John Titor and George W. Bush.

Two Words for all the naysayers-Patriot Act. Gives the government full and free access to randomly search your house with little cause. Didn't Titor say something about that? I hope and pray he wasn't right but the Bush re-election REALLY worries me.
lorval said...
You [censored] up yanks need to realize that you are the most hated nation on this planet! Your lives have now become forfeit, most of you will be dead within 10 years

First of all, this is a time-travel forum, not a 'Netherlands bash and hate the USA' forum, there
are plenty of those elsewhere.

I'm from the US, you're obviously from the Netherlands, I know we're hated, yet your perspective of being hated is obviously different than ours. If terrorists hate you, perhaps you give in to them, become soft, weak, begin to side with them. I would have to say, being hated isn't always a bad thing, the greatest men to ever walk this earth were also the most hated men. When you are powerful, well known, hate comes with the territory. About us being dead within 10 years, you sound like a terrorist yourself. We're the most powerful country in the world, your not. We're hated because the terrorist loving socialists don't find bombing terrorists to be popular. Screw popularity, the terrorists are scared because the job is getting done, all they can do now is send video tapes. We saw the letters the foreigners sent us, begging us to not vote for Bush, we saw the propeganda of obese Michael Moores movie, we heard eminem & p. diddy, yet most of us were smart enough to ignore the hype. If anything dies I hope it's the socialist agenda, oh yea and the terrorists (and terrorist supporters).

--- Razimus
I don't know. Abe was a republican and was president during the Civil War. John Titor has always struck me as a family oriented-conservative leaning guy. Former military, and he admires the "Farmer General" as well as the heartland areas of America. He said all the "big cities" were destroyed and were full of the "enemy". Most large cities are coastal and democratically leaning. Look at the election map...John said to move to Omaha!
but dont 4get that we must respect all opinions,,and i respect ur all opinions.

No worries. I can still respect your opinion without agreeing with it. And furthermore...

Something like that can change the public opinion.

Indeed, many things can change opinions. So perhaps, since I am an American citizen and you are not, I can provide you with some facts and insights that may change YOUR opinion?

As u know, there are many killed American soldiers in the war of Iraq, of course the families of these soldiers are not in a good mood from the death of their sons/husband/fathers....whatever.
Something like that must decrease the voting rate for Bush because he sent these soldiers to die and live their families alone.

Here is your first misconception. While certainly no one enjoys losing loved ones, the American military is 100% voluntary. Those who join know that not only is it their duty to go and fight in a war when they sign up, but that war often results in death. Beyond this, through two world wars, the American populace understands the concepts of sacrifice for doing what is right, and for doing what must be done to secure freedom.

im an Egyptian Muslim, and i think u know that we muslims and egyptians and arabs are against the war on Iraq and totaly against the supporting of USA to Israel in the middle east.

So are you actually trying to tell me that all of you Egyptian Muslims were in full support of the secular Saddam Hussein torturing and killing his own people (many of them your fellow Muslims)? As bad as the Abu Ghraib situation was with humiliating some prisoners, it pales in comparison to some of the things Hussein's sons and thugs did to their own people.

So while you have every right to be against the war in Iraq, let me tell you what I am against: I am fervently against fundamentalist, radical terrorists who abuse the Muslim faith and kill thousands of innocent Americans (and continue to suicide bomb innocent Israeli citizens). If more countries that are dominated by Muslim people were to take responsibility for cleaning up the killers that breed within your societies, it is highly likely that the US (and Israel) would not be forced to take the actions that we do. Sadly, this is what I see wrong with the political side of the Muslim world: You ignore when your own criminals kill "infidels". Do you even recall that the US lead the military offensive to defeat the Serbs who were killing Muslims in Kosovo? That was yet another case where AMERICAN lives were being put in jeapordy to help prevent further deaths of MUSLIMS. And yet few Muslims even expressed their gratitude. Now how many Muslims have stood up to help prevent American lives from being lost? I see none so far.

Another thing that in my point of view must decrease the voting rate for Bush, is that the economy during the last 4 years, since Bush was a president was very bad than before, during Clinton.

Something like that can change the public opinion.

And yet we can clearly see that it didn't. Because in reality Bush not only received a higher number of votes this year than he did in 2000, but he also received a higher percentage of the vote this time than he did in 2000. Potential reasons for that just might be:

1) Despite the economical problem (which all agree he inherieted from Clinton), Bush reduced taxes and put $ back into citizens pockets.
2) Americans don't like seeing other Americans killed in terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. And Bush has pledged to eradicate terrorism as best he can. The plain and simple fact is this: If radical Muslim terrorists are set on killing Americans, we will set out mind to killing them before they kill us. And we will.

