Epochal Historian
You are quite funny aren't you? This is the information which I have just given!
The information that you gave to the scientific community, of which you are a part of was:
The technology involves negative mass at the center of the project. In order to actual complete a travel, the ITI along with a handful of scientists who worked on a number of CERN projects developed a process for an exotic matter which is used in order to create a series of stable fields which repell one another and therefore are immune to collapse. Once a time and location is decided upon, the travel unit is put into place in one of the selected fields to begin the travel. The unit does not actually travel from one place to another, but instead 'jumps' from a single starting point to a second (and sometimes third) point before reaching the final arrival point.
Did they groan or did they laugh their collective arses off at that "scientific" release to their community?
Come on, girl friend, what did you release to the scientific community? Surely you don't expect us to believe that you released that crap to the people who developed the underlying theory to your gadget, do you?
You're a scientist. Help us out here. Funny or not it's your story.
This is the exact cross-roads that every wannabe time traveler comes to. If you really want to be believed then convince us. If you're just another OEWTO I can understand that much. But as I said, it's your saga. Where's the beef?
So I'll just ask:
What is negative mass? How is it itilized in your gadget? How is negative mass produced? How much negative mass is required? Where and how do you store negative mass in 2008? How do you avoid the effets of vacuum flux effects with your gadget? Without reference to Wiki, in other words - in your own words, what is vacuum flux?