John Titor and the IBM 5100

Psychological Warfare training on your behalf doesnt quite work with me.

I beg to differ. It already has worked on you.

That much being said,

To continue with the synopsis of the story...

After the MIBS confiscate his ex-employers 5100...and he's completely out of the information loop - he discovers that the MIBs are going to confiscate every IMB 5100 on planet Earth.

And what's his reaction? He wants to know how much people drink in an hour.

Oh boy...


(It's been about two weeks. Next!)

This is the MOST UNSECURED forum I EVER SAW!

There's a major disconnect going on here.

A couple days back you were supposed to be going into hiding because the MIB's were coming after you. Danger was lurking everywhere. Spy vs. Spy and all that.

And now all you're concerned about is that someone (according to you at least) altered your profile.

What the heck happened to your fear of the MIBs?

BTW: You were already informed that the most unsecure method of logging onto the Internet was to use a proxy server. They can log every keystroke - including UserID and PW.

What makes you assume that I said those words ? huh? It was posted statements under pro7?

Please do me a favor.. one last favor

Please take my user name Pro7 and ban it or even unregister it out of the forum.
sigh again. Want to see the real "pro7"? Here I go:

Rainman's comments are so lacking in any defensible logic, they can only be called LIES, and potentially libelous ones at that. It is not logically, morally, or (perhaps) legally defensible to call people "insane" (with a clear intent of damaging their reputations, no less) with no evidentiary basis. Do any of you REALLY believe that every person who has seen something apparently unidentifiable is INSANE?

This is the way incorrigible pseudo-skeptical haters of the "Titor Saga" operate. They lie and call names as a matter of course and undoubtedly feel justified, because they "know" the "Titor Saga" is BS, and (they imagine) their lies and ad hominem serve a greater good. But I'm tired of being lied to and insulted. This mindless, knee-jerk denial of the "Titor issue" is injurious to our culture and a major impedance to scientific progress. As confident as Rainman is that all titor believers are "nuts," I know that some of the "titor"'s statements are real, and unlike Rainman and others, I can back up my statement with logic and evidence.

Psychic phenomena are real. This is an obviously true, common sense observation based on mountains of evidence both anecdotal and empirical. Over several decades, many controlled, double-blind studies have confirmed the psychic abilities of both humans and animals. Self-styled "skeptics," guided by the a priori assumption that such studies MUST be flawed, respond by lying and/or attacking the researchers' reputations.

Even though I do not believe in Time Travel, without any proper evidence.
Rainman's comments are so lacking in any defensible logic, they can only be called LIES, and potentially libelous ones at that. It is not logically, morally, or (perhaps) legally defensible to call people "insane" (with a clear intent of damaging their reputations, no less) with no evidentiary basis. Do any of you REALLY believe that every person who has seen something apparently unidentifiable is INSANE?

What person's reputation?

An anonymous personality, using the name "Pro7"and using an anonymous proxy server. There's no reputation to harm there. The only "person" who might possibly have a cause of action would be "Brekit", if such a company actually exists. And the only person who made any statements that could potentially be harmful to that company's reputation were made by - you.

Relative to your other statements, recall that I wasn't quoting you. I recall saying that I was paraphrasing your story.

Come on, my friend, you're not the first person who made outrageous and silly statements while telling a story here and later claimed that someone else used the same SN to make the posts. The first instance that I can recall goes back to 1999, SimonB, and then Tazberg/Invine/Irving in 2000.

It's an old dodge and doesn't carry much weight.

Do any of you REALLY believe that every person who has seen something apparently unidentifiable is INSANE?

No. I don't believe that. In fact, I don't think that you're insane. I do believe that you came here to take a stab at telling one of the "Once Every Two Weeks" stories. The story didn't go over well, you fell out of character and then the story completely came unwound.