Perhaps if you started thinking about this situation in a different way, you might be able to understand the opinions of many Americans. Try this scenario:

Imagine that suddenly, massive numbers of Israelis began crossing the border into Egypt and committing suicide bombings in all your cities, towns, and marketplaces....indiscriminately killing innocent Egyptian Muslim citizens. If this started happening, I am certain that the people of Egypt would rise up, and demand that the threat be neutralized, even if other countries did not approve of it. Put yourself in this situation, and now you will know why most Americans don't care that the Muslim world is against our actions. We are seeking to protect OURSELVES, not gain the approval of people who disagree with us.

You americans think you are so clever why did you vote for a fuckwit like bush?

That's an all-too-simple question to answer: Because Bush puts America and American lives BEFORE any other country in the world. One reason we elect a president is as commander in chief of our armed forces, where his most solemn duty is to protect America, and that means despite what the rest of the world thinks. Kerry's position was more along the lines of "asking permission" of the rest of the world to take actions to defend America.

Around the sane world people have been saying what a sad day it is.

And again I point out to you: We don't care. This election is NOT about you, or any other citizen of countries outside America. You have NO SAY in this, and consequently we could care less what people like you think!

How bush and his religous freak freinds now have free reign to go after any country they wish. Whats next eh, iran, libya, cuba?

Oh, you're so ignorant, aren't you? But let's address some of these countries: Iran - Well, if they keep going down this nuclear road, which would threaten Israel, Europe and America, you bet you sweet booty that we just might have to take action. The decision is in the hands of Iran what action America (and its allies) may or may not take. Libya - Ha ha ha! That's a great one because have you noticed how quickly Qaddafi has changed his stripes ever since Iraq was invaded? There is no need to do anything to Libya, because he is willingly turning himself into milk toast to avoid confrontation with us. To me, THAT means Iraq sent a strong message to radical dictators not to mess with the US. Cuba? Even funnier. They have NOTHING we need, they are absolutely NO threat to us, and in reality more Cubans would rather escape their country to flee to America than they would rather stay in their own country! Get a grip, dude, your emotion is overruling what logic you may possess.

You [censored] up yanks need to realize that you are the most hated nation on this planet!

Leadership of the free world is not a popularity contest. Many people hate the police, but they keep things in order, don't they?

But my thoughts are that everytime I have to talk face to face with one of you americans I cannot help but want to punch you in the face.

Violence. That's always a poor choice for an emotional reaction. Let me teach you something else about the general American populace: We are slow to anger and violence. But when violence is perpetrated upon us, we will kick your sorry a$$ from here to kingdom come faster than you can ever figure out what hit you. I've said this little bit of truth before in this forum as well: We don't like killing people, but when others take actions that force our hand, let it be known that we have perfected the techniques of killing people like no other country in history. Now maybe that is not something to be proud of, but it is highly effective in making violent people think twice before they F with us!

It just sounds like you are yet another European who has not yet learned the lessons of history provided to you in two world wars on your continent. That is sad... and you have the audacity to call US stupid! Maybe the next time Holland gets invaded, we should just ignore you and tell you "Oh, we thought you hated us? Why would you want us to help you?"

What really cracks me up is I saw a post where someone said that "John Titor said there would be civil unrest before the election. The election is in two days and so far no civil unrest"
I would have to say "Are you blind", and why is the president talking about trying to bring this country back together after the split in it?
I would have to say "Are you blind", and why is the president talking about trying to bring this country back together after the split in it?

I am not blind, and I live and work in one of the largest metropolitan area in this country (Los Angeles). I have seen NO civil disturbances (except those BoSox fans after their team won the series!). And as far as the country being "split", we have always been a country of differing opinions. But the latest poll I saw from CNN (not really a conservative news source) said:

57% of the people are satisfied with the election results.
38% of the people are very upset with the election results.
5% of the people think it doesn't make any difference at all.

Moreover, the president-elect after ANY election ALWAYS talks about "healing the wounds of division from the campaign". It is standard fare these days due to the nastiness of the campaigns.

Bottom line: I don't see anything even remotely close to approaching "civil war". It just ain't gonna happen, especially while we are trying to protect ourselves against terrorist threats. If you want to see the nation come together quickly again, all that has to happen is another 9/11. Any thought of a civil war at that point would be ridiculous.


I believe that there will be a revolution. But it won't be a violent , in the street brawl.

The revolution is going to be in the DNC.

DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe has lost two consecutive Presidential elections and the intervening congressional for three. He's the first casualty of their revolution.

