New John Titor Interpretation

Re: What got me interested in John Titor...

everaftergirl wrote:

"When I read what John Titor said, many of the details of his world and how it came to be were the same as the details in my dreams. Many things were just as I had dreamed about the future of the U.S. John's story grabbed onto me and that has set me on a journey to prove or disprove to myself whether or not it is true. It is either a very good hoax or it is the truth."

What details have you dreamed that are the same as Titor's story? Any details related to Yellowstone?
Dreams about the Future

Hello MEM and others...

MY DREAMS: Here are a few details:

1. I had this one in September 2004...Bush won the 2004 elections (I won't go into those details)...and Bush's actions during the second term caused the US to be invaded by other countries. The invasion, in turn, caused the collapse of the government as we know it. I dreamed that something big happened at the White House and whatever it was also was part of the collapse. The earth was shaking terribly, and people fled and went to live in rural areas. The body guards were shooting at something or someone, but then they fled themselves, because the government collapsed (I think due to bombing). After the government collapsed, the states then began to govern individually and there was no more Fed. Gov't. (there is more, but that's enough to put here...)

2. In another dream (from 1995), I dreamed that US cities were invaded by an Army that looked Muslim or Arab or something (I'm not an authority on cultures or races)...and other countries invaded at the same time, simultaneously. People fled the cities, and some people who lived in the cities were in hiding. In the dream, I was hiding in the underground area of a big mall with many other people...and I was teaching the children how to dance for fun, as I used to dance when I was young. Outside there was a foreign army that took over a highrise building that I know, and they used it as one of their headquarters. They cleared the parking lot and put a chain link fence around it with barbed wire, far away from the perimeter of the building, so that no one could get near it.

There was only one entrance inside the chain link fence and it was a big gate...At the entrance of the gate, there was a guard wearing camouflage outfit and he was holding a machine gun. That is only part of the dream. After I had it, I found out that there was a secret underground area of that mall, which I did not know about. In the dream, we knew of a secret entrance...after I woke up, I found out that entrance is truly in the location that I dreamed of. (My girlfriend worked at a place next to the mall for about 30 years, and she verfied about the existence of the secret entrance and underground area...the building is in So. Calif.)

3. In another dream (July 2002), I dreamed that the cities were taken over, one by one, by the government, but it was a very secret affair...martial law was the type of scenario and excuse they used to do it. The news did not broadcast what was happening, which was part of the governments control. Many people fought and fled to the rural areas and began living in groups. Those who stayed in the cities lived under a gestapo-type of government, very controlled. Anyone in the cities who opposed were put in concentration camps. Cars were not used after that, but there was a monorail system put in place, like the kind at Disneyland, only it was on the ground. The government was run more like a communist country...people did ride bikes or walk if they didn't use the monorail system. Those who lived in the cities were very controlled, but the government did feed and support them, but with uniform type of clothes.

4. I went over my dream journals and I found many dreams about the government trying to control the people, confiscating guns, future wars in the U.S. because of invasions from other countries, people were devastated and many fled to rural areas...and people having to learn how to survive through the old ways, etc.

5. Also had some dreams about certain areas of the US turning into a type of Waterworld...there was much pollution too. Could be a result of global warming causing the Polar ice caps to melt, which result in a rise in sea level.

6. Had a dream that looked like Florida, and there was a river or canal that ran through it. (I had this dream long time ago, before I ever read anything about John Titor.) Many scientists were imprisoned by the government and made to do experiments, but some refused. In some of the dreams, people had to live in houses that were on stilts or that looked like the houses in the Jetson's cartoon. The waters rose at certain times of the year.

7. When I was about 5-6 years old, I repeatedly dreamed that China invaded the US. I have a girlfriend my age that I met about 7 years ago. When she was around 5 yrs. old, she had the same dreams about China invading the US.

These are just parts of my's enough for now...whew! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

MEM: Please email me direct and we can talk about how to get those records and do further research. I prefer not to post it on the internet. Talk to you then.
About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.


