Time-travel Paradoxes!

I am unaware of any “true” interdimensional device available on this world line now. I would image the effects of such a device would be hard to hide.

TT_0 I recommend that you read the following archived posts. Although there are some interesting information about "Existing" portals that traverse the Space-Time continuumn, Time~Travel capability is just one ability that these devices are capable of, and the most interesting factor resides with the fact that they may even pre-date mankinds own history? (perhaps.)


"Utilizing The Earth's Energy Grid To Navigate Time Vortex's."



"Time Port Area in Marfa Texas."



"History of Uknown Origins & New Beginnings."



"Stargate in the Andes."


Questions, Comments, Concerns?

I would like your comments of this TT_O

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to TT_0 and the currious

The fact that better equipment is supposed to get the reverse-time traveler closer to their actual past indicates that there is an ACTUAL SPECIFIC past that he is aiming for. So if in practical application the traveler ends up 2% divergent upon arrival in the past and if he stays in that line he finds that it is not a line at all, but that going forward, divergence approches infinity. If this is so, the only way to get back to ones' original future is to have left some kind of specified object or condition there as a marker. Reverse time divergence is an artifact of the machine you use and not a built in natural law of physics.

In this idea the past is exactly behind you and the future is always and litterally "right around the corner", It also suggests that the self is fractionalized over several to many parallel time lines eventhough we may only *realize* one line at once. Organic psyche may be what LIMITS divergence (of time lines). Also if this theory is correct we may be 2% divergent from TT_0 but going forward in this time line he is 98% divergent from us. My logic is pretty good here, how's my facts?

BTW Someone just gave me a working IBM 5160. Should I save it or toss it?

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o the reader: feel fortunate you are reading this I had a hard time posting it hopefully it will appear this time. More questions from me to Timetravel_0 and his answers.

(can you tell us which of our foods are poison and why?)(What can we do to prepare ourselves for the coming war.)

I tried to consolidate your questions into a basic list. I hope this helps.

1. Do not eat or use products from any animal that is fed and eats parts of

its own dead.

2. Do not kiss or have intimate relations with anyone you do not know.

3. Learn basic sanitation and water purification.

4. Be comfortable around firearms. Learn to shoot and clean a gun.

5. Get a good first aid kit and learn to use it.

6. Find 5 people within 100 miles that you trust with your life and stay in

contact with them.

7. Get a copy of the US Constitution and read it.

8. Eat less.

9. Get a bicycle and two sets of spare tires. Ride it 10 miles a week.

10. Consider what you would bring with you if you had to leave your home in

10 min. and never return.

(Can you tell us exactly what event started the war? Is there any way we can

stop it?)

The war is a result of faulty politics and desparation from Western

leadership during the US civil war. Yes, I suppose you could stop it.

(Are some states or countries safer than others?)

Take a close look at the county by county voting map from the last


(Did they use biological and chemical weopons in the war besides nukes? Did

they use mind control weopons?)

Yes there were bio and chem weapons used. No mind control weapons but there

are new "non-leathal" weapon systems that turn out to be quite leathal.

( Have you discovered the cure for cancer or aids yet?)

Aids...no. Cancer...some progress.

(If our leaders of this world line were reading this posting and beleive who

you say you are........what would you say to them right now?)

Revel in your confidence today because you will not win tomorrow.

(What is the main message you want to convey to us at this time?)

Please, please wake up. Look at the sign posts around you now.

(Can you explain this further when you talked of your patch and the two

spirals one was the "safe" way and one was the way to God. Can you expound

on that I didnt quite understand it.)

The safe way is the one calculated to take you in time where you want to go,

the other path will take you to God (death). Both are equally accepted and

anticipated before each trip.

[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 26 November 2000).]

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ive been gone for 4 days and i get back and TT0 is leaving and there are people in doubt over his story??

I have been reading that around 2011 there is some new world order-type government in place...TT0,can u verify?

Also,a while back(page 2 of the posts) you said something was wrong with UNIX in your time...what is wrong?

