John Titor and the IBM 5100

This is the caption that goes above the picture Bogz:
There isn't a discrete CPU (Central Processing Unit) as in modern computers, the circuit board seen below is the "processor" - it has over 15 large chips.

This is the website

It is not a memory board.

You were wrong.
So Pro7 asked me to relay this. I aked him if he could tell me any more about about the 5100....and he did.

here it is in its entirity, 4 emails.

Hello Titorite,

All I can tell you regarding the IBM 5100 machine is listed below:

1. IBM 5100 Emulation design has a reversable binarial capability. Modern computers do not have this capability. You may need to study this yourself what this means. Do not let other "experts" tell you otherwise what it means. This "reversable binary language" concept was never taught in computer science courses in school or college, except only the direct aspect of the binary language being taught as if it is a "true" universal language. In computer science courses or books written anywhere, has no indication of such "reversable binary language".

2. IBM was under a possible secret military contract at the time of the development of the IBM 5100 machine hence "Project Mercury". IBM quickly designed the IBM 5110 computer version which suspiciously no longer have the reversible binarial capability. They did add some stuff to the 5110 version to make it look like it was enhanced. I do still believe that this military contract is still top secret. *why do you think it was called the Emulation 360?* (in math you can consider 360 as a "turn around or degrees")

There you go.. The original IBM 5100 machine was a experiment, possibly a military-government experiment at personal computing. Now look at what we have today... we got extreme fast machines now.


oh another thing i forgot to add:

In order to prove this is in fact that IBM 5100 has a "reversable binarial capability" is to write a basic program.

On any modern computers, we must follow the step by step commands, for example:

In basic

10] Print "Hi how are you?"
20] Goto to 10
30] END

In modern computers, once you make that simple basic command program and you click "enter" it will repeat over and over again on your screen with no end. In modern computers, you cannot "reverse" the basic programming to start at "30" to end at "10". It will give out a syntax error.

On the IBM 5100, you can do just that, and that is why it is so special about that machine.

What happens then if a modern computer has a "reversable binarial capability?" This means the entire hardware package must support it, not software alone. Like I said before, modern computers are "zero based" (speaking in binary terms) while the IBM 5100 is "one based". Here is what will happen if someone created a machine with all hardware and software support to be "one based":

1. Encryption would fail on all levels. (Hackers would love this...)
2. Dynamic Links, Registeries, and etc.. would be "backwards"
3. Hardware instruments would be tweaked far beyond the "Time Flux barrier" (speaking of microns measures)
4. Other items would be "backwards" as well too. Even the computer clock will have the capability to "naturally" run backwards without any further software adjustments.

As a time travel fascination by me, I personally believe that the IBM 5100 machine has the means somehow to develop some sort of a time machine mechanism. The problem is, its not going to be easy because the original hardware in its "one based" mode has never been made or developed for public use after the 5110 model came out. Apparently anyone who wants to build a "one based" machine, unfortunately, will have to start over from stratch. This is why I think the military or the government is already working on something like this.


20] Goto 10 (sorry my mistake on that lol)


just a update... i just possibly posted my last post on the forum under titor.. you got my permission to repost everything i said in the emails i sent to you.. please spread the word.

I just hate government control.

many thanks anyways. bye


I tried to relpy but I only get this message:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/timetrav/public_html/ttiforum/mess_handler.php on line 84
"I will probably trade the PC back to them when I am done and pick up some old CRT's and a phoenix BIOS and some 32 pin simms."

grab me some rambus ram while your there

man i miss the good 'ol days...
10] Print "Hi how are you?"
20] Goto to 10
30] END

So IBM developed this special ability in order to run some really bad Basic programming in reverse order?

[30] END
[20] Goto 10
[10] "Hi how are you?"

result...END. Nothing happens (externally at least).

Yuh think that you can put up something a bit more useful to demonstrate this "capability"?

Maybe some keystrokes and code that we can look at (keystrokes for an IBM 5100 keyboard).

I don't do APL but there are enough folks here abouts who can take a look and make an informed decision. A really bad Basic example just doesn't do anything for me.

Maybe you could demonstrate just how this "reverse binarial one based" system is useful. Something concrete rather than an opinion that really doesn't convey any useful information.

It's your thesis. If you want to be believed then support your position properly. You "graduated at the top of your class" in college so you do have the ability.


