New John Titor Interpretation

Titor [is a] clever (but I would say boring) hoax

Boring? Wow. That's one word I would never use in a million years about this whole thing. Even if it is a hoax, it is a masterpiece created by a genius with a wide range of talents and skills far beyond my capacities. I could never have created anything even remotely as good as this thing, and I am always impressed by the work of those more talented than myself.

That being said, I must say that I am still very much unconvinced that this is a hoax.

- Peter
it is a masterpiece created by a genius with a wide range of talents and skills far beyond my capacities.

To me he sounded like he had lived through the events he described. It was his posts that described his owner future, and his personal views that got me.

The other major difference is in the concept of good and evil. With multiple worlds come multiple decisions and outcomes. For every good act, there is an equal and possible bad act on another worldline. Taken to the extreme, this must mean that in God's eyes, there is no total good and total bad in the superverse. It balances itself out to infinity. I believe we are judged on the decisions we make as individuals and the good/evil I see on my worldline is an illusion that has no worth to God. My reaction to it is what's important to God. Although this may seem rather heartless, it does allow me to see past the evil that people do and acknowledge the core of potential goodness inside them.

I'll remember that the most from the story.

I'd agree he's an amazing writer. But as far as a 5100 fixing any modern PC, the LHC doing heavy proton experiments, and "Unix" bugs 30 years from now, those were not "researched". If he wasn't warning about a supervolcano then I guess it's over...
There is also a volcano down in Mexico, as mentioned somewhere here at the website:

and a lot of stuff there to read, if any doomsday prophecy is ever going to occur.

Oh, a comet is mentioned somewhere there, as hitting the Earth!!

Exactly Uncertain!

127 waterfowl die in Yellowstone
Storm disorients birds, forces hard landings.

Angus Thuermer, Jackson Hole News&Guide
April 29,2005

Yellowstone National Park officials said Thursday that at least 127 migratory waterfowl died in the Canyon Village area after flying into a storm and trying to land on solid ground.

The incident happened early Wednesday morning when the birds likely mistook the wet and icy pavement at Canyon for water, park officials said in a release. Park workers found dead birds on roads up to a mile away from Canyon and on the roof of the Canyon Visitor Center, which is under construction. Some crashed into trees.

Birds of nine different species died, including 105 eared grebes. American coots, green-winged teals, lesser scaups, northern shovelers, cinnamon teal also died, along with a western grebe, American widgeon and ruddy duck.

Outdoor lighting in the Canyon parking lot could have lured the birds, causing the collision into buildings, the release stated. The road to Canyon from the west and north entrances opened to visitors April 22.

Coyotes, ravens and magpies killed birds that survived the landing but were injured. Some of the waterfowl, like grebes, coots and scaups, have difficulty taking off from any surface other than water.

Rangers took carcasses to the backcountry to keep scavengers away from Canyon. Officials said migrating birds can become disoriented in snowstorms and that the storm on Wednesday morning was particularly heavy.

Storm caused this? I think not.
A friend of mine was in a bookstore a few years ago, she was skimming through a book of Nostradamous interpretations. She read a paragraph that claimed the world was going to end on May 5, 2005. She closed the book and put it back on theshelf. As she was leaving, she and decided to buy the book but when she returned to the shelf, it was gone.
Titor's guidelines for Yellowstone:

Do not eat or use products from any animal that is fed and eats parts of its own dead.

Do not kiss or have intimate relations with anyone you do not know.

Learn basic sanitation and water purification.

Eat less.

Get a bicycle and two sets of spare tires. Ride it 10 miles a week.

Consider what you would bring with you if you had to leave your home in 10 min. and never return.
Titor's guidelines for Yellowstone:

-Do not eat or use products from any animal that is fed and eats parts of its own dead.

The British starting doing this, as they thought that the raising of cattle would be much more efficient, if some parts of the cattle were cycled back into some aspects of their production.
Cattle do not have the apparatus for digesting any sort of animal protein.

Not thumping on British, could have been a mistake made by any cattle raisers, anywhere?

-Do not kiss or have intimate relations with anyone you do not know.

It has been found through Central Washington University, in the USA, that chimpanzees, when given massive doses of AIDS, are not effected by these inoculations, due to the fact, that their autoimmune systems, are much more rugged, than a humans.Genes and chromosomes in a chimp, are almost identical to a humans, with very slight differences.You have to be an expert, in genetics, in order to see these differnces.

*Special note:In this time period, young wimen, men, do not have the incomes that they should.
There is also the social compaction formulas, that Alvin Toffler's warned about, which might be causing a sexual activity acceleration process, as sex economy, might be one of the processes, which accelerate the business process.
Some of these near youth, make monies, by pictorial movies, that people view via a varity of means?They get paid for makeing these movies.
So allot of young girls and guys, aren't virgins?
Allot of them, also do not utalize condoms, or protective devices.

