John Titor and George W. Bush.

Notice he doesn't call it "Netherlands" but Nederlands, that's what people from the Netherlands call it, heh... anyway there are plenty of detailed IP lookup services out there but this simple one is enough:

IP Address:

OrgName: RIPE Network Coordination Centre
City: Amsterdam
Country: NL

It's possible he's somewhere else in europe but most likely in NL.

--- Razimus
Okay okay okay, I am sorry everyone for the offence I have caused with my comments!
Mr moderator please seal this topic and we'll say no more about it.
Oh btw, I really dont come from the Nederlands, I come from England :-)
I do not come from the Nederlands

Mmmh, you're not from the Netherlands, yet you spell "Netherlands" as if you were Dutch? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Edit: Oops, Razimus beat me to it.

I'd like to add that I had rather seen Kerry as the new president of the US. However, I also firmly believe in the democratic system. I guess this is what the majority of the US citizens want, even though it's a small majority. I can only hope that President Bush will not let me down two times in a row.

Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Did someone besides me watch the CNN headline news reports early in the morning? I watched a short segment on civil unrest in California. A crowd of people were protesting the results of the elections. also, someone committed suicide over the election. And as I work in a college setting, I have been witness to 1 very heated argument already and one very nearly full blown argument over Bush being elected. Don't know if these qualify for civil unrest, but they are pretty close to it.
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

A large group of people in the UK have been rounded up due to their having over 100hundred assorted machine guns, etc. In the UK something like that would have been big news. But for some reason it was on the news then ignored! From rumblings within the area something is stiring in the UK also.

There has also been a number of riots in california like you say. I am in the middle of trying to get confirmation on the net about these happenings.
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Bush did NOT win the election.

Some evidence:
Database of election issues (269 collated there so far)

"Help America Audit" (main site for getting investigations underway):

Media "too horrified" to report this stuff (but MSNBC did about 15 minutes of it anyway tonite)
30 precincts in Cleveland, OH have more than 100% turnout. One has 1160.78% This totals over 90,000 extra votes in just one county

13 Florida counties have more votes than voters. Hernando County has ZERO votes

88,000 more votes than voters in Palm Beach

Florida Touchscreen voting machines "count backwards" after hitting 32,767 votes in a precinct. These are used in the half dozen most populated counties in the state, which happen to also be the most liberal. It affected the #s on all 4 amendment votes in broward, some by almost 80,000 votes, and reversing one decision, yet they claim it didn't affect other races. BS.

tens of thousands" of absentee ballots not sent to Broward voters

Statistical probabilities for the exit polls and final results being so far apart legitimately calculated based on previous elections accuracy. Some as unlikely as 1 in 10^22

10,000 more votes than voters in Nebraska

Bush suddenly gains about 5% in exit polls from 57 votes (added to about 2000 already there) -- in other words, CNN is in on the fix and needs to get their numbers to match: here

Bush lost in Ohio.
Bush lost in Florida.
Bush lost in New Mexico.
Bush probably lost in Nevada & Colorado.
Bush lost the popular vote.

Some links broke in editing. Hope they are fixed now.
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

There has also been a number of riots in california like you say. I am in the middle of trying to get confirmation on the net about these happenings.

Propaganda & hype, possibly? Hmmmm? Or perhaps you will just keep searching the net until you find what you want to hear? I live in SoCal and work near LAX... life goes on, and life is good. It's been raining the last few days, but that means the ski conditions in the mountains are awesome.

When things get to the point of where they were during the Rodney King riots, then I might believe we're having "riots". But as for now.....ahhh, no.

Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It I am just positive that is a balanced, unbiased site.

Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Fair enough, call them 'altercations between police and a couple of residents who've had a bit much to drink'. I prefer this site :-) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

Much more interesting I think you'll agree.
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Only the last link is to democratic underground. Did you try any of the others? Is the Washington Post or the BBC too much of a tabloid for you?

Bush lost. The US is now a fascist regime. Most people just don't see it yet. The GOP are the new Nazis.