Some data regarding this machine:

The IBM 5100 series computers were aimed for small to medium business and for those without or only small knowledge of computers but who wanted to use their benefits. In 1975 the IBM 5100 was announced as "Portable Personal Computer"

The innards:
Interal structure
The processor
The main memory
The video display
Boards and

External devices
IBM 5103
dot matrix printer
IBM 5106
tape drive
IBM 5114
floppy disk drive

Asynchronous communications / Serial I/O
Binary synchronous communications (BSC)
Parallel I/O

External Bus
The I/O Interface
Device addressing
Data transfer

External monitor connecion

The frontpanel

The most exciting:
Programming in machine language
Hints and tips:
Useful memory locations
Character codes from the IOCB
Keyboard scancodes
Extracting the non-executable ROS'

end quoted from:
IBM 5100 Series

What makes you think those yellow tags are dielectric? Normally, dielectric is placed between two conducting materials.

What those chips look like to me is a form of eraseable PROM that was used quite a lot back in the 70s called UVPROM. You would remove those tags (which were not dielectric, but paper/cardboard with glue on the back) and it would reveal a small, round glass window. When you put the chip under a UV light with that window exposed, it would erase the memory. You could then put the chip into a PROM burner to burn new code into it.

Without any schematics to read, that is what I think those chips are.

What happens then if a modern computer has a "reversable binarial capability?" This means the entire hardware package must support it, not software alone.

This is simply not true, especially given the BASIC example that Pro7 provided, and bogz gave part of the answer why this is not true. BASIC (in the IBM 5100 and all machines of this genre) were interpreted BASIC. This means that ALL of the statement numbers used in the BASIC statements are in software and software alone, just like the BASIC interpreter that reads them and executes them. So it is quite incorrect to say "the entire hardware package must support it". All you would have to do is simply hack the interpreter and tell it to start at the highest numbered statement and decrement, rather than increment. And I assure you all this can be done wholly in software.

And besides, Darby has shown us the result. (yawn). These facts I relay above lend even more credence to the assessment by bogz (who knows way more about computers than I do) and the others from anomalies that Pro7 is putting things out there that are not true, or at least not specific enough to be supported by general facts.

He needs to do better. So far he is not exhibiting expertise that is in accordance with that of true experts in the field.
Dear Admins and Moderators:

Please do not be taken by surprise if I am using another or same IP address. The current IP address is a proxied IP address. I am over at a friend's in another state and we both agreed that exposing true IP addresses on this forum is extremely dangerous, therefore we are using proxies. There are many computer illiterate people out there and exposing this part is a potential violation of electronic privacy. I carefully advise you to remove the exposed IP addresses to make it viewable to administrators/moderators only. I would understand if you have the need to ban my account on this forum for using proxied IP addresses, do it, but I will never expose any IP addresses which could be vulnerable to the prying eyes of the public.

When I arrived to his house and asked to use his computer to check my hotmail email, it has been hacked. If I werent such a "dumb azz" , I would have not used my zip code and mother's maiden name, etc for the password recovery method in Hotmail. I had that email address for years and never thought possible of being it breached. Anyone with public data access could get those personal information. All my information, emails, etc, has been deleted from my hotmail account. Whoever hacked my hotmail email added a name of "Gay Johnnie" as a user name and sent out email to every person on my email address book! This is extremely embarrassing that all my friends, relatives and ex coworkers at the company received these emails. They responded in shock. Please understand that I am not John Titor. I have the same first name.

Lucky enough, the hacker didnt alter the password recovery indicators in hotmail, otherwise I wouldnt be able to get back in.

It indicated that "I am gay, if interested, please email me!" in the body of the email.

My friend is a licensed professional cyber cop and he knows how to find out who did this to me and where it came from. He suspects the origin of such hacking attempts came from the Time Travel Institute forum and website. I asked him if he would be willing to investigate this cyber crime and I would pay him for it. He said for a good buddy, he'll do it. I asked him if it is alright with him to post this information on this forum about the breach, and he said yes it is as long I keep the information minimal.

Now this part is over,

Lets get back to the discussion...

I had my friend review the entire forum from the day I joined up and claimed about the "reversable binaries" in the IBM 5100 machine. Even then he didnt believe me either. I tried and tried to explain it to him, he kept shaking his head, until finally I indicated the hardware methods...

He finally understood it. He said "no way!", "impossible!". He right then asked me why in the heck didnt I explain the simple issue on the forum for everyone to understand it? I thought I did, I repeated it over and over again, but yet none of you understood it. I typed in different ways which led to misunderstanding or miscommunications.

