Time-travel Paradoxes!

to TT0:

"--The C204 unit

is accurate from 50 to 60 years a jump and travels at about 10 years an hour

at 100% power.

--" 10 years an hour?

from 2036 wouldnt that take three+ hours??

how could you survive with merly the pocket of air you caught in your vehicle's field??

Fast Out

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To Curious:

(If you change "vehical" do you have to re-calibrate the unit?)

Yes. But its a function of the VGL system. A gravity baseline is taken and rechecked every thime the unit is used. A new vehicle would alter the gravity signature.

(What kind of coils are used to contain, and maintain the singularity?)

I am not a phycist so I can not answer that to your level of sophistication. The singularities are held in an enclosed magnetic field.

(Can your unit also dimensionally travel?)

No. However, the longer the unit is on past a safe divergance confidence, the "stranger" the world line becomes. The unit I have is safe to about 1% for every sixty years at max power.

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TO Shadow:

(Have you seen the movies 'Terminator' and 'Terminater 2'?)

Yes. I've seen those movies. Very entertaining.

(If your conveyence is accurate to one second then you must have a reason for picking the particular second or at least particular day or week, you did.)

My goal was to reach a certain date and time which is converted into seconds for the computer to make its calculations. I do not pick the second. Its more important to have a low divergance confidence number.

(Let me guess, you are here NOW to look at the unusual hung election we have going on. Or maybe this is the trigger event in the comming world wide econmic meltdown? Some other piviot point in history? Fess up. Why now?)

I would use the word "elections" a bit cautiously. Perhaps its easier now to see a civil war in your future?

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To Fast:

(if you journeyed here from 2036(i think) to get a computer system,why is it you are posting on a time travel message board information as to how you arrived here?


Why would it be treason?

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To Fast Out:

(10 years an hour? from 2036 wouldnt that take three+ hours?? how could you survive with merly the pocket of air you caught in your vehicle's field??)

Yes...that's about right but my initial trip was to 1975, not 2000. I guess its a question of how many technical details you really want or you feel I'm making up. We do take addtional 02 and the air pocket is a bit larger than you might think.

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Timetravel_O I am surprised they went with the VGL system over the "time lock" system. It must be more accurate as far as timeline devergance. No direct lateral travel huh? That means some places are not easily accessable.(there is a safe place to hide, LOL) One last question, Can anybody operate the 204 unit? Or is it safe guarded by a "key of some kind? Thanks for answering. Yes, you would be welcome at my home.


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the chinese were said to threaten death by torture to those who gave away the secret of silk making...why not time travel also?

i now understand the oxygen part,thought i found a slip in your trip(to coin a phrase) to our(or 1975...) time...

why is it you traveled to 1975 anyway??

Fast Out

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Time travel_0,

I followed the link to your pictures and if time travel is not a secret in your "time" then why do the top of your pictures say "restricted file"??


Have you considered the possible adverse consequences the person might face that you had post them for you since you remain covert? or don't you care since it is not your world line. what about the people that read the information and attempt to build one? what if they get injured in the process because they are not knowledgeable enough to handle the forces they are playing with at this "time".

what is your true purpose for posting assumingly "restricted" government documents on a public bulletin board where everyone can see it?

Did your Unit Commander authorize such a thing or is it something you decided to do completely on your own?

Have you considered your actions and probable outcome carefully?


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To Seeker of Truth. The chances of one of us building a C204 are slim to none. (and Slim's dead) Who's to say that someone that will read this board, will be the one to actually invent the means for the C204 (or other units) to be operational? The divergance factor is so low, everbody will forget about this in a short time. I wouldn't worry about it When Timetravel_0 goes back, this will be nothing but a memory...

(Have you considered the possible adverse consequences the person might face that you had post them for you since you remain covert? or don't you care since it is not your world line. what about the people that read the information and attempt to build one? what if they get injured in the process because they are not knowledgeable enough to handle the forces they are playing with at this "time".)

Yes, I have considered it but it is very easy to remain hidden behind a veil of disbelief. The people who understand what they are seeing are not aggressive. Everyone else just finds them entertaining. The obvious first answer is that the only world line of consequence is my own and I don’t care what happens here. That however, is not the case. I have shown these documents in order that people might consider the possibility. I do not expect people to believe them.

(what is your true purpose for posting assumingly "restricted" government documents on a public bulletin board where everyone can see it?)

The restricted nature of the documents I posted refers to the departmentalized nature of the technical information. The manual is supposed to remain with the unit. The current F-16 fighter jet probably has an operations manual. All the information in it is not secret but no one wants it to “walk” away from the plane.

(Did your Unit Commander authorize such a thing or is it something you decided to do completely on your own?)

