New John Titor Interpretation

Re: John Titor\'s Grandfather


That is an excellent question.

The only thing I can come up with is that he would not help someone avoid death (his grandparents) but he would help someone get through a tough situation (his parents).

What do you think?
Something happens that makes gas unavailable. A disaster where the government confiscates resources (food, gas, water) for the good of the public?
Any major natural disaster in the US would require bringing back our troops from overseas, since our army is so spread out we have no more reserves left over to handle any domestic crises.

With American troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, those nations are overrun by the Islamic extremists, who then threaten to overtake all the oil producing nations of the Middle East.

To defend the availability of oil, the EU marches on the Middle East, but they are countered by the Chinese, who march from the other direction.

With America's forces gone, the whole area quickly destabilizes. As a result of that destablization, oil distribution grinds to a halt.

Thus, an American natural disaster like Yellowstone blowing up would lead to the loss of available gasoline in the USA.
The ash from Mount St. Helens darkened the sky worldwide. But a super volcano would be thousands of times more powerful. It would be an extinction event.

The previous eruptions of Yellowstone were not extinction events. Why would the next one be?
Re: Clarifying what John Titor said...

Wondering why the US capital would be moved to Omaha, which would be within the range of expected fallout from a Yellowstone eruption? It wouldn't be buried as completely as areas closer to ground zero, but it would get some, perhaps as much as a yard of ash. It could be dug out, but not without some trouble. Why place the capital there?

Well, one reason comes to mind. That ash, it seems, is a pretty darn good fertilizer, and if the USA goes back to being an agricultural nation, that ash would represent its natural wealth, its "fort knox", if you will. In that case, it would make sense to center our strength (our government) as close as we can to our treasure (our ash).

Thus, the Titor comment about moving the capital to Omaha would seem to be consistent with the Yellowstone eruption theory.

- Peter
Re: Clarifying what John Titor said...

The original line forecasted for developments outside of Titor, was given in the series posted by NBC Corporation Amazing Prophecies, hosted by actor David McCallum.

This predicted future shows great geographical changes in the states, however might not be the final word, on what is to come?

If there was a change in the nature of the future, then this would counter-pose the beings known as The Ascended Masters, against the said changes from the Montauk people.

I DO NOT GO INTO THE MONTAUK AREA, OF THIS POSTING BOARD, due to past says that demonic spirits were contracted, in some aspects of the Montauk Experiment, so I don't know, have no ideas what they did?
Re: Clarifying what John Titor said...

In that case, it would make sense to center our strength (our government) as close as we can to our treasure (our ash).

Another reason could be that if Yellowstone erupted and after the 2015 nuclear war Omaha would be relatively free of nuclear fallout, except the immediate blast area.

Take a look at this:

If YS wiped out most of the cities to the west of Omaha then there would be no fallout cloud covering the area from explosions to the west.

Remember that fallout is carried by the upper atmospheric winds. So Omaha might get wiped out but fifty miles south of Omaha would be relatively clean from nuclear fall-out. In fact any area along the eastern boundry of the fall-out zone would be a good place to be.

What do you think?
Re: Clarifying hist , John Titor said...

Closure notes this John Titor thread:I wrote MEM today and had asked his opinion on the past clamish tubers, above my right ankle.
This was whether it was a past existence experience, or that I was actively being selected by modern klackstonvarmies, as what is known as a woogent donor, for gen experimentation.

MEM said that he did not know and would not venture a comment after this.

I did get the pictureframe, some three years ago.However this was about the same time as mikieoore was finished giving her full account of her interludes with Titor on the net, to everyone.

Two odd things happened here at TTI then.

One was pargola's venturing into the Ongs Hat web site, which was out of character for her, but she said in her web prints, that she was really sweatting the issue, delving into Ong Hat And the attempted overtaking of this part of TTI, by Satanist, which was to say the least, odd.

It was shortly after this time, when I noticed the double pictureframpuncture marks above my ankle and about two weeks after this, had developed something similar to abdominal; strep.Went to a doctor ad was put on antibiotics, which seemed to have cured these symptoms.

These puncture wounds, were too big to have been from an animal.

They were below my sock-line, so this could not have happened in the daylight hours.

I had developed ekimosis, from the bite marks, which is a below skin surface disruption of blood, which comes to the surface.

On Art Bell, there was a shown creature that was about a yard long, under a meter long, white that a worker under a house had pulled out dead, taken a photograph of and sent to Arts Parts photos.

I don't know if it was this type of creature that did it work, but it had a set of big lips, a set of large fangs protruding from that mouth.

I had tracked vampires in Europe and in America to get ahold of anyone who knew anything, but only two leads was all I got.

One was a girl in Rumanian, who had active vampire clan contacts, was a respectable Satanist, but she encouraged me to stop my search there, as it was not probably her known clan.

The other was in New Orleans, via the yovoy vampire posting board, telling of night walkers, in groups who certainly pass for humans.

The last piece of information, was a photo showing metamorphosis by ex-debunker, Kal Korff, or a Rumanian statue, that seemed to tell that I was right.

Show stone morphic gennises, of a stone statue changing from a human face, to a doglike face, back to human again.

Pamela got mad at me, for my association that she was behind this due to her ties to Gary Voss, but this happenstance could have also had something to do with what is known as cellar memory.