In a medical experts eyes, this type of behavior, could cause a great proliferation of any disease pattern?Please also note the new said strains of two week fully developed AIDS, as noted to have occurred in New York?

It is said that some forms of light ray beams, by a past alien encounters to humans, can knock out AIDS, body wide; but I don't know what this frequency would be?

-Learn basic sanitation and water purification.

A plastic milk gallon jug, with both cotton, a layer of cheese cloth and layer of activated charcoal, can act as a filter, if the water is poured in slowly.Use two to three stations of the same filter and you can reasonably filter your own water.*I'm not responsible for what happens if you try this, so don't sue me"?

-Eat less.

People in general, are encouraged to consume mass quantities of everything, as we have slipped from being citizens, down to a consumer level.
Examples are, "Oh' Jennie, I met the nicest consosumer the other day!He's so big and fat and loves to eat like a conveyor belt.We're going to go to the shopping mart tomorrow and look at all the stuff we should buy"!?

-Get a bicycle and two sets of spare tires. Ride it 10 miles a week.

Big problem here, as this is not an equilibrium based society.People loved their gas guzzling autos and for the most part do not want either bicycles, or energy saving vehicles.
Examples are, when a Arabia head of state recently visited the White House, so,me guy there asked in public in-front of God and everyone, "Well how about more barrels of oil?

-Consider what you would bring with you if you had to leave your home in 10 min. and never return.

I hope this does not get weird?

Special note on aliens:There are grosses of all sorts of differing aliens that land on this planet, or have hidden bases here, for differing reasons.

Some of these aliens are mentioned in the works of Wendelle C. Stevens USAF ret's, works.
Items such as corn seeds, social encounters, to help people, scientific expitions and the like.

Not all aliens live in underground bases.

As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure, people on Earth for the most part, are a biculturially engineered alien product.So you can call your little girl, Little Sally Johnson Alien, if you want?
A friend of mine was in a bookstore a few years ago, she was skimming through a book of Nostradamous interpretations. She read a paragraph that claimed the world was going to end on May 5, 2005.
Just a little history: This May 5th thing has been going around almost every year before May 5th. In fact, I remember hearing about it as far back as 1990, when I ran across some other interpretations of Nostradamus. After very little research into it, I found out that good ole Nostra (La Cosa Nostra?) DID indeed use the month of May in one prediction... however, he NEVER used a day or year. Here is Century X, Quatrain 67:

"A very mighty trembling in the month of May,
Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercury in Taurus:
Venus also, Cancer, Mars in Virgo,
Hail will fall larger than an egg."

Here are just two of the "interpretations" from different years. Do a search on "May 5" on either of these web pages and you'll get the picture:

Bad things supposed to happen on May 5, 2000 planetary alignment...nothing did!

Sheldan Nidle predicted it was May 5, 1997, and something bad would happen when Hale-Bopp made its appearance.

Bottom line: I'd be willing to bet that Cinco De Mayo will come and go this year, and the worst thing that will happen is some people will imbibe too much and wake up on Ses De Mayo with hangovers. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Defintion Lame Swag as in , Support this site! Buy some lame swag!

Lame; a style of walking by gang boys of what is known as homies, when they buy new outfits, or how they walkm which is soetimes, one leg stif, which appears that these indivduals might be lame.

Swag; a contracted form of swagger, which also means to walk with style.

So the definative combined would be, to walk a sudo-lame walk, dressed in style with swagger, i.e. lame swag.
Nostradamas was a drug fuelled chap, he wrote this stuff down whilst high on who knows what. And you people take it all seriuosly? Lol and stuff! I've more chance of ruling the planet than any of his predictions coming true. Erm... Do you not think it funny how most predictions from this 'visionary' are only sussed after the event? We all remember the famous Hister prediction don't we? Hister? Well it was either Hitler or nothing in my book. So, he did not predict anything that has come to pass, show me a prediction sussed before the event then I will believe you, and to make it work, he needs to have had a higher proportion of hits than misses.
So you are a time traveler like Nostradamus? You went back to 1555 (5-5-5 hmmm) when he published his first book and saw him do drugs eh! Sure...

There are more than one interpretation of the quatrain you referenced,

If this board isn't reachable on or after 5-5-5 I'm glad I met all of yous. Take care.
If this board isn't reachable on or after 5-5-5 I'm glad I met all of yous.
Now that's a cute way to sound all spooky 'n stuff, isn't it? By modifying the actual date to make it appear to be some special date.

Isn't this coming Thursday actually: 05-05-2005?

Chat with you on this board this Friday!

Nostradamas was a drug fuelled chap, he wrote this stuff down whilst high on who knows what. And you people take it all seriuosly? Lol and stuff!
I've got a new idea for a book/movie:

Based on the premise that drugs are but one means of opening subspace wormholes such that non-local information can bleed from one dimension/time to another more effectively.

