September 2024

Because TPTB elected Ray to complete these agenda -TTI - DOA @ 2012

Thanks Ray, BTW,
Please "Modere" your Words when send to my Box the misleading Messagess...I will send a copy to MOP
Meanwhile this link will help you:
Link to TTI

Quoting MOP
" Apparently, once again, what I felt should be "understood" by everyone must be made explicit. So here goes:

If anyone feels they are being wronged in any way on the forums, they are welcome to contact me and I will address the issue.

I cannot police the forums for content. People may post nonsense if they like. I cannot ban someone for being nonsensical. Let's face it, how is one person to judge what makes sense and what doesn't?

But if someone - anyone - is being offensive to another poster, then that goes against the general terms of this forum. And I WILL deal with that. If you feel you are being attacked and are unable to find a solution, I encourage you to contact Roel, the moderator, or myself.

Thank you,
Raul Burriel
Never. Because Rainmantime would report it to higher ups as a threat to national security
and the time traveler would be hunted down and captured. There must always be some doubt
or silliness mixed in. Complete belief is dangerous for a time traveler.

You guys are really funny. You want a time traveler to completely convince you but when
he tries then you start threatening him with national security stuff. John was right.

Actually John was completely right in his examination of the situation.

I can see some of this summation to be true.

I also understand the fact why it would left to disbelief....

I was only asking if it were possible ,, that maybe , possibly ,one day we would see it happen....


As far as the second side of the equation--there has to be a protocol---Even if it is a pinned section--- Literally a basic script/questionnaire that must be responded to:

and I don't mean Name -Age and sex.

It seems like it is the same line over and over again --I am from 2***, I came from the future to____, I am interested in x_________. I will not answer x_________.

I do not understand the rational reasoning behind it

---I mean seriously If you were from the future and you KNEW about this forum.... wouldn't you KNOW better than start a thread like that after reading 40+ years of the same drivel?

At least if a PINNED Thread were made the PROTOCOL/Basic Answer Sheet for entering into making a claim
---then in the future they come in here---they would already know this....A mandatory ruling--and anyone that starts a thread in the above mentioned way should immediately be dumped into a new "joke thread" section.

Seriously we can do a better job at weeding these things out---most of these claims don't even go for ANY seriousness WHATSOEVER-- .
At least you gotta give it to HDR-- he will not stop...

There is something to what you say Pam about Ray and Darby's veracity/ and when they pull it out like a hammer /all they see are nails policy.
Then again for them I see it used as a time saver-but it never turns out to produce those very same time saving results.
So as everyone else would notice--there is another agenda behind the screen/words. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Definitely leaves people thinking---

You guys know me for long enough now...I was just hoping there was a way to possibly get a grip on the spam/but in a generally different manner/tactic than has previously been used.

Oh well---- I guess the sad silliness would continue--because of lack of interest---and THAT is what will keep the forum in the state in currently occupies.
Unless that of course is also what is intended... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

There is something to what you say Pam about Ray and Darby's veracity/ and when they pull it out like a hammer /all they see are nails policy.
Then again for them I see it used as a time saver-but it never turns out to produce those very same time saving results.
So as everyone else would notice--there is another agenda behind the screen/words.

Basically a fair cop on the observation as it applies to me. I don't know about the "another agenda" part though. I do have a plan in most cases but it's not some secret agenda. I've disclosed it on occassion.

But maybe we should put it all in perspective. What goes on here is really pretty mild stuff compared to most like sites. I don't know if you've ever stopped by sci.physics.particle or sci.physics. Give 'em a look see for comparison. And remember, on those sites you have woo-woos that ours can't hold a candle to plus physicists.



Here's just one example from Uncle Al:

BURT wrote:

> Light's steady motion and waving motion is unified with space-time.

[snip crap]

> Mitch Raemsch

A duck's ass and its mouth are connected according to General Relativity.

1) Idiot Raemsch has no education.
2) Idiot Raemsch is no autodidact.
3) Idiot Raemsch has no math skills.
4) Idiot Raemsch is uncouth.
5) Idiot Raemsch is a masochist.
6) Idiot Raemsch is a eunuch in a brothel, a capon in a henhouse, a steer amidst cows; a stot, a gelding, a gelt, a havier, a gib, a lapin, a seg, a hog, a wether... a troll in a science newsgroup.
7) Idiot Raemsch exercises anile kneejerk spasms befitting a particulary inferior undergrad assignment in spew emulation. Having pissed upon a skyscraper wall, troll Raemsch rears back and exhorts the crowd to admire both his spoor and the stunted flesh straw that emplaced it.

Hey stooopid Raemsch - hypo-orchidism plus hypospadias? How greatly empowered you are to piss into your own eyes.

BTW: This isn't a criticism of Uncle Al. He's also a regular contributor to the sci.physics.research forum which is moderated by two well known physics PhD's. It's just offered as a contrast to what we do here.
But maybe we should put it all in perspective. What goes on here is really pretty mild stuff compared to most like sites. I don't know if you've ever stopped by sci.physics.particle or sci.physics. Give 'em a look see for comparison. And remember, on those sites you have woo-woos that ours can't hold a candle to plus physicists.

