Titor's guidelines for Yellowstone:
-Do not eat or use products from any animal that is fed and eats parts of its own dead.
The British starting doing this, as they thought that the raising of cattle would be much more efficient, if some parts of the cattle were cycled back into some aspects of their production.
Cattle do not have the apparatus for digesting any sort of animal protein.
Not thumping on British, could have been a mistake made by any cattle raisers, anywhere?
-Do not kiss or have intimate relations with anyone you do not know.
It has been found through Central Washington University, in the USA, that chimpanzees, when given massive doses of AIDS, are not effected by these inoculations, due to the fact, that their autoimmune systems, are much more rugged, than a humans.Genes and chromosomes in a chimp, are almost identical to a humans, with very slight differences.You have to be an expert, in genetics, in order to see these differnces.
*Special note:In this time period, young wimen, men, do not have the incomes that they should.
There is also the social compaction formulas, that Alvin Toffler's warned about, which might be causing a sexual activity acceleration process, as sex economy, might be one of the processes, which accelerate the business process.
Some of these near youth, make monies, by pictorial movies, that people view via a varity of means?They get paid for makeing these movies.
So allot of young girls and guys, aren't virgins?
Allot of them, also do not utalize condoms, or protective devices.
In a medical experts eyes, this type of behavior, could cause a great proliferation of any disease pattern?Please also note the new said strains of two week fully developed AIDS, as noted to have occurred in New York?
It is said that some forms of light ray beams, by a past alien encounters to humans, can knock out AIDS, body wide; but I don't know what this frequency would be?
-Learn basic sanitation and water purification.
A plastic milk gallon jug, with both cotton, a layer of cheese cloth and layer of activated charcoal, can act as a filter, if the water is poured in slowly.Use two to three stations of the same filter and you can reasonably filter your own water.*I'm not responsible for what happens if you try this, so don't sue me"?
-Eat less.
People in general, are encouraged to consume mass quantities of everything, as we have slipped from being citizens, down to a consumer level.
Examples are, "Oh' Jennie, I met the nicest consosumer the other day!He's so big and fat and loves to eat like a conveyor belt.We're going to go to the shopping mart tomorrow and look at all the stuff we should buy"!?
-Get a bicycle and two sets of spare tires. Ride it 10 miles a week.
Big problem here, as this is not an equilibrium based society.People loved their gas guzzling autos and for the most part do not want either bicycles, or energy saving vehicles.
Examples are, when a Arabia head of state recently visited the White House, so,me guy there asked in public in-front of God and everyone, "Well how about more barrels of oil?
-Consider what you would bring with you if you had to leave your home in 10 min. and never return.
I hope this does not get weird?
Special note on aliens:There are grosses of all sorts of differing aliens that land on this planet, or have hidden bases here, for differing reasons.
Some of these aliens are mentioned in the works of Wendelle C. Stevens USAF ret's, works.
Items such as corn seeds, social encounters, to help people, scientific expitions and the like.
Not all aliens live in underground bases.
As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure, people on Earth for the most part, are a biculturially engineered alien product.So you can call your little girl, Little Sally Johnson Alien, if you want?