New John Titor Interpretation

If you read the first post on this topic you will find that Titor's story could, repeat could, fit with a major eruption at Yellowstone being the event that leads to a civil war in the USA and the collapse of western stability in 2005. A major eruption at Yellowstone would immediately make useless the "breadbasket" of the USA and the amount of material ejected into the atmosphere would disrupt the growing season around the globe for three to five years. The USA civil war Titor wrote about between the city and country could be a fight over the allocation of food and water. The government would be under tremendous pressure to feed the people in the cities even if it meant starving the people in the country.

After coming up with this interpretation I discovered that the code name for the development of the 5110 at IBM, the computer developed after the 5100, was "Yellowstone." The 5100 was, of course, the computer Titor time-traveled from 2036 to 1975 to retreive. Did he leave us a hint?

You will likely deem me a doomsayer after I tell you that I also discovered a connection to Nostradamus. I'm not a Nostradamus follower but I did discover this Quatrain and the interpretation is mine. Most followers of Nostradamus take "Garden of the world near the new city" to mean New Jersey. Something to do with NJ being the Garden State. I think this interpretation fits better. I thought it was interesting that it this interpretation can match an interpretation of Titor's writings. What do you think?

Quatrain 10.49
Garden of the world near the new city,
In the path of the hollow mountains:
It will be seized and plunged into the Tub,
Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.

One interpretation:

Quatrain 10.49

Garden of the world near the new city,

(The breadbasket of the USA produces grain on a global scale – garden of the world; near the new city implies in the USA)

In the path of the hollow mountains:

(In the same mountain range, Rocky Mountains, as Cheyenne Mountain, home of NORAD)

It will be seized and plunged into the Tub,

(The breadbasket will be covered in ash from the explosion of the caldera (tub)

Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.

(And the waters poisoned from the sulfur from the eruption)
MEM check it out, JT irc chat :

TimeTravel_0 : I was sent back to 1975 to get a computer.
TimeTravel_0 : Its an IBM model 5110.
TimeTravel_0 : My grandfather worked on it.
G° : because...?
TimeTravel_0 : Thats why I was sent.
TimeTravel_0 : We need it in 2036 to recode UNIX which dies in 2038.
G° : who needed a 5110? and why?
G° : lost me there. don't enough about computers
TimeTravel_0 : the 5110 is able to read the old IBM mainframe code.

More at :

I think all the yellowstone "gems" are interesting but I don't think he needs a 5110. I think that's what makes it a "gem". I have to admit, it could go to a commitee and some military guy would argue a better case why his department should use time travel "fix unix" instead of a nerd.

A 5110 fixing Unix, Unix still around in 2038 is more laughable than time travel in my lifetime, imo.
But he also said this:

"On my world line, it is known that the 5100 series is capable of reading all the IBM code written before the widespread use of APL and Basic. Unfortunately, there are none left that anyone can find on my world line."

"I was "sent" to get an IBM computer system called the 5100. It was one the first portable computers made and it has the ability to read the older IBM programming langages in addition to APL and Basic. We need they system to "debug" various lagacy computer programs in 2036. UNIX has a problem in 2038."

"On my world line, it is known that the 5100 series is capable of reading all the IBM code written before the widespread use of APL and Basic. Unfortunately, there are none left that anyone can find on my world line."

"As you are probably aware, UNIX will have a timeout error in 2038 and many of the mainframe systems that ran a large part of the infrastructure were based on very old IBM computer code. The 5100 has the ability to easily translate between the old IBM code, APL, BASIC and (with a few tweaks in 1975) UNIX. This may seem insignificant but the fact that the 5100 is portable means I can easily take it back to 2036. I do expect they will create some sort of emulation system to use in multiple locations."

"I do believe that “you’re” UNIX will also have a problem in 2038. I don’t think that’s a secret but maybe someone should put a 5100 aside for thirty years or so."

"In 2036, it was discovered (or at least known after testing) that the 5100 computer was capable of reading and changing all of the legacy code written by IBM before the release of that system and still be able to create new code in APL and basic. That is the reason we need it in 2036. However, that information was never published by IBM because it would have probably destroyed a large part of their business infrastructure in the early 70s. In fact, I would bet the engineers were probably told to keep their mouth’s shut."

What Titor said was confirmed by one of the engineers on the project. He said the following:

"The function, which IBM suppressed because of worries about how their competition might use it, was an interface between the assembly code surrounding the computer's ROM exterior, and the 360 emulator hidden beneath it. (IBM declined to comment for this story.) The 5100's emulator gave programmers access to the functions of the monstrous, and much less portable machines, that IBM had produced during the 1960s."