If there is to be a continuing two party system the reformed DNC is going to have to face reality, wake up and realize that the Hollywood Liberals and the other Limo Liberals don't represent the typical voting Democrat. They are moderate to conservative working class people who share most of the social values of the typical voting Republican. There are core differences but the DNC hasn't come close to focusing on those core issues.

Running campaigns on the theory that they can get their members to vote against the Republican rather than strongly supporting and voting for their candidate is not cutting the mustard (excuse the Heinz related pun). Running off every moderate or conservative Deomcrat who seeks office isn't cutting it either. Prior to 1968 the Democrats were the conservative, labor party. Today the DNC believes that conservative means Nazi.

They've conpletely lost the South - which was their former stronghold. They've lost the middle of the country and in California they only manage their overwhelming victories because San Francisco County, Contra Costa County and Los Angeles County resemble Manhattan. The other 55 counties are either an even split or solidly Republican. One more weak and controversial candidate like Kerry and they'll lose California too.

If they wanted to run a real Vietnam hero they should have nominated the real hero - Bob Kerrey. There's no doubt about his Purple Hearts or his CMH...but I digress. If they really wanted to win rather than put up a straw dog to clear the path for H. Clinton 2008, they would have nominated Zel Miller. Fat chance, though. He's a conservative Southern Democrat. And a candidate for leading the revolution...unless he just tosses his hands in the air and switches parties.

But they are facing an internal revolution to toss the hippie generation out so they can join the 21st Century.

of course we are not supporting the way of saddam hussein when he was killing his people, this is a stupid dectatorian way.

But we are against that a foreign country come to make penalties on other country.

that must be from the judgement of the same country and the international law of UN for example.

hope u can understand what i mean.

again RainmanTime,

You want me to put myself in that situation, that israeli people came to egypt and started to kill and attack all egyptians, babies, ladies, all people ....etc... .

well ... .

I know that this is a time travel forum, but i must answer here.

Do u think that all these things and attacks that palestinians are doing in israel are just for fun?!

all that is a result, a result for the israeli war against palestinians

you who has to imagine yourself that you are sitting peacefully in your home with your familly and suddenly,,you lost your house, most of your familly ....your friends....without any reason.

From where was the beginning?? who stared to make colonies on the other land? who started to attack who?

did palestinians started all that?

Israel started from 1945 and b4 that.

i think i dont have to say anything more than that because of course you know what i really want to say and what is really the truth
another point is:

I believe as many people believe that there is no any difference between Bush and Kerry if anyone of them was succeed in the election and became the president.

I mean, that, the Action of the US toward the world will still the same, whatever who is the president.

But, dont forget that Bush thainks that he is the leader of this planet, he thinks that he is the owner of the world! he thinks that he can control the world as he likes! , a stupid president, a real stupid president, and became a president using a stupid imaginations!

I want to say, that if Kerry who was won the election and became the president instead of Bush, Bush will feel that he was kicked in his a$$ because as i said he is stupid and he thinks that he was sent by GOD to solve the problems on earth!

Bush will realy will feel that he was kicked in his a$$ if another one wins the election because he is a stupid selfish
Well when it comes to civil war in the US you also have to realize that it is not completely dependent on the president elected. Due to the shift in the USD being the currency to buy oil and being replaced (or at least is well on its way to being replaced) by the EURO. The USD has been looking bad ever since Nov 2000 when Saddam Hussein ended the agreement between the US and Iraq that basically stated that Iraq could charge what they want for oil as long as they use the USD for trade. This floated the USD until Nov 2000 when Saddam Hussein changed that policy.

Even after the election the USD is looking relatively poor. Also considering that Russia and China are selling the USD off like it was the plaque is another clue that the US economy will not last.

Even such small countries as Cuba are dropping the USD in favor of any other currency. This change will be expected to be complete by Nov. 8.

Also, Bush put Greenspan back in office for fifth term and told him to hold the economy at least until a little while after the election.

Anyways, basically what I am trying to say is due to the economic strife that is descending upon us, which makes the depression in the 30's look like a walk in the park, this would drive the necessary wedge into the public's mindset between the government and the lower class (which is actually 60% of population which was taken from the fact that 60% of people make less than $40,000 which is the deadline for middle class).

Also major American companies like Ford are losing their ass lately while oversea markets are getting a boone in sells.

Homebuilding which is the only thing really floating the economy is slowing down. I know that because that's what my family deals in.