As a start, I apologize to all of you for such miscommunication and misunderstanding on the forum regarding the IBM 5100 machine. I had too much in my mind and was over doing it on the forum. My friend said that I was doing this to express myself in ways which could relieve my stress and paranoia. Yes I have extreme paranoia about the things what happened at the company I worked for. You, too would be awfully paranoid if you were in my shoes after witnessing so many bizarre things happening among your friends and workers. I was told to just relax and concentrate. I am going to try this one more time. IF you guys still dont get it, then you're dumber than I thought. (sorry for the rudeness, because this is so simple)

For the sake of this argument, I am going to use that same "bad" basic program example. Remember, I am talking about BASIC... not any other languages. Modernized languages DO NOT COUNT towards the IBM 5100 machine. (simply because it wouldnt work on that specific machine anyways)

10] Print "Hi how are you?"
20] Goto 10
30] END

Ok now.. the trick is, on a regular modernized computer, it is to be READ DOWNWARDS. It cannot READ UPWARDS. It skips the 30 line and repeats itself over and over again. There is NO END.

Otherwise there is no real need for line 30, however in basic/Qbasic on modernized computers, we must have the 30 END line in order to sucessfully compute but not always.

If you had it this way, on a regular modernized computer:

30] END
20] Goto 10
10] Print "Hi how are you?"

It will create a syntax error. It is impossible for the computer to compute.


DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS PART? REMEMBER clearly that I am talking about BASIC.. not any of those other languages you posted up on the forum

ok now..

30] END
20] Goto 10
10] Print "Hi How are you?"

On the IBM 5100 machine, that machine only, can read this clearly and compute. It is to be READ UPWARDS. IT CAN ALSO READ DOWNWARDS if you input the 10 line first.

Now how is that possible? That answer relies on the internal processors of the IBM 5100.

Now my friend says that this is one wild crazy azz claim. I told him that I may have someone named mechnor on the forum since he/she claims to have already examined the machine and is in sole custody of it. I did email him/her that I am offering a large sum of money for the machine. Never heard from him/her yet. However it seems like someone else on this forum already claimed to have bought one and I am not so sure if that person is telling the truth. The reason I am wanting to buy this machine is because of the unique capability to "reverse" basic and/or "reversable binaries".

Again, if you do not understand this claim, then you are truly computer illiterate. I asked my friend how many years he got in for computer science, he said over 20 years. He said he would love to see a computer which does this simple reversing task. I had him re read this post since I have already typed it up on the word perfect to make sure that he understands it clearly so other people can understand it clearly too.

Now according to Titorite: (many thanks for posting the pictures up) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

He is correct in displaying the processor board which has the "dielectric flims or stick papers" however, the post I made was actually intended to Mechnor who claimed to have examined the 5100 machine in deep detail. I am referring to the 3rd processor board, because what I found when I was working on it at the time of my employment with the company, is pretty unusual.

For the sake of needing information, Bogz is correct in the posting of "I'm not a hardware guy but I'm wondering now why would anyone put dielectric material on top of a static sensitive device?"
Yea.. Why would anyone do that?????
When I first took apart the 5100 machine from it's "seams", in the very thought of my mind popped up "what the heck is that doing there?"... I had it analyzed and yes it is a form of a dielectric film.

I peeled both dielectric films off of both "chips" and found:

1st "chip" has a star symbol on it. Its a small imprint of a star. The 2nd "chip" has a imprint of "BL1" I was puzzled... why would anyone in the world would want to imprint a inscription of a small star and 2 letters and a number???? I went through all other boards, they didnt have any other unusual imprints. I did research on these imprints and made a bizarre discovery. All you need to do is to type "BL1" in Do the research for yourself. As a warning, do not jump to conclusions... I have no more to explain.

I am hoping Mechnor would be willing to accept the payment from me for the machine. If so, then I would like him/her to set up a videocamera (like the guy did in the recent post about the IBM 5150) then actually do the "reversing basic" all on film so it can be uploaded to YouTube or whatever video service he/she uses. Once this is done, then it will finally prove to the world that this is not a false claim. I would also like him/her to demonstrate that specific processor board regarding the "dielectric stick ons or films". I would be very disappointed if Mechnor, is someone else's prank just to get me to say some things that I havent mentioned in the forum.