Links in this post = fun with google. I encourage you to link to whenever you type George Bush and to dubya's biography whenever you type in devil or satan.
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Lol, if you type in idiots and click on feeling lucky, it comes up with top ten conservative idiots!
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It << interesting eh ?!

like most things like this on the web .. depending on your personal viewpoint .. you will see this as either .. coincidence or something more sinister .. then again .. have the states really changed that much since then ?!

personally i do think there will be unrest in the US.. not because JT said so .. but looking at current events .. your country is split down the middle, where one side voices the need to return to good moral values .. and the other wants freedom/fairness for all. even on these forums the personal attacks have increased and we are seeing a new breed of "i'm more right than you.. you must be stupid if you don't agree with me" appear.

i really don't think much will be done on the vote thing .. hes in power now .. it'll be hard to get him out .. but i do think the vote thing will "wake" a lot of americans up and this may lead to the unrest.

JT talked of divergence .. 2.5% by my recall .. and that y2k ocurred on his line .. so one could assume that the economic state of his world was more strained than ours .. ie things on this line(if this and his line exist at all) may happen at a slower, less intense rate.

he mentioned that this pres would be much like Lincoln in trying to hold a split country together .. did you know Lincoln told a foreign power (mexico) that they would accept US demoracy or keep getting killed till they did ! (sound like anyone we know ?) i'm not trying to proof JT here btw .. its an impossible thing to do .. u'll never convince all the ppl all the time eh ?!

but this is quite plain .. the new admin in the US have no intentions of backing down from there stated goals .. good moral values and "security" at home .. and to be the world's moral and democratic police .. cept what they're protecting ye from doesn't really exist in the fashion reported .. and is really blown outta preportion by both the media and the admin .. but thats a whole other post !

either way .. the world and the US will see some major shifting in the months to come .. either for the better or the worse.

but then again .. i'm jus a silly irishman.. and what would i know about US policy and affairs

Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Is the Washington Post or the BBC too much of a tabloid for you?

I am sure you know that "unbiased media" is a fantasy. EVERY media outlet has some form of political bias, because that is the nature of people, in general. And yes, The Washington Post has never been terribly friendly to Republican interests, just like CNN.

As for an "unbiased" way to take the pulse of a country, I will stick by the stock market and the general health of our economy.

Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Rainman, you said you didn't notice anything unusual in LA. Is that correct?


LOS ANGELES, November 9, 2004 - At 7:50 PM two armored tanks showed up at an anti-war protest in front of the federal building in Westwood. The tanks circled the block twice, the second time parking themselves in the street and directly in front of the area where most of the protesters were gathered. Enraged, some of the people attempted to block the tanks, but police quickly cleared the street. The people continued to protest the presence of the tanks, but about ten minutes the tanks drove off. It is unclear as to why the tanks were deployed to this location. Uploaded here is video from the event.

It has a video too.

Tanks on the street is an image of dictatorships.

Personally, I am 100% confident Titor is right. Even statistically I have the right to believe so. All his predictions have been way more accurate than anyone could have predicted based on chance. Especially in a pre-911 USA.

Now with Arafat being poisoned we'll also have the 2005 Arab-Israel war. Everything ties.
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Wow, it appears you don't look very closely or consider corroborating sources, do you?

Let me first point out something MOST interesting:

Date/time of this posting: NOV 9th at 2:27PM.
Date/time of supposed "tank assault" on protest: Nov 9th at 7:50PM.
No author (not even a nickname) appears to want to be "credited" with this bit of journalism!

Maybe we HAVE invented a time machine!! :D

Now, a conspiracy nut could claim "well, maybe it was posted in another time zone". First, if it was posted in an Eastern US time zone it would still occur prior to the "event". Second, why would a server which is clearly based on an LA liberal website use anything other than its local time?

As to the video: Yes, this is SoCal, and lots of nuts have video cameras and even decent skills at making things look "real". Until you can corroborate the source, I'm afraid you've got a one-off, HIGHLY questionable "event".

I've got a friend who works in the Fed building in Westwood...perhaps I should call him and ask if anything went down there last night? But you likely wouldn't believe anything he or I would say.

Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Do you suggest I trust mainstream media? The media are companies with profit as their #1 goal. Not to mention their connections with the power centers. It would be naive to think they want to inform you.

On what you say about the video: In order to create an artificial computer video like this (photorealistic quality) you would need industrial light & magic equipment and many million dollars. Not to mention the time required. Don't take my word - ask any PC animator if this can be created within a short-time frame with any degree of photorealism.

Yes, you might want to call your friend if he saw anything. But if the tanks stayed for only around some minutes, he might have missed them. Yet if he saw the demonstration, that's as good as verification, because to take footage and add tanks to achieve photorealistic result in every single frame of that rather large video, it would require months of photo/video editing.

