John Titor and the IBM 5100

I hate being "quizzed" on my knowledge when someone doesn't want to believe I know what I say I know. I'm probably not the only one to refuse such senseless questioning. That said, however, I do agree that Pro7 failed to present a worthwhile or valid point. Titor was proven a fraud when his first "prediction" failed. Use the same test as the "christians": if even one tiny part of a prophet's predictions fails, they're a liar & should be dismissed immediately. After all, that's all this is, without the label of religion.
pro7 definitely is not a fraud. I verified everything. took awhile to understand it. Nice email to me sent by pro7. I will contatc you soon. I am on a business trip in sweden.

Thank You Pro7!
WOW.. just caught you online! lol

Thank YOU very MUCH! I await for your email.

?? you were in Jacksonville Florida? Your IP shows Comcast Networks apparently cable.

Awwww I seeeeeeeeee

Very clever! Almost just like my IP! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I am sure people will want to know what software you're using to conceal your IP. I dont see it as proxied, since proxies give out the "proxy server name" instead of the real server name. Besides how did you make Comcast to imitate Qwest? Comcast is cable, while Qwest uses DSL. How could you do this when you're in sweden? far away from the United States?

Final results obtained from
Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. ATT-COMCAST (NET-71-192-0-0-1) -
Comcast Cable Communications, IP Services JACKSONVILLE-10 (NET-71-199-80-0-1) -

# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2007-11-09 19:10
# Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.

mine is:

Final results obtained from

OrgName: Qwest Communications Corporation
OrgID: QCC-22
Address: 1801 California Street
City: Denver
StateProv: CO
PostalCode: 80202
Country: US

NetRange: -
NetName: QWEST-INET-118
NetHandle: NET-71-208-0-0-1
Parent: NET-71-0-0-0-0
NetType: Direct Allocation
RegDate: 2005-05-06
Updated: 2006-05-11

Edited (had the wrong state! lol)
"All you who play along with him are abusing someone who is mentally ill and should immediately stop, or at the very least, a mod should step in and lock the thread when the OP demonstrates a struggle with lucidity."

i am guessing you are talking about me, but i do not understand why. i have been skeptical from the start, except for my opinion that there may be more to the 5100 than meets the eye.(keyword opinion)

i am also wondering why you say he is not lucid. i figure i'm just missing something.

for the record, i dont believe what he is saying is the truth. he's made too many mistakes already, and is really, really too interested in what we have to say if you know what i mean.

to pro7, what i would suggest to you if you are in any way serious about all this is to get some rest, get your mind off it for a few days, relax a bit, and then try this all over again. you would probably have much better results. i get that way with the titor saga myself. i get no sleep and scour the same messages ive looked at hundreds of times looking for some sort of hint. then drive myself into a frenzy trying to rush myself because i feel as if ive spent too much time on it.

one last thing, the last post you made reminded me alot of the night i was up trying to find zeshuas isp. in my mind, i had found it. but i could not prove it and still cant. i was very tired, and was sick, which is no excuse for my screwup, but nonetheless that is the reason. so that is why i come to the conclusion that i have. sometimes you can get too close to a project.
It seems Pro7 is going out of his way to convince us that he and mechnor are not the same. That is usually a sure sign of a sock puppet, which is still what I think is going on.

Funny, because you claim your IP traces to Qwest in Denver, CO, but I trace it back to Boise, ID.

Let's just say, Pro7, that your "excuse" for why you "need" to cloak your actual IP was certainly weak. The fact that you say you will "swear on a stack of Holy Bibles" that what you say is true, but that you hide behind an anonymous proxy says a lot about your character.

Hi bogz,

or at the very least, a mod should step in and lock the thread when the OP demonstrates a struggle with lucidity.

He's given us no cause to lock this thread. He is (IMO) just playing a little fantasy game with respect to the Titor story. I just enjoy playing a different game back at him... pointing out where his statements are incorrect, or otherwise misinformed, whether he accepts it or chooses to address my points or not. All I know is that the longer he goes where he cannot explain his "reversable binary" fantasy to people with a solid knowledge of HW and SW, the longer he looks a bit foolish.

"He is (IMO) just playing a little fantasy game with respect to the Titor story. I just enjoy playing a different game back at him..."

aye, thats what im here for too. to play chess.
pro7 definitely is not a fraud. I verified everything. took awhile to understand it.

I'm sure you did, and I'm sure it did. So what is your expertise in computer HW and SW, mechnor? If you came to understand what Pro7 is talking about (which is funny, because the people here are clearly experienced in computers, and we can all understand what each other is saying), then I wonder if YOU might be able to explain (in acceptable technical terms) what Pro7 cannot?

Also, I would put this to Pro7: You say you were recently let go by a company. Why don't you tell us the name of that company so we can verify that part of your story? I am sure you will now come back and say something about "security oaths prevent me from doing that", but let me remind you that you told us that your security pledge with that company ended when you were lead out the door. So go ahead and tell us the company name, and how we can verify your former employment... that is, if you are not lying...