First, I like the way you think with regards to theories and ideas. I totally understood how you came up with the idea about Don Estridge and one of his daughters as a possibility. You and I think very much alike. Of course at this point you are way ahead of me in the game, because I only recently discovered JT. I have much to catch up on about JT, and that's what I'm in the process of doing.

I didn't know anything about Estridge until you posted it, but I have since studied him, with more to go. Did you find the info about Estridge from the internet or had you heard of him before that? I mean, what led you to Estridge? He certainly is a good candidate, because of his association with the 5100, and because he lived in Florida, and had 3 daughters.

MEM, you said: "Don and Mary were married in 1958. I guessed the first child was born in 1960 or so, the second in 1962/63 or so, and the last in 1965 or so. In 1998 that would make the youngest about 33. So I guessed that if any of the daughters were Titor's mother, the youngest was the best bet."

You might be right about Sandra Marie, but on the otherhand it's not unusual for a woman of 38 years old to have a baby. With that in mind, it could be any one of the three daughters...except that Patricia was married 2 or 3 times, but even that doesn't count her out. Like I said, Sandra Marie's husband's middle name is "John". Just curious, how do you know which of the daughters was the youngest or are you guessing the year? I wonder if JT is an only child.

About Yellowstone: (First, I have never dreamed anything about Yellowstone.) I did not know anything about Yellowstone, so I just now read a little about it from the website at

MEM, in your post you said, "Titor left Florida and traveled to Rochester, MN (still 1975), picked up the IBM 5100, and then traveled to Tampa and time traveled to 2000. This was before the wtc incident when security would have been more lax...As a clue to his family that Titor and his story was real, Don Estridge had the team in Rochester name the 5110 project, the next computer after the 5100, 'Yellowstone.'"

That paragraph is confusing to me, because I still haven't read all the material about JT, so I need you to fill me in. What part of your paragraph was fact, and what part was deduced by you? What I mean is...did JT actually go to Rochester, MN? If so, how do you know? Did he say it?

Also, where does 'Yellowstone' factor in with JT? What is the association between the word 'Yellowstone' and JT? Did JT talk about 'Yellowstone'? If so, I have not gotten that far yet, so I need to be filled in.

One more thing...what I said earlier about people needing a copy of the CD from when Art Bell was people from this forum, but I don't remember where the thread was. They were discussing the fax that JT supposedly sent to Art Bell, and they needed the CD that Art Bell sold when he retired. Anyway I have one.

If I am not clear about my questions, feel free to email me. Waiting to hear back from you...and thanks for the replies.
Re: About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.

Also, where does 'Yellowstone' factor in with JT? What is the association between the word 'Yellowstone' and JT? Did JT talk about 'Yellowstone'? If so, I have not gotten that far yet, so I need to be filled in.

It's at the start of this thread. MEM suggests the "tweaked" 5100 computer that John needed could possibly represent the "5110" (the next model after 5100). The codename for the 5110 was "Yellowstone".

I have always wondered why JT said UNIX instead of Linux. What's left of the unix copyright was sold to "Caldera" systems in 2000.

The 2038 bug he returned to "fix" has already been fixed with 64 bit processors. This bug won't exist in 2038. And old PC's can't fix bugs in new PC's!!. Developers had a hard enough time on early machines keeping up because new systems would come out every couple years that were twice as good, and they would run a different programming language. There is nothing a system that a system running APL could "fix" today, and nothing in 2038. Could a 5100 fix a y2k bug? Could it reprogram your VCR's eproms to accept 00 as a valid date? NO, a commodore 64 is a better machine than the 5100 and it couldn't save the world either!!
Re: About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.

everaftergirl wrote:

"Also, where does 'Yellowstone' factor in with JT? What is the association between the word 'Yellowstone' and JT?"

