Time-travel Paradoxes!

Pam, did you ask about going forward in time? Do you need an invite from a future traveler? Where did MR. 0 get the '67 chevy?

Bringing chunks of ground along with you as you casually rewrite the history of entire worlds? I guess thats why Docs' Delorian was fitted with levitation equipment, to make a fast get away from angry property owners having to fill and grade every time he time jumps.

TimeLine 2015; STOP THE PRESSES!! 3 Billion Killed!!! Oh the presses are already stopped? Now if he time traveled *before* the planet was pulverized it would be a bit more believable.

Does Mr. 0 work for GE? Maybe he owns some GE stock. Speaking of stocks we could all use a hot tip from the guy that already knows who's going to be the next Cisco, Coke or Microsoft.

Most importantly why would Mr. 0 want to talk the likes of us?

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That's a very interesting experience you are describing!! I have one question for you, and that is in regards to the climactic of the earth in 2034, had the polar ice caps melted, as they are now doing at an accelorated rate in this current time.

Sincerely, Draco

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In response to Shadow:

Perhaps it’s a bit easier to understand why time travelers do not revel themselves.

Yes, you can travel forward in time. No, you do not need an “invite” from the future. I first saw the car in 2036. The idea was to find a vehicle that would not draw too much attention for the time period. Unfortunately, there were not very many suitable vehicles around in 2036 and I sold the car when I arrived in 2000.

You do not rewrite history. I can only affect what happens here just as easily as you can. Why do people in this time period worry so much about time traveler’s destroying their world line when they have no problem doing it themselves every day?

My goal is not to be believed. Most people do not take news of the war very well but I find that everyone believes it’s inevitable. Even in your own history, are not great inventions and discoveries made during a time of war in your effort to kill and main in new and more efficient ways?

No, I do not work for GE or any other company. Are “stock tips” really the first thing you want to know about in the future? As a representative of your time period, do you realize what that says about you? You should probably know that this time is not remembered for its selflessness, charity or ability to work together.

Why would I want to talk to you? Why don’t you believe you have something interesting or worthwhile to say to someone in the future?

Mr. “O”

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To Draco:

No, the ice caps are not melting any faster than they are now. There is also far less smog and industrial waste in 2036.

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Hey TimeTravel_0!!!

So then what you're saying is that our current computer models are wrong about Glacial and Polar Ice Cap melting, even though they are going by our current emmisions rate and projected emmisions of the growth of fossil fuels consumption?? While Global Warming is factually happening and even if we stopped burning fossil fuels today and stopped destroying the rain forests today, the impact that is already altered our planetary climate would not stop today as the ball is already rolling. The toxins in the ozone layer and the earths lessening inability to creat oxygen, due to the catastrophic daily destruction of the rain forests that give us most of our oxygen, would take longer than beyond the year 2036 to repair itself, even with our help. I find it amazing that if you throw a WWIII into the equation, one devistating enough to cause the death of 3 Billion people, would not add to the excelloration of Global Warming and raise the sea level to the point where in 2036 most of Florida will be underwater. Help me understand what reversed this impending climatic catastrophy..

Sincerely, Draco

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Ok, Mr. 0 . First things: you have to realize that people will be hostile toward you when you make such a big claim. What reason have we to believe you? But, enough thought experiments occur here anyways, so...

I don't think any era in history has been particularly noted for its compassion or selflessness. Why should we be any different?

Ok, so why not give us stock tips? You said you weren't worried about polluting the timeline, right?

As for rewriting history, the normal objection is causality. But, if you use multiple-universe theory, then it's all good. My question is, how do you get back to your proper universe - you said you're very close to your family - how come another jump wouldn't just send you into some third, different universe?

And, finally: what happens if you go back in time to a time when, right where you were standing, there was a giant cement block? Do you just appear inside of it and die? Or do you get pushed away?



