Re: The Bogosity of Peak Oil
To Angleochoas:
Canada & US are the breadbasket of the world. Therefore any shortage of food will be a truly global event. There is one thing that few understand, a major disruption in our supply of food will cause a complete collapse of our society.
To Packerbacker:
You said - guns = power.
It is not that easy. For one thing an army requires fuel to move, food for soldiers, etc. The tendency is for gov to control the city, while the countryside is in the hands of revolutionaries, a good example is FARC in Columbia. Guess what, in a nuclear war it is the cities that are destroyed - I believe John Titor spoke about this.
To rain:
Back when oil was in the $30/b territory, I said that this year it would go over 60 and then over 70. I tell you now that it will in the next decade go over $250/b and that will send gas over $5/gal and then over $6/gal. YES, gasoline will be rationed. I have seen it using RV.
As for the economy......
taken FROM
"If the green shoots are really so wonderful, why does the recent Nelson Rockefeller Institute report on state tax collections read like a disaster novel? State income tax revenue fell 26% in the first four months of the year. This may be backward-looking, but with no job growth anywhere to be seen, I doubt the number is improving. States are required to balance their budgets, so this is going to mean cutbacks. Cutbacks mean even more job losses by one of the largest providers of jobs. The other choice, raising state taxes, is just too disastrous to the economy to even contemplate right now."
STATES WILL RAISE TAX, what other choice do they have?
Record unemployment rates
I predict that because income tax is down, sales tax is down, even property tax is down, states have to raise TAX.
States raise tax
"State legislators faced with mammoth budget gaps and sharply lower revenue are looking to residents to bail them out. Right now, at least 47 states are facing significant shortfalls in their 2009 and/or 2010 budgets,"
Peter Schiff says the now for the 1st time in decades european companies have a higher market capitalization than american.
Back in 2007 I was listening to debunkers tell me that Darby won, and that I lost because the dow was going up. That 2009 would be fine.
The coming catastrophic collapse of the economy is now starting. Back in 2005 when I did warn all of you of tidal wave of bankruptcy that would hit the US, debunker darby claimed I was crying wolf. Well, now you see that I was right and he was wrong. Those of you that prepared will be OK. Those of you that listened to debunkers will suffer the consequences.
Any time a politician tell you "don't panic, everything's fine" You gotta be running out the door.
"all of Detroit will tumble into bankruptcy. And that will take down thousands of parts suppliers, dealers and other businesses that depend on the American automakers."
Here is a man who believes similar to me.