Time-travel Paradoxes!

To Fast:

(i now understand the oxygen part,thought i found a slip in your trip(to coin a phrase) to our(or 1975...) time... why is it you traveled to 1975 anyway??)

The first "leg" of my trip was from 2036 to 1975. After two VGL checks, the divergance was estimated at about 2.5% (from my 2036). I was "sent" to get an IBM computer system called the 5100. It was one the first portable computers made and it has the ability to read the older IBM programming langages in addition to APL and Basic. We need they system to "debug" various lagacy computer programs in 2036. UNIX has a problem in 2038.

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For totally selfish reasons I would like to know how one would communicate across time periods? Think of the grief one could save themselves by simply by calling yourself at 6AM from 6PM and getting the lowdown on the days pitfalls.

It is tough for me to visualize how, from our perspective, the future is frozen solid such that you could knock around here for a week or two and yet scarcely a blink of an eye has passed in 2036.

If you want to get peoples attention, it seemes to me that a pocket full of real US currency and coins dated 2001 and up would cause a stir. It could be used as a standard test to see who is braindead and who can add 2+2.

You speak of 1 & 2 % "divergence" as being unimportant. I don't get it. Like for example if OUR IBM5100 is 1% different than the code you have to run on it, it ain't gonna work right. One percent in the FL vote count would be important. If I could see only 99% of the cars on the road it would be important to me. So, what exactly is X% divergent, and why is it not a major problem?

Janus is a Scientist. Don't mess with him!

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Oh, sorry Janus, forget I said that. I must have gotten your post mixed up with somebody eleses.

To TimeTravler_0

The trouble with having the "half the population dead" is that before the fact, one cannot tell to which half ones' self belongs. The politics of who gets thrown out of the lifeboat and who gets to stay is not topic for polite conversation. So lets ask the question in the affirmative. " What does one have to do in order to stay on the lifeboat?"

I don't immagine you have much a fondness for the CJD (mad cow) prion. Any advise on how to defeat or avoid this plauge?

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_0 ---Just popped in for a minute. If your on the level could you be so kind as to drop me off in 1880. No, I'm not kidding. If you pick up hitch hikers I'd really like a ride. Also, I've missed you Pamela and Time and the ever evasive Doc.



I missed you to. I was wondering what world you fell into ( heheheh.)

hey now...only so many of us can fit into the 4x4! I asked first! I get the front seat!!!! heheh.

Doc if you are out there somewhere you need to respond! we are worried about you. alot of people have written you and you have not responded. your friends care about you!



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There is only ever one "time period" to communicate in. This one. The "now".

In the classic so called "twins paradox", the two are always in the same time line.

Visualize the traveling twin doing this travel always in sight of Earth. Orbiting the Sun at near the spped of light. He is always visible from Earth via telescope and radio. Although there will be some doppler shifting in his image and radio signals, communication is nevertheless still possible. Just difficult. He is traveling for what seems to be his Earth bound twin's span of 50 years. During his voyage, he ALSO counts the Earth rotating around the Sun 50 times! Yup. That's the way it works. Yet when he finally lands back on Earth, he has aged only 5 years! Relativity has slowed his BIOLOGICAL clock, relative to his twin. Not time itself. Just like it slows the atomic clock on the moving jet plane, relative to the one left on the ground. Gravity has little or nothing to do with it. It is the difference in RELATIVE velocity that produces what gets measured as time dilation. The same is tru for the twins. Actually, neither twin left the other's time line. Both were always in the same one. Both counted 50 revolutions of the Earth around the Sun, but the travelers biological CLOCK ran slower. That's all.

There is no paradox. And communiction across "time periods" is only ever communication across the same time period.

Where I am now, it's 11:30 AM. But in Japan, it's 4:30 TOMMORROW MORNING. But me and the Japanese are still in the same time line, time period (in the greater sense), and can communicate with each other just fine.

The past has gone by. The future hasn't happened yet. And all the near light speed travel or power sources that alter matter can't change that. It's a rather fundamental law of the universe.

Even Einstein only ever said time running backwards during faster than light travel, MIGHT be possible. He NEVER said for sure that it was true or for certain WOULD occur. And even withdrew further and further from this original position as he got older.

In the pure scientific sense, we need to always be vigilant as to the difference in what constitutes hypothesis, and what constitutes theory.

Good science always tries to DISPROVE hypothesis. Not prove it. Failure to DIS-prove it is what then results in what becomes evolving theory. And still only theory at that.


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DaViper....biological clock ran slower?

