John Titor and George W. Bush.

Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

I can not say if the vote was rigged, noone can, but if it was not it just proves how really stupid americans are!
americans lives just got harder, what is the saying? wake up and smell the coffee? Looks like people like yourself haven't even set your alarm clocks yet!
Oh and btw Nederlands? Nope don't come from there, try again :-)
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

I don't really think it is the Netherland that is really doing that good, now!
Emotions in posts really do not stand the test of time, it takes some intellect!
I will put it simply, the best that I now understand it.

Those type of Muslims actually wanted their own Country, or to run a Country, or have a Country, and spread Isalm, from that point.
That is really what binLaden wants.
He did not get it, because -- there are other people in his way in those Countries. He is not really going about it the correct way, and they run the Countries over there. That is just reality, so go through the process -- for it takes longer, but in the end, if it is correct to be, then it will probably happen.

We did not invent this World, to react the way that it does -- by U.S.Policy!
Perhaps, yes, we should all let you people fight yourselves for it is causing division here in the U.S..
The U.N. is not necessarily going to solve those problems.
The BBC had a webpage of all the people in SouthEast Asia that love Bush for giving them hope and some money, and whatever.
All those poor Countries, in that area. As Pakistan said -- The Iron Curtain over there between two opposing ideas. They do not want it, and I guess we should not want it.
Exactly which Country do you see in this World that actually wants to be ran by the U.N.? Probably only some Countries who want to run other Countries!
It is a long road until that would happen.
This does not make the U.S. bad, it just does not give in all that easily, and probably never will.
Think Russia, wants the U.N. to run it?
I doubt it!
Those types of Isalmics think that the World would be better under their rule, and everyone Isalmic -- period!
The U.S. says 'freedom', democracy, and the people have a choice.
Well, it is a complex problem!
Don't bug the U.S. over it though, for it sounds as if some people in this World really do not like the Country that they are living in, except to run other Countries.
Remember in the end the U.S. probably does not give a rat's behind about any of it.
Like kids!
Hope you can grow up, and live!
Like kids, some of those foreign Countries!
All types of kids!
I find it interesting that so many individuals say that Americans are incredibly egotistical and full of hatred. Stereotypical comments such as these fuel hatred among everyone, not just 'horrificly despised Americans'.

But my thoughts are that everytime I have to talk face to face with one of you americans I cannot help but want to punch you in the face.

lorval, you need to realize that not every 'yank' is 'evil and trying to rape the world'. We stand up for ourselves and our way of life. That does not make us evil, any more than you would be if you did the same. I also find it odd that you sound quite a bit more hostile than most of my brother/sister Americans. If anyone should have fear of someone, it should be of you and the anger issues that have been shown quite apparent. And please try to speak intelligently, your use of foul language goes to show the blatant lack of vocabulary and inability to make witty and argumentative discussion with most rational individuals. Also, yes, I'm a 'religious freak' and have supported Bush both in 2000 and 2004 and am exceedingly proud to state it. Timetravel, space-time, quark, electron blackhole based technology. (now that that's out of the way) If i hadn't been up for 2 days now I would have quite a stronger argument and would have quite a bit more rambling to go through but my wit and charm is failing me as I sit here exhaausted and typing. I find it rather disturbing how the people of this world are so... caught up in being their own god, that they fail to see the Truth. We as human beings long to fill our lives with something; drugs, alcohol, sex, possessions, power, yet none of these satisfy. They only serve to distract us from the feeling of longing and the desire of completion that dwells within us. I wish we could just stop and reflect on those feelings, and truly ask ourselves just what good does this power and pleasure do for us? Granted we get close to instant satisfaction from it, but what good is a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of our very lives? Doesn't anyone long for more? *sigh* It's rather disheartening to think upon. Time Machine, WOOOSH! We are not the enemy any more than you are. We are people, just like you and yours, trying to carve a small nitch in this world to call our own, to raise our children, to love our spouses and to be happy, just as those in the middle east do, just as those in the far east do, just as those in Europe and Africa and Australia do. So I say throw your punch lorval, but don't expect me to stand here and let it be the only punch thrown. But also don't ridicule me or mine for fighting back and not backing down like a mild mannered animal. It shall be interesting to see what occurs as time progresses. Some will be proven false, some true, but I only believe in one set of prophecies. Those that have never been proven false, those of the written Word.

Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

RMT, Razimus, TimeNot 0... thank you for being voices of reason in this blatant America bash fest. It seems not many individuals use logic to do their thinking any longer.
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Lets just hope that the americans know that they will die fairly soon through their stupid actions, the rest of the world should just stand by and watch, with a grin of course


Yosemite Sam voices his opinion
The revolution is going to be in the DNC.

Nail on the head, Darby...every last thing you said.

They've conpletely lost the South - which was their former stronghold.

Amazing, is it not? This is just one VERY large piece of evidence that the majority of Americans do not "buy" the DNC's BS.

When questionable people like Eminem and P-Diddy Combs come out fervently against Bush and for the Dems, they are not doing the Dem's cause a whole lotta good.

But we are against that a foreign country come to make penalties on other country.

This would not have to happen if the many Muslim-dominated countries (and Arab League) acted to police and "handle" the radical, fundamentalist killers.

that must be from the judgement of the same country and the international law of UN for example.

hope u can understand what i mean.

I can understand what you mean, but I cannot see any evidence that the UN has been effective at all in this regard. Once again, I point to Sudan. Why are they not stopping the killing? Why are there no other countries in the region doing something about what is happening in their own back yard? Why is Egypt not working with other African countries to do something about this?

did palestinians started all that?

Israel started from 1945 and b4 that.

Glad you did not stop at 1945, because the atrocities committed by both "sides" in the Arab/Israeli conflict on each other stretches back a great many years indeed. So when will you both (Arabs and Israelis) stop the childish "he/she started it", and take real steps to end the conflict?? Both sides have committed wrongs on the other. We learned this same lesson in our US Civil War, and we got beyond it. Why does your culture and the Israeli culture continue to have problems ensuring security for each well as the rest of our world???

I mean, that, the Action of the US toward the world will still the same, whatever who is the president.

Yes, you are right... as well it should be. What I would like you to understand about my opinion is that if no other country is going to clean-up the suicide bombers of this world, then the US will. It is that simple. Do you understand that this is what the US did in WW I and WW II? When people were killing other people in Europe, we stepped in to help end it. In fact, we kicked Hitler out of Libya and Egypt! Your country might be VERY different today if the Allies had not acted as they did against Hitler. Can you possibly see that, from our history, the US has a moral conscience to end oppression and killing when it rears its head on the world scene? Part of what it means to be an American is to be committed to EVERYONE living in a peaceful, free society.

But, dont forget that Bush thainks that he is the leader of this planet, he thinks that he is the owner of the world! he thinks that he can control the world as he likes! , a stupid president, a real stupid president, and became a president using a stupid imaginations!

Obviously from our election results, the majority of Americans do not think anything like this. You can think all these things about Bush, but that does not make them true. He is a strong leader that is determined to not allow terrorists to do harm to our country. If we can prevent harm to other countries, so much the better. That is why our action towards some countries in the world is as it is. Qaddafi had shown that he now understands what we mean.

Those who kill Americans or threaten America will be dealt with severely. The actions perpetrated by the likes of Al Qaeda on 9/11 means that America can no longer sit back and act passively. That is the privilege that comes with being the most powerful country on the planet. Sorry, but it is true. We have the means to protect ourselves, and we will exercise that means when we are threatened.

So I say throw your punch lorval, but don't expect me to stand here and let it be the only punch thrown. But also don't ridicule me or mine for fighting back and not backing down like a mild mannered animal. It shall be interesting to see what occurs as time progresses. Some will be proven false, some true, but I only believe in one set of prophecies. Those that have never been proven false, those of the written Word.
Amen, Big Red!

As a guy who has traveled the world, I find the following to be true: Those who do not live in America do not know what it is like to be an American, and how we are raised. Those who constantly want to move here see our opportunity, and want to be part of it. If we were hated so much, and such a terrible place to live (a "police state"), then I would think people would be clamoring to leave, rather than to get in.