"It definitely is an EPROM"

During my 35 years working in Silicon Valley, I must have used thousands of EPROMs and I can tell you that those two Signetics ICs, shown in your photos in posts 81 and 84, are not EPROMs.

Although I searched those part numbers like you did, I couldn't find exactly what they are, but from a CPU architecture standpoint, I suspect they are OTP-PROMs (One Time Programmable PROMs). OTP-PROMs are a close cousin to EPROMs, the primary difference being that the OTPs have no quartz window and are therefore not UV erasable.

If you revisit your first photo again you can see that the IC is a ceramic packaged IC with a gold plated metal lid that was soldered to the top after the bonding process was completed. You can even see the solder gleaming around the edges. Further more, on EPROMs they wouldn't print the part number over the window, nor on any UV blocking sticker. The most a sticker would have would be the rev number of the instruction set burned into the PROM.

It would not have made any sense for IBM to have produced the 5100 using EPROMs, as they were about 5x more expensive than the OTP-PROMs. By switching to the OTPs, they would have dropped production costs by about $20 per board (1975 prices). Once the design of your CPU instruction set is mature, you no longer need the erasability feature, so you switch to the cheaper OTP-PROM option.

But all this is a minor point and is not intended to detract from the excellent debunking you and others did of the nonsense claims presented by Pro7 in this thread. Keep up the good work.
thumbscrew, you seem to know alot about this subject. would you happen to know if the 5100 could operate without a BL1? just curious.
"...would you happen to know if the 5100 could operate without a BL1?"

I saw your link several posts back to that IBM webpage that used the abbreviation "BL" to mean "baseline", and it appeared to be used in the context of "revision", "version" or "build". If that is the case, then all boards have some "BL" level, irrespective of whether it is BL1, BL2 or BL3. Other than that, I have no idea what IBM meant with that designation.
sheesh.. im outta here!!!!!

Once again, I must be a time traveler because I'm going to make a prediction:

He ain't "outta here". He's an addict - he can't help himself. He'll get the bends and have to have a TTI fix.
I'm going to go out on another limb here re. Pro7:

Just based on his writing skills I'm calling his education level at high school junior/senior or community college freshman. He's not a university grad and he isn't demonstrating competence on the level of "top of [his] class." (high school or college). A university requires a bit more skill, writingwise, just to get in the front door.

For some very odd reason he chose to post a SW example using Basic. I hardly remember the language and haven't written a Basic program for almost 20 years. (MS stopped shipping it when Win98 was released?) I suspect that a high school or lower division college survey course in CS probably includes an intro to Basic as a first programming language. He's not a CS/EE pro.

He's not a scientist by any stretch of the imagination. Again, that's based solely on the writing skills. A scientist, even a scientist who was trying to pull off a fast one on a TT board, would have the skill to present the thesis logically (even if the content was illogical). He hasn't come close on that score.

I'm calling his age at 16 - 19 yrs old.

And let's see where he places on John Baez's "Crackpot Index"

The Crackpot Index
John Baez

A simple method for rating potentially revolutionary contributions to physics:
A -5 point starting credit.

1 point for every statement that is widely agreed on to be false.

2 points for every statement that is clearly vacuous.

3 points for every statement that is logically inconsistent.

5 points for each such statement that is adhered to despite careful correction.

5 points for using a thought experiment that contradicts the results of a widely accepted real experiment.

5 points for each word in all capital letters (except for those with defective keyboards).

5 points for each mention of "Einstien", "Hawkins" or "Feynmann".

10 points for each claim that quantum mechanics is fundamentally misguided (without good evidence).

10 points for pointing out that you have gone to school, as if this were evidence of sanity.

10 points for beginning the description of your theory by saying how long you have been working on it.

10 points for mailing your theory to someone you don't know personally and asking them not to tell anyone else about it, for fear that your ideas will be stolen.

10 points for offering prize money to anyone who proves and/or finds any flaws in your theory.

10 points for each new term you invent and use without properly defining it.

10 points for each statement along the lines of "I'm not good at math, but my theory is conceptually right, so all I need is for someone to express it in terms of equations".

10 points for arguing that a current well-established theory is "only a theory", as if this were somehow a point against it.

10 points for arguing that while a current well-established theory predicts phenomena correctly, it doesn't explain "why" they occur, or fails to provide a "mechanism".

10 points for each favorable comparison of yourself to Einstein, or claim that special or general relativity are fundamentally misguided (without good evidence).

10 points for claiming that your work is on the cutting edge of a "paradigm shift".

20 points for emailing me and complaining about the crackpot index. (E.g., saying that it "suppresses original thinkers" or saying that I misspelled "Einstein" in item 8.)

20 points for suggesting that you deserve a Nobel prize.