I am here for personal reasons. For a few months now, I have bee trying to alert anyone that would listen to the possibility of a civil war in the United States in 2005. Does that seem more likely now? Actually it’s quite amazing to see what’s happening. I have been trying to get people to pay attention for the last few months but to see it unfold is very interesting. Before I leave, I’ll try and post my report.

I am curious… will anyone be upset if Florida’s votes are not counted in the Electoral College because of the current “confusion”?

(Have you considered your actions and probable outcome carefully?)


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Timetravel_0, People have been "warned" of the upcoming events (or high probability of) for sometime. The date seems to move up and down the timeline a little, but the out come seems to be the same. Some of the "new age crackpots(?)" have already said this. A few have even given an estimate of when (some have been close to the year you stated). From what I understand, it is coinciding with a natural disaster (or cosmic event). I hope not be around then. Have a safe trip. Good luck.



Pardon my intrusion on your post, I thought it would be more suitable to include the following information here, as it is synonymous with your post, and placing it at the end of this thread where the conversation has taken a different direction altogether would not be in sync with the current flow of thought.


Flood forthcoming

Monday, November 27 2000 @ 03:26 AM EST

Contributed by: Porfiry

Global warming could be on the verge of triggering a rise in sea levels that would flood huge swathes of the Earth's most densely populated regions, says an unpublished report from the world's top climate scientists. Caused in large part by the melting of Greenland's ice sheet, this process would take a thousand years or more but would be "irreversible" once under way.

The report, due to be published next May by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is being read by the world's governments. The final draft seen by New Scientist suggests that dozens of the countries meeting this week to agree on global warming limits through the Kyoto Protocol may face being wiped off the world map.

Four years ago, the IPCC forecast that sea levels could rise by half a metre in this century and by a maximum of between 1.5 and 3 metres over the coming 500 years. The new assessment suggests an eventual rise of 7 to 13 metres is more likely. This is enough to drown immense areas of land and many major cities. These rises will occur even if governments succeed in halting global warming within the next few decades, the report says.

Two factors are causing the rise: the slow spread of heat to the ocean depths and the destabilising of major ice sheets. It will take about a thousand years for warming in the atmosphere to reach the bottom of the oceans. The resulting thermal expansion "would continue to raise sea levels for many centuries after stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations". Even if global warming is halted within a century, thermal expansion will eventually raise the oceans by between 0.5 and 4 metres.

Even more alarming is the fate of the ice that covers Greenland. Among all of the world's ice sheets, this is now thought to be "the most vulnerable to climatic warming". It contains enough snow and ice to raise sea levels by about 7 metres if it melts. And this looks increasingly likely to happen.

Models show that after any warming above 2.7 °C, "the Greenland ice sheet eventually disappears". Nearly all predictions show Greenland warming more than this, says the report, and the faster the warming, the faster the melting. An extra 5.5 °C would cause sea levels to rise by 3 metres over a thousand years. An 8 °C warming would cause a 6-metre rise in sea levels in the same time.

The report's authors are not allowed to discuss their findings until publication. But Jonathan Gregory of Britain's Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research in Bracknell, who co-authored the chapter on sea level, told New Scientist recently that once under way, the disintegration of the Greenland ice sheet would be "irreversible this side of a new ice age".

The fate of the West Antarctic ice sheet, which is perched on submerged islands, remains controversial, says the report. If it melted, it would raise sea levels by a further 6 metres. Some experts quoted in the report predict that the sheet could entirely disappear within 700 years. Others, supported by the authors, expect that the sheet will contribute "no more than 3 metres" to sea level in that time.

If sea levels were 10 metres higher than today by the year 3000, it would cause the inundation of a total area larger than the US, with a population of more than a billion people and most of the world's most fertile farmland.

Fred Pearce

From New Scientist magazine, 25 November 2000.

[This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 27 November 2000).]

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is there some reason you are not responding to any of my e-mails lately?

I have deleted all of your e-mails from my computer to protect you.noone will ever know your e-mail address. that is my promise to you.

if your not going to reply to me can you just answer me one question....was that you I seen? or you can e-mail me if you still can.



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Contrary to popular belief, and certain speculations here, the plain simple fact is, ther ARE no paradoxes. There never have been and there never will be. The term itself is an oxymoron and an invention of the intellect of the human mind, in search of creative thought and outright fantasy. The Universe exists without either the need for, or possibility of them.

Once one comes to this simple realization, one can then put the concept of "Time Travel" in IT'S proper perspective. Namely, that as is usually thought of, it doesn't exist. Never has, never will. For the simple reason that our invented concept of time itself is fundamentally flawed. Time is not an entity. It is a unit of measurement invented by man, to define the interval between cause and effect. Like Meter. Or Yard. Or Foot. Or pound. Can we "Meter" travel? or "Foot" travel? Or perhaps "Acre" travel? Gets silly doesn't it. Why does anyone think you can actually "Time" travel?

