Chrono Cadet
Hello Lyndzee_Grummond, this is my first post here so greetings for you and for everybody in TTI! Specially for Darby and Pamela, your post are very interesting, thank you! Well Lyndzee, you are the reason that leave me to register in this forum, because I belive you are the most serious candidate to be a real time traveller after John Titor so I have about 10 milions questions to ask you, but let's star with some of them:
(DISCLAIMER: I am from Spain (Europe) so English is not my mother's tongue, although I can read and understand all you people say I cannot write English properly so please, forgive my many spell and grammatical mistakes.)
Well, let's go with the questions:
-How is the Internet in 2024? Nowadays in 2008 scientists are working in some type of "new generation" internet which they call "The Grid". Is "The Grid" a reality in your time? If so, how is it? How does it work? Do you remember what year is it launched? Is it so revolutionary?
- Does today's (2008) main software/internet companies still exist? I am talking about Microsoft, Apple, Google, Yahoo, etc. I am really interested to know what happened to Microsoft and Google, so please tell us all you remember about them.
-They are talking now about building a space elevator like this one: , do you have one of them in 2024? I mean one of them that actually works.
-By the way, is wikipedia still alive in 2024? Is it so important than in 2008?
-What about the computers? How are they in your time? Do you have already "Quantum computers"? If so could you explain us everything you know about it?
-Is Windows still the main O.S. in 2024? Is GNU/Linux (or the free software) more commonplace?
-Did you succeed to make a real Artificial intelligence? I mean a real one like "HAL" in the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" that was able to pass the Turing test.
One last question: Can I ask you questions in spanish?
Thank you very much!
The internet is so much larger than it was just a decade or two ago with many publications going online-only, etc. The Grid is in use by CERN, however there is no longer any use of 'dial-up' internet connections in the US.
Yes, all of those companies are still in business and doing quite well. Microsoft began offering hardware devices just a few years ago and that business model is very successful. Microsoft's operating system, Windows, is still the most-used OS and has actually grown to 96% of the market i believe. Linux is second and Apple's OS is a far-distant third.
No, there is no such 'space elevator' at the moment.
Computers are very slim and have a far greater amount of computing power. For the most part, the peripherals are about the same as they were in 2008. Most people use computers in hand-held devices. There is no 'quantum computer'.
I apologize, I answered your OS question just a few seconds ago! I didn't know you would be asking that.
Artificial Intelligence has grown by leaps an bounds. For example, in South Korea, there is nearly one robot for every household! This is definitely not the case in the US though.
Yes, you can ask me questions in Spanish if you'd like. I speak a few languages.
L. Grummond