Fast Out

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"--Perhaps I should let you all in on a little secret. No one likes you in the future. This time period is looked at as being full of lazy, self-centered, civicly ignorant sheep. Perhaps you should be less concerned about me and more concerned about that.


who's to say that in your own time-line's future,your not considered barbaric and immature in your own arrogance with the notion that 'yes we survived...we can handle another war...now lets use the technology that STARTED the bloody war and go back into someone else's time-line and start a war there too...perhaps then we will have parallel companions with the same motives?'

War is the darkest of all Arts.The Age which follows includes those who practice another of the darkest:arrogance.

Fast Out

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To: T-T-0

Just a quick question before i jet,

Does the events happening in the Middle east concerning the Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war? I mean to say that since the jewish population seems to have quite considerable power now in 2000, would they mount a force against other countries or am i under the beief that the war will result from the U.S government election?(among other things).

On another previous note,

You must understand that we cannot just willingly give in our skeptisism just because a person comes onto a bulliten board and announces that he/she is from 2036?

Tell me T-T_0, when you first typed a message here announcing your arrival...did anyone believe you? We have had proven "false" time traelers here before as you may have heard. ut your considerable grasp of quantumn physics and distortion fields seems to justify you.

Seems like your the ..."real deal"

P.S--I KNEW that particle acceleraton technology would be part of time travel!!!

Makes sense doesnt it!

P.P.S-- Singularity cooling pump?

What do you cool the singularity with?

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To TT-0

Just an afterthought i forgot to add to my previous post..

How much more advanced are the computer hardware and software systems in the future?

Are we looking at 110Ghtz computers with stamped silicon system technology as opposed to 200 million microtransistor configurations?

Or do we have the usual "crawling along with hardware advances every 6 months?"

Please feel free to go into details.

Dr P.Light

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Member posted 08 April 2000 18:23


This is interesting: http://www.damanhur.org/time/html/kindred_spirit_s_article.htm

click on "interview with a timetraveller."

"tales of the unexpected" is his recall of his travels.


Do you remember this one Pamela? http://tectime.cjb.net

[This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 27 November 2000).]

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Dear Time0,

if one found a method to pryapart a magnetic field would this result in a containable release of energy. Would the energy channeled through the tear be in the form of a tachyon field with the forward edge of the tachyon field at a velocity of light. Would the internal tachyons within the tachyon field have a velocity greater then light even though existing in the present subluminal time frame?


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Originaly posted from the coast to coast forum by: Alan Troidl http://post.coasttocoastam.com/showthread.php?threadid=355


Time travel has been taking place for thousands of years.

The foremost device used was the pyramids around the world

used by ancient civilizations. This was for time travel and not so much as a burial site as commonly believed. The physics behind this is the sacred geometrics of the pyramid shape.

The geometric shape of the pyramid allows for the concentration of "White Light" as well as "Dark Light".

The dark light was conduited from the area in the pyramid know as the "well" which no one could understand its use as it is a hole that suddenly stops with no apparent purpose

or use.

Above the King's Chamber are huge layered stomes with air spaces. One side shiny and smooth and the other side dark and rough. This is a capacitance machine for the separate

collection of the 2 light sources.

These 2 light sources, one coming from the earth and the white light from the cosmos above criss crossed but did not intersect each other at the point of the sarcophagus. This technology allowed for time travel and the opening of the "third eye".

As well, the design of 2 pyramids intersecting base to base

to give you the design of the 6 point star, (or the star of david), is the sacred symbol and geometry to enter into zero point time or Christ Consciousness.

There are modern day devices that impliment these principals

for time travel.

By having your own brain operating at the same harmonic frequency as obtained through man made devices, can give you

the same ability to do conscious time travel.

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There is a fortelling of a significant Time Divergence that is believed to occur during the year 2012 according to the ancient Mayans, yet you claim to be from 2034, and posses a working Time Travel device...

