John Titor, I know you are still here

To John, Florida Jim, and the rest of the Time Travelers

My name is Davy Crockett. many of you thought I died defending the Alamo, but what really happened was this. John Titor came to me in his time machine and rescued me. He brought me to the year 2036 and took me to this new state of the art medical institute in Nepal. The sherpas were very nice to me. At first I didn't think it was real, but John was like "believe it buddy". I know ya'll believe me, but to prove my sanity to those few disbelievers I am going to predict a future event. On Saturday November 29, 2003 The Florida Gators will beat Florida State. Believe it. I will soon come back to your world and share with you the secret ways to defeat the northern army in the next civil war.

One of the secrets being that we now know how to clone people. Famous generals such as Jackson, Lee, and Patton are cloned and pledged to fight for the mighty Confederate army.

That is all the time I have for now.

Florida Jim, I see a new baby in your future. You need to propose to your boyfriend because you don't want to have that baby girl out of wedlock. And Charlie I don't get why you even come to this board. Your lack of time travel knowledge is a disgrace to this message board. I don't like you. You think youre so smart, but its really you just putting on a show to make up for your lack of manhood in your pants.
I will be back late on 20031122. I am sure you know what for.

Someone on another forum mentioned a feeling of dread he’s been having lately, like something is about to happen. He suggested that any attack on the U.S. would probably be symbolic, like 9/11 was. He also suggested that November 22 would have such symbology. It’s the 40th anniversary of Kennedy's assassination.

Time-traveling tourists from the future, seeking out “thrills” by witnessing history’s biggest tragedies seems as inevitable as “gaper delay” from rush hour traffic accidents.
If there is something going down on the 22nd, it would be great if one of these timetravelors could warn us so we could change this timeline. Remember when that dude from "Honey i shunk the kids" and "taken" came on star trek TNG and claimed to be from the futre, there to see a historical event? it turns out he was from the past and had stolen a futre time travelors craft. He was some kind of inventer and tried to take futreistic thiings like data back with him to "invent". If there is an impendening crisis then we should be able to see it as well. For example look at all the clues we had about 9/11:

The Secret News : >9/11 timelines

I am back. I am on the same continent as before. I hope you have reconsidered everything and are ready to make contact. I will be here for at least two weeks which gives you are much greater window.

I am currently accessing local weather information to assist my computer readings to allow me to find the best observating area for the eclipse. Once I have pin pointed a location I will give you the coordinates. I will be at the place for some time compiling data after the eclipse which should allow you time to reach me.

Please understand John, your safe return is now a secondary objective. Not even. If you choose to stay here to be of help then all we can do is wish you luck. Personally John, after spending a few days here and studying this society, I can understand if you choose to stay but I don't agree with it. It is far too dangerous. Meet me and I will tell you what I found when I had the planet scanned for you in 2039 using the electronic implant in your arm as the target. There must be something or someone really special for you to decide to remain here.

I will post my observation coordinates soon.


To other forum observers:- Please understand that I do not have to prove who i am to you. It makes no difference to me whether you accept what I say or reject it. There will be those of you who can FEEL and therefore understand what I am saying. Then there are those who will reject what I am saying no matter what I say, just simply to reject it. It is your choice and it doesn't need me to convince you to make it.

For those who have Private Messaged me, you will see that I gave constructive answers to constructive questions. To put your minds at rest, there is nothing significant about 20031122.

As most of the planet will be unable to view the eclipse, please try and keep tabs of what is reported on other forums.

See you soon.

Thank you.

I stated "kinetic energy alone....." Meaning this is just one of many things. I am sure most of you would know the most common form of kinetic energy is friction caused by the rapid interaction of particles of different objects/surfaces etc etc. The primary field generated by the unit causes an energy discharge when it interacts with the surrounding atmosphere (friction). As with all forms of energy there are certain magnetic properties associated. This in conjunction with other factors will render any nearby electronic device from this time period useless.

