September 2024

Alas, I can only praise LG for being creative and smart, but not an actual TT. It is simply not believable that in the next 25 years both South America and diseases will not make major headlines. A decade, no, a year, does not go by without some mention of either or both of them.

Moreover, as clever as LG is, without one bit of confirmable evidence then we are talking about a belief system only here. She certainly could have 'boned' up a little on the events of today, or brought her notebook with her with tidbits, like "in two days the 4th word in the 2nd paragraph in the left hand column of the New York Times will be 'whale' "... totally harmless information that is totally convincing... which, as a high powered VIP in DARPA traveling back to 'spread the word', would be a minimum requirement, no?

However, my respect for LG has gone up considerably. She has gone from a fairly ho-hum bureaucrat from the future to a really creative prankster from the present that has caught our imagination.
Dear Lyndzee,

I find your claim highly intriguing. A question: nowadays there's a lot of fuss about the climate changing. There are scientists who argue that due to man's activities the climate becomes warmer, there are other scientists who argue that man's activities have no significant influence on the weather, but that the climate changes we're going through have to do with sunspot cycles and that we're entering a cooler period.
Has the climate become warmer in your time? What are the opinions of scientists in your time about man's activities and the influence on the climate?

Looking forward to your answer,

In your trials, you went from information and objects straight to humans?

When you first sent information, what form was the information in? (CD, letter, post it, etc.)

If the first jump was a month back, does that mean everyone in the room (a month earlier)saw the person who made the jump and then was told by them the first jump would be in a month?

Could you elaborate on that more? Did this person end up in the room with "themself" when the jump occured?

How many microwave size devices were made before the pods?

No. You not understand good. I past said not engineer or secret stuff. Theory. Big picture...<-- --> ...but good science stuff too. You make words...300 words...theory... Words you give science peoples. Short story...--> <--. You smart person. You figure it out. Me sure.

Me call DARPA EOPS office get you translator, bureaucrat?

Darby did you have a stroke? You are posting funny. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Hello Lyn, thanks for your replies, I have some more questions for you:

-What city will host the 2016 Olimpic Games?

-You talked about a problem in the ISS, what happened exactly? Was it never finished? And I didn't understand what it has to do with NASA's demise?

-Has there been a new manned mission to the Moon and/or Mars? Is there a permanent base in the Moon and/or Mars in 2024? If not, do you have plans to do that?

- Do you have hoverboars in your time? (A hoverboard is like a skateboard without wheels, see this link for more information: hoverboard )

- Is the Magnetic levitation (Maglev) more commonplace in 2024? In 2008 there are maglev trains in Japan, China and Germany, Does more countries in your time has this trains?

-What about the biogenetics? Are your doctors able to create human organs in the Lab with a sample of the patient's ADN?

-Have you find a cure for Cancer? And for Parkirson's and Alzheimer's diseases?

Well, enough for now. Thanks!

Do you have religious beliefs? If so what category do you consider yourself in?
example: catholic, christian, new age, buddism, jewish,etc.

As a woman I have to ask: What are the current hair styles for men and women in your time?
What are some new clothes styles for men and woman?

Is 911 still an operating system?

Is brain to computer link popular?

What does your husband think of you time traveling? (If you are willing to share of course)
Were you scared you might never see your family again or were you pretty confident that
everything would work out ok?

What was your preconceived ideas of the people of our time before you came here?
Has it changed at all in the short time you have been here?

Darby did you have a stroke? You are posting funny.


Nah, no stroke. Just speaking a language that most mid-level federal bureaucrats can grasp. You have to keep it very simple. More than six words per sentence or more than two syllables per a word and they tend to vapor lock.

It's actually pretty funny to see their eyes gloss over and roll back. But it gets a bit hmmm...awkward?... when they fall backwards and slam the back of their head against a drinking fountain, corner of a file cabinet or desk. Bang! Splat! Zzzzzzzzz... The blood and hair on everything tends to have a cascading effect on the other employees. Splat! Splat! Splat!