What can you tell us would happen to you, or anyone els who were to use your device, or another one similar in capabilities to travel to the yr. 2012???-----------

(also I would like you to tell us what you know, or have been told what takes place in "2112")

incidently, since it is common knowledge that many events within our cosmos are cyclical, interesting enough the "Photon Belt" returns to our solar system every 26,000 yrs. and in the given Time frame since it's last presence in our solar system, that would place it's peak convergence upon us again at 2012 coincidence?

[This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 28 November 2000).]

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TT_0 so many questions, yet you seem to have more "Time" than most to address them, so while I await your replies to my other posts, here goes another....

I'ts no big secret among thos who are "In the Know" of our current worldline's attempts to control the weather i.e. HAARP & Chemtrails, so What can you tell us about the future of weather control such as the following...

bronze flying globes that float in the air over the earth, and are aligned in grid formations, and lasers joining them together in the air, churning out snow storms, rain, or whatever else they decide to induce,to be created in the given space provided???

------BTW; I traveled to the past, and grabbed an earlier comment you posted.

Does anyone remember this one?



unregistered posted 02 November 2000 01:00


I saw the posting requsting the basic systems for a gravity distortion system that will allow time travel. Here they are:

1. Magnetic housing units for dual microsignularities.

2. Electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity of microsingularities.

3. Cooling and x-ray venting system

4. Gravity sensors (VGL system)

5. Main clocks (4 cesium units)

6. Main computer units (3)

[This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 29 November 2000).]

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I hate to sound sarcastic but didn't you some what gloss over the most critical piece of time-travel equipment? I don't see the $10,000,000+ dollars listed anywhere, that it would take to buy and fabricate all that other stuff.

time 02112:

this web site from Nov. 1, 2000 at 10:00pm

till Nov. 30, 2000 at 7:38pm

has been accessed: 4026 times.

I was curious how many hits it got in about a month. well there it is... heheheh

if it continues it will be well over 48,312 a year.

I thought it was interesting. there seems to be a lot of people interested in time travel but few post.


[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 30 November 2000).]

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Perhaps it is better to understand if one understands that all fractional entities less then one is equal to zero spacially and less then zero temperally when measuring the temperal fractional entity in terms of spacial fractional entity known as a plancs length. Of course I could be misinterpriting the definition of a plancs length. Please feel free to correct me if I am incorrect in assuming that what I have gathered as the definition of a temperal zero, and a spacial zero; and the plancs temperal length, and a plancs spacial length as being the same conscept: is wrong. Otherwise the ofore mentioned point of view ought to be considered. (If there is any confusion as to what I am talking about please have a look see under rgrunts time travel posting in order to aquire the basic train of thought behind the above mentioned statement.)

timetravel_0 said he would be back he is just a little busy right now.

patience is a virtue. time takes... time.



[This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 02 December 2000).]

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Thanks for the knowlege Pamela. I really think that the design or basic model that Time-o gave sounds legit but I think that if he could replace the particle accelerator with a an electromagnetic device that uses only one kind of particle-a magnetic photon- that the energy would be much more stable and easier to control. I also believe that such a replacement would require much less accuracy and would be at the minimum as efficient if not more efficient then the energy production that he is intent on using. A gravity generator would also be just as affective in extracting the necessary energy required to power the device. This will require alot more effort such as discovering how to make a gravitational generator.


Edwin G. Schasteen

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(What is the popular music like?)

Most of the same music you enjoy is available on archive. However the days of mega-stars playing multiple track studio produced music and lip synching on a huge stage are pretty much isolated to your time period. Like everything else, music is much less centralized. The general trend is away from “computer generated” music and more toward real people playing real instruments. Music is much more of a personal experience. More people know how to read music and play together in small groups.

(Are there any social prejudices)

Yes there are. However, as odd as it may sound, it serves a useful purpose in my time. First, you must realize that your experiences with “prejudice” and mine are different. I would characterize the intolerance you have here as a result of ignorance and fear. I have observed that people with unfounded and irrational fears about their fellow man in this time have the luxury of not having their beliefs tested.

After the war, much of the prejudice you have now was swept away by simple necessity. People had to work and fight together just to survive. This has a way of opening a person’s eyes as to the value of fellow human beings.

