Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It << interesting eh ?!
like most things like this on the web .. depending on your personal viewpoint .. you will see this as either .. coincidence or something more sinister .. then again .. have the states really changed that much since then ?!
personally i do think there will be unrest in the US.. not because JT said so .. but looking at current events .. your country is split down the middle, where one side voices the need to return to good moral values .. and the other wants freedom/fairness for all. even on these forums the personal attacks have increased and we are seeing a new breed of "i'm more right than you.. you must be stupid if you don't agree with me" appear.
i really don't think much will be done on the vote thing .. hes in power now .. it'll be hard to get him out .. but i do think the vote thing will "wake" a lot of americans up and this may lead to the unrest.
JT talked of divergence .. 2.5% by my recall .. and that y2k ocurred on his line .. so one could assume that the economic state of his world was more strained than ours .. ie things on this line(if this and his line exist at all) may happen at a slower, less intense rate.
he mentioned that this pres would be much like Lincoln in trying to hold a split country together .. did you know Lincoln told a foreign power (mexico) that they would accept US demoracy or keep getting killed till they did ! (sound like anyone we know ?) i'm not trying to proof JT here btw .. its an impossible thing to do .. u'll never convince all the ppl all the time eh ?!
but this is quite plain .. the new admin in the US have no intentions of backing down from there stated goals .. good moral values and "security" at home .. and to be the world's moral and democratic police .. cept what they're protecting ye from doesn't really exist in the fashion reported .. and is really blown outta preportion by both the media and the admin .. but thats a whole other post !
either way .. the world and the US will see some major shifting in the months to come .. either for the better or the worse.
but then again .. i'm jus a silly irishman.. and what would i know about US policy and affairs