John Titor and George W. Bush.

Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Just to add onto what Rainmantime has said regarding two tanks in Los Angeles.

I also live in Los Angeles and have some good friends that are L.A. Police Officers, Sheriff Deputies and some Highway Patrol Officers, and none of them has heard anything about tanks rolling into Los Angeles area to confront protesters.

If there had been any tanks, I am sure at least one of them would have known about it.

In addition, the L.A. Police actually would be somewhat upset if any military vehicles showed up and interfered with whatever procedures they were following in handling any protesters.

The L.A. Police like to take care of any situations that arise on their own i.e. The Bank Of America Robbery. The police never called the military, but ran into gun shops for more guns and ammo.
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

I guess the civil unrest we are seeking appears to be in these postings. When I posted a couple of days ago, I didn't mean for a verbal war to break out. But it looks like it has. There is no civil conversation here at all now. Just one taking pot shots at another because we spotted something in the news. For better or for worse, this country is going to hell in a hand basket and we had better wake up and smell the coffee before it's too late. From where I sit I can and do see it coming. And those who voted to put Bush back into office, I hope I'm very wrong, but I don't think so. He's trouble and he now has carte blanche..
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

So how do you explain the presence of tanks?

I'm sure that no person could have done that. He would equire at least 2 tanks and the military doesn't sell that kind of equipment to citizens, nor does it allow them to run these on the street - much less so, with real traffic moving around.
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

I think you'll find the Bush economy has left America with a pretty weak pulse...

Now why do you say that, Roel? Are you so heavily invested in the US to feel the pinch?
Personally, I am not complaining... and neither are the savvy investors who are well diversified (as in different product markets AND different international markets). In fact, I just got one of my investment statements today... a 23% annualized return on investment for my "Emerging Markets International Fund" suits me pretty well. Then there's 19.5% for an international equity fund and 13.7% for a US equity index fund. The reality is we have a world economy.

But you call it the Bush economy. Now let's talk about what has become known as the "lag effect on presidential economics." You do know that a new president inherits the economy of his predecessor, right? Know how long it takes for a new president's programs to see any effect at all?

Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

So how do you explain the presence of tanks?

I'm sure that no person could have done that. He would equire at least 2 tanks and the military doesn't sell that kind of equipment to citizens, nor does it allow them to run these on the street - much less so, with real traffic moving around.

I didnt know if the story was true or not, but in asking those that would know personally, makes me wonder at the credibility of the creators of the story. I am not a wizard at touching up photos, but it is possible with the technology available. The story is found on " Enemy Combantant Radio" which seems extremely slanted at causing civil unrest, as almost all the stories are anti-governemt propaganda.

Information like two tanks doing as indicated in the story would be found in more than one source, especially in a City the size of Los Angeles, there is no way to keep that a secret.

In these times, it is important to seperate fiction from fact. No use working ourselves up into a frenzy before verifying the facts.

I dont mean to say the government isnt up to something, but in this case, it just doesnt seem to be true. As mentioned previously, this all reminds me of the "News" story done by Orsen Wells with War of The Worlds.

We shouldnt jump to conclusions or react to stories without verifying all available data. That is the nature of scientific inquiry.

I do thank-you for posting the story, allowing the rest of us the opportunity to "check it out".
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Like in my other post yes there was a tank there, but an interesting explaination as to why.

As to civil unrest, yes people are protesting, and it's not surprising considering the close call on the election results, almost a 50/50 split with the exception that Bush got what was it? 3-5million extra voters? So almost half the country are not happy. I am not surprised!

And for the benefit of those who called the UK's Daily Mail newspaper left wing, because they supposedly put on their front page about the 59million dumb people who voted for Bush, it was actually the Daily Mirror, a crappy little rag of a paper that no-one takes any notice of anyways. Remember that the Daily Mirror newspaper was the same paper who had to sack their editor because he faked torture pictures, saying they were done by UK soldiers in iraq!
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

These probably are not tanks, as one would define a fully qualified treaded vehicle, however modifications on standard fare run of the mill, armored cars.

These types of vehicle might technically be referred to, as urban disturbance response utility vehicles?

A happy and large yellow smiley-face, painted on one of the sides of vehicles that can kill people by running over them push autos and trucks aside, might add some influence of happiness back into the community?
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Michael Moore's site has it too. But if further sais that: "A Veterans Day Parade was planned for the following day at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, West Los Angeles Facility. "

Yet, I doubt veterans can mobilise tanks.
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

By the way, we're not looking for things that actually prove that there is a civil war RIGHT NOW (as has been mentioned), rather we're searching for things that could potentially gear up to validate this scenario of a 2005 civil war with tension built up around the time of pres. election in 2004.