I, for one (and I don't think that I'm alone here), believe that there's not a shread of truth to any part of your story. You've done nothing to asuage my original opinion that you're 16-19 years old, a high school junior or senior or a community college freshman. THat's the general writing skill that you have displayed. As far as your discourse on Brekit, the IBM 5100 and the USAF goes its all a fantasy. None of that occured.

That's my opinion. Its based on your telling of your story. On par with the other OETW stories its below average. Too many Internet cliches, too many repeats of old story themes and draws too heavily on the John Titor Saga. There's just not much creativity or originality to it.

You claimed early on that you were familiar with this site. Either you weren't or you ignored what you read. You should have anticipated what was to come and planned accordingly. Don't blame the audience if you didn't do your homework or if you simply lack the talent to write a good story.
Amazing that you are persistent. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Isn't that all insanity does? Still wearing those green socks?

In dubious battle, a complementary color of words mean nothing.


As handicapped as I came to be, in exuberant health, due to all ramifications of these posts, I was offered employment by Mechnor. As we spoke on the phone for endless hours, a realization came to me. If I have not posted issues regarding the computer stuff on the TTI forum, Mechnor and I would have never met.

I thank so much for the creation of the TTI forum even though it has it's side effects. I understand the complacent need for privacy on our behalf, IMO you are one of those side effects. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

It is unusual to view sequential linear of motion coming from any of my true posts racking itself up to this point in time. Isnt that a form of time travel?

I will be fair to you, Darby. I understand your honesty and I will tell you this. As what Ripley said, "Believe it or not"... I will only keep this limited and one time. If this post gets covertly edited, oh well, then that could mean it wasnt meant to be told. ----

It is met with oddity that Mechnor opened up a research division under his company in 1992. The hoax story of JT didnt exist, even the TTI website-forum didnt exist either in that year. They have never heard of the man named John Titor. He named this division based on all those science fiction comics he used to read when he was a kid.

Do you know the name of this research division? You might as well guess it.

It is called TRD. Titer Research Division. It is a abbrev. of "Time TravellER", but according to what I have heard, in french origin, it is named as Titor because it would be spelled as "Time TravellOR". This small unknown research division is connected to General Electric, hence where the sponsorship private grants comes from.

Mechnor, as a electronic engineer, he was doing research for years on chip instruction sets and when I posted those 'blatantly out of this world posts' about these chips, he contacted me right away. Apparently mechnor is someone who has been a member of this forum for a long time, but just used a different SN to avoid being identified.

Yea, he told me not to tell anyone who he is. I respect his privacy. I do have his permission to post this information on here regarding TRD. He said it wouldnt matter anyways because noone will believe it.

At Brekit, when the United States Air Force came in to take those computers from the repair centers, I was there, I saw it all. I was told by my previous boss who I knew as a neighbor who used to live a block away from my old apartment, that they also took the Ibm computer which I brought in. Not only the USAF were there, there were also other military guys there from the DOD, in full combat gear standing around with machine guns in their hands. It was damm scary. Brekit is a small company, which only has 20 or less employees. All it is, is a tech support unit which was connected to TelePerformance USA, which was getting funding grants from NSF and other orgs.

My previous job was simply a tech support person. It was nothing fancy. Nothing unusual. Employees at Brekit bring in their computers, all the time, to take apart, study them as well. They had their own repair centers as well.

What's odd about all of this, is that my name is John Allen. I am about to become a director of research at TRD. Thats what I am good at, I research stuff on computers, thats all I do. No matter how odd or weird I find things about computers, this is the prime reason Mechnor needs me.

Whats so special about my name? Well.. Wasn't there a person named "John Titor"? If he was a real time traveller, why would he use "John" as his first name? hmmm? I told myself "No, I dont believe this" over and over again.. "Impossible..." Why in the late 2007, I get hired to become director of research at TRD? hmm? Absolutely no way, I dont believe it.

Again, like what Ripley said... "Believe it or not"...

I believe this will be my last post. I am tired of having to repeat over and over again. But thanks to you, Darby, for being honest with me.
I eat this stuff for breakfast! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif It's like Wheaties!