Very messy. But it does provide managerial promotional opportunities. So they got that going for them.
It is not a stroke--- and this is not a psyop -----

This wasn't about defending anyone's disbelief,as Ray suggested to me.

Trust me there is plenty to go around.

This has become a moral issue by Lyn.


Lyn , what can we do to become more moral.

Please explain it to me, so we can as a group,---can violate it repeatedly like the animals we are.

I understand that you think you are better than us--- tell me what we should be doing...that we aren't doing now.

Tell me HOW , we are supposed to believe YOUR message of release,.

EXPLAIN TO ME, what we are doing wrong.

I do not want an(eye witness of events)image. I want the truth.

Explain yourself.

Apparently you have strong feelings on the subject, or you wouldn't be so moral.


Its not like you do not have the time----Or a forum to have a say... I would LOVE to hear it.

This has become a moral issue by Lyn.

Youi've caught on. That, and politics, is the general theme of would-be time travelers. Of course, there are plenty of poli-sci and philosophy sites around where the same topics can legitimately be discussed without the topic initiator of the moral discussion beginning it with a prevarication.

It kind of takes the wind out of the sail of credibility when the self-righteous moralizer bases the conversation on a lie...and then defends the lie unto death all the while lecturing members about their rude, crude and generally ill-mannered deportment.

Bureaucratic Vapor Lock Syndrome (BVLS): Bang! Splat! Zzzzzzzz...

Donations to cure this crippling disease can be made to the BVLS Foundation, a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit corporation. Our Motto: "A Bureaucrat is a terrible thing to waste."

That, and politics, is the general theme of would-be time travelers. Of course, there are plenty of poli-sci and philosophy sites around where the same topics can legitimately be discussed without the topic initiator of the moral discussion beginning it with a prevarication.

It kind of takes the wind out of the sail of credibility when the self-righteous moralizer bases the conversation on a lie...and then defends the lie unto death all the while lecturing members about their rude, crude and generally ill-mannered deportment.

You do an excellent job of cutting to the quick, and stating precisely what I am feeling (but having a hard time putting into words) about the attitude of such hoaxers. I will, of course, be the first to admit that I use sarcasm and will get rude with these types. But it is not like they do not: (a) deserve it because of what they are doing and (b) bring it on themselves because of what they are doing.

Lyndzee, you judge me as rude. Did it ever occur to you that people consider it rude when people lie to them, and attempt to hoax them? You know you are a hoaxer (but will never admit it), and most of the smart people on this forum know you are a hoaxer. Heck, even many of the people who are not treating you as the hoaxer you are, even they know you are a hoaxer. I am simply reacting to your own rudeness with exactly the same thing. But at least I am not lying, or attempting to hide my true self. You, unfortunately, cannot make that same claim. And if you do make such a claim, that too would be a lie.

Oh yes...and you have NOT answered all of my questions. Go back and read the ones I asked you about security clearances and classified information. There were questions there which you ignored. My guess is you ignored them because you could not answer them, because you really do not know all that someone who has a security clearance, and who has signed a SF 312, should know. You have violated so many DoD rules of OpSec and InfoSec, that there can only be two conclusions:

(1) You are purposefully violating these rules (this option assumes you are who you say you are)
(2) You are completely ignorant of DoD OpSec and InfoSec regulations (this option assumes you are not who you say you are).

Guess which option I believe has the highest probability of being true? And no matter what excuses you try to make about the future, if you are part of the DoD and you are coming to this time, you are, in fact, bound by the DoD Instructions and DoD Directives in force today.

I would suggest you spend some time googling DoD Instruction 5230.29 and DoD Directive 5230.9. You may just learn a thing or two about all the OpSec and InfoSec rules you are violating.

Therefore, if I would have said something like that, I am sure others would have have responded with comments like "That was obvious." or "There was a 50/50 chance that would happen." As I have said before, I am not here to convince, but to observe. At the risk of hearing those responses I just mentioned, I can tell you that Washington Mutual does merge with another major financial institution very soon if that helps.

