but dont 4get that we must respect all opinions,,and i respect ur all opinions.
No worries. I can still respect your opinion without agreeing with it. And furthermore...
Something like that can change the public opinion.
Indeed, many things can change opinions. So perhaps, since I am an American citizen and you are not, I can provide you with some facts and insights that may change YOUR opinion?
As u know, there are many killed American soldiers in the war of Iraq, of course the families of these soldiers are not in a good mood from the death of their sons/husband/fathers....whatever.
Something like that must decrease the voting rate for Bush because he sent these soldiers to die and live their families alone.
Here is your first misconception. While certainly no one enjoys losing loved ones, the American military is 100% voluntary. Those who join know that not only is it their duty to go and fight in a war when they sign up, but that war often results in death. Beyond this, through two world wars, the American populace understands the concepts of sacrifice for doing what is right, and for doing what must be done to secure freedom.
im an Egyptian Muslim, and i think u know that we muslims and egyptians and arabs are against the war on Iraq and totaly against the supporting of USA to Israel in the middle east.
So are you actually trying to tell me that all of you Egyptian Muslims were in full support of the secular Saddam Hussein torturing and killing his own people (many of them your fellow Muslims)? As bad as the Abu Ghraib situation was with humiliating some prisoners, it pales in comparison to some of the things Hussein's sons and thugs did to their own people.
So while you have every right to be against the war in Iraq, let me tell you what I am against: I am fervently against fundamentalist, radical terrorists who abuse the Muslim faith and kill thousands of innocent Americans (and continue to suicide bomb innocent Israeli citizens). If more countries that are dominated by Muslim people were to take responsibility for cleaning up the killers that breed within your societies, it is highly likely that the US (and Israel) would not be forced to take the actions that we do. Sadly, this is what I see wrong with the political side of the Muslim world: You ignore when your own criminals kill "infidels". Do you even recall that the US lead the military offensive to defeat the Serbs who were killing Muslims in Kosovo? That was yet another case where AMERICAN lives were being put in jeapordy to help prevent further deaths of MUSLIMS. And yet few Muslims even expressed their gratitude. Now how many Muslims have stood up to help prevent American lives from being lost? I see none so far.
Another thing that in my point of view must decrease the voting rate for Bush, is that the economy during the last 4 years, since Bush was a president was very bad than before, during Clinton.
Something like that can change the public opinion.
And yet we can clearly see that it didn't. Because in reality Bush not only received a higher number of votes this year than he did in 2000, but he also received a higher percentage of the vote this time than he did in 2000. Potential reasons for that just might be:
1) Despite the economical problem (which all agree he inherieted from Clinton), Bush reduced taxes and put $ back into citizens pockets.
2) Americans don't like seeing other Americans killed in terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. And Bush has pledged to eradicate terrorism as best he can. The plain and simple fact is this: If radical Muslim terrorists are set on killing Americans, we will set out mind to killing them before they kill us. And we will.
Perhaps if you started thinking about this situation in a different way, you might be able to understand the opinions of many Americans. Try this scenario:
Imagine that suddenly, massive numbers of Israelis began crossing the border into Egypt and committing suicide bombings in all your cities, towns, and marketplaces....indiscriminately killing innocent Egyptian Muslim citizens. If this started happening, I am certain that the people of Egypt would rise up, and demand that the threat be neutralized, even if other countries did not approve of it. Put yourself in this situation, and now you will know why most Americans don't care that the Muslim world is against our actions. We are seeking to protect OURSELVES, not gain the approval of people who disagree with us.