Hi Jim,

The C300 GDT Disp. is a class 6 temporal device. The makes fitting the C300 to any sort of vehicle whether it is a hovercraft, road vehicle or any sort of transportation unit relatively simple compared to earlier models. Depending on the vehicle type, extensive modifications and shielding to the electronic systems needs to be carried out to be able to withstand various electro-magnetic and temporal energies.

Obviously, individual customization of the field parameters is needed depending on the dimensions of the vehicle.

Jim, in an earlier post you mentioned something about "radioactive" nature of our devices. As a micro fusion reactor is used to power the C204 and C300, no radioactivity should be detectable. I am also quite certain airports are not scanning for hydrogen isotopes in our luggage.

Seeing that John has started something here, I have been giving permission to comment more about this time and John's interaction with it. Also, a further insight as to why time travellers are converging here. I have also been authorized to correct some of John's "future" lesson that he gave while he was here. I have been given clearence to spend a maximum of one month in this time period. Although, I do not see myself being here beyond three weeks. I will provide as much information as I possible before I leave. I will write a new thread in this forum covering as much as I can and I will answer questions from that.

Before anybody retorts to this by saying things like, "what you do now significantly alters the future etc etc etc." Let me give you a crash course in simplified mechanics of time.

Time is linear because we make it so. We make it linear by what we observe here on Earth and the universe. Our clocks, tides and planet movements that are predictable etc. We interact with other people that have the same concepts.

The Universe is a mathematical equation that is perfect. Time is a factor in that equation and because it seems stable and never varies it gives the impression that it is fixed and cannot be altered. Obviously, this is incorrect.

Time travel is a confusing subject at the best of times but as your present day media protrays it, people travelling in the future and past, this is not possible when it comes to travelling into the future. On a linear time scale, the present time the universe has reached is December 27, 2039. One cannot travel into the distant future from that point (only in increments of a few hours at best) as the rope is still being woven. This is a totally different subject which requires much more explanation.

One can travel into the past though, as this is "road travelled" by the universe already. An endless rope stretching back toward infinity. It can be unwoven and rewoven. The past has been built and has grip knots in the rope or markers as such.

A term I am sure you are all aware is the Space/Time Continuum. This is a name for stating that matter and energy may be in a other place, or occupying different space, depending on the time. That matter/energy leaves a trail, which is the continuum, over time. Imagine making a rope and various strands are matter/energy and the rope itself in it's woven form is the continuum.

Think of time travellers appearing now at this "knot" in the rope (continuum) of time. By being here, we have altered a single strand, at best. Does this significantly effect the rope as a whole? No. There is an effect by it is extremely low. The reason for this is because not a single strand of time has a great effect of the whole. Strands are interweaving and crossover. Essentially, any small changes will be muted by the crossing over of this strand with another as the rope continues.

An example might help. (Please don't take this example as a warning!! It is only an example) Just say, I know one of the buildings in a major city that will colapse due to a minor build defect in the materials used. If I arrive at the point in time before the first foundation is layed and change the material used, the building will be okay. But say I arrive after the first foundation is layed and then change the material, it would essential mean that I did make a change affecting that strand onwards but since the strand of that building had already started down a different path, over a greater period of time, it would mute my change.

This is the most simplistic way that I could explain it.

I must run now. I will be back soon.

Ok, Charlie here we go…

The “believe me or don’t, it doesn’t matter” line is clearly a cop-out. If this is the best “protocol” the future can come up with, I’m not very optimistic regarding the intelligence of those in charge of the most powerful weapon since the hydrogen bomb. Anything said after that disclaimer is suspect in its motivation at best.

Don’t beat around the bush. Tell us what you’re here to observe about the eclipse. What makes it an especially historical event? If you can tell us that, even just a day in advance, you’ll face less skepticism and more positive interaction from this forum. I’m sure the value of trust from the “locals” (to some degree anyway) would be worthwhile, especially considering your course on how little you can alter this “strand” in the first place.