If Bush tries to lower taxes then the deficit which he has accumulated will increase and this wont help the economy but instead hurry this speeding train down the tracks of despair. Especially since the gold reserve at Fort Knox is dwindling due to India, Russia, and China buying it all up due to a recent scare in hegemony which is the US. Something that was once a sure bet in September has become a no man zone. I do not know exactly why but something has scared the investors in those countries and like I said previously they are pulling out of the USD.

I suspect the recent decrease in the price of gas is obviously due to the report that was released last week that informed stockholders that the US has more oil in reserves then thought previously. The decrease in price is also related to the fact that it is expected that an increase in heating fuels for the winter. I also suspect that this was done for certain reasons to inform voters that the economy will be alright.

Although oil will sonn become more expensive due to the USD not being backed buy our other major competitive countries i.e. China which consumes more oil then the US. So I believe this is part of Greenspans attempts to hold the economy up long enough so that Bush could be re-elected.

An economic catastrophe coupled with the threat of terrorism which would be increased if the economy fell through could result in a civil war. This I believe would be the obvious income because no one likes to see their children starving to death while the price of food increases. Also it would put the death-nail in Bush's movement to reunite this country.
In the UK - we're also very slow to violence. Usually if we're angry we just scowl at people (loudly). Or we might let out a sigh. As long as no-one sees you doing it, of course.

Then when the situations over, you can complain for the rest of the day about the said incident to a relative or loved one.....

either that or you might get some-one's forehead slammed into your nose.

Kind regards,
I do believe that Americans have no idea what the world is really like. I have to deal with tourists from america who have no idea that when they go to a foreign country, the people of that country do not always speak or choose to speak English. My favourite game today was telling some ignorant yank who just spoke to me in english asking where so and so is that I did not speak his language. He actually said to me oh, ok fella, know anyone that does? :-)
The trouble with americans is that they make decisions that do affect the rest of the world, they have a responibility to make sure their decisions are not likely to be wrong. They have proven their decisions to be very wrong, and if they feel they can get away with invading Iran next then they will be on their own, not even England, a great country despite stupid Blair, is likely to back the yanks on this fight, Jack Straw has said they would not back an invasion of Iran.
As always americans come here and lay down the law, you attack our way of life, say the yanks, 'cause you wish to be like us! Funny! I don't think I ever thought for one moment that I wanted to be some religous freak christian fruitloop, saluting a crappy flag just to make sure people don't turn me in to the feds, 'cause we all know that commies never really went away fascist yankee scum.
Big brother is watching I see, I say: hello, does my bum look big in this?

The voice of the resistance is coming...
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

2000-2004 - George W. Bush, another conservative Republican who really wanted to cast himself as the next Ronald Reagan. While he ultimately failed in this regard due to his lack of Reagan-esque charisma, his politics were clearly conservative as he passed tax reform to address the economy (which was easily predictable when Y2K was a non-event and all the software programmers hired in the run-up to Y2K were no longer needed, thus precipitating the "dot com bust"). As much as Al Gore tried, the FACTS show that Bush WON the elecoral vote, fair and square, as attested to by MORE THAN ONE liberal-leaning newspaper who recounted the Florida votes.

And now 2004:

1) Bush again wins the White House...this time CLEARLY winning the popular vote AND the electoral vote...this when SO many people were crying for his ouster (turns out it was only the loud-mouthed, liberals, who were really in the minority, and wanted to exact some revenge against the Republicans because they keep winning and the Dems keep losing).
2) Republicans GAIN seats in the House of Representatives, strengthening their majority in that chamber of Congress.
3) Republicans GAIN seats in the Senate, unseating the Democratic Minority Leader, Tom Daschle, who is one of THE most liberal of the Dems, next to the likes of Kennedy and Kerry.
4) Republicans GAIN seats in the governor's mansions around the 50 states, thus increasing the lop-sided "balance of power" at the state level.

The American people voted Bush GONE. <font color="red">TWICE![/COLOR] But alas, the election was rigged. This fact will be proven to the public in the next couple weeks I believe. This may very well be the trigger for Titor's Civil War II.
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Haha, rigged schmigged, sure a few machines were broken, but their errors didn't effect the outcome. There were plenty of 'broken' machines in the favor of Kerry as well, but nevertheless Bush won fair and square. It's fun to hear yall whine and peep, keep it up. It is honestly entertaining. Do you think Kerry would have so easily conceded if he thought it was rigged? Anyway, I hear lot of 'blue staters' are movin to canada. Just a quick history lesson, canada was founded by those who didn't want to fight for freedom against the british, is history repeating itself, are the losers going up north again for a similar reason? On a side note Jim Carrey recently got his US citizenship.

--- Razimus