Titor himself was skeptical of the need for the IBM 5100 when someone asked:

Question: I find it very difficult to belive that a software tweak (hence 'software engineers', -software-) done to a 1975 machine could cause it to do this translation more effectively or more portably than something around even today.

Titor: Ahhh…something we have in common. Yes, I felt that way too. However, my job was to go and get it and not debate why they wanted it. I am not a computer expert.
If there is a problem with some old code how would you fix it? You don't have source code, no compiler, only binary code. You would want to read the binary code, translate it into source code, and fix the problem by putting in a binary patch.

You would need something tht reads binary code (11100100) and translates that code to source code. An IBM 5100. Something portable so you could carry it from machine to machine.

Does that make sense?
You would need something tht reads binary code (11100100) and translates that code to source code. An IBM 5100. Something portable so you could carry it from machine to machine.

Does that make sense?
I dunno. What doesn't seem to make sense to me is that you seem to think that the IBM 5100 possessed what amounts to a DE-compiler. I know quite a bit about this, because one of my senior design projects was to take a "Space Duel" video game, and reprogram the 6502 assembly code to make it into a 3-D CAD program.

The first problem is that all binary code is not created equal. It is processor dependent. What I mean by that is that a 16 bit word of the form 0010100111001001 means something VERY specific to Intel processors, and it may mean something completely different to Motorola processors.

All of this level of complexity is what makes it hard for me to believe that a circa 1975 era computer had enough power to "de-compile" machine code for ANY processor. I'm not buying it.

Mem, I thought it was interesting he mentioned 5110 in irc chat but called it a "tweaked" 5100 when he posted.

If there is a problem with some old code how would you fix it? You don't have source code, no compiler, only binary code. You would want to read the binary code, translate it into source code, and fix the problem by putting in a binary patch.

I'd run a virtual machine on a 64 bit linux box that emmulates an old S/360. That is, if it wasn't a tiny application. Even the 5110 had a tiny amount of memory to hold all your code and data. A coder today could fill 64K with code and data pretty fast. Any app they had back then could be recoded in a small amount of time with no need to risk human life by time traveling.

I also wonder what purpose recoding into basic might serve to fix a "32 bit seconds since the epoch bug". Last I checked old basic didn't have functions to check seconds since anything. On an 8 bit machine, wouldn't you have a problem 255 seconds after the epoch?

And the media from the 5100/5110 or IBM mainframes. Exactly what kind of anti-ageing EMP proof tape or 8" floppy disks were they using back them. How are the binaries they have still around if the media they had such a short lifespan.

He said himself that coding standards had come a long way which is easy to agree with. Why then would they "recode unix" into BASIC or APL instead of using Linux or recoding "unix" with modern practices? (BTW, IBM really hates the guys who own Unix, have I said that yet? Caldera is trying to sue IBM over claims that IBM leaked some Unix code into linux.)

You would need something tht reads binary code (11100100) and translates that code to source code. An IBM 5100. Something portable so you could carry it from machine to machine.

Does that make sense?

APL and BASIC are interpreted languages. There is no binary other than the binary represention of the alpha-numeric text file that contains the source code.

The 5100 can't "convert" from APL to BASIC. You could buy versions with APL, with BASIC, or with both. They used the S/360 mainframe flavour of APL.
It is processor dependent. What I mean by that is that a 16 bit word of the form 0010100111001001 means something VERY specific to Intel processors, and it may mean something completely different to Motorola processors.

Until someone makes an emulator :

Hercules is an open source software implementation of the mainframe System/370 and ESA/390 architectures, in addition to the new 64-bit z/Architecture. Hercules runs under Linux, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Mac OS X 10.2 and later.

Hercules was created by Roger Bowler and is maintained by Jay Maynard. Jan Jaeger designed and implemented many of the advanced features of Hercules, including dynamic reconfiguration, integrated console, interpretive execution and z/Architecture support.

There is now officially no reason for Titor to visit for the reason he claimed. Open source 64 bit IBM mainframe emulator already exists.

Buuut, I guess it could have gone to commitee and some hot shot military guy with his new time machine could have just made a better argument.
Within the context of the story the whole idea of Titor's government having need of an IBM 5100 is absurd.