Can you explain this concept further?



[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 17 November 2000).]

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It is thought that being close to a gravitational field has a biological effect on all matter including cells. The effect is to slow the movement of electrons in the orbits of their nucleus which thus slows the mechanical and bilological functions of the observer close to the gravity.

Thus the passing of time is a local phenomenon depending on how close you are to a gravitational source.

This is one example of a theory involving "time shells" progressing in size and intensity around a gravitational point from all matter. The more massive the object, the larger and more influencial the time shells around it (like an onion). Another offshoot of this theory is that kinetic energy is actually the conversion of stored energy in the atom as it passes through time shells in a gravitational field.

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Time travel_0-

Would this serve a purpose to put cloned or donated organs in a feild to keep it as fresh and unaged as possible until ready to transplant into the new recepient patient?

In response to your last e-mail...

you never know what my future will hold.

maybe I'll be visiting YOU. (maybe in one of those advanced distortion units.)

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To daViper

Here's the way I see it if I want to "foot travel or acre travel" or even frothing at the mouth mad dog banana split travel then I will just get on with it. I don't need you to tell me I can't. Heck if I want to pretend that I'm Superman and fly around the sun 50 times to save Lois Lane........oh excuse me THAT ONE was YOUR idea.

We got a guy on here whom I believe to be an actual time traveler, somebody that knows about gravic shells. artificial singularities, computers and the history of the next 36 years. Somebody who has "been there done that" and I don't really want to hear you spouting off about what you learned in 6th grade science class. I took the same class 35 years ago. Here is a news flash for you; Einstien was out of date 60 years ago.

You say there is no possibility of any time paradox ever occuring. How in heck would you know? Even if you are right on this one, its a lucky guess on your part. You don't know. I don't think you could think your way out of a paper bag.

You said that it is "tommorrow in Japan". Does that mean that it is yesterday in Spain? Good grief, get a grip. If you would think a little more yourself, maybe you would be less inclined to tell everybody else how to do it.

I do advise however, that you could stick around and learn something.

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I have to hand it to you that was funny!bananna split travel...hehheh

your a good person I can tell.

I personally cannot understand why someone posts on a timetravel web site that doesnot beleive time travel is or ever will be possible. but Im glad they do because I do learn things from them.

I think it a little humerous..... although it would be foolish to beleive everyone that says they are a time travler that shows up on here, and we have actually disproved several fake attempts. I beleive if a real time traveler actually showed up... nobody would even beleive them. there is only a couple of people on here who even asked this guy questions. even though this web site gets an average hit of about 98 people in a 12 hour period.

how could you ever come to the knowledge of the truth if you dont ask questions?

my question is....do we really beleive time travel is possible or do we have to be one who experiences a little of it first before we will even consider it?

Is time travel ever going to be a possibility in our future? if the answer is yes but not for thousands of years...well if they travel back to our time then it now becomes a possibility in our time as well.

DaViper? why is it you have not attempted to Disprove why the diagrams could not work?

why have you not argued against the use of singularities? or why it could not be possible for him to be here? Is it because you don't understand what it is you are seeing? I want to hear the arguments why nobody beleives this could be a possibility ....dont any of you people have an opinion?

In our current view of things The possibility of it not being true is pretty high for a time traveler to openly expose himself in this manner..but..what if in his world time travel is not a secret?

In relating to a time traveler from a future time may be like relating to an alien from another country,another dimension or even another world. you first have to understand the environment from which they came. depending on how far in the future it would be.. their thinking would not be the same on certain issues because of how they were raised in their environment.

I think it is as he has said though that some people would not beleive it even if the machine was right in front of them.

Just consider for a moment.... what if it was true? what a great opportunity you have all lost.



[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 18 November 2000).]

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My opinion is that there is a high probability that he (Timetravel_0) is as he has represented him self. And to add to that, what makes anybody so sure there hasn't been others? How would you know? Do you think they will show you a time travel visa? It is sometimes amazing how great the human mind is able to except new ideas. The (energy field) diagram in the manual looks very similar to some diagrams that were perported to be from the Philadephia Project.(from an Al Beilek video tape) Just my opinion, I could be wrong...........

Now then..

If i go back to the year 1960 and give the scientist community there a book on advanced electronics in computers , would it not be that they would READ this book and design say, a pentium 3 chip in 1960 that would forward our technology advances 40 years?

if that is so how would this timeline be like? Would we have far better microproccessors here in 2000?