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To Draco:

You asked about the North Polar ice pack. I never said the environment wasn't a problem. Doesn't water expand when it freezes? If the polar ice cap melted, wouldn't sea level go down? I don't know if there's enough ice for this to make a difference and I'm not an expert on global warming.

Mr. "0"

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To Janus:

Yes, I realize people become hostile. I don’t expect anyone to believe me and I have nothing to sell. I take no offense by it. Just out of curiosity, if you were a time traveler, what do you think it would take to get people to believe you?

I suppose we could agree that no particular era in history is famous for its development of humanity but just once I would like to hear questions like, “What is family life like in the future? How does society deal with poverty? Is AIDS, abortion and drug use still a problem?”

Why don’t I give you a stock tip? The money you make would dilute the intelligence and forethought that a smart person had in picking the stock all by themselves. If I told you how to get rich, I would be taking money from them and giving it to you.

Getting back to my “proper” universe is tricky but possible. Yes, another jump would take me to a different family.

Cement block…good question. The hard part of traveling to other world lines is just that. There is a system of clocks and gravity sensors that sample the environment before dropping out. Its called VGL, (variable gravity lock). If a cement block were there, the machine would “backtrack” until it sensed relative congruity to the original gravity sample. A great deal of time and effort goes into picking just the right spot since you can not physically move during a displacement.

Mr. “0”

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posted with permission:


Please keep in mind a couple of points as I answer your questions. First, Iam not a physicist. "Time travel" is only a tool that allowed me to do my
job 1975. Most airline pilots are probably not aerospace engineers.
Second, let me give you an example of the position we are in. Imagine you
live in the year 1900 and a "time traveler" attempts to explain how a jet
engine works. Even though the invention of the airplane is only a decade inthe future, he would have to find some frame of reference to explain the
basics of flight. Then, he would have to outline the mechanics of how the
engine works. As amazing as it would sound, the jet would be invented about thirty years later.

Pamela: 1. can you explain to me in detail the basic physics and mathematics behind how the machine operates? and exactly how it distorts gravity.

Timetravel_0: 1) Time travel is achieved by altering gravity. This concept is already proven by atomic clock experiments. The closer an observer is to a gravity source (high mass), the slower time passes for them. Traveling at high speeds mimics this effect which = the twin paradox of faster than light travel. However, this type of gravity manipulation is not sufficient to alter your world line.

The basic math to alter world lines exists right now. Tipler first
described a working "time machine" through his theory of massive rotating
spheres. I apologize for the web site but it was the only one I could find

Certain types of black holes also exhibit the "time travel" abilities of
Tipler cylinders. Kerr was one of the first to describe the dual event
horizons of a rotating black hole. As with Tipler's cylinders, it was
possible to travel on a "time-like" trip through a Kerr black hole and end
up in a different world line without being squished by the gravity of the

The mass and gravitational field of a microsingularity can then be
manipulated by "injecting" electrons onto its surface. By rotating two
electric microsigularities at high speed, it is possible to create and
modify a local gravity sinusoid that replicates the affects of a Kerr black

For those asking how come a microsingularity doesn't swallow the Earth or
want to know details about the size, stability, mass, temperature and
resulting Hawking radiation from such a thing.. those details I must keep to myself.

Pamela: 2. can you travel to the future as well as the past? my understanding of the machine is the trip is recorded so you can get back to your original time line but what about a future beyond your time line are you able to access it as well?
or does it have to be open by a future chrononaunt?

Timetravel_0: Yes, you can travel into the future and it takes less energy than going into the past.

Pamela: 3.I dont see the computer in the device. is it the hand held device on the side of the larger device? If so what kind of power supply does the
computer work off of is it the battery as well or some type of crystal?