What do you wish me to say? Making up your own mind is one thing. I, myself making it up for you is different. I can provide you with extensive historical data on various aspect of the near future. What we know for sure happens and in what sequence. Time will pass and those events will happen as I stated and you would say, "Wow! He was from the future." I will not be here for those events so your conclusion as to whether am I real or not would be history to me.

What I am saying to you is simply one of the corner stone philosophies of my society. Choice. You may think that is what you enjoy now, but you don't. Current society structure is not as free as you may think. You are given limited control of your own choices but on the grand scale the choices are being made for you.

The truth is that we have limited understanding and knowledge of society pre 2005. John described in loose detail the wars internally in the United States and externally against the United States. One of the prime reasonings behind the external war was because of the lack of freedom in choice given by the United States Government to the people of Earth. I don't like calling the internal war a civil one. But rather a peoples upraising against a corrupt self-appointed government that put the interests of itself in front of the people. I believe this is the reason why John wants to stay.

As I have stated I am willing to provide limited data on what we know about this time. We are still learning ourselves. The eclipse has yet to be documented by us. Some of what we know is that anomolies were detected during the eclipse. I am here to document first hand those anomolies and the actions (no-actions) of JPL and NASA and what is reported through main stream media.

Jim. That is all I can tell you. I am truly sorry if it is not enough. Deep down I know if I devulge it all, it won't really change anything. The choice has already been made for you all. But I have orders that I must follow.

If it means anything, I believe John under-reported how close humanity is in the future. We are one global community which has learned from it's mistakes. We are one species, one family.

Despite a lack of evidence, I’ll continue to converse with you as if you are a historian from 2039. Though I think it would be a simple matter for you to confirm that as fact and therefore open a less skeptically hindered discussion, I leave that choice to you.

I think you underestimate our awareness of reality in this time. Although most are reticent, if you pressed the average American with the facts on freedom and choice, most would admit that we are not in control of our destiny. Those with the power haven’t exactly been subtle in wielding it. The rest of the world has also been justifiably upset by the heavy-handed tactics of those with power and money, not to mention a perceived apathy of the American people to their dilemma. If a time-traveler from the future can have so little impact on this world’s direction, imagine how much less effect a native of this time has when it’s a struggle just to feed your family and pay the bills as an economic hostage of the elite.

We are in the first stage of grief (as defined by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross) – denial. Death has come to true liberty but we don’t like to admit it. It sounds like what you and John are telling us is that we will progress through the other four stages - anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance – in the next several years.

I wouldn’t be surprised that humanity pulls close together in a post-holocaust world. The senselessness of division over differences becomes self-evident when great tragedy befalls us. We saw a small sense of unity after September 11, 2001. Human nature quickly forgets though and the old evils rear their ugly heads quickly. Don’t be surprised if the “oneness” of 2039 sours in time.
Re: hello..

can you tell us what will happen in the future?? like in 2005 or 2004?? or 2006 I would like to know is there a civil wars going to happen so write back...tell us why is there one explain the details...thank. :D
Re: hello..

I disagree with alot of our worlds current ways and I see validity in your intentions even if you were lying about this whole thing. So i will remain to be interested.

Spirituality and religion - what is it like? Do religions realise the benefits of other religions and therefore accept each other's philosophies etc.?

<font color="white"> Despite a lack of evidence, I’ll continue to converse with you as if you are a historian from 2039. Though I think it would be a simple matter for you to confirm that as fact and therefore open a less skeptically hindered discussion, I leave that choice to you.

My name is Charlie Lionel Haynes. I am 34 years of age. I was born in the Flinders Ranges west of Sydney on what was the remains of the continent of Australia, on June 18, 2006. Being born post the Great Catastrophy, my early life was being a part of community of 57 families with only one thing on our minds. Survival. While Russia and other countries were punishing America for certain injustices, along with it's alligned countries like Australia, our community tried not to get involved as survival was hard enough. After the war and the eventual settling down of our planet, I went to Sydney to help rebuild the city as a major trade hub, communications relay and fusion power plant for the equatorial region of the Pacific side of the planet.