I'm not sure Pamela, but I offer a partial apology anyway.And to Gary, because I am half wizard, I'm sorry too.

I got into it wil Darby over this, as I was trying to paint proof at, that Pamela was implicated in me getting these bites somehow, but Darby was right in his position to do so.

I had an odd occurrence today, the sun had burnt to right hand only, while I was painting a garage, but not the left one.

Wizards and half wizards are immune to certain things.

If your great ancestors, were bitten by vampires, the plague ones and they survived to have children, the child was born half vampire, which is abnormal person, with some of the vampire traits, but not the full vampire DNA helix.

I find the attempting of covering up the Titor affair, by throwing rocks at it, as funny, as I had certain insights into this happenstance.

I only wanted to add this to what is known about the Titor case.

I wish no harm, to anyone.
"The global damage from a super-volcano depends on where it is and how long the gas stays in the atmosphere," says Professor Bill McGuire, director of the Benfield Hazard Research Centre at University College, London. "Taupo in New Zealand was the most recent super-volcano, about 26,500 years ago. The most damaging super-volcano in human history was Toba, on Sumatra, Indonesia, 74,000 years ago. Because it was fairly close to the equator it injected gas quickly into both hemispheres. Ice-core data shows that temperatures were dramatically reduced for five to six years afterwards, with freezing conditions right down to the tropics

Titor said that the average temperature of the planet was slightly lower in 2036. This is inconsistent with the current pattern of rising temps from global warming. I'm not sure if the war oif mini-nukes he describes would produce a nuclear winter effect, but the eruption of a super-volcano would. What does 'slightly lower" mean? A mere two-or-three degree drop in average temps has been enough to produce very significant climactic changes in the past.

- Peter
"I thought JT droped April 19th as the date he was returning in '01."

No, all he said was that "April 19th is a day to remember". As a historian, he would have had that date permanently imprinted into his mind. On April 19, 1995, around 9:03 a.m., the Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City blew up. A massive bomb inside a rental truck exploded, blowing half of the nine-story building into oblivion.

I don't think the "April 19th" date has anything at all to do with any of Titor's hints or predictions about the future.

- Peter
I don't think the "April 19th" date has anything at all to do with any of Titor's hints or predictions about the future.

Apparently not. I threw April 19 out a while back as a possible date for YS eruption. Doesn't look like it will happen.
Apparently not. I threw April 19 out a while back as a possible date for YS eruption. Doesn't look like it will happen.
So can we toss aside the "gloom and doom" predictions, as if they have anything to do with what the person(s) pulling the Titor hoax posted?

Just to drive the point further home: Here we are approaching the end of April 2005. No violent revolts, not even any "Waco-like" occurrences. While we're certainly pissed off about gas prices, that ain't really gonna start a CIVIL war.

I'll point out again that we haven't seen CigSmokingMan around these parts for a long time. My guess is we will see even less of him as 2005 progresses and no civil war breaks out.

Question to the Titor sycophants: As a means to establish a reference, if we reach....oh, let's say, Halloween of 2005 without a civil war in the US, can we please put Titor behind us as a clever (but I would say boring) hoax?

Raiman man' say you go back in time and went to a drive-in with a very pretty young lady.

You are watching the Blob That Ate New York, and somehow your attention and her attention starts to wander so, that your both now facing, face to face; but you are given absolute instructions about not looking back into the back seat, no matter what?

Not known to you a secret music box, complete with a hologram of Mim-dark.torkie, starts to boom out, rub your foobies by the moonlight.
You were told, go ahead kiss the girl, but under no set of circumstance, are you to look into the back seat, no matter what you hear, or feel is back there.

Now you return to your college dorm.Alice Betty Tom and Mike are all there and someone ask, "What about your first kiss, Betty, what was it like"?

Betty says, Well' we were like, ice skating, ""chews gum alo lot when she talks"", as Bobby caught me, cause I kind-a slipped a bit. He breathed in my face and then kissed me!

They all go round, till the come to you and your asked, ((Rains, what was your first kiss like?

What are you going to say?

Now you have at least, if you haven't read vanella's story, the hidden emotion behind this John Titor case.

People by and large, don't on a regular rule, invest that much emotion, unless there is someting either substantial, or real about an issue.

Does, you see, vhat I mean?
If we reach....oh, let's say, Halloween of 2005 without a civil war in the US, can we please put Titor behind us as a clever (but I would say boring) hoax?

Well, of course you can do anything you want ... but if we want to use Titor's words as our guide, we'll give him the whole year of 2005. He said that the US civil war starts almost imperceptibly sometime this year, and that we would learn this year that it's wrong to put our complete faith in anyone.

If we get through this year with no "Waco-like" incidents, and if there is no public outcry within the US against the Bush administration, saying that it deceived and tricked the populace somehow, then we can confirm that at least that portion of the Titor prophecies are inaccurate.

Personally, I am no admirer of the US media's integrity (look how quick they dropped stories of allegations of voter fraud last fall!), and would not feel confident relying exclusively on them to inform us about those predicted Waco-like events. But we have to work with the tools we've got, eh?

As far as I'm concerned, the prophecy cannot be decisively ruled out until Dec 31, 2005.

- Peter