The materials needed to produce a chip like the P3 for example were availiable (to an extent) in 1960. So it would not be unheard of for me to jump back in time , give a book on microprocessors to IBM and see what they come up with...

A thought...

Did anyone witness the giant computer "boom"

of the late 60's? Computer technology went from basic 286 processors to great big polygon crunchers in the early 90's. In the space a short 10 years microprocessor speeds have doubled every six months...

Technology is advancing at an incredible rate which leads me to think that perhaps we were visited by timetravelers in the 60's or thereof, in order to further the advancement of the human race. How does one explain the massive technology jumps from the moonlanding to our present time?

Seems to quick to go from a 286 to a 1 GHZ...

I think we had help , but thats my opinion.

Insights? Opinions?


Dr Light

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according to TT0,our technology would not change in the least..you would return you your original dimension and the book would(POSSIBLY) advance some other dimension's technology...

Fast Out

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But if the parallel worlds theory is true , that would make the book in question be relevant to ALL worlds including the one i just came from...

Therefore that would make technology jumps for all of the worlds, not just every dimension besides mine.

Perhaps it would evolve differently for my dimension but there is still the fact that it WOULD evolve because i went back and changed history for every world.


that's my opinion...

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I still say "Something" of a very peculiar High Strangeness did occur in Roswell in the fourties, and whatever it was, it had something to contribute to our current Time-Line, which altered it indefinately.

A few words..

i just finished reading the whole two pages and i have come to this conclusion.

Pamela...your a champion...no really...and thank you for the links.

and Mr_0....good luck my friend...see you in 2036.

P. Light

Thanks you

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You sold your 67' when you got here?

how do you expect to get back?!

Also, how have you overcome the problem of housing , food , job ,social security number , tax...or perhaps you are not here for that long.

Also how did you get on the net and have access to a scanner to reproduce your work on the net?

So many questions and things to do in this time..yet you have the time to post your C204 manual on the web.

I am not trying to disprove you Mr _0, but the people in power (pamela) urges us to ask relevant questions surrounding your existence in this time. This world is run on the economical side of things and i am just curious to how you happened to blend in to "our" way of living.

The way i see it..is that you MAY be a T.Traveller judging by your grasp on quantumn mechanics and your vivid picture of the future but......

This world is run on the basis of "guilty until proven innocent" Myself..i would like to believe and your diagrams and schematics seem to confirm this. BUT there are skeptics out there who might think your a looney as you have seen.

I myself believe in timetravel and as the theory goes.." if , at any point in history we will be able to T.T , we are being visited by others right now , from the future."

If it makes no matter that you are here telling us about your revolutionary new T.T device...what would happen if we SUPPOSEDLY built a prototype ...as my argument would state about the P3 and the 286..we would fast forward events in time.....36 years or so , with the development of a prototype c204 right NOW , using the skematics you have given us.But as pamela said..."..dont any of you people have an opinion?"

I am not out to shatter your reputation on this forumn.. but i just want simple answers.

Thank you

Dr Light

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To: Dr. Light.

(You sold your 67' when you got here?

how do you expect to get back?!)

The unit is portable between vehicles. It is very heavy and requires a "stiff" suspension. The unit is currently in a 4WD.

(Also, how have you overcome the problem of housing , food , job ,social security number , tax...or perhaps you are not here for that long.)

I am currently living with my parents on this world line. They know exactly who I am and how I got here.

(Also how did you get on the net and have access to a scanner to reproduce your work on the net?)

There are numerous ways to do that. Any local printing shop allows you access to a computer system.

(So many questions and things to do in this time..yet you have the time to post your C204 manual on the web.)

What suggestions do you have?

(This world is run on the economical side of things and i am just curious to how you happened to blend in to "our" way of living.)

You don't think you could blend into 1970? What difficulties would you expect to have that couldn't be overcome?

BUT there are skeptics out there who might think your a looney as you have seen.)

I have nothing to sell nor do I want anyone to believe in me or take some action. What other people think of me does not affect me in the least.

(If it makes no matter that you are here telling us about your revolutionary new T.T device...what would happen if we SUPPOSEDLY built a prototype ...as my argument would state about the P3 and the 286..we would fast forward events in time.....36 years or so , with the development of a prototype c204 right NOW , using the skematics you have given us.But as pamela said..."..dont any of you people have an opinion?")

What you do on your world line is your own business. I can't think of any better way to start a war than for someone to figure out how to make a time machine. Go for it.

(I am not out to shatter your reputation on this forumn.. but i just want simple answers.)

I will be happy to answer "almost" any question you have.

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