Anyone else who claims to have a 5100 model may also want to sell it to me. As a requirement, the 5100 model must be in good working condition and no damages done to the internal/external parts also no missing parts. I will not tell anyone on this "opened to the public and dangerous" forum how much I will buy it for. You will have to send me photos, movies, etc.. to really prove that you have this 5100 machine before I even mention the actual value that I will buy it from you. Believe it or not, its a very large sum of money. I am not some poor, cash strapped guy. From all those years at working on different projects, I have made some good money.

To those who claim to have a such machine, can email me to my public email address: [email protected]

Any other crap or threats or even trying to hack that email address will be seriously investigated by my friend the cyber cop. Prosecution will follow if such attempts are made.

That is all for now.
Good luck Pro7.

I have read quite a many interesting thing about chinease hackers. The nuke trnsport incient, the pentagon incident, I generaly disreguarded these reports. Just did that google search useing the term BL1 ibm 5100. The top hit was "interesting"...but likely inconsiquintial (not that I disreguard anything without just cause) once I put BL1 "ibm 5100" useing the quotes I got only one hit. Any of you code gurus care to give it a look. The hit is from Jstor... Some kind of liberary with an artical about FORTRAN code equalivilants useing the IBM 5100.
I am over at a friend's in another state and we both agreed that exposing true IP addresses on this forum is extremely dangerous,

Really? Care to explain why?

There are many computer illiterate people out there and exposing this part is a potential violation of electronic privacy.

Somehow, I do not think you meant to use that word in the context you wrote. And as far as violation of electronic privacy, I don't see it. You do not own the internet. You are using it just like you would use a highway with your car. We have license plates on cars to be able to track people who commit crimes on the highways. The Bill of Rights does not bestow a right for you to remain totally anonymous when using publicly-funded utilities.

but I will never expose any IP addresses which could be vulnerable to the prying eyes of the public.

Then you had better stop using ANY and ALL email immediately, for you are in severe danger. All EMAILs have headers with IP addresses.

My friend is a licensed professional cyber cop and he knows how to find out who did this to me and where it came from.

They have a licensing organization and a formal title? I am not being fascetious when I say I would like info on the licensing organization. In any event, I hope your friend can help you find the person who did this.

He suspects the origin of such hacking attempts came from the Time Travel Institute forum and website.

Now THAT is interesting how he came to that conclusion. I assume he actually meant someone who may frequent this board, but not that the hacker literally originated from the IP where the site is hosted....??

I had my friend review the entire forum from the day I joined up and claimed about the "reversable binaries" in the IBM 5100 machine. Even then he didnt believe me either. I tried and tried to explain it to him, he kept shaking his head, until finally I indicated the hardware methods...

The suspicious thing here is that you either cannot or will not explain it to us in this same detail, that any person with reasonable HW and SW knowledge can understand. Why is that?

For the sake of this argument, I am going to use that same "bad" basic program example. Remember, I am talking about BASIC... not any other languages.

And as bogz and I explained above, BASIC is an INTERPRETED language on the IBM 5100. It is totally software.

Ok now.. the trick is, on a regular modernized computer, it is to be READ DOWNWARDS. It cannot READ UPWARDS. It skips the 30 line and repeats itself over and over again. There is NO END.

This is a fundamentally incorrect statement about interpreted BASIC. It can be made to read upwards by a fairly simple hack in the BASIC interpreter. And you have also misunderstood the purpose of the "END" statement with regard to BASIC rules of coding. It is NOT an executable statement. It is a marker to the end of the code. In most version of BASIC from the 70s, "END" was required to be in the statement list otherwise the interpreter would give you an error.

If you had it this way, on a regular modernized computer:

30] END
20] Goto 10
10] Print "Hi how are you?"

It will create a syntax error. It is impossible for the computer to compute.

That depends not only on which "modernized" computer you use, but also on which BASIC interpreter (or compiler) you use. Most BASIC compilers/interpreters these days do not require statement numbers. However, those that permit them would simply re-order your statement numbers above in the proper order (I mean, that IS what statement numbers are for... to indicate the proper SEQUENCE!)


I understand it has inaccuracies, which I have pointed out. But I still do not understand how it relates to the machine code and the HW registers which are abstracted by the BASIC interpreter.

On the IBM 5100 machine, that machine only, can read this clearly and compute. It is to be READ UPWARDS. IT CAN ALSO READ DOWNWARDS if you input the 10 line first.

Now how is that possible? That answer relies on the internal processors of the IBM 5100.