Rainman's comments are so lacking in any defensible logic, they can only be called LIES, and potentially libelous ones at that.

This is called ad hominem, especially since it is generalizing about comments I have allegedly made and not providing any SPECIFIC comments that it is attempting to address. Here, let's review the definition of "ad hominem"

attacking an opponent's character rather than answering his argument.

Since you supplied no argument of mine (only a general reference to "Rainman's comments") you are now guilty of ad hominem yourself. Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?

It is not logically, morally, or (perhaps) legally defensible to call people "insane" (with a clear intent of damaging their reputations, no less) with no evidentiary basis. Do any of you REALLY believe that every person who has seen something apparently unidentifiable is INSANE?

Please show me where I (RainmanTime) have ever called you (Pro7 - or your handler) "insane". I want you to show me evidence of your allegation.

They lie and call names as a matter of course and undoubtedly feel justified, because they "know" the "Titor Saga" is BS, and (they imagine) their lies and ad hominem serve a greater good.

And what of YOUR lies...the ones you have, as much, admitted to? Don't they count? And what of your ad hominem in this very reply of yours? Somehow you find yourself to be immune from criticism.

I'm pretty sure I know who our "friend" Pro7 is. He's been here before, and also threatened to leave... but he keeps coming back (if even under new incarnations).

I believe this will be my last post.

I would love to believe you...honestly I would, especially on this point. But given your track record there is scant reason to believe ANYTHING you tell us, especially your alleged intentions.

And don't forget TT.....aaaaahhhhhhhhh.... whoever! It is ALL ABOUT INTENTION! You heard it here first!

I'd be careful Pro7. RMT gets real touchy when you start mentioning aspects about his job. Ain't that right RMT? Despite the fact its all public info avilable at his personal website.
This thread is about to be closed due to OT discussions (and I include myself), unless someone wishes to further discuss the thread's subject.

phpBB : Critical Error

Could not connect to the database
Could not hack the database


Nahhh. He's too soft to get touchy.

Close the thread. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Sounds like to me you had a bad experience with RMT, titorite?
The discussion centers on the 'why' of an IBM 5100?

The only real reason is to use it as a terminal to hook up to the basement building full of IBM Mainframe like the Government still uses and some large corporations that keep financial records and perhaps bank records and medical records from long, long - 30 years ago or so or more. Can that all be used? Yes, but remember after the 20th time of switching those big tape reels down in the basement on that 256mB Mainframe that is row after row in a controlled environment room, there is still only about 'text' you can use for anything connected with that.

For about $5000 or so instead of $100,000 you can go to the store, get a server, and a computer and have Direct X 3D and graphics and program the computer in C++ and get a 'model' of the Universe to input all the data that can be on DVD-ROM drives and still more data instead of basically text output of the ancient IBM 5100 or Mainframes. Do people still use those Mainframes? Yes, once in a while. But what would be the reason to try and hook up a CD-ROM driver into a 64k machine and transfer data to tapes on Mainframes and reel and reel, just to do that because a person probably could.

Well, I doubt if any scientist is going to pursue something like that to make any 'models' of any type of activity such as molecular structures or data about 'stars' of the Universe or anything else nowadays. They may confer that it is still cheaper not to upgrade because those tapes that held the spaghetti programs are all on tapes if you have to use those old Mainframes and all of that, but still -- that would only be -- once in a while.

Upgrading to a more modern computer may cost something and it may never be done, but still as Dr. Brown stated in his reply about Titor that -- why would anyone really want to do that and go through that? Now I admit that I have heard that they still use those Mainframes and the room full and row after row of those Mainframes but the IBM 5100 is about only a terminal connection to all those other Mainframes and that would be about it!

And anyway I still own an Apple IIC and with 128k of memory even with the 5-1/4 inch floppies that came out a couple of years later (1978 - 1980) I still can amuse at the fact that computer games were made on all those type of personal computers back then, and business used the IBM business solutions at the time and it cost a bunch back then, but.........................