20 points for each favorable comparison of yourself to Newton or claim that classical mechanics is fundamentally misguided (without good evidence).

20 points for every use of science fiction works or myths as if they were fact.

20 points for defending yourself by bringing up (real or imagined) ridicule accorded to your past theories.

20 points for naming something after yourself. (E.g., talking about the "The Evans Field Equation" when your name happens to be Evans.)

20 points for talking about how great your theory is, but never actually explaining it.

20 points for each use of the phrase "hidebound reactionary".

20 points for each use of the phrase "self-appointed defender of the orthodoxy".

30 points for suggesting that a famous figure secretly disbelieved in a theory which he or she publicly supported. (E.g., that Feynman was a closet opponent of special relativity, as deduced by reading between the lines in his freshman physics textbooks.)

30 points for suggesting that Einstein, in his later years, was groping his way towards the ideas you now advocate.

30 points for claiming that your theories were developed by an extraterrestrial civilization (without good evidence).

30 points for allusions to a delay in your work while you spent time in an asylum, or references to the psychiatrist who tried to talk you out of your theory.

40 points for comparing those who argue against your ideas to Nazis, stormtroopers, or brownshirts.

40 points for claiming that the "scientific establishment" is engaged in a "conspiracy" to prevent your work from gaining its well-deserved fame, or suchlike.

40 points for comparing yourself to Galileo, suggesting that a modern-day Inquisition is hard at work on your case, and so on.

40 points for claiming that when your theory is finally appreciated, present-day science will be seen for the sham it truly is. (30 more points for fantasizing about show trials in which scientists who mocked your theories will be forced to recant.)

50 points for claiming you have a revolutionary theory but giving no concrete testable predictions
lol you're right. I am still addicted.

But please understand that I am not a electronics engineer. I am simply one of those lowlifes who does input on computers and repair them. Back then, to get a computer repair job, you must be a certified computer scientist with a csce degree. Thats all I do. I apologize for such confusion caused by me which I am not qualified for. I am more qualified in windows programming mechanisms, not electronics. Mechnor can explain better than I can. He did point out to me that these were original proms. I dont know if he knows about if they are OTPs.

Darby, Im 49 yrs old lol and english is not my primary language. The company I used to work for is called brekit. It sounds like "break it". Thats what we all did there, we took apart machines to replace basic stuff, etc..

I simply wanted to know what this is. I did alot of research on it. When I mentioned about the window, according to ThumbScrew, I did not know that the window has to have a quartz window. What I saw was a opening into the chipset and thought that was called a window. There was no quartz on it. And the metallic sticker came off of it, exposing not single but two stickers of them together. I dont know why the bottom sticker contained a small piece of dark yellow foam type which was attached to the internal chip. The foam type was sticking on it....

Also are ceramic stickers dielectrics? Thats what I was told. Its dielectric.

Thumbscrew, can you tell me why the machine with the original proms can reverse basic input? I was told that this prom was responsible for such processing in the processor which allows such reversing? This is the main reason why they "recalled them" and replaced those original proms. IBM once said that it was a error in manufacturing and it had to be recalled.

BL means "Base Line"? I came up with Bell Labs. Maybe Im wrong about this but its what I came up with.

Yea, I have been debunked alot on this forum about this particular issue. But I am glad you guys did, even though some other issues not relating to this, pissed me off alittle.

Mechnor, please help explain. I dont know diddly crap about electronic engineering. LOL..
also another thing

I dont know why the us govt is so darn interested in this ibm 5100? I heard rumors, i dont know if its true, that they are planning on confiscating all the ibm 5100s from everyone that had it?

the govt has alot of money and why would they need a low machine like this? they can make them too if they really wanted to????

lol you're right. I am still addicted.

But please understand that I am not a electronics engineer. I am simply one of those lowlifes who does input on computers and repair them. Back then, to get a computer repair job, you must be a certified computer scientist with a csce degree. Thats all I do. I apologize for such confusion caused by me which I am not qualified for. I am more qualified in windows programming mechanisms, not electronics. Mechnor can explain better than I can. He did point out to me that these were original proms. I dont know if he knows about if they are OTPs.

Darby, Im 49 yrs old lol and english is not my primary language. The company I used to work for is called brekit. It sounds like "break it". Thats what we all did there, we took apart machines to replace basic stuff, etc..


I want to make sure that I'm on the same page with you relative to this post:

<ul type="square"> [*]You're not a scientist. You're a computer tech. Correct? [*]You didn't graduate from a university with a BS degree. You have an AA/AS in CS/CE. Correct? [*]The US Air Force didn't confiscate the IBM 5100 that you bought (at random) in a used computer shop. Correct? [*]You have or had access to an IBM 5100, knew about the John Titor Saga and was just curious about the item. Correct? [*]Even though the story was a hoax you are still curious about the JT Saga and the IBM 5100. Correct? [/list]

Now if I have all of that correct then no problem. Everyone here is curious about the story.