Oh helps quite a bit "Lyndzee". It helps us verify once again how crude your hoax is constructed. Just like all the past TT hoaxers, you are not telling us about the future, but merely reading the present news and translating them into vague "predictions". These words of yours above were posted here on SEP 17 2008. And as Kanigo2 has posted, the news about Washington Mutual and its troubles has hardly been a secret, or something no one knew about. But now that JP Morgan has taken over (not merged with) Washington Mutual, you would obviously want people to use this as some sort of validation that you are a real TTer.

The problem is you did not tell us WHICH "financial instituation" WaMu would "merge" with (be taken over by). But if you had done better scouring of the news, you may have even been able to guess which one it was.... Look here: This is from the New York Times as far back as September 8th, a full NINE DAYS before your "prediction"...

<font color="red"> "The deal allowed Mr. Killinger to keep his job, but many analysts said the bank would need another infusion. JPMorgan had previously submitted a bid that would have led to his ouster." [/COLOR]

There was the clue... That right there would tell someone who watches financials that JP Morgan was seeing the blood in the WaMu streets, and making their play to scoop-up the assets. Of course, now we know that JP Morgan has taken over (not merged with) Washington Mutual as a result of a deal by the FDIC. But there were plenty of indications even before Sep 8th that WaMu would not survive. Here is one from as far back as July:

<font color="red"> "Washington Mutual loses $3.3 billion
Hurt by higher loan loss provisions, nation's largest thrift reports worse-than-expected results." [/COLOR]

As further proof that you are googling and not predicting, look at one of the articles that comes up when you type into google the words "next bank to fail":

<font color="blue"> NOTE THE DATE OF THIS ARTICLE: September 14th 2008. [/COLOR]

So now things will really start to heat up with your story. For when (if) Obama wins the election, we would expect for you to be gone from here, never to return. But as you state above, there is a 50/50 chance you could have picked the right one, if McCain wins. Are you nervous? BWAAAHAHAHAHAH /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Yes, I am being rude... but then again, so are you sweetheart.
To LG:

Anyone can remote view the future with a pencil and a piece of paper. The technology has been in the public domain for many years. I wish your future of hydrogen cars came true, but what I have seen is worse than a nightmare.

I have seen riots, cities burning out of control, roving gangs, and the end of western civilization.

You must prepare for economic disaster, a time when there is no food in the grocery store, there is no fuel in the filling station, cities are dark without power, and all the institutions you depend on do not exist.
This has become a moral issue by Lyn.


Lyn , what can we do to become more moral.

It`s Called <font color="red"> Lyn`s "heffalump trap" [/COLOR]

until prove the contrary...

In your trials, you went from information and objects straight to humans?

When you first sent information, what form was the information in? (CD, letter, post it, etc.)

If the first jump was a month back, does that mean everyone in the room (a month earlier)saw the person who made the jump and then was told by them the first jump would be in a month?

Could you elaborate on that more? Did this person end up in the room with "themself" when the jump occured?

How many microwave size devices were made before the pods?



Yes, after multiple trials we began trails with actual travelers. Not to make it seem like this all happened within days of each other, however. These trials were years apart.

Initial objects and information were USB devices.

No, the travelers do not travel to the same spot from which the began, they travel back to the safehouse. This first jump had been planned for up to a year in advance.

Eleven of the smaller AITUs were made.

L. Grummond
Hello Lyn, thanks for your replies, I have some more questions for you:

-What city will host the 2016 Olimpic Games?

-You talked about a problem in the ISS, what happened exactly? Was it never finished? And I didn't understand what it has to do with NASA's demise?

-Has there been a new manned mission to the Moon and/or Mars? Is there a permanent base in the Moon and/or Mars in 2024? If not, do you have plans to do that?

- Do you have hoverboars in your time? (A hoverboard is like a skateboard without wheels, see this link for more information: hoverboard )

- Is the Magnetic levitation (Maglev) more commonplace in 2024? In 2008 there are maglev trains in Japan, China and Germany, Does more countries in your time has this trains?