By the mid 2020's, I had the fortune of going to America (now very different geographically to what you know) and join a special branch of the World Government. This branch has many responsibilities. These include:-

* Security of important structures
* Scientific wing to study the Earth after the Great Catastrophy
* Start recompiling our history and why the Great Catastrophy was hidden from the population
* Be the main liason with the Visitors

Now, more roles exist but this is what I had contact with personally. Initially I was a liason officer but I requested a transfer to be a historian specializing in the period between 1980 and 2004. The need to understand this period and how the structure of government in humanity evenutally failed the people of Earth is very important.

In late 2027, the very first prototype of what would eventually become the C204 and then the C300 was developed in conjunction with the technology exchange treaty set up in 2020 between us and the Visitors. This development comes after nearly ten years of beginning to understand the fundamentals of time travel by human scientists. Time Travel was developed as tool to learn. A Council oversees its use very strictly.

This is a very short overview of my life. You can either accept or reject it. After reading some of this, you should be able to understand why I did not want to say anything about the future. And I suspect that the reaction from what I have said here to be unfavourable by both the readers of this forum and my commanders when they read the logs from my vehicle upon my return.

As for something that will happen in the near future to validate who I am....... There is going to be an extreme earthquake on the Ring of Fire very soon. And when I say extreme, I mean extreme.

Well done, Jim. You got me to say something. I do not mean to illicit fear to anyone. As I said before. Whether anybody believes me or not is irrelevant to me. I am understanding more and more why John has such a love for this time period. Being here is sometimes overwhelming to me.... maybe thats why I let the information floodgate to open just a bit.

I will be back a bit later to see what the result of this is.

Thanks Charlie, for sharing some details. I certainly don’t want to get you into trouble with your commanders, so I appreciate the risk you’ve taken. As for creating fear, I don’t think you have to worry; since time travel is not known to exist as fact in this time, you have the cloak of disbelief to prevent it.

I think you’ll find many open minded people here. It’s hard to discount the numerous eyewitness reports of alien encounters all over the world. I would venture to say that the majority of Americans believe aliens have visited our planet. Many also believe our government is keeping it a “fringe topic” so they can continue to back-engineer captured alien technology for military use. If this isn’t what you are alluding to when you say “the Visitors” I hope you will correct me.

When you mentioned the eclipse observation, I suspected that a UFO will be visible. Is that what it is? Are they the Visitors? If you are able to take video of the event, it would be wonderful to see.

Please continue to share. I hope you will find we aren’t backwoods barbarians like future history might suggest.
From time to time I tend to check back on this forum. I always find it interesting to see how things are. Don't worry I'm not claiming to a time traveller of any sort, I literally just mean I check the forum every year or so, when I'm given a computer in work! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I remember the whole John Titor thing, but I find this latest attempt to ressurrect a bit of interest in the saga rather tiresome. Nevertheless it is always fun to poke holes in stories. I guess that's what this forum was originally about. People putting forward their own ideas and others pointing out problems in theories. No one ever had evidence but then again nobody claimed to have any!! I'm talking about the original original forum. White screen, threaded messages and long long before it ever moved from or wherever it was first.

Anyway I digress. Charlie. It would appear language has not significant diverged in the next 30 or so years. The development of a stable time machine and your knowledge of this forum in the future indicates that technology didn't take too much of a beating after this catastrope. Good for humanity. However I must admit I am disappointed in the change of meaning of certain terms in Physics. The first three forces that every child learns about in science is potential, kinetic and static energy.

Potential - energy an object contains due to its position. eg a compressed spring
Kinetic - the energy an object contains due to it's momentum. eg. a bowling ball knocking over skittles
AND finally Static - the energy produced when two surfaces of opposite something(I can't remember exactly) are rubbed together building up opposite charges. eg a wollen cloth and a balloon producing sparks.

You mixed up the meaning between Kinetic and Static energy before, but I let it go. You did it again but this time I wanted to point it out.

To eliminate any electrical interference, why not try something like faradays cage to protect the recording device? Or has that technology been lost to the annals of time?