They have developed a less than PC sized computer that is so fast and powerful that it can simultaneously control not one but two micro-mass black holes, two EM containment fields for the BH's, four cesium clocks, two electron injectors and a Variable Gravity Lock gadget. It is so fast that it manages to keep the two black holes precisely in the center of the EM field without distortion. It's so fast that to do so it has to send information through its external circuits, switches and peripheral devices at FLT velocity to accomplish this (because if the BH's moved as much as 1 mm they are moving 10^38 diameters...similar to a star suddenly displacing across the entire Local Group of Galaxies. This would happen if a light breeze came up. The displacement caused by actually sitting on the front seat of the Chevy pick-up is off the scale.).

His computer would be so fast that they could use random guess fuzzy logic to solve their UNIX "issue" and have it done in minutes.
Notes on this thread.

Nostrasdamus was what is known as a mystery school medical student graduate.

He was a fine physician, as well as a humanitarian.

His abilities lead him to not only use a special herbal potion, for the black plague in Europe, but there is some evidence, that he inoculated with black plague scabs as well.

He was a very aware man and only divinated into the future, towards the end of his career.

There are two caution points here.

One large island in the Pacific, which is slowly splitting a fissure, that when this fissure lets go, a couple of miles of coastlines will fall into the Pacific Ocean.

The other is the place where planes land, on the island that host musical song birds.

What I'm not seeing now, are engineering bids, so that large cables can be run through these sections of land, so that when the key tremors do occur, that both parts of these islands do not let go.

It was said that Nostrasdamus is demonically oriented in order to have made such predictions.

No' sometimes low or near neutral demons are employed to carry these messages to the future.
I disagree Darby,

If they had a computer that fast, invariably it would be some form of quantum computer. However even with the fastest processor in the world you can't just guess on an emulator. What did John say, he needed a computer that could translate old IBM mainframe code into APL or Basic. He goes on to talk about the 2038 unix bug which is specifically related to 32 bit processors and the coding of the date in seconds which reaches its limit in 2038. Big deal they no doubt have quantum computing and at least 64 bit silicon derivatives followed with 64 bit software. so why the need for the 5110.

because it can translate old IBM mainframe into apl/basic. Say you've got some old 32 bit code you need translated into maybe we are up to 1024 bit by 2036. You could hire some programmers to do it by hand. Use a compiler with your 1024 bit switches. Go through the generations of compilers from 32 to 64 and so on. Or if a computer program was made that can convert Unix to another language, you can bypass all of that, make a standard software emulator that could be downloaded and run by anyone on the internet. And now all old 32 bit unix code works with todays computers. You just need to get one hardware emulator to make a thousand software copies. Its like trying to duplicate a Coleco vision or Atari 2600. Lets say you have the games but not the console. Its must easier to rip the games to your computer systems, get one console, emulate it onto your existing architecture, and voila you're playing atari 2600 games on your pc. This actually happens for playstations, nintendo's, etc etc.

I am not debating whether it was a hoax, just that the story is plausible and a lot of research must have gone into it if it was a hoax, or it was a very easy fix if this guy really was a time traveler.
The idea that there are people in 2036 who would use time travel and harm humans just to get a computer is sad.

BIG CHEESE: OK, We need to get this database containing all the codes to our old nuke's online. The russians are totally breakin my balls man. Breakin my balls. We need an IBM S/360 mainframe.

nerd in back of room: Uhm, uh, just use linux and mount with VSAM filesystem I'll reverse engineer the file format and import all the codes into Mysql v23.

JT'S BOSS: Wait, my new time machine is ready to go and as luck would have it, someone on my
crew is related to someone at IBM.

nerd in back of room: Shya, Hah ha, Or just download a S/360 emmulator and launch the database, export the database into a text file. *snort*

BIG CHEESE: Wait a sec, the nerd is trying to say that we can get a S/360 emmulator from the internet.

JT'S BOSS: .cx means Christmas Island! Don't you remember who the enemy was!! Those neo-con evangelicals! We can't use anything from "CHRIST"-mas ISLAND!! We must use time travel or I will report you as a risk to national security.

BIG CHEESE: Good point, that was only a test, let's use time travel. Are you sure the computer you man will get can run S/360 code?

JT'S BOSS: Yes it uses S/360 APL. So of course it will disassemble UNIX and all the binaries to APL and we can use the APL source to build a new version of unix that doesn't have a 2038 bug. Then we launch the database and use a pen an paper to copy the codes off the screen.

nerd : Those poor people on the worldline. If only Perl 6.0 was finished I could have completed the task in the time it took to have this meeting.