Here is how I got the “Yellowstone” connection:

Titor stated that a civil war starts in 2005 (or 2004, depending on the post) and western stability “collapses” in 2005. This told me that some big “event” had to have happened to cause both of these events to happen so close together. It was hard for me to visualize a civil war starting over the 2004 presidential election that leads to the collapse of western stability in 2005. Whatever happened had to be big to cause so much to happen so quickly.

I initially thought it could be the result of al-queda setting off suitcase nuclear bombs in several large USA cities. While terrible, I had a hard time seeing this lead to a USA civil war and the collapse of western stability in such a short time. Titor also said the Arabs were not directly involved in the USA civil war. So I keep looking for another answer.

Titor dropped a hint when someone asked, “Are some states or countries safer than others?” and Titor replied, “Take a close look at the county by county voting map from the last elections.”

Initially I took this to mean that the cities would not be safe during the wwiii nuclear exchange. However, he said explicitly that the cities would not be safe. “In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States.” And when asked “Were only cities along the Eastern Sea port hit in the Nuclear War, or all over the country?” Titor responds “Mostly cities and large military areas in the entire country. “ Why would he also refer to the map to say the same thing?

So I went looking for another interpretation. I remember looking at a map that showed the ash zone from the last several Yellowstone eruptions. I laid that map over a county-by-county voting map from the 2000 presidential elections. While not perfect I would say it is a best “fit” if one were trying to encircle the most number of people in “red” counties and the least in “blue” counties.

A major eruption of Yellowstone would render useless about a third of the land in the USA. It would also destroy the breadbasket of the USA, including Kansas and Nebraska, and poison the water supply for more than one-half of the country. The USA breadbasket grows grain on a global scale. Overnight this harvest would vanish as well as the ability to produce grain for a very long time. The material ejected into the atmosphere would halt the growing season across the globe for several seasons. It would be a global catastrophe.

Think how long food would last in grocery stores if deliveries suddenly stopped. Try to visualize what happens when people stock up before a hurricane. Now visualize this happening all across the country at the same time. Most people don’t stock more than a week of groceries in their home. What happens if deliveries to groceries stores were halted for months or many months? In two or three months people would be very, very, very hungry.

There would not be enough food to go around. What do you think will happen? Visualize Haiti after the last hurricane where people were fighting over relief supplies. Don’t think it can happen here? Hunger, in oneself and in the eyes of one’s children, will make people do things they would never, ever do under normal conditions.

As the USA was dealing with this internal catastrophe the USA dollar would collapse. The US dollar is the linchpin of the global economy. The entire global economy would grind to a halt. What happens next? Maybe the rest of Titor’s story?

I can see this scenario leading to a city versus non-city civil war in the USA that is really a fight over food. The government would be forced to confiscate and ration the remaining food stocks. The government would be under tremendous pressure to feed people in the cities, else riots and violence. Maybe to the point where those living outside the cities are short-changed? And this leads to a city versus non-city civil war?

Later I stumbled upon the web page that documents the internal IBM code name for the IBM 5110 development project as “Yellowstone.” The IBM 5110 was released in 1978. Its development would have started around 1975 when the IBM 5100 was released. Titor time-traveled from 2036 to 1975 to retrieve an IBM 5100. Imagine my surprise when I discovered this web page after making the initial Yellowstone connection. Coincidence? Probably.

One question that arises is why Titor didn’t just say, “Yellowstone erupts in 2005 that leads to a USA civil war and the collapse of western stability?” Because he said “I have decided not to discuss events that you or I can do anything about.”

Also, he said “I will not disclose any detailed information that would allow someone to avoid death by probability. This means no earthquake or bombing information.”

To the question “Do you have an increase in tornados and earthquakes than what we have now?” he said, “That's one area I've decided not to talk about”

So Titor must have been vague in what he said about some aspects of the future. An eruption in Yellowstone certainly fits the description of information he said he would not disclose.