There are some people here who want to believe in time travel for their own personal and in some cases perhaps painful reasons. By parading yourself in this way, you are hurting them in ways you cannot imagine. Please put an end to it, it's not funny and it's not fair.

I have to wholeheartedly agree with JamesAnthony here. While I don't buy into any of this, I must say that the thought of time travel is more than appealing to myself for various reasons I need not get into. A lot of us wish we could go back and give ourselves a fair chance at some of the events that befall us in our individual lives, let alone change the future for the world as a whole.

It's truly unfortunate that it came to this. Just recently I was introduced to the John Titor story, and it was interesting. Of course, from the beginning it was obvious that this was just a person attempting to make some sort of change and state a political viewpoint, but that only served to enhance it. The viewpoint was valid. The change was one I would welcome.

Even if the original story were believable (and nothing against those who believe it; I myself find it plausible, but am not convinced), this Charlie character is not. All this has done is turn the Titor tale into the makings of a Sci-Fi flick, and honestly I don't think it'd even make a very good one at that. Too little plot, just toying with people's minds. Too many people allow their minds to be toyed with here, if not for being naive, but also because they simply want to believe. It's only natural. The perfect second chance...

In any case, I've seen this type of thing too many times on the internet, and I recognize its patterns. Clearly a farse, and clearly should be brought to an end. You don't have to discredit John to come out yourself, Charlie, but at least admit you're simply trying to revive a dying craze.

btw, JamesAnthony... regarding static energy.. did you mean two surfaces with opposite polarity? One having a negative electric charge and the other a positive... not 100% myself, but perhaps.
Indeed, I agree as well.

"join a special branch of the World Government" - Is this in America? Given the problems, why there? Titor spoke of the American goverment with Five Presidents and so on. Nothing about a "World Goverment".

"Security of important structures" - in America? or in time? How is this accomplished?

"Scientific wing to study the Earth after the Great Catastrophy" - You mean the War? What is with the news channel naming? Why have the "Great Catastrophy" name? And why call it that to us...since we would not know of it? Are you not a historian? And that word "Catastrophy". Is there no TT sensitivity training? I mean, say the wrong thing and....well, wars have been started.

"Start recompiling our history and why the Great Catastrophy was hidden from the population" - Hidden how? Nobody saw the bombs as they were invisible? There was no bomb, but a meteor strike?

"Be the main liason with the Visitors" - I remember Titor said "Visitors" had NOT been proven. Period. Now you are saying they were. AND you are saying they were involved in the TT technology, PRIOR to John working with it and travelling. So, I would think he would know just as you claim to know. Yet the stories are totally at odds. Why?

"Initially I was a liason officer but I requested a transfer to be a historian specializing in the period between 1980 and 2004. The need to understand this period and how the structure of government in humanity evenutally failed the people of Earth is very important." - I would think you would study a lot more than those years. The "government in humanity evenutally failed" in pretty much every society since the dawn of man. Period. I don't agree that this would be more important than "Visitors" or Time Travel...both of which almost shatter the foundation of belief of humanity. Think about that...historian.

"In late 2027, the very first prototype of what would eventually become the C204 and then the C300 was developed in conjunction with the technology exchange treaty set up in 2020 between us and the Visitors. This development comes after nearly ten years of beginning to understand the fundamentals of time travel by human scientists." - Again, I ask for the experts...but this is counter to John's story.

"A Council oversees its use very strictly." - Ditto to above.

"my commanders when they read the logs from my vehicle upon my return." - So they would never read John's because he sold his vehicle? I thought they were in the device used? What is the OS on that anyway? Is yours a Corvette too? Have they not changed in 30+ years? Where is the factory if the cities were destroyed?

"As for something that will happen in the near future to validate who I am....... There is going to be an extreme earthquake on the Ring of Fire very soon. And when I say extreme, I mean extreme." - OK. THIS has been "predicted" by scientists for a long time. WHY? This has to be the safest bet in science that there is. That is like putting out a bowl of ice cream and saying VERY SOON IT WILL MELT. LOL!