Timetravel_0: The computer system is connected to the unit through an electrical bus.
There are actually three computers linked together that take the same
signals from the gravity sensors and clocks. They use a Borda error
correcting protocol that checks the integrity of the data and trips the VGL

Pamela:4.Is your DNA remaining stable in this world or does it shift? does time traveling affect your body or aura or spirit in any way you know of?

timetravel_o: 4) I am not aware of any physical change to my DNA or "aura". I do however seem to be more susceptible to colds.

Pamela: 5. when you go back to the future will we remember you?

Time travel_0: Yes, you will remember me if you want to. World lines do not change that way and I will only become a insignificant part of your history.

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mm..General Electric built a time machine for the government?

or are time machines so common in the future that there makes and models are as commonly varied as our age's car models..?

Fast Out

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I would equate the "future" GM distortion units to their current jet engines. The first one worked great but they can always make it better.

The C204 unit uses 4 cesium clocks. The C206 uses 6 cesium clocks but they use an optical system to check the oscillation frequency. This makes the world line divergance confidence much higher.

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Time Traveler-0

If you could bring some material thing back to your time in 2036 what would it be?

Could I travel to a future that was, say 0.5 seconds ahead of now? In the same vien, if you just happened to arrive at "the year 2000" a fraction of a second in my past, or future would I ever know that you just 'landed soonby"? In other words, what makes this time line be 'now' at any given moment versus being any other time. We exist as A point on a time LINE, what is it that defines that point?

As far as how wonderfull your people are in the time after the war I'm very happy for you. Maybe they succeded in wiping out the RIGHT 3billion people. Something that could not be done with the nuclear sledge hammer. Perhaps the enemy released a killer virus that zeros in on only those who carried the Idiot gene?

2036 is not impossibly far off, what is your street adress then? I'll stop in and swap tales from days of old....assuming I live that long.

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what will the year 2036 be like?

pamela: 1.I will ask you about your environment then and I want to know about the family life and also about your religion. what religion has survived? Do you believe in Jesus Christ or someone else. Do people still pray to God? Do you still have churches?

timetravel_0: Yes I believe in Jesus Christ and we pray to God in churches. There aresome differences you may be interested in. Religion is a major part ofpeoples life in 2036. Pain and change tend to bring people together andcloser to God. However, religion is far more personal than it is now.
There are no huge, centralized religions and people talk openly about theirbeliefs. It might also interest you to know that the day of worship is
Saturday, the day God meant to be the Sabbath and the 10 commandments have
been restored to the "10" that God gave us.

pamela: 2. what kind of jobs do people do and do they still work long hours? whats the majority of job types in the future?

timetravel_0: Life is much more rural in the future but "high" technology is used to communicate and travel. People raise a great deal of their own food and do more "farm" work. Yes, compared to now, we do work long hours. After the war, my father made a living selling oranges up and down the West coast of Florida. My closest friend raises horses and another works for a company
that maintains "wireless" internet nodes.

pamela: 3.what is a typical day like for someone in your time? do you still havethe internet? has it advanced to all virtual reality yet?
what type of diseases are you currently dealing with? are there still advances in science?

timetravel_0: A typical day...hmmm. Life has changed so much over my lifetime that it's hard to pin down a "normal" day. When I was 13, I was a soldier. As a teenager, I helped my dad haul cargo. I went to college when I was 31 and I was recruited to "time travel" shortly after that. Again...I suppose an average day in 2036 is like an average day on the farm.

pamela: 4.Is there still a post office? how do you receive messages from one
another? you said most people talk face to face.

timetravel-0: Yes...there is a post office. The internet is still alive and well in the future. People spend more time talking because life is more centered around the community. I've noticed the same type of effect here when the power goes off. People tend to come out of their homes and actually spend time with their neighbors. There is a lot more personal trust and less paranoia.

pamela: 5.what type of houseing do you live in?

timetravel_0: When I'm with my parents, I live in a community made up of "tree houses" on a large river in Florida. The river floods sometimes and we have access to the Gulf. Most of our neighbors make a living off the sea or in moving cargo by boat.

