellowstone erupting (I Love you yellies), although that hasn't happened yet. Mt St Helens blew her cap again, bigger than the last but nothing that really concerned anybody. Lets just say, it was one of those "I know where I was on that day, even though it was no big deal." The Civil War, which is more of a Global Civil War, is the same all over the globe. It is truly a David versus Goliath scenario and this is one thing JT never said, this is a worldwide phenomenon. It just happens to be Focused on the United States.

Two thoughts:

1) Zeshua's prediction about Yellowstone (that the Yellowstone Supervolcano does not erupt between 2005 - 2026) is still correct so far, despite the latest widespread anxiety about Yellowstone's new bout of quakes.

2) The recent violence between Israel and Palestine does fit with her prediction about "David and Goliath war scenarios" arising around the world.
Give me a break. Zooha's predictions are as general as they can get. Anyone can make those kind of predictions.

To use those two wide-ictions as proof of a claimant being from the future, is not proof at all, and most of us know it, and so do you.