Also, I find it interesting that a major earthquake measuring 9.2 occurred in the last days of 2004. Scientists say the quake was so large that the entire earth shook. Could this shaking lead to an eruption at Yellowstone in 2005? If so, is this why Titor gave conflicting dates when the civil war started, 2004 or 2005? If the civil war is triggered by an eruption at Yellowstone that in turn was triggered by the December 2004 Indonesia earthquake then would it be inaccurate to say the civil war started in 2004 if one were trying to be vague? Why would Titor intentionally be vague? To keep readers skeptical. Titor said, “I think skepticism is a good thing and no one should lose it.” I’ll be the first to admit that this interpretation is more than a bit of a stretch.

Please realize I am not hoping for these events to happen. I am simply giving one of many possible interpretations to the writings of John Titor.

Please send me a private e-mail with the name you found when you get a chance. Just click on my user ID next to this posting to send me a private e-mail.
Re: About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.

Thanks both of you for answering the question about Yellowstone. I knew you got the name from the computer, but I didn't know if Titor mentioned it or not. It's a creative theory, but personally I don't think that's how it would happen. I have a theory of my own based on current events. Here's something I posted in answer to this same question of how JT's civil war might have begun around the elections in Nov. 2004.

I have been following current events this since a couple of months prior to the elections. (This will be intense, so if you're Republican, please do not take this personal, I won't get into a political debate over this. The only reason I'm posting it here is because we are looking for the cause of JT's civil war.)

Here is what's been happening....Many people believe voter fraud was committed during this last presidential election, not just Democrats, but Libertarians and others too. There are many reasons for it. Even some senators and other politicians believe this. I think Kerry does too, but he'll never admit it in public, because it's too big of an issue, and many people wouldn't believe it, even if it was true.

There are masses of people who believe this, and many lawyers, politicians, groups and citizens tried to prove it in all sorts of ways...through the court systems, and they tried to get recounts, but all of their efforts failed. Believe me there have been many articles about it on the internet, Yahoo News, AP, etc, but there are not headlining, so most people don't know about it. (Most of the articles are removed now...but you can find them if you know where to look.)

There were major protests in big cities all over the US and around the world against Bush the day he was inaugurated, and there were protests against him over the 'voter fraud', prior to that. The country has become greatly divided ever since the elections. This is very serious, but the mainstream news is covering it up, not showing it.

Believe me when I tell you, I have a stack of articles on this very subject...and the concerns are real. Like I said, there is good reason for their suspicions, which I have followed since before the elections. Even the polls the morning of election day showed that Kerry was the projected winner, but that did not happen.

There was all kinds of dishonest things that happened at the polls that day, and even in the weeks prior (articles about Republicans throwing away newly registered Democrats voter cards)...people are outraged. They are protesting everywhere, and it's not going to go away.

Young people are dying in a war that is senseless. IT'S THE VIETNAM WAR ALL OVER AGAIN. Loved ones are being killed in the war and parents/loved ones are feeling the loss. Poor kids are being recruited with promises of college and $$, but they are either killed or maimed before their dreams come true.

This is exactly what happened during the Vietnam war...and as time went on, word spread throughout the country about the atrocities there. Soldiers were killed by the thousands and the ones who returned home were maimed and had Post Traumatic Stress. The war was senseless then and it is now. After that war, my generation was dead set against another war, because 50,000 troops our age who were senslessly slaughtered (and because of what happened to the Vietnamese), and many more lives were ruined. After Vietnam, my generation would never approve a war unless it was absolutely necessary...and of course, young people today do not want a war that they will have to go fight. That's why Bush said there were WMD.

President Bush lied to the American people and said the reason we were going to war was because there were WMD, but there were none...and when that was proved, he admitted he would have gone to war anyway.

The war is going to get worse, and there are not enough troops to win the war. There is a 'back-door draft' going on...and there won't be enough troops unless the open draft is reinstated. Most people do not want this war, now that Bush has been exposed.