Absolutely not. It relies on nothing more than the BASIC interpreter SOFTWARE. I think you need to understand what an interpreted language is and how it is fully implemented in software.

I told him that I may have someone named mechnor on the forum

Who mysteriously came along to support your story just when you needed him most! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

However it seems like someone else on this forum already claimed to have bought one and I am not so sure if that person is telling the truth.

And we have pointed out where some of us KNOW you are not telling the truth. Whether that is ignorance of BASIC interpreters and the relationship between HW and SW, or whether it is purposeful deceit, we cannot be sure.

Again, if you do not understand this claim, then you are truly computer illiterate.

And if you do not understand what myself and bogz have pointed out about BASIC interpreters, then you are even more computer illiterate. But let's not start calling each other names, OK? I don't like when people do that...

I had him re read this post since I have already typed it up on the word perfect to make sure that he understands it clearly so other people can understand it clearly too.

And does he understand how you can make this happen with nothing more than a SW change to the BASIC interpreter?

I am referring to the 3rd processor board, because what I found when I was working on it at the time of my employment with the company, is pretty unusual.

For the sake of needing information, Bogz is correct in the posting of "I'm not a hardware guy but I'm wondering now why would anyone put dielectric material on top of a static sensitive device?"
Yea.. Why would anyone do that?????
When I first took apart the 5100 machine from it's "seams", in the very thought of my mind popped up "what the heck is that doing there?"... I had it analyzed and yes it is a form of a dielectric film.

How convenient that you cannot access that chip now and take a photo with the stickers off. I bet you would see a tiny glass window. As I explained, this looks VERY much like a UVPROM. I've used them and programmed them in game machines from the late 70s and early 80s.

If bogz has the machine, then perhaps he can take a photo of that chip or at least give us a part number that can be cross-referenced in TTL databooks. He could also take off the sticker and show us if there is a UV window underneath.

But suffice it to say, the information you present on your BASIC program is just plain incorrect and has nothing to do with HW.

You above all RMT should know that sometimes you do not need to call someone a name to very pointedly insult them. You are a pro at it. It doesn't make the tatic any better then just out right calling someone a jerk. Not that I am mind you.

As for your comments about how much you and bogz know about this and that. BOGZ stated with authority that thier was no third board and when I put up the picture then He stated it must of been a memory board THEN I gave the website link so that all could see that it was not.

I find more than a few around here exagerate thier level of expertise.

As for me, I could not te you the differnece between python and APL except to say they are two differnt codes.

Instead of swearing all kinds of authority on this subject maybe you should get your hands on a 5100 first rather than proclaim you know the facts about a thing without examining a thing. Thats kinda putting the cart before the horse no?

One more thing.
Annoymous people from all over the net that never forgive and never forget hang out here all the time. It can be a funny site sometimes.

There isn't a discrete CPU (Central Processing Unit) as in modern computers, the circuit board seen below is the "processor" - it has over 15 large chips.


This statement above from that site lends even stronger support to my assessment that those two chips with the yellow stickers are UVPROMs. They are the non-volatile (i.e. will hold their memory after power is removed) components that the rest of the (volatile) processing ICs use to fetch BIOS instructions. I have also just IM'ed a guy I work with who also did a LOT of work reprogramming EPROMS on game machines... he has verified that this component looks exactly like a UVPROM. I will even find parts on the internet and post them here to show you...


Those 4 chips with the black stickers are UVPROMs. Remove the sticker and you will see windows, like this:


Here is an article with a lot of good HW design information that explains the difference between a micrprocessor and a microcontrolle (which is the basis of the IBM 5100 design that uses the UVPROMS).

And finally, here is a pretty detailed architecture manual for the IBM 5100. If you go to section 5 you can even find HW logic schematics. Perhaps, Pro7, you can use these drawings to explain EXACTLY how you think the HW is involved with your BASIC example.


Instead of swearing all kinds of authority on this subject maybe you should get your hands on a 5100 first rather than proclaim you know the facts about a thing without examining a thing.

Please do not start with me, OK?

As for your claiming that I have not examined a thing, please note that I have been going through the IBM 5100 maintenance manual (I posted the link above) since last night. So your accusation is incorrect.

I am also about 95% positive that the two chips with the yellow stickers are UVPROMS. As I said, I have handled and programmed them as far back as 1980. All I need to find is a circuit ID schematic for the 5100 that identifies each chip on that board, and that will (hopefully) push my certainty to 100%. And maybe bogz can help with pics of the machine he has?
