September 2024


The reason I ask these question is
to find out if you are a John Titor
type of time traveller. I finally
have come to the conclusion that
your means of time travel in different
from John Titor type and others.
John Titor type time travels are
effected mentally and physically and
there is a gravity effect within
there time machine and can make
multiple jumps on there own where
you can't

Thanks for answering my question I
got what I wanted to know for now.


Please give us some details on the physics side regarding how you managed to accomplish time travel. I'm not asking for the engineering side which would be confidential. Just the physics.

There shouldn't be a problem with this. A physicist could explain how a thermonuclear device works as far as the physics goes but that wouldn't tell anyone how to build a hydrogen bomb. The physicist could give us the physics behind a fission device but that, again, wouldn't tell anyone how to actually build an atomic bomb.


Actually I have never read that posting, but it is interesting that Pamela had somewhat of a good idea what it is like. However, I believe she was describing the experience from the Traveler's point of view which is the opposite of what I was describing. In fact, from the inside, you do not see the effects that those at the observation terminal see.

L. Grummond

What is the largest jump
you can make in years or
does it depend whether these
is someone waiting for you
on the other end.


Please give us some details on the physics side regarding how you managed to accomplish time travel. I'm not asking for the engineering side which would be confidential. Just the physics.

There shouldn't be a problem with this. A physicist could explain how a thermonuclear device works as far as the physics goes but that wouldn't tell anyone how to build a hydrogen bomb. The physicist could give us the physics behind a fission device but that, again, wouldn't tell anyone how to actually build an atomic bomb.



Yes, I can give you some details regarding the physics of time travel technology. Please note that because the technology is still under development by other countries not associated with the ITI, I can only give you information which the ITI has released to the public and the scientific community. The technology involves negative mass at the center of the project. In order to actual complete a travel, the ITI along with a handful of scientists who worked on a number of CERN projects developed a process for an exotic matter which is used in order to create a series of stable fields which repell one another and therefore are immune to collapse. Once a time and location is decided upon, the travel unit is put into place in one of the selected fields to begin the travel. The unit does not actually travel from one place to another, but instead 'jumps' from a single starting point to a second (and sometimes third) point before reaching the final arrival point.

L. Grummond

What is the largest jump
you can make in years or
does it depend whether these
is someone waiting for you
on the other end.



In theory we can travel as far back as necessary, however we do not have a safehouse available for travels past a certain point so there has been debate as to where jumps further back than the creation of the safehouse would lead us.

L. Grummond

So what I can figure out you are
in a capcel like in Terminator movies.

John Titor has his unit beside him
in a car which is portable.

So you must be from different time lines
we must conclude right!


So what I can figure out you are
in a capcel like in Terminator movies.

John Titor has his unit beside him
in a car which is portable.

So you must be from different time lines
we must conclude right!


I am sorry, I have never seen any of the Terminator movies! Also, as I said in a previous post, we believe that 'John Titor' was a hoax.

L. Grummond

In your time line did the government
bail out the financial or not and
was it 0.7 trillion or more if you
can remember.

What you say will indicate whether there
was divergence from your time line or

Lyndzee Grummond
Hi it's Adam once again I just wanted to say sorry I haven't been on lately my computer crashed completely so I am using my dad's computer I don't know when mine will be fixed anyways I have two questions to ask you so here they are:

1. Does anyone in the future travel by blackhole or wormhole technology when it is developed?

2. Is your time machine like a wormhole or blackhole or not at all also do people in the future travel by flying cars and teleporters?

sorry for the major questions but so far I am interested in what you have to say I hope you have a great day and thanks for all of the questions before being answered and thanks for being cool and honest with me and I hope everything is good for you in general well I will talk with you later on see ya later!
Hello Lyndzee_Grummond, this is my first post here so greetings for you and for everybody in TTI! Specially for Darby and Pamela, your post are very interesting, thank you! Well Lyndzee, you are the reason that leave me to register in this forum, because I belive you are the most serious candidate to be a real time traveller after John Titor so I have about 10 milions questions to ask you, but let's star with some of them:

(DISCLAIMER: I am from Spain (Europe) so English is not my mother's tongue, although I can read and understand all you people say I cannot write English properly so please, forgive my many spell and grammatical mistakes.)