Oh wait...I think it's been done!

Maybe she meant this:

You see, now that's really interesting that you respond with something like this. It prompts me to ask some more questions of how you go about determining the potential veracity (truth) of something written by an anonymous person/source on the internet.

What makes you think that the angle told in this story/report is actually what is going on?

Or maybe I can put it this way: Let's say I took the same reports of sightings of hi-speed objects in the atmosphere, and I wrote a story/report with an angle that said it was Russia and the US actually shooting at aliens who are attempting to secretly take over the earth. With all the "buzz" all over the internet about how our entire earth culture is really under the secret control of some group of aliens, my story might be just as easy to buy into as a story that says we were shooting down a giant asteroid to protect the earth.

Why might you believe what is written on this web page you provide, as opposed to believing an article that I might write on my angle? I could make my article sound just as convincing, I guarantee it.

Are you afraid of what might happen this coming Thursday? Even if you're not sure what it might be?

Obviously, Rainman Time you just gaze at the links also:

Out of the many News links in the article given:

According to Neal Brown, director of the space grant program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute, Kempen probably saw a piece of space junk.

(because it exhibit -- color!)(A meteor would not!)

To the comments by the American scientist Neal Brown (above), University of Alaska, that this debris could not have been a part of the Lyrid is correct, and which makes puzzling the comments (above) of the official quoted by the MSNBC News Service, Peter Judge, that the debris sighted in the American Eastern Coastal Regions had come from them, but would have been impossible due to the angle of the earth in relation to them.

Long has there been both speculation and research into the protecting of the earth from asteroids, and as we can read from the American Space.Com report titled "Space-Based Missile Defense Needed to Thwart Asteroid Attacks", and which says, "Earth is little more than a sitting duck in a cosmic shooting gallery, the scientists tell us. But that doesn't mean we can't shoot back. If an asteroid is ever found to have our planet in its sights, a carefully aimed missile can simply knock the rock off course. There's one little problem. It's hard to deflect something that's coming right at you."

Russian scientists are also stating that due to the eyewitnesses of the debris falling from this shattered asteroid, and describing flashes of green, the likelihood of it having had a high copper content is very strong. Due also to the timing between when the Americans and Russian Space Forces had fired their missiles, April 13th, and the first debris entering earths atmosphere, April 23ed, the asteroid they targeted would have been about 2.7 million kilometers from our earth, or a little over 7 Lunar Distances.

Of the over 90,000 asteroids currently identified, and not mentioning those that haven’t been, we are unable to identify at this time which asteroid had been the targeted one, this remains known only to the American and Russian Space Forces themselves.

Of even greater concern to the world scientists today though is the speculation that the massive gravitational anomaly created by the Great Sumatra Earthquake of 2004 is acting in a manner which is attracting more of these types of asteroids towards our earth home, and about which we can read as reported by the Live Science News Service in their article titled, "Sumatran Quake Left 'Scar' on Earth's Gravity" and which says;

"The devastating 2004 Sumatran earthquake, which caused the worst tsunami in modern times, should have left a detectable scar on Earth's gravity field, European scientists said Monday. The magnitude 9.3 earthquake has already been said to have shortened the day by fractions of a second, shifted the North Pole by an inch, and made the planet less fat around the middle.The new prediction comes from Roberto Sabadini and Giorgio Dalla Via at the University of Milan. The idea is fairly straightforward. The strength of Earth's gravity varies depending on the depth of a trench or height of a mountain, as well as the density of material. Even changing tides alter the gravity field."

To the Western peoples about these events they continue in their ignoring of them, and in ignoring they fail also to prepare for the rest of the events soon to come that will show them the nature of all true things, and which is now being withheld from them. As to always our efforts must be to warn them so that they may hear, and in hearing prepare, and when these things surround them their hearts will not fail them in their most fearful moments.

© April 27, 2005, EU and US all rights reserved.

In other words, all those underlined words are links to different articles, and some of those are News articles with many live witnesses!
I have an idea, to those that feel ol' Nostra' was a seer, post here all the stuff predicted for the next 5 years, or more if you wish, in advance of it all happening of course.
Then we shall see if the chap was right, I suspect that nobody wishes to post the truth about Nostra', of course it is well known he did drugs, it was his way of trying to forsee the future. Most shamans did/do the same.
Obviously, Rainman Time you just gaze at the links also:

No, I read through it all.

In other words, all those underlined words are links to different articles, and some of those are News articles with many live witnesses!
Yes, I saw there were many live witnesses. But understand that those witnesses did NOT claim to see "the US and Russia shooting down a giant meteor". They saw something in the sky.

Now...I'd ask you to please review the question I asked you and provide an answer, if you can. Why would you believe this interpretation of what they saw, and not some other explanation (which could still be tied to what the witnesses report)?