What difference does the color of a man’s skin make when you are both fighting against the same enemy to survive or find water or grow food? On my world line, if a man doesn’t pull his weight in the community, then we feel prejudice towards him as a burden to us. This feeling of shame he experiences then makes him realize his responsibilities.

(What is the health care system like)

You would probably not like it at all. I would compare it to what you see in Western movies. We do have hospitals but there are more family doctors and house calls as compared to what you are used to. There is no real organized health care. If you get a serious disease, you die. This however has had a tendency to strengthen the general genetic pool. Doctors are more concerned about things like broken legs, snake bites and delivering healthy babies.

(What is the entertainment industry like, movies, tv, radio, internet?)

Again, entertainment is less centralized. There are “movies” and “tv” but everything is distributed over the net and more people produce their own “shows”.

(How difficult is it for someone to start from nothing and get a job and make a living for themselves?)

Very easy. If you can work with your hands and get along with other people, you will always find work.

(If a group of people were to travel forward in time to avoid a situation, would they be still be able to live in relative peace? Or would they be looked down on for that? Should they just keep that a secret to make things easier?)

From a physical standpoint, I suppose that would work if you were trying to escape a natural disaster. But you must consider that trying to “escape” by time traveling has it’s own problems. I’m not exactly sure what you mean by being looked down on.

(I have been reading that around 2011 there is some new world order-type government in place...TT0,can u verify?)

On my world line in 2011, the United States is in the middle of a civil war that has dramatic effects on most of the other Western governments.

(Also,a while back(page 2 of the posts) you said something was wrong with UNIX in your time...what is wrong?)

Yes…and with your’s too. I have to believe there must be a UNIX expert out there someplace that can confirm that. I’m not exactly sure what the technical issue is but I believe some sort of UNIX system registry stops in 2038.

(Does the events happening in the Middle east concerning the Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war? )


(I mean to say that since the jewish population seems to have quite considerable power now in 2000…)

I’m not sure what power you are referring to.

(Tell me T-T_0, when you first typed a message here announcing your arrival...did anyone believe you?)

I don’t know if anyone believes me now. But you must realize that I don’t expect anyone to believe me or does it affect me one way or the other. I enjoy these conversations too. What would you expect a time traveler to say or do in your time?

(What do you cool the singularity with?)

Very highly technical, cooling stuff. [sorry, I don’t get much of a chance to be a wise guy ]

(How much more advanced are the computer hardware and software systems in the future? )

Good question! I would say the biggest difference is in the reliability of the hardware and software. It absolutely amazes me how willing people are here to accept computer and software failures on such a regular basis. I was very surprised to see how prolific it is. You can look forward to very stringent manufacturing parameters and programming discipline. Think back to the early days of the computer and how much work and cleverness it took to fit those programs into such small areas of memory. Has more and cheaper memory brought better programs or just more programs?

As far as technical specifics, I’m afraid I can not go into too much detail. However, I will tell you that processor speed and memory size take dramatic leaps forward.

(if one found a method to pryapart a magnetic field would this result in a containable release of energy. Would the energy channeled through the tear be in the form of a tachyon field with the forward edge of the tachyon field at a velocity of light. Would the internal tachyons within the tachyon field have a velocity greater then light even though existing in the present subluminal time frame?


Hmmm… I afraid my notebook on Maxwell’s equations isn’t with me and I must say again that I am not a physist. As far as tachyons goes, it’s my understanding that they can not exist at all unless they are created and “traveling” faster than light. As far as time travel goes, I’m afraid tachyons are mearly useful for describing various quirky effects of strange matter.

Time 02112 has asked me some questions that I must give further thought to. I will post again as soon as I get a chance.

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I thought people might be interested in seeing the drawing of the patch you sent me that you wear on your uniform. minus the unit number and the name TEMPORAL RECON.

I know you said you didnt care if i posted it or not. for anyone who would like to see it Doc has posted it on his site here:


then click on "timelords anonymous"

and it is after your other pictures on the

"anonymous gravity/time device pictures"

I tried to do a direct link but it didnt work.



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