pamela: 6.what started the war? and who fought in it? who won?what countries were destroyed and what survived?

timetravel_0: Wow...that's a big question. There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.

pamela: 7.did you ever discover what aliens were and ufos?

timetravel_0: No new information there. I find that an interesting subject myself. Personally, I think "UFOs" might be time travelers with very sophisticated distortion units. But that might be a bit wacky.

pamela: 8. what type of environmental problems do you know of that exist? do you have pure water to drink? are you mostly vegetarian-seems how most people are going that way today.

timetravel_0: One of the biggest reasons why food production is localized is because the environment is so screwed up with disease and radiation. We are making huge strides in getting it cleaned up. Water is produced on a community level and we do eat meat..that we raise ourselves.

pamela: 9. are they still messing around with genetics? and altering the food and animals?

timetravel_0: Yes...genetic engineering is used but it's like any other technology. It can be good and bad. One thing we did not do was create more hybrid seeds. What are people thinking???

pamela:10.what do you believe about life after death?

timetravel_0: I am a Christian Agnostic. I do not believe faith alone is enough to get us back to God. I'm not sure what happens when we die but I'm pretty sure it's not a walk in the park.

pamela: 11. do you have an advances in spacetravel or exploration?

timetravel_0: No. We are working on it.

pamela: 12. what new inventions do we have to look forward to?

timetravel_0: Hmmm....I hesitate to answer but I'll give a bit. Hydrogen fuel cells and more efficient solar cells are big deals. Computer technology and software gets MUCH better.

pamela: 13. what brings you the greatest joy on Earth? what are some things you and others do for entertainment and fun?

timetravel_0: I like this question. My greatest joy is sailing. For fun, I enjoy swimming, playing cards, reading, playing games on the net and talking with people who live in other countries. As a community, we celebrate much more and have bon fires and dances. My hobby is sorting through old magazines and videos of life before the war.

pamela: 14. what are your schools and universities like?

timetravel_0: After the war, early new communities gathered around the current Universities. That's where the libraries were. I went to school at Fort UF which is now called the University of Florida. Not too much is different except the military is large part of people's life and we spend a great deal of time in the fields and farms at the "University" or Fort.

pamela: 15. what are some of your fondest memories growing up? what kind of
cameras do you have now to take pictures of the family? did they ever invent a hologram camera?

timetravel_0: Most of my memories growing up are not fond. Life was very hard. Simple things make me happy like hugging my mother and father. Yes, we have cameras. More digital. Film is used like painting is today. No hologram camera though.

pamela: 16. do you still have telephones? what is your major source of energy that you use? solar power? electricity? have you discovered new energies.

timetravel_0: Yes we have phones but the service is through the web. Most power generation is localized. It amazes me how much power is wasted now. Yes, solar is big. There is thought that a singularity generator could also be used but most people are against it.

pamela: 17. how do you take care of your elderly? and your poor and your orphans? and the ones who cannot work?

timetravel_0: The elderly are highly revered and looked after on a community level. So are orphans. There is always something people can do now matter what. The idea of avoiding work is looked down on. Everyone pulls together to keep the COMMUNITY strong.

pamela: 18. what is the dress style of the time what do you wear on your bodies as a style?

timetravel_0: Hats are more common in the future and flashy colors are less common. Dress is much more functional and we "dress up" when ever we get a chance. I have noticed that no one in this time dresses for occasions even when they have the clothes. Why do people wear shorts to church?

pamela: 19. do people wear their hair differently than we do?every generation has a different style what is the style of your time? what is popular for kids to wear? for adults to wear?

timetravel-0: We do not spend nearly the amount of time on our hair as people do now. Women like to wear their hair longer and men have it much shorter. Both sexes shave it all off when they're in active military service.

pamela: 20. are surgeries mostly performed by lasars? or were there new
technologies developed?

timetravel_o: Far less medical treatment in the future even though its more advanced. People die when they now its time to die. No lasers. Genetic medicine and cloning organs are the obvious new techs in the future.

pamela: 21. do you still have the current form of government, presidents and vice presidents like we do?

timetravel_0: No. The Constitution was changed after the war. We have 5 presidents that are voted in and out on different term periods. The vice president is the president of the senate and they are voted separately.

pamela: 22. how do you get from one place to another with not many cars around.do you teleport from one place to another?

timetravel_0: We have cars...just not a whole bunch of them. There is public transportation from city to city.