-What about the biogenetics? Are your doctors able to create human organs in the Lab with a sample of the patient's ADN?

-Have you find a cure for Cancer? And for Parkirson's and Alzheimer's diseases?

Well, enough for now. Thanks!


Chicago hosts the 2016 Olympics Games.

The ISS was not completed due to an increase in tensions between the US and Russia. Russia continues to work on the ISS currently while the US is now part of an international space program constructing its own space station as well as a 'colony' on the moon.

No, hoverboards are not in use.

I wouldn't necessarily say that Maglev is more commonplace. I am sure it is used quite a bit more, especially with the updating of older systems.

Biogenetics is a big topic. There have been successful tests, but the use is not yet widespread. Genetic engineering has done much to increase the average estimated lifespan.

Unfortunately there is no cure for the three diseases you mentioned, however I did speak about the vaccine for HIV/AIDS in a previous post. There have been additional vaccines created for certain types of cancer, however the vaccine is not always 100% successful in all patients.

L. Grummond

Do you have religious beliefs? If so what category do you consider yourself in?
example: catholic, christian, new age, buddism, jewish,etc.

As a woman I have to ask: What are the current hair styles for men and women in your time?
What are some new clothes styles for men and woman?

Is 911 still an operating system?

Is brain to computer link popular?

What does your husband think of you time traveling? (If you are willing to share of course)
Were you scared you might never see your family again or were you pretty confident that
everything would work out ok?

What was your preconceived ideas of the people of our time before you came here?
Has it changed at all in the short time you have been here?



I myself am still unsure about the topic. As a scientist, I am still awaiting proof, but as a human being, I would hope that there is something more than ourselves out there.

Most of the styles (hair and fashion) of today are very similar to the previous decades. I would have to say that there is no real way to differentiate between the two times in that sense. Recently quite a few women have been getting 'at-the-shoulder' hairstyles because of an actress who recently cut her famously long hair and is now sporting the shorter hairdo. (I am not one of those women if you were wondering)

Yes, 911 is still the emergency operating system.

No, 'brain-to-computer' link is not in wide use and as far as I am aware, it is not anywhere near public use.

My husband and children are extremely supportive of everything I do. No, I have full confidence in the technology.

I really had no preconceived ideas, but am realizing people are very similar in both times personality-wise.

L. Grummond

By you giving the 300+ page document to scientist here
you are creating a large divergence here even if you don't
believe in divergence. Your current time machine may never
be made and your job in the future might not exist. The
fact is your current time machine you are travelling in
will not be made. The engineers working on it now in this
current 2008 will be the once to create time machine first
and your machine will never be made. The stupid thing is
your version would still be created if you didn't interfere.

The real question is what are you trying to accomplish with
this insanity you are messing up the time line and creating
massive paradoxes in time with different version of time machines.

Thanx. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
It is not a stroke--- and this is not a psyop -----
This wasn't about defending anyone's disbelief,as Ray suggested to me.
Trust me there is plenty to go around.
This has become a moral issue by Lyn.
Lyn , what can we do to become more moral.
Please explain it to me, so we can as a group,---can violate it repeatedly like the animals we are.
I understand that you think you are better than us--- tell me what we should be doing...that we aren't doing now.
Tell me HOW , we are supposed to believe YOUR message of release,.
EXPLAIN TO ME, what we are doing wrong.
I do not want an(eye witness of events)image. I want the truth.
Explain yourself.
Apparently you have strong feelings on the subject, or you wouldn't be so moral.
Its not like you do not have the time----Or a forum to have a say... I would LOVE to hear it.


I never said anything about a moral issue. I am not even sure what you are referring to. My apologies. Even if it were the case, I would definitely not be the first to begin dishing out moral values. All I have asked is for an organized and professional conversation between adults. Simple as that.

L. Grummond

See what I mean? Too many big words in your last post. Next time post in Bureaucratic so s/he won't vapor lock. Bang! Splat! Zzzzzz!
You do an excellent job of cutting to the quick, and stating precisely what I am feeling (but having a hard time putting into words) about the attitude of such hoaxers. I will, of course, be the first to admit that I use sarcasm and will get rude with these types. But it is not like they do not: (a) deserve it because of what they are doing and (b) bring it on themselves because of what they are doing.