This is always a measure of a country that promotes freedom, security and opportunity.

So now let's get about this discussion of Time Travel, shall we? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I do believe that Americans have no idea what the world is really like. I have to deal with tourists from america who have no idea that when they go to a foreign country, the people of that country do not always speak or choose to speak English. My favourite game today was telling some ignorant yank who just spoke to me in english asking where so and so is that I did not speak his language.

Now see, lorval, there are things we can agree upon! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Not only will I not disagree with this, I could relate my own stories of when I was overseas and suddenly became ashamed of some loud-mouthed American, who obviously did not know that it is good to be discrete when you are a visitor to another country, to another culture. But you know that we are not ALL like that!

I've spent over 10 years of my career in aviation dealing with airline customers, mostly from Europe and Asia. I've felt extremely lucky to be able to travel to these countries, and enjoy learning about the varied ways of life. I try to learn a few phrases in the native language, but the only other language I speak decently is German. But I know that not a lot of Americans are like me, and can only think that "the way we do it in America is the best way". That is simply not true, but it is true that we do things "our own way".

I find disturbing the usage of god in a number of americans postings, now, I had a look at this bible thing, and it said that you shouldn't use his/her name when fighting wars etc. But most americans do exactly that! I do not beleive in god/s so I have no need to use it as an excuse, but americans must realise that the world does hate them. The europeans have just stated that they are starting on the road to a second major superpower, they feel this must be acheived due to the expansionist nature of the usa. I think we can see where the war will be coming from to finish off the americans eh?
As for american bashing fest, yes, did you only just figure this out? Lol! I don't laugh with you, I laugh at you.
I suppose my reserved nature has stopped me from using violence on anyone even when they really deserve a thump, but I imagine one day I will have to do this thing. If I met an american on the battlefield would I shoot them? I don't know, it's a hard question to answer, jewish people I could kill on the battlefield, but non-jewish i can't really say.
scum, err I mean lorval, since when does the netherlands speak for the world? anti-jewish I see, well that fits, a euro-nazi, hasn't this guy passed the global forum test of being banned?
I was just browsing this forum on a whim and came upon this. I've never posted, but reading this nonsense makes my blood boil, so I just registered.
IMHO the policy of pre-emption doesn't make any sense to me any more. I think it's a bit like being afraid your house will be broken into, so you go next door and shoot your neighbor. When there was a consensus among intelligence that Iraq possessed WMDs and had some vague connection to Al Qaeda, I thought differently. However, there are no WMDs and there was no connection to Al Qaeda, so I have a different opinion now. To preclude any ad hominem banter, I would argue anyone who calls this an indecisive "flip-flop" would also mistake prudence for weakness.
It is not a productive endeavor to flail blindly in the dark at unseen foes, and the war in Iraq comes at an inestimable economic, diplomatic, and human cost. It's important, then, that its cause be undoubtedly necessary. However, now that there is an understanding that Iraq was not actually sponsoring terrorist activities against anyone, all we're left with is the hope of cheaper oil prices and a foothold in the Middle East.
Meanwhile in the homeland, everything but our future is being secured: the deficit is at a record high, unemployment has skyrocketed, and the EU has already been able to veto decisions by our SEC on our own economic policy. The WTO is imposing sanctions against our country, traditional allies are feeling alienated from us, state referenda are blurring the line between church and state, and a single political party now has the power, by sheer numbers alone, to authorize any monetary request their leader could ever ask for, and social security has already been spent. Then a real kick in the balls: we now have fewer rights to privacy than the mafia did pre-PATRIOT act. I can't imagine why anyone would ask for four more years of this.
Can anyone honestly say GBW has made AND met a single positive goal in the past four years?
A note for the xenophobes: I am American and damn proud of it.
My my, lorval... did anyone ever tell you it doesn't help your argument when you contradict yourself in the same post?

You first said:
I do not beleive in god/s so I have no need to use it as an excuse
And not even 5 sentences later you spew forth this:
I don't know, it's a hard question to answer, jewish people I could kill on the battlefield, but non-jewish i can't really say.