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If I could bring some material thing back to your time from 2036...it would be a copy of the new US Constitution.

Yes, you could travel to a future that was 0.5 seconds ahead of now but not with my machine. The C204 uses the second as the basic unit of measure. The C206 may be capable of .05 sec.

(In the same vien, if you just happened to arrive at "the year 2000" a fraction of a second in my past, or future would I ever know that you just 'landed soonby"?)

No "you" would not. But the "you" on that world line would.

(In other words, what makes this time line be 'now' at any given moment versus being any other time. We exist as A point on a time LINE, what is it that defines that point?)

It is believed there are some sort of measurable quantum differences in world lines. I am not an expert on that so I can offer little information.

(As far as how wonderfull your people are in the time after the war I'm very happy for you. Maybe they succeded in wiping out the RIGHT 3billion people.)

Yes, we did.

(2036 is not impossibly far off, what is your street adress then? I'll stop in and swap tales from days of old....assuming I live that long.)

You would be welcome in my home.

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1.Without going into detail what you are here specifically for can you please explain what the primary purpose of time travel is in the future?

2.Why it is used and how often to your knowledge it is used.?

3.Are there specific time periods time .travelers go to most?

4.you stated there were several time machines available are they all active at this time to your knowledge?

5.What kind of car are you going to go back in since you sold the Chevy?

6.Are you able to take people with you in the same car back to your time or another time?

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(1.Without going into detail what you are here specifically for can you please explain what the primary purpose of time travel is in the future?)

In 2036, a great deal of effort is going into "repairing" our environment. I was sent to 1975 to get a computer system and take it back to 2036. Time travel is not a secret in 2036 and I expect it will become more common.

(2.Why it is used and how often to your knowledge it is used.?)

Right now, its used to get information or "items" that would be helpful in getting a post WWIII world back to a normal condition. There are 7 other time travelers in my unit.

(3.Are there specific time periods time .travelers go to most?)

Right now, most of our practical missions are from 1960 to 1980. There is a great deal of research into later and future periods but the farther you go, the lower the divergence confidence of the world line.

(4.you stated there were several time machines available are they all active at this time to your knowledge?)


(5.What kind of car are you going to go back in since you sold the Chevy?)

It's a 1987 4WD. The vehicle needs a strong suspension system to handle the weight of the distortion unit.

(6.Are you able to take people with you in the same car back to your time or another time?)


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Timetravel_0, I have a couple of tech questions. If you change "vehical" do you have to re-calibrate the unit? (Does mass effect the field strength or power level needed to travel?) What kind of coils are used to contain, and maintain the singularity? (tri-coil, or quadrature coil, etc.) Can your unit also dimensionally travel? (can it move laterally in time as well as forward/reverse)


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To TimeTravel_0

Have you seen the movies 'Terminator' and 'Terminater 2'? We have a lot of good movies in this time but it is hard to pick them out from the huge piles of "trash movies".

Movies are contemporary liturature.

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If your conveyence is accurate to one second then you must have a reason for picking the particular second or at least particular day or week, you did.

Let me guess, you are here NOW to look at the unusual hung election we have going on. Or maybe this is the trigger event in the comming world wide econmic meltdown? Some other piviot point in history? Fess up. Why now?

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if you journeyed here from 2036(i think) to get a computer system,why is it you are posting on a time travel message board information as to how you arrived here?


a VW Bus would make a fine time machine

Fast Out

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