Well, let's go with the questions:

-How is the Internet in 2024? Nowadays in 2008 scientists are working in some type of "new generation" internet which they call "The Grid". Is "The Grid" a reality in your time? If so, how is it? How does it work? Do you remember what year is it launched? Is it so revolutionary?

- Does today's (2008) main software/internet companies still exist? I am talking about Microsoft, Apple, Google, Yahoo, etc. I am really interested to know what happened to Microsoft and Google, so please tell us all you remember about them.

-They are talking now about building a space elevator like this one: , do you have one of them in 2024? I mean one of them that actually works.

-By the way, is wikipedia still alive in 2024? Is it so important than in 2008?

-What about the computers? How are they in your time? Do you have already "Quantum computers"? If so could you explain us everything you know about it?

-Is Windows still the main O.S. in 2024? Is GNU/Linux (or the free software) more commonplace?

-Did you succeed to make a real Artificial intelligence? I mean a real one like "HAL" in the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" that was able to pass the Turing test.

One last question: Can I ask you questions in spanish?

Thank you very much!

I'm still interested in whether or not the Higgs Boson was ever discovered? Also your remark about using negative mass is interesting.
Could this person be a future US president?

Her statement actually implies the higgs was found---..

How else can you have supersymetrical particles? except by building them from the bottom up..

Not only that--- but it also implies some energy quantities involved.

Ok Lyn....How about this-- lets say this "portal" that you specify is held open with exotic material.

Are we then to assume it remains open?

Or is there a new event horizon created/held open/ and then collapsed upon itself at each travel "incident"?

Oh and one last edit here are there mass requirements/ that you cannot excede when traveling? Or is it possible to stick any mass through the "event"?
I can only give you information which the ITI has released to the public and the scientific community.

Outstanding! Give us the information that you released to the scientific community.
Wb Lyndzee_Grummond
im not sure if you saw my question
it was regarding a mystery novel futher up


I am sorry I must have missed your question. You asked about Light in Leicester Square. I am sure you already knew the answer to this, but no, I am unable to get you a copy of the book. Light in Leicester Square is the first in what is supposed to be a series of books by J.K. Rowling.

L. Grummond

I was impressed with your response - you are just about spot on. What you refer to as a 'portal' we generally refer to as a 'slip'. No, it does not remain open after use, but instead a new slip must be created. Yes, there are limitations on mass transport. This is why the unit in which we travel is described sometimes as a 'pod' because it only fits a single person comfortably and leave just about no additional room.

L. Grummond

In your time line did the government
bail out the financial or not and
was it 0.7 trillion or more if you
can remember.

What you say will indicate whether there
was divergence from your time line or



Yes, there was a bailout, unfortunately that was many years ago and I do not recall the exact amount, but what I am seeing on the news now regarding that is the same.

L. Grummond
Lyndzee Grummond
Hi it's Adam once again I just wanted to say sorry I haven't been on lately my computer crashed completely so I am using my dad's computer I don't know when mine will be fixed anyways I have two questions to ask you so here they are:

1. Does anyone in the future travel by blackhole or wormhole technology when it is developed?

2. Is your time machine like a wormhole or blackhole or not at all also do people in the future travel by flying cars and teleporters?

sorry for the major questions but so far I am interested in what you have to say I hope you have a great day and thanks for all of the questions before being answered and thanks for being cool and honest with me and I hope everything is good for you in general well I will talk with you later on see ya later!


The technology we use for time travel is based of of traversable wormhole theories, yes. We do not use the term 'time machine' as the machine we travel in cannot travel time on its own, but instead is part of the overall process I mentioned earlier. I have already mentioned the method of travel in a previous post being hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles - not 'flying cars' or 'teleporters'.

L. Grummond