You have no need to use religion as an excuse, yet you WOULD use it as an excuse to kill someone? Brilliant. Now I can see the caliber of the person I am debating. Yep, I'd say Raz has you pegged correctly: Euro-Nazi. Hurry on home, uncle Adolph has some new instructions for you to mindlessly carry-out! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

My, my George Bush must be the busiest guy on the planet. Those who made the comments against Bush really think the President is thinking up all the things you dont like on his own?

Considering that Kerry has the same background as Bush regarding "special clubs", what leads you to believe that covert agendas would be halted?

To the guy that trashed the U.S. Flag, and to the rest of you that think America is so bad, perhaps you would prefer the following flag, instead of The Stars and Stripes...


If the U.S. hadn't stepped in to save your a$$ years ago, that is the flag you probably would be seeing flying from your flag poles, assuming that your parents werent used as oven fuel or for medical experimentation.

One ironic twist of reality for the hate mongers, as much as you hate the Jewish people, the KKK ( who hates the Jewish people just like you ) would hate you just as much for not being pure blooded to their specifications.

It is very easy to hate. I have absolutely no respect for anyone who shrouds themselves in hatred, regardless of their station in life. Instead of thinking of who you would kill or not kill, why dont you think of someone in need that could use your help.

Ever visit a childrens ward in the hospital and try to bring some joy into their lives for even a brief moment? Saw a 2 year old girl needing a pace maker and was being prepared for surgery...
That scene broke my heart. And then when I read the crap that has been posted in this thread by some of the hate-mongers, I just shake my head in shame of the human race.

Hate is kind of a useless cycle of wasted energy...isn't it?

That is one smart looking flag!
Euro-Nazi? Hmm, yes I suppose I must be. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
As for debating the existence of god/s how can someone prove something does not exist due to its absence of existence? My only way would be to say to you, if you feel your god protects you, then would he/she stop me from punching you? Would I be struck down? All you would say is that it is gods will that I punch you for it leads to learning or some such rubbish.
And once again, I do not come from the Nederlands, a great country I wish to visit one day.
Anyway, we shall see how things turn out for the new year, 2005 I really cannot wait for you. :D
Oh one more thing, America did not step in to save anybodies bum! :-)
They were forced into the war, they had no choice, we could have told them what was about to happen but it was better not to.
And if Germany did win I see no problem with being in Hitler Youth, I would know no different, none of us would eh?
What is it they say in England? Ta ta!
As for debating the existence of god/s how can someone prove something does not exist due to its absence of existence? My only way would be to say to you, if you feel your god protects you, then would he/she stop me from punching you? Would I be struck down? All you would say is that it is gods will that I punch you for it leads to learning or some such rubbish.

Standard answer for proof of the non-existence of God. Care to expand on that response in the God? Thread, and we'll take it up from there.

If you find the Nazi Flag to be to your liking and you stand up for all the horror that it represents, then my full support now goes to George Bush. If that means putting a stop to those who share your sentiments, then I would contribute anything it took to stop you before you actually commit an act of violence against somebody without regard to who they really are.

Your other comment is a common error made by someone of your caliber. I don't feel that God should do anything FOR me that I can do for myself. I am a peaceful individual, as easy going as they come, but don't let that fool you.
I also am an avid gun collector, and if my family is in any danger from thoughtless idiots who make that same mistake, they will be in for early retirement.

For some reason, I believe to be having this discussion with a child that needs some time to mature, assuming you don't become victim to your own thoughtlessness. I hope that some day you realize the stupidity of your comments and become a positive influence in the world. I refuse to waste any more time on anyone such as yourself, the only thing left for me to say to you in this thread is... Grow Up, Son!
One small problem with that idea.

WHICH HALF? And (making TWO), what do you do if you find out that you're part of the half that's due up against the wall?
were you replying to me? i'm not sure if you were or not. but anyway, i think more than half should be killed. most, actually. so that there are, oh how about 144 humans left on earth. i don't care if i die, cuz if it's for the good of the world, i'll die gladly with honor. hopefully the new world will be better than the last.