BIG CHEESE: It's for the greater good! Every back to work. I'm in a good mood, double vodka rations for everyone!
Re: Dreams about the Future


When I read your post that revealed your dreams, I was astonished at the striking similarity to dreams that I have had since 1996. I too have had dreams of shopping malls turned "concentration camp", as a means necessary to corralle the disobedient. In my dreams teenagers would form their own "liberation fronts" and arm themselves with crude weapons in attempts to infiltrate and rescue friends and family from these detention centers.

In my dreams the general populace had become a defensive force against outside invaders as well as internal "police" who had stripped them of their freedoms. Strange new technologies (like a robot on tank treads) were used to quickly search houses and neighborhoods and there were military checkpoints at almost every main road. Warplanes always soared overhead.

I used to dismiss my dreams as perhaps the result of having played too many video games or maybe watched too many war movies, but my dreams have become more vivid as I grew older. Discovering of the Titor legend only increased my suspicions of my dreams being perhaps precognitive visions, and I have been keeping a disciplined dream journal since. If you wish to discuss your dreams with me further, please PM me I am always looking forward to sharing thoughts and ideas.
Brilliant MEM, very very Brilliant!!!!!

I like the way you Interpret things and try to come up with a clue. I really love the way you did it. It struck me only after I read your post- about the Yellowstone.

Frankly speakin if Titor was true, then the civil War SHOULD be a result of an unavoidable thing and not a man made thing. I'm 99% confident. Because Titor was very sure this would happen to the US. If it was a man made thing it could have been easily stopped by the divergance factor, which was increased due to his period of stay in our timeline. What I mean is a lot of people were readin the Titor stuff! I hope u get it.

Its a waste to wait for the democrats to fight the rebublicans as Everaftergirl mentioned because Titor already said the fight was not between the Democrats and the republicans. I hope u're gettin it.

This is what scares the crap out of me:

"All the quakes since the Cayman Islands quake of 6.8 in December seem to be pointing to a major movement of the Pacific plate. The timeline? No one knows, but the Russian thinks we could be within 90-120 days. His fear is that if the Indo-Australian quake was a 9 (9.2), the possible pending move of the Pacific plate would be a 12."

The Indo-Australian plates have been very active lately. If the Pacific plate moves it could be the "event" that opens up Yellowstone's magma chamber. Ka-BOOM!

And the start of that event would be the Indo-Australian quake on 12/26/2004.

Looking back on history many say that the start of wwi was the assanation of the archduke ferdinand even though fighting did not start for another thirty days. Looking back will historians say the start of the US civil war was triggered by the eruption of Yellowstone that started with the Indo-Australian quake at the end of 2004? Could this be the cause of Titor's confusion about the start of the civil war, 2004 or 2005?

Please keep in my these are interpretations of a story of a person that may not be real. I just find connecting the dots interesting.
Hey MEM,
As you said, connecting the dots is very interesting. Now, I read the JT posts again with your interpretation. I came out with the following:

“Yes, the Pearl Harbor example relates to Y2K. Have you considered that I might already have accidentally screwed up your worldline?”

Titor in 1975 did something that had to do with Y2K in our Worldline. That’s a major Divergence to ours when compared with his. But he is still sure of the War. I don’t understand why he used the word “screwed”.

Titor said, “I remember going to Disney World at Christmas and I remember going to the
beach in Daytona.”

Titor has been to the Disney world as a kid at the time of Tsunami tragedy at the end of 2004.

Consider this: “My parents went to Hawaii on their Honeymoon. My dad told me a quick story about going to a fast food store and paying 6 or 7 dollars for a hamburger.
I got an image in my head of a huge tanker filled with frozen hamburgers
headed into the Pacific. Hawaii is very dependant on the mainland for food,
isn't it?”

Just pay attention at the last two sentences.

When asked about Earthquakes, Titor answers, “The big one? As you are experiencing now, there are earthquakes, storms and other unfortunate surprises from Mother Nature that have impacts on your society and future history. That is one reason I won't go into detail. However, don't worry too much about major portions of coastline slipping
under water.”

An Earthquake had changed the history of the US.

For the question, “Why do you keep telling us about the war? How do you know that will even happen in our worldline? Something may have already changed and it won't happen at all.”

Titor answers, “Yes, you are correct! However, I am not confident things are different enough for you to avoid the conflict. You may also consider the possibility that a world with no war is far less desirable in the long run. In response to your other point, your assumptions about causality are correct but my personal morality still comes into play. I won't deviate from my three rules because of the way I would feel about myself.”