That's an understatement, lol!
I am making no-more than a layman's suggestion of what has been repeated over and over.

It was no more than an evaluation....

If Lyn does/doesn't come back --I still suggest that we can do this questionnaire proposal.

If we half ass it / that is all it will even remain. A proposal.

Like I said-Just as a Time saving measure.
I see Lyndzee just can't resist!

RainmanTime states that some of you MUST be wrong because you are basing your arguements on YOUR understanding of timetravel. What does that even mean? Wouldn't the same go for RainmanTime? Aren't you yourself basing your arguments on YOUR understanding of time travel.

No. I am using logic based on your claims alone. You were the one who claimed zero divergence. And you can't take that back now, but you sure can try to squirm and claim you were misunderstood.

Unfortunately I cannot tell you "what the very next thing you say" is. How would I know that?

Because if there is zero divergence (again, this is your claim, not mine) then this thread exists in YOUR future intact (which is also OUR future since there is allegedly zero divergence). If you really are a field operative, then you should know that ALL missions are prepared for. And one act of mission prep for time travel would be to review threads on any forum your mission calls for you to visit and participate in. (Unless of course you did absolutely no mission prep at all, which does seem believable).

This is our first visit to this time and therefore this conversation's existence is being created post by post and word by word.

Thank you for contradicting your own story. If what you say here is true, then your claim of zero divergence cannot also be true.

But don't blame me... you were the one who so boldly claimed zero divergence. And note to the next OETW'er: Try to avoid using absolutes (zero is an absolute measure), as they can be difficult to unwind once your story is blown open).

And oh...BTW... the color I promised for my next post? Chartreuse! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

I think she was saying zero divergence on
arrival. But she would cause a personal
divergence when she started interacting
with us on this web site.

If claims are such a threat to this web
site maybe it should be shut down so the
owner does not get legal action on him.
Hello Lyndzee_Grummond
I registered just to ask you this
This can sound strange
but when you meantioned the books from the future
i imediately feel drawn to one book:

"A Light in Leicester Square (a mystery novel)"

I know this may be complicated but is there any possible way
you can get a copy of this book for me i realy want to read it
is so long time to wait to 2021 before i can read this

I will no give the copy of the book to anyone
and only read it alone

I would need the book in Paper-format

I am also happy if anyone else from that timeline can get me that book
I dont know the author so if you could name the author of the book.

It would mean so much to me to read a book from the future
but is not that is the tittle that somehow draw me to this book
i dont know why but i have to read it

Atleast i try to ask maybe you or someone can help me get the book

PS! I belive in Timetravel and feel drawn to the subject very much
Re: September 2008--->100708

is so long time to wait to 2021 before i can read this
It starts off like some sort of ghastly reality TV show for Jurassic celebrities. Mick is moaning about how awful Martin Scorsese's stage designs are from a hotel room in Texas. Marty shakes his head in New York and says that Mick designed the damn thing.

No one has a clue what the running order of songs is going to be for this one-off concert that Scorsese is filming for the Stones - mostly because Mick is on a private jet in the middle of yet another last world tour, flicking lovingly through the back catalogue of Stones hits. “That always goes down well,” says Sir Mick, adjusting his spectacles and suppressing a wiggle.

The light dusting of Spinal Tap does not stop when the band assemble finally on the big day at the relatively tiny Beacon Theatre in Manhattan. The Clintons arrive in the afternoon to shake the hands of the bashful Stones. It is a birthday treat for Bill. Hillary has brought her elderly mum along. “Hiya Dorothy,” leers the equally elderly Keith Richards.

I think she was saying zero divergence on
arrival. But she would cause a personal
divergence when she started interacting
with us on this web site.

And this is the same thing that people who "want to believe" do to Titor. You are "interpreting" what she said rather than going with exactly what she said. Once you do that, then I am free to "interpret" anything she said in any way I want. This does not mean you are not allowed to "think" she meant what you said above. But the record of actually what she said does not support it. Here is one, of many, things she said with respect to "divergence":

<font color="red"> Lyndzee Grummond: "You past is our past and our present is your future." [/COLOR]

And I would also point out, as I did with Titor, that nowhere has she (or anyone else) given a strict definition for how they are measuring a metric they are calling "temporal divergence".

Once again: I am only using what she said, and I do not rely upon anything else but logic based on what she said. And her precise words on this were:

<font color="red"> Lyndzee Grummond: "In our previous two travels, we found that the temporal divergence was nonexistent. Of course, in our previous missions, we only observed and travled back a shorter period of time. Even then, the result was no divergence even at the quantum level." [/COLOR]

That last statement should cause people with even a meager understanding of quantum physics to sit up and take notice. She is implying they actually made measurements of "divergence" at the quantum level. Does anyone realize the non-sequitor here about her reporting of measurements? (No fair letting Darby do your homework! Let them figure it out on their own!) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: September 2024 LOL

Hey Lindzzz

I saw your reading "yer" mail

Username Status Title Last Activity Location
* Lyndzee_Grummond User journeyman 09/23/08 02:09 PM Viewing a private message

Want to talk with Us? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Think about when see this video!!!