"Well done, Jim. You got me to say something. I do not mean to illicit fear to anyone." - Again, the sensitivity training. Do you not think before you write? If I were at your "base" when you would be fired. By very nature...everthing you say is fear generating since you are supposedly able to "predict" our doom.

"I am understanding more and more why John has such a love for this time period. Being here is sometimes overwhelming to me.... maybe thats why I let the information floodgate to open just a bit." - Oh, goody for us. Actually...for all the hype, you did not reveal any actual information. I guess in the future...generalities ARE information.

~ Global
OK, Charlie "I'll give it a burl"

&gt;My name is Charlie Lionel Haynes. I am 34 years of age. I was born...on June 18, 2006.

That means that as you write these words, for your purposes you live in the year 2040.

If John Titor began his journey to the past in 2036, and if you know him and are from his same "world line" then four years have elapsed from the time that John left until your "now." Did those four years elapse because John never made it back and it took four years for anyone to notice? Or did it take four years to come up with the plan/the technology needed for a search and rescue of John.

&gt;Being born post the Great Catastrophy, my early life was being a part of community of 57 families with only &gt;one thing on our minds. Survival.

Strewth! A Great Catastophe! How did the folks in Coober Pedy fare? Would that be a good place to reside when the GC occurs?

&gt;Start recompiling our history and why the Great Catastrophy was hidden from the population

If the GC rearranged the geography of America and left Syndey in need of rebuilding, how could it possibly have been "hidden" from anyone? Or do you mean that the cause of the GC was known before it was made manifest, but that cause was kept secret until it had inflicted itself on the planet?

Dribble more when you can.

The replies I received were as expected. Besides Global and Jim, notice how people who don't really post here suddenly have something to say. They picked apart what I said (which I remind you is very vague) and commented in true debunking style.

That is why I was hesitant to say too much when I arrived. We know debunkers watch this forum and every forum in the world and the moment something get mentioned about what I term for this forum "the Great Catastrophy" it gets responses straight away from people who never come on here for the most part.

I am not afraid of critisism at all. As stated a few times now, whether you accept what I say or reject it is your choice and has no meaning to me one way or another.

As for my earthquake statement, you can work out where the earthquake is going to be by looking at trend data for the last month from the Atlantic Rift and various parts of the Pacific Ring of Fire. There is a pattern if you examine the data and work toward a date in between December and January.

As to your comment of backward-engineering alien technology, I can assure you no Government on this planet has alien technology in their keeping. The three ships that crashed back in the 1947 in Roswell where set on self-destruct after they crashed to prevent any salvage efforts. This crash was a deliberate attempt to make peaceful contact with the US Governemnt. Only some metal of the ships outer shells remained and are currently hidden in a vault that exists deep under the Pentagon Building.

Jim, I don't think this time is full of backward barbarians at all. Gotta Run.

Hello Charlie,
You've said quite a few interesting things. Can you clarify a few for us?

You said you were "born in the Flinders Ranges west of Sydney". The Flinders Ranges are very west of Sydney - so far west that they are in the next state (of South Australia). Why did you not say "north of Adelaide"?

The Flinders Ranges would be a good area to not gain unwanted attention, being mostly outback. You mentioned 57 families in the community, and that survival was "hard enough" while Australia was being puninshed - were you in an Aboriginal community?

You taked about the "remains of the continent of Australia" - not remains of the country, but remains of the continent! Are you saying the continent changes before you were born from what it is today? Was this the result of natural causes eg quake? (p.s. I see that there was a small quake in the Flinders Ranges on Nov 23rd '03 - see this news item " )

You mentioned earlier that you were following the recent eclipse of Nov 23rd, taking readings and mentioned the issue of an anomoly that NASA's JPL would be involved with. It seems some people have thought you meant you were taking visual readings and that a visual anomoly would occur (eg UFO). Were you in fact looking at gravitational anomolies? Specifically because this was a full eclipse in a polar region?