He said he wouldn’t deviate from his rules regarding Earthquakes, when asked if the War could be stopped.

“Therefore, any "prediction" I might make has a slight chance of being incorrect anyway and you now have the ability to act on it based on what I've said. Can you stop the war before it gets here? Sure. Will you do it? Probably not.”

Will you do it? Probably not.

“The West will become very unstable which gives China the confidence to "expand".”

I don’t think the West would become VERY unstable without a terrible disaster.

Now we’re getting close to the Armageddon. When asked about his favorite poem, Titor writes:

"A Soldier's Winter

The day before it wasn't snowing.
The trees are strangers, leering, disapproving in the ash of winter
world, my life, my wandering path.
I pray God's eyes may once again gaze upon me and remind me that I am still
His child.

I only (think) I remember the first line but the last one I remember. It has
quite a few more lines that I don't remember. It is rumored this was written
first as a letter by a soldier. After he died it was added to and edited by
others. In my opinion, it has become a symbol for the collective guilt my
parents' generation feels for what became of the world."

This clearly says the Armageddon has occurred in winter. I think this letter was written by a soldier in Iraq who has escaped the disaster. His wandering path?? Now what is the “Ash of Winter” he was referring to? The eruption of the volcano had occurred in the winter. If Titor was real, its GOTTA be this month!!!!!!!!!

Finally, for the conclusion, read this:
Can you tell us the foods that are unsafe now? Is there anything we can do to prepare for the war you are describing?
I tried to consolidate your questions into a basic list. I hope this helps.
1. Do not eat or use products from any animal that is fed and eats parts of its own dead.
2. Do not kiss or have intimate relations with anyone you do not know.
3. Learn basic sanitation and water purification.
4. Be comfortable around firearms. Learn to shoot and clean a gun.
5. Get a good first aid kit and learn to use it.
6. Find 5 people within 100 miles that you trust with your life and stay in contact with them.
7. Get a copy of the US Constitution and read it.
8. Eat less.
9. Get a bicycle and two sets of spare tires. Ride it 10 miles a week.
10. Consider what you would bring with you if you had to leave your home in 10 min. and never return.

No. 10: Consider what you would bring with you if you had to leave your home in 10 min. and never return.

This is clearly a warning of the disaster which was made before 10 mins before the eruption of the volcano. Why bicycle? Why not a motorcycle?

“Again, I do not seek to add to my credibility. There is no point to it.
Actually, by providing information that was useful, I would be adding to
your collective fear that I am real. In that case, this cycle we are in
concerning "truth" only spirals and gets worse.”

“In fact, I have dropped at least three little gems like this that no one else has picked up on.”
MEM, I think we’re pickin up the gems now!!!!

MEM, again as you said, this may or may not be real. Just point out whether you are getting any other idea or detect some more information from all the above statements.
The eruption of the volcano had occurred in the winter. If Titor was real, its GOTTA be this month!!!!!!!!!

Wait, what if it's in Dec, that's winter too! Ack! I give it till April 21. Then I'm gonna finally get one of those xbox's.
"Titor has been to the Disney world as a kid at the time of Tsunami tragedy at the end of 2004."


"I don’t think the West would become VERY unstable without a terrible disaster."

I think so too.

"This clearly says the Armageddon has occurred in winter."

Why do you say that?

"Why bicycle? Why not a motorcycle?"

Good question. Something happens that makes gas unavailable. A disaster where the government confiscates resources (food, gas, water) for the good of the public?
"This clearly says the Armageddon has occurred in winter."

Why do you say that?

Well I said that from the poem Titor gave:

"A Soldier's Winter

The day before it wasn't snowing.
The trees are strangers, leering, disapproving in the ash of winter
world, my life, my wandering path.
I pray God's eyes may once again gaze upon me and remind me that I am still
His child.

I only (think) I remember the first line but the last one I remember. It has
quite a few more lines that I don't remember. It is rumored this was written
first as a letter by a soldier. After he died it was added to and edited by
others. In my opinion, it has become a symbol for the collective guilt my
parents' generation feels for what became of the world."

Just observe- "it has become a symbol for the collective guilt my
parents' generation feels for what became of the world."

I guess his "parent's generation" is the present generation and they felt guilty for the War in Iraq and the soldier has posted the letter from Iraq. Why this winter? This is the winter in 2005 and this is the beginning of 2005!