Many people have seen or are seeing Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 911", which happens to be true, and the public is finding out that Bush has his own selfish motives for the war and he is not the good 'Christian' he portrays to be. All of this has sparked 'civil unrest' and it's not going away. You will see this in the future...If you don't believe me, just watch.

If you want to read the news, go to Yahoo and look under 'Politics'...also 'Election'...although most of the articles there are gone now. There were tons of articles and photos taken...headlines "Thousands protest" Bush during his inauguration. Even in one article, it said that no president being sworn in for a second term has been this disliked in 50 years.

If Titor is from the future, I know this is what he's talking about. I'm in my 50's and I know how manipulative those in power can be. I believe this is going to happen, with or without Titor's prediction.

BTW, two months before the elections, I dreamed much of this would happen. I believe there will be a civil fact I dreamed that Bush's actions in his second term would eventually cause the US to be invaded by outside countries, and would cause the collapse of our federal government due to war on the US soil.

If Titor is real, then perhaps the reason it won't become obvious until 2008 will be because the news media will not air what's really happening. (I dreamed about that too.) I have had precognitive and prophetic dreams that come true all of my life. That is why I began following the elections and the aftermath.

One last thing...remember the US already had a Civil War, and it was the bloodiest in the history of our country. History can and does repeat itself. American citizens can be pushed around, but they do have their breaking point, and things in our country are only going to get worse as the war rages on, as the Patriot Act is enacted and abused, and as our country becomes more oppressed and in debt. There is one sure way to find out. Wait and see. Time will tell.
Re: About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.


Is this what you hope happens or your interpretation of what Titor said? It sounds like you are unhappy about the political situation in the USA and want to change it even if it means a future as described by Titor.

No offense, just an observation.
Re: About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.


I do not hope for a disaster in our country. I am devoted to the US. I vote every election and I have always believed in the system we've had in place. I put my trust in the voting system here. But the voting system has now changed. It has become electronic, and in my opinion, it is not reliable, because there is no paper backup. When it is challenged because of discrepancies, the challengers are ignored and silenced.

The US is supposed to be a democracy, and what I believed happened this past election would mean that people in power and control have cheated us out of that. After this past election, I no longer believe the current voting system in our country is accurate.

We are fighting a war in Iraq, supposedly to help them become a democracy, but if our own elections are being tampered with, then the whole idea of war in Iraq is a sham...and that means our troops are dying for some other reason.

I am looking at the facts. If the facts point to dishonest elections, I'm not going to hide my head in the sand. If our country ends up having a civil war, then there will probably be good reasons for it, because the citizens of the US would never rise up against the government unless something was terribly wrong. Am I going to propagate war in the US? Certainly not...but I won't ignore what's happening here.

I hate wars, and I do not support the war in Iraq, but someday war may inevitably happen on our soil. We have had wars...we gained our independance from England for freedom through war. We had a civil war to free the slaves. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and we went to war to defend our country. Who are we to think war will never happen on our soil, by civil war or from outside sources? Our country is only 200 years old...nations rise and fall.

[I got a little intense here, lol :oops: Before I forget to answer the rest of your question...I began investigating, because of Titor...watching the elections, but of course I also watch them because I am an active voter. When the problems were being reported, I was right there. That's how I became got interested.]

I did not take your question personal, just in case you were wondering.

On another note, you never emailed me about researching further on Estridge. Do you want to pursue finding out more information on that? Please LMK and take care.
Re: About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.


Please leave info via private message on this board. Do you know how to do that?
Re: About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.

Who are we to think war will never happen on our soil, by civil war or from outside sources?

This is why Americans are sometimes seen as arrogant by other nations, because a lot of people seem to think that nothing bad will ever happen to America again.
Re: About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.