Who really wants to do APL programming anyway? Kind of cryptic and still there is about enough memory to only load in a small program -- when with a modern computer - you can load in the entire complete in Direct X 3D graphical version and create a model on a modern computer that would make the IBM 5100 computer obsolete except for getting some data from long ago out of a reel to reel tape and seeing if the thing actually still runs.

I know my Apple IIC may run although I have not started it up in years but the last time I had to kind of beat on it, to get it working, and although I have the books for machine language programming still to this day, although I almost threw it all away, I just keep it around for taking up spacetime I guess.

And IBM 5100 BASIC programming language is different than what is considered the usual BASIC programming language (look it up on the Internet although there is about only one link to see) and although you may be even able to still get some parts of the hardware still to this day or at least that is described (but who really still makes those ancient chips) it still leaves one to consider that -- it just is not practical especially when a MAC computer can run the Apple OS with Windows on top of it nowadays like Linux probably can.

Until someone has thousands of programmers like Microsoft to do anything and references and drivers to all that hardware -- Open Source may be something - but to tie it all together -- still takes some much time -- that many people still will not do that in the end.

It just ain't practical to do that unless you want to spend years doing that and by that time of a few years - someone else will probably come out with something completely different by then. It bad enough just to get ms-dos to work for all programs that came out in ms-dos even because of Microsoft changes to the OS. You still can download ms-dos 6.22 version from Microsoft if you want to - but then you probably get too many error messages about having incorrect version drivers for anything to use it with - unless you stuck all of it in a Shell using the current versions of Windows to run anything -- like DosBox that seems to be about the only thing that works with the sound and graphics of ms-dos as some computer games and programs were made. To hook up anything else, would also be quite a chore to do.


At Brekit, when the United States Air Force came in to take those computers from the repair centers, I was there, I saw it all. I was told by my previous boss who I knew as a neighbor who used to live a block away from my old apartment...

You're speaking in the far past tense. Yet all of this occured last week.

As I said in my previous post, you've fallen out of character and your story has gone unglued.

This isn't our first rodeo, my friend. This, the Internet, is a written medium. All we have is words - thus words have meaning. That you would refer to events that ocured suddenly last week, apparently wihout prior warning (again, according to your story), in terms that indicate the distant past is evidence of falling out of character and losing track of your story.

I didn't write your words. You wrote them. You wrote them with the intent of my receiving a specific message. Your words - not mine. And there is no message.

That I read your words and see that they are not self consistent is your problem and not mine. At this point in the story you've completely lost track of your original intent - to convince us that something special happened in your life at Brekit that has some importance to our lives. Now, instead of supporting that position, you've digressed into defending your position. That's a tactic of weakness. If all of this were true you'd be completely unconcerned about what we do or don't believe because you'd be absolutely secure in your personal knowledge of the events.

Again, this is not our first rodeo. This is the typical course that these OETW stories take.
Whats so special about my name? Well.. Wasn't there a person named "John Titor"? If he was a real time traveller, why would he use "John" as his first name? hmmm? I told myself "No, I dont believe this" over and over again.. "Impossible..." Why in the late 2007, I get hired to become director of research at TRD? hmm? Absolutely no way, I dont believe it.

Again, like what Ripley said... "Believe it or not"...

We've had plenty of people either outright claim to be Titor or hint that they are Titor.

But there's one iron clad guaranteed way to resolve all doubts about whether they are or aren't TItor (or at least a member of Group Titor):

Just "name that song".

That's all the proof that's required. Name the song. We'll know within 24 hours whether is walking the walk or walking the talk.

Just name that song.

what song are you talking about? I dont know what that is about. How did you know that TRD has a song logo?

it has a 2 sun symbol logo on its song if that is what you're talking about?

meow! haha

dont ask me that question, ask mechnor. Hes the boss! lol

if people own companies they can do almost anything they want can they? Im dissolving mine because it just started and this director stuff is good pay.