To this end, I've seen quite a few disturbing things like: "We the people have the right to remove the leadership of the country if we consider it goes against it's obligations."

There are even articles on secession of some states.
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Now why do you say that, Roel? Are you so heavily invested in the US to feel the pinch?

No, not at all... I can only judge from what I hear on the news and read in the newspapers. I was (and still am) under the impression that many important economists around the globe agree that Bush is not doing a very good job when it comes to economics.

You do know that a new president inherits the economy of his predecessor, right?

Mmmh. In that case I guess I should feel sorry for the next president /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

I can only judge from what I hear on the news and read in the newspapers. I was (and still am) under the impression that many important economists around the globe agree that Bush is not doing a very good job when it comes to economics.

Mmmmh. This doesn't sound like the Roel I know, who won't believe things unless he can see it for himself!
So I don't listen to economic "experts". I let the figures do the talking. The figures in my accounts have not been going down...and here are just a few years of GDP growth for our economy:

Year Real GDP
per Capita
(2000 dollars)
1996 $30,885
1997 $31,891
1998 $32,837
1999 $33,907
2000 $34,758
2001 $34,553
2002 $34,937
2003 $35,790

Oh yeah, then there's that other silly number we watch...the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Have you been noticing what it has done since Mr. Bush was re-elected?

So far, the numbers tend to disprove your experts. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

The economy does seem to be all-right. Working in the Real Estate Industry and the Home Improvement Industry, both areas are doing extremely well.
However, I too wonder about all those people that have been laid off from the steel mills, car manufaturing plants, and the Aerospace industries.

As a kid fresh out of high school, I was a driver with industrial parts for manufacturers, and Firestone Tire, General Motors, as well as Bethlehem Steel were on my route. The workers at General Motors were making comments about their own people buying Japanese cars. Sure enough, those people helped put themselves out of work.

To see those plants close was heart breaking. Those places employed thousands.

This is what amazes me, the people complaining about the shrinking job market are the ones buying goods manufactured elsewhere. Perhaps, if one was really concerned about the loss of jobs, buying locally made products might help a little bit.
Hebrew Transliteration

Hey Glug,

I thought I would point out something about one of those websites that you linked:

George Bush does not add up to 666 in proper Qabalistic Hebrew

Here's how the website author portrays it:

If you add up the name 'George Bush' in Hebrew letters it comes out:

G = 3 (gimel)
e = 5 (heh)
o = 70 (ayin)
r = 200 (resh)
g = 3 (gimel)
e = 5 (heh)
B = 2 (beth)
u = 70 (ayin)
s = 300 (shin)
h = 8 (cheth)
total = 666 (Antichrist)

Now we see where studying Qabalah comes in handy (is Roel reading?) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif There are a few things wrong with his attributions:

1) The name would be transliterated more by the sounds produced than by the actual letters themselves. This is true because...
2) There is no equivalent for the letters "e" and "u" as he seems to show in his table. The gnostic transliteration is shown in the lead-in to THIS document. There you can read some other things...
3) He separates the "sh" at the end of his name, when clearly you can see that the Hebrew letter for "Sh" is Shin, with a value of 300. That means no "8" is needed for the "h" at the end of Bush. And even if you did add it in, it would be the letter Heh (5), which this guy attributes to "e".
4) There is another thing written in the reference I provided that should be taken note of: "When written large, the value of a Hebrew letter is increased by a factor of one thousand. A large Aleph is counted 1000,a large Beth 2000, etc." Therefore, the capital "G" would be 3000 and the capital "B" would be 2000.

All of a sudden, when you use the accepted hermetic text, the 666 just ain't ain't ain't.

Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Mmmmh. This doesn't sound like the Roel I know, who won't believe things unless he can see it for himself!

Well... the facts and figures are in the newspapers, are they not? I rely on newspapers and other newssources to form my opinion. The economic growth in the US is relatively high at the moment, but that's primarily because American citizens keep spending their money. Many economists agree that "the Bush economy" is more a matter of keeping up the appearances.

Now personally I don't mind the current state of the US economy and the low value of the dollar. I just hope that the economists are wrong.

Oh and if you like figures so much, why don't you take a look at the US Budget deficit? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Hebrew Transliteration

Now we see where studying Qabalah comes in handy (is Roel reading?) There are a few things wrong with his attributions:

In my opinion it's silly to start looking for such a pattern in the first place. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

One doesn't have to study the Quabalah to see that this translation of "George Bush" is bullshit in the first place. Furthermore 666 does not have any particular significance to me, other than the fact that it's a great inspiration to horror producers.