Click on my username (MEM) next to this message. On the next screen select Send Private Message. Then send me a message. Only I will see it.
Re: About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.

hey guys..

i stumbled upon this forum recently while trying to find out who the really large woman was that led the "parade" during bush's swearing-in ceremony... i still have no idea who that woman was...
but, anyway,

like everaftergirl, i also have had some very strange dreams that eventually wound up coming true.. however, this hardly ever happens to me anymore; it happened all the time when i was a little kid (i'm 23 now).. i've never had any dreams about wars or bush, but i can totally relate...

these days, i find myself noticing "patterns" in things more than anything else, i still have really strange dreams, but they're just strange dreams.

personally, i don't agree with the way bush thinks either, and i don't understand why he's invading iraq other than oil... we still have no idea who really flew into the twin towers or why they did it.
Re: About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.

we still have no idea who really flew into the twin towers or why they did it
Heh. Well, YOU might not know who did it, but don't include everyone else in this! You mean the interviews where Bin Laden discussed the planning was not good enough for you?

Just because you may not like what someone tells you happened, does not mean that what really happened is unknown, right?

The trigger event?..........

Unusual quake activity after the Dec. 26 earthquake in Indonesia....

MUMBAI -- Unusual events "unheard of in the history of seismology" have been recorded in the Andaman and Nicobar islands, with more than 120 such events being recorded in the last one month, according to seismologists.

The seismology department of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and the Earth Sciences Department of the Indian Institute of Technology here have recorded over 120 such unusual events in the islands following the December 26 earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale that triggered tsunamis which wreaked havoc in several parts of the country.

Of these events recorded at BARC's Gouribidnur station in Karnataka, at least over 33 events were above 5 on the Richter scale, they said, adding "this is unusual and alarming as large amount of energy is being released so frequently."

Eleven events with surface wave of magnitude 5, indicating large amount of energy close to Nicobar Islands was also recorded, the seismologists said.

"Since yesterday, 16 events which range from 5.2 to 5.8 on the Richter scale have been recorded," they said.

"Whether these events are foreshocks or aftershocks - it is not clear, and has to be taken up seriously and the data analysed as fast as possible," the scientists said.

"Both `strike slip and `dip slip are taking place simultaneously and these factors have to be taken very seriously both by scientists and authorities," they added.
Re: About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.

For the record I've decided not to pursue researching JT's parental lineage. So far that I've seen, his story is very probable. If he is truly the person he claims to be then I would not want to put him or his family at risk by investigating to find out who they are. If this was a hoax, then investigating would not lead anywhere.

Just wanted to put that out there, in case anyone was wondering. Take care all...
Re: About John Titor\'s grandfather, parents, etc.


If he is truly the person he claims to be then I would not want to put him or his family at risk by investigating to find out who they are.

Dear, if the story is true the Russians are going to put his family in a whole lot more jeopardy than you would by doing research. The Russians will be toasting one of every two people on the planet in a few years if it is true. It's not likely that much of his family will survive. His fiance didn't and she lived near the rest of his family.

BTW: There's no reason to look for "Titor". That's not his name and it's not even the name that he used on this board. He used TimeTravel_0 here.

He made up the name "John Titor" because he needed a first and last name to register on Art Bell's site. He had no user information here because we could log on anonymously when he was posting. All of his posts here were underscored by "Guest".
Please note that I came up with the Yellowstone scenario BEFORE i found out that IBM code named the IBM 5110 project "Yellowstone."
Please note that I came up with the Yellowstone scenario BEFORE i found out that IBM code named the IBM 5110 project "Yellowstone."
OK, that's fine. I accept that. But now help me understand what else you are claiming with respect to Yellowstone...

Are you saying that you believe there is going to be major geologic activity at Yellowstone in the next year or two? And if this is what you are connecting to, do you have any thoughts or predictions about major geologic actitivity along the San Andreas Fault from San Diego up past the Bay Area? Being a person who lives along those faults, I've done my research enough to know that we are "due" for some big activity right along the fault I am living near.

Do you think Yellowstone is going to shake before California, or vice versa? Inquiring minds would like to know.