Lyndzee, you judge me as rude. Did it ever occur to you that people consider it rude when people lie to them, and attempt to hoax them? You know you are a hoaxer (but will never admit it), and most of the smart people on this forum know you are a hoaxer. Heck, even many of the people who are not treating you as the hoaxer you are, even they know you are a hoaxer. I am simply reacting to your own rudeness with exactly the same thing. But at least I am not lying, or attempting to hide my true self. You, unfortunately, cannot make that same claim. And if you do make such a claim, that too would be a lie.

Yes, I have ascertained this. Everyone has their way of dealing with different situations. I welcome your questions and your doubt because, as I have said previously, I have nothing to hide and no reason to lie about anything I say. At the same time, keep in mind I am a woman - and how do women react? You know women. They react emotionally. I do not intend to ignore any of our conversation together and am looking forward to continuing it. I understand how you feel about would-be hoaxes, however I can assure you I am not a hoax. Of course, this is only my word, and you will not be sure of this until the various events and outcomes I have mentioned come to pass, but until then, let us carry on a civil conversation which will hopefully provide us both with information and knowledge.

Oh yes...and you have NOT answered all of my questions. Go back and read the ones I asked you about security clearances and classified information. There were questions there which you ignored. My guess is you ignored them because you could not answer them, because you really do not know all that someone who has a security clearance, and who has signed a SF 312, should know. You have violated so many DoD rules of OpSec and InfoSec, that there can only be two conclusions:

(1) You are purposefully violating these rules (this option assumes you are who you say you are)
(2) You are completely ignorant of DoD OpSec and InfoSec regulations (this option assumes you are not who you say you are).

Guess which option I believe has the highest probability of being true? And no matter what excuses you try to make about the future, if you are part of the DoD and you are coming to this time, you are, in fact, bound by the DoD Instructions and DoD Directives in force today.

I would suggest you spend some time googling DoD Instruction 5230.29 and DoD Directive 5230.9. You may just learn a thing or two about all the OpSec and InfoSec rules you are violating.


If I have not answered some of your questions it may simply be because you have had a few 'junk' posts after which I simply skipped over a majority of. As I said before, I will be happy to answer any of your questions if you would not mind making a simple list and placing them in a post for me to respond to. I will begin by responding to the comments you have made in this post:

First of all OPSEC and INFOSEC do not apply here:

In fact, OPSEC is particular to information being kept from a variety of rivals or enemies. We are not in this type of situation and are not attempting to hide information in this sense. The other countries who are working on time travel technologies are not doing so in some sort of Space Race-type situation, but instead are attempting to achieve time travel via different means than our own. We are not in competition with these different countries, but have actually assisted in some parts of their development of their differing types of attempted time travel.

INFOSEC on the other hand is specific to computer security. None of the information I have provided is deemed Classified within our organization, nor would I devulge any Classified information to the general public. I trust you have noticed on a handful of instances where I have been asked for this type of information within this forum I have apologized for my inability to provide it as it would be a security issue.

Additionally, you mentioned DoD Instruction 5230.29 and DoD Directive 5230.9. I am well versed on my Security and Policy Procedures within the DoD. First of all, as the Head of an Agency within the DoD, I have clearance authority on the subject. Anything I have mentioned here is not sensitive to military matters or national security issues and therefore does not fall under the policies which you have stated. Furthermore, you must remember that DARPA is in fact involved directly in this technology, however only as part of the ITI. Anyone involved in the project does have opersational security guidelines set before them by the ITI and this is what we are to follow while acting as part of this international project. We have non-disclosure agreements regarding certain topics and these are topics which I have not provided information on. That being said, I must clearly state once again, that I am completely within my authority to provide any of the information I have already given and may provide henceforth.

I hope that this direct response to your inquiries has answered them in a clear fashion and with no misunderstanding.

L. Grummond