Hi again! My Monday Morning coffee fix has me feeling quite PROSE-aic! :D
Now, if we understand that we are created in the image of God, you may ask if that makes us little mini-gods. No, it doesn't.
Well, I'd have to say that is a qualified "no", as opposed to any sort of absolute "no". For if one of your primary descriptions of God is that he/she/it was capable of creating life in his/her/it's own image, then once we do likewise, we will have attained one major aspect of God. In fact, our understanding of DNA as the root structure for how we are made in the image and likeness of God is progressing us towards a day when we, too, will have the capability to create in our own image and likeness. I don't wish to get into moralistic discussions of whether this is "right or wrong". The fact is that it is within our capability, at some point in the future, to achieve this.
However, because God gave us free will, that means he allowed us to CHOOSE for ourselves whether or not we would obey him. We chose not to. And the world has been going down the crapper ever since.
Wow! Whatever happened to "judge not lest ye be judged"?
If you think that gaining a better understanding of ourselves and our relationship to "higher beings" through science equates to "going down the crapper", then I'm almost afraid to ask what you think is the epitome of goodness! Would that be total ignorance and blind faith??? :D The concept of "obey" implies a clear understanding of what any diety wants from us. IOW, what are the "real" rules?
The 10 Commandments are a fair enough "code of regulations" and most of them just make plain sense. But one can't help but wonder why, if God is all-powerful, he/she/it would need to codify (as the FIRST Commandment) an "order" to not deify another other "god" but him/her/it? Sounds almost like an "exclusivity" rule for getting into some posh, uppity club!?!
And then things get REALLY confusing when you bring Jesus into the picture, because, as I recall my own Catholic school upbringing, Jesus came along and wiped-away the list of 10, and replaced it with a more simple one: Love one another as I (God) have loved you. Now, I am all for this, as it makes it even simpler. But which version of "God's rules" is the real, "correct" one to follow? Belief structures, and especially dogma, have this confusing affect sometimes.
However, when you look at "love" in relation to vibrational frequency and harmony, one can almost see that Jesus may have been laying down a scientific foundation for how the "10" commandments INTEGRATE (subject of another post of mine) into one, grand "rule" of how the universe works through Love, Attraction, Harmonization, and yes, Integration.
Kind Regards,