I am involved in computer graphics and I know whereof I speak. Again I tell you - don't take my word.

And I never said anything about assault.

It's just that these things get connected as time progresses.

As for the time zone things, it's a mistake. So what? Even now that I post here, I have a different time than you, in your time zone and in the forum's timezone. 3 different time zones.
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

personally i do think there will be unrest in the US.. not because JT said so .. but looking at current events .. your country is split down the middle, where one side voices the need to return to good moral values .. and the other wants freedom/fairness for all. even on these forums the personal attacks have increased and we are seeing a new breed of "i'm more right than you.. you must be stupid if you don't agree with me" appear.

This is a good post. Sums it up nicely.


Get a grip man!
What are you gonna say a year or 2 from now when the USA is still around and the world hasn't ended?
Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

Do you suggest I trust mainstream media?

No, but maybe I am suggesting that you do not wish to even search for some form of alternate, independent confirmation of this event. Whether it is "mainstream" media or some other source, a second source helps validate things.

In order to create an artificial computer video like this

I don't think I suggested this. Why not "the old fashioned way"? You know, actors, props, etc?

because to take footage and add tanks to achieve photorealistic result in every single frame of that rather large video, it would require months of photo/video editing.

But what if the whole thing was staged?

As for the time zone things, it's a mistake. So what?

Uhhh...well, for one thing it creates suspicion and doubt. Normally, these times are automatically logged by the server. Thus, it creates the suspicion that someone posted this BEFORE the alleged event. With that sort of doubt, I would think it is even more important to find some other corroborating source. Don't you?

My friend at the Fed said he heard of nothing. And he assured me that if there was something that went down, they would have been given some sort of notice when they came today, in case more protests appeared.

So far, I can find no other corroboration that this event occurred. Would it ever trouble you that someone might be publishing bogus stories to enflame sentiment...and that you might be helping them in this regard?

Re: News Flash: Dems Don\'t Get It

As for an "unbiased" way to take the pulse of a country, I will stick by the stock market and the general health of our economy.

I think you'll find the Bush economy has left America with a pretty weak pulse...

But I have complete and utter faith in the president:

"Dick Cheney and I do not want this nation to be in a recession. We want anybody who can find work to be able to find work."

I'm sure Mr. Bush was right when he said:

"They misunderestimated me."

ok let me sum this up

Personally I don't want Titor to be right and I have done quite a few thing to avert his predictions. The problem is that all I see are validating him.

Till now I've seen at least 20 calls for resistance from people and groups that are organised through the internet. Florida fraud with the Op machines (1.9 million bush / 1.4 million kerry) vs E-voting (1.9 Kerry / 1.8 bush) while having extreme discrepancies in voting registration and actual vote, indicates stealing of a magnitude ~200-400.000 votes which shifted the election.

Having polling stations with ratio 1/150 for republicans and 1/1000 for blacks so that they wait and wait and finally go home, are apparently not taken lightly.

The exit poll discrepancies are also not taken lightly.

Many feel that both Kerry/Bush are in the same game. They feel they must do something and act.

I don't live in the US (so I don't care about Kerry or Bush), but the last thing I'd like to happen is the Titor scenario with a WW3.

Yes I could do without all the ignorant sheep, but at the cost of a WW3? I don't know.

As for your question about fixing it with actors, well what can I say? Believe what you will. I wish you would be at least as skeptical when you watch media news also. Every time they showed something you should be calling them for proof that these people they're showing are not actors.

After all, they have a history with manipulating news.

And you also know what the media are used for in time of WAR: propaganda.

I can tell you this because I have the benefit of seeing news that are not "filtered" for 3 hours before reaching me. When something was transmitted here during the invasion for example, it took you at least 4-5 hours to have it announced and even more hours to have footage. Yet when the invasion started, propaganda with well-directed videos of thousands of iraqis surrendering in lines while the camera was set just in front of the face of a soldier - the iraqi lines in the background.

I have to remind you that even to this day, 99.99% of Americans have not seen the bin laden video, except from a quick sum of what the media thought "usefull", or read the full transcript.

Unfortunately that is the situation and you have to choose between media control/propaganda and independent sources with their inherent risks. Both have risks. you have to weigh them down.

Inside the independent sources, there are misinfo people too, but at least in independent sources the percentage of liars and deceivers are way smaller than the media, which is pretty much 100%.