Interesting that the so called "Twins Paradox" was not discussed in depth here, but then it's really not a paradox at all. It is only beleived to BE one by people who do not understand the simple laws of physics and the Theory of relativity.

If anyone is interested, I can show you how it CANNOT be a paradox. Unless you already know. In which case you wouldn't be here speculating on the "how" of something that doesn't exist in the first place.

It isn't that Time Travel is not possible, it's that there is NO SUCH THING in the first place. Never has been. Never will be. Like the Gods of MT. Olympus. Or the Fire Breathing Dragons of old. And Pegasus. Or the Earth as the Center of the Universe. It's mythology. Based on INNOCENT ignorance. It's a skewed concept created by a lack of understanding of the fundamental Theories of relativity (General and Special), in the first place.

And it doesn't require "Multiple" Universes to solve. If there are multiple universes, than there MUST be an INFINITE number of them. In which case, all things that have ever happened, will happen, are happening Now. If THAT'S the case, what makes anyone think they have anything resembling free will at all?

Alas, I'm afrid even THIS attempt to resolve the so called "paradoxes" of Time Travel is also a pursuit in search of what is a non-existant problem in the first place. Another lapse into inventing a new mythology.

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Checked out the picture and documents (Pamala?) posted. Your '67 Chev looks remarkably new.......hmmmm

If the manual is leggit and thats a real working time machine in your front seat, the OBVIOUS conclusion, if not the correct conclusion, is that you are either in the employ of the US Army or you stole the friggen thing. I hardly think you picked it up for 20 bucks at the surplus store.

Looks like you've got a little baby field model there, the owners of which would surely have bigger and badder ones to come and collect it with. But you would know all about that. What you might not know is that the people who actually run things around now, will snatch you right out of your shoes at the first possible instant they get wind of you and your ah....... thing.

The one thing that you are REALLY REALLY NOT supposed to do is show up with something that might be percieved to be "dangerous". You had better hide real good or get lost, one.

Been nice 'talking' to ya. Why not just spill the *entire* pan of beans before you split? Anything to piss off the rich folks, I say.

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I hope 'Mr. 0' is still there...

I'd like to believe you. What I need is one more prediction - you've predicted an American civil war in 2005; in order to fully believe you, I need one more unambiguous prediction like that. Something like, maybe, who will win the 100m in Salt Lake City. Really, anything like that, if I see two predictions like that come true you will have my unwavering belief. I'm a rationalist but not an idiot - the problem with most people who claim to time travel is that they have no evidence to back it up. What I ask for would be enough evidence for me, and probably most people.

[This message has been edited by Janus (edited 14 November 2000).]

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To: Shadow

If this shows up twice, I apologize.

(Your '67 Chev looks remarkably new.......hmmmm)

Thanks. I sold it when I arrived here. It attracted a great deal of attention. Perhaps that's why it was still around in 2036.

(...you are either in the employ of the US Army...)

More or less correct.

(Looks like you've got a little baby field model there, the owners of which would surely have bigger and badder ones to come and collect it with.)

Why would they come looking for me? I'm expected back but I will only have been gone a few seconds from their point of view.

(What you might not know is that the people who actually run things around now, will snatch you right out of your shoes at the first possible instant they get wind of you and your ah....... thing.)

Stupidity and greed are fairly predictable for a period of time.

(The one thing that you are REALLY REALLY NOT supposed to do is show up with something that might be percieved to be "dangerous".)

Have you considered that your society might be better off if half of you were dead?

(Why not just spill the *entire* pan of beans before you split? Anything to piss off the rich folks, I say.)

I'm thinking about it. I'm waiting for my family to buy up all the good stuff cheap first...(joke).

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To Janus:

(I'd like to believe you. What I need is one more prediction - you've predicted an American civil war in 2005; in order to fully believe you, I need one more unambiguous prediction like that.)

I appreciate the position you are in but you must realize that I am not affected in the least if you believe me or not.

(Something like, maybe, who will win the 100m in Salt Lake City.)

Off the top of your head, can you tell me if it rained in Atlanta this time last year? Do you think time travelers carry a sports reffrence with them?

(Really, anything like that, if I see two predictions like that come true you will have my unwavering belief.)

It is a mistake to give anyone your unwavering belief...but you will find that out yourself in 2005.

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To: Curious

(One last question, Can anybody operate the 204 unit? Or is it safe guarded by a "key of some kind? Thanks for answering. Yes, you would be welcome at my home.)

The unit has two security systems to protect it from "most" people. One, it has a code that must be entered correctly. Second, and probably more effective now, the unit can not be used by anyone who can't add and subtract.

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