Hint! ; The images...
Good evening,

It is good to see that things have calmed down around here. I apologize for my unannounced silence the past few days, but I thought to myself that it might be a good idea to let the discussion continue without me for a bit as some of the posters were becoming quite heated.

All in all, I am still here, as I mentioned before, I have quite a bit of time left before completion of the mission.

Furthermore, I will be happy to answer questions, give explanations, or simply have a conversation with those of you in this thread. If you feel you must attack me for whatever reason, please take a step back before you post. I will be happy to answer your questions as well, however it is not at all necessary to flood the forum with random comments. Let's at least be orderly in our conversations, yes?

L. Grummond
Lyndzee Grummond

What does it look like when you
time travel. Going and coming
visually. From a person looking
on and the one that travels.

Thanks /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Great to see your back.
Stock market down today, below 11000. Oh, I know, it is not the timeline (worldline) that changed, it is us who changed timelines (worldlines). This is not the same me you have been posting to but it is still the same forum, so it is us who diverged and not anything else.

The five year olds about due back from school, I think. They seem to be quiet lately, but I think I know what they will say. Listen, we (the five year olds) have to go to school and learn things, so adults can solve their own problems. They do this a lot while having their meetings while playing, and discussing which one of them is doing what today and how it affect them. They also stated that they can also act like adults, and get mad, and angry, cry if necessary, be happy, and give us adults Orders like their parents do to them. Well, that's about it for the meeting and they stated they may check back in a couple of days to see if the adults are actually thinking any better, for they are very conscious of what goes on and how adults do act.

They may have further Orders in the future.

Now, if I can, perhaps I may change timelines (worldlines) again?

Boing! Poof! Zpzm..........................Blat!
Who is Hillary's VP(s)?

Any new NFL or MLB franchise expansion, or (I forgot the other word where they make less teams), that you know of?

Where is the next Olympics (not for us, but for you)?

How is/was the live action Star Wars TV series?

How long does Heroes last?
Lyndzee Grummond

What does it look like when you
time travel. Going and coming
visually. From a person looking
on and the one that travels.


Great to see your back.


From the Traveler's end, it does not look like much. You are inside of the unit and cannot really see anything other than the interior. From the point of view of a person looking on, you are behind a glass observation terminal the entire time. You would first feel vibrations, however these vibrations are felt not just below you, but all around you. As the actual jump comes closer (the entire process is less than five minutes), you see a dim light that becomes brighter and brighter surrounding the unit. The color may be described as 'white', but it is more pearl-like where you see some metallic properties. Finally, the light and vibrations reach a peak and the unit is off.

L. Grummond
Who is Hillary's VP(s)?

Any new NFL or MLB franchise expansion, or (I forgot the other word where they make less teams), that you know of?

Where is the next Olympics (not for us, but for you)?

How is/was the live action Star Wars TV series?

How long does Heroes last?


President Clinton's VP for both of her terms was Deval Patrick, who then ran for President and won.

I am sorry, but you are asking the wrong girl about sports! That would be a question for my husband! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The Summer Olympics were recently held in Paris and the next Summer Olympics will be held in Cape Town.

I do remember hearing about the Star Wars TV show some years back, but I never watched it. Sorry I cannot give you any info on that.

I believe Heroes was on the air for seven seasons or so.

L. Grummond

Does travelling in time effect
you physically and mentally.
Is there a limit on how many
jump you can take.


Does travelling in time effect
you physically and mentally.
Is there a limit on how many
jump you can take.



Yes, I have mentioned in a previous post about the physical effects of time travel. Generally you may experience nausea, drowsiness, shallow respiration, dizziness, increases in blood pressure and heart rate, and even increases in body temperature. This all may last up to a couple of days. There have been no indications of mental effects. As of yet, no single traveler has made more than one mission, however there is no set limitation on the number of missions you can travel.

L. Grummond

From the Traveler's end, it does not look like much. You are inside of the unit and cannot really see anything other than the interior. From the point of view of a person looking on, you are behind a glass observation terminal the entire time. You would first feel vibrations, however these vibrations are felt not just below you, but all around you. As the actual jump comes closer (the entire process is less than five minutes), you see a dim light that becomes brighter and brighter surrounding the unit. The color may be described as 'white', but it is more pearl-like where you see some metallic properties. Finally, the light and vibrations reach a peak and the unit is off.

Could you have at least not virtually copy-pasted Pamela's 1999 post into your 2008 post?

What would it feel like to time travel?
10/28/99 09:35 PM ( Pamela

I was wondering would this be an accurate description of what it would feel like to time travel? I do not know much about physics. But would you see this bright flash of light and not be able to see an anything around you and if you were driving you would not even feel the steering wheel? Would it feel like you went through some kind of light field and not even be able to see your hand in front of you? and then when the flash of light disappears you would just be somewhere else. another time, another place?
I was just curious if anybody would know what such an experience would feel like? Im just curious.