Is it true, Pamela?

Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

good 'ol csm...

what he's up to, we'll never know... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John


As for "what he's up to, we'll never know..."


The Super Secrets know and approve... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John


I'm a super spy in my own mind /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It's all make believe... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

you sure?

Yes, I've avoided answering. You're rubbing up against the same territory that you avoid answering questions about and for similar reasons, if you know what I mean.

You know that this isn't new information. We received it years ago. But so far no one seems to be curious enough about the information to take the plunge. As I said, I'm not curious enough to spend $100 let alone $20k-$25k to buy an entire website.

No, I do not know what you mean.
Why did you come on here then presenting everything as facts when you were merely just
taking someone elses word with no proof shown to you?
You always act like you have been given proof that John was a fraud and present it like
you have this knowledge hidden but cannot share it then when you are pressed and forced open
your hand there is never anything there but someone else's empty words.
Why do you do that? Is it entertaining to you or something?

I want to know how you would get info by buying the web site anyway. Whats it going to prove?
If you are talking about this one all of the old IPs have been converted to 00000000000 anyway.
If you remember Raul said that the original thread John posted on had become corrupt and was destroyed anyway. All you have left is a couple other threads he posted on with 0000000 on them for the IP.
The only other web site John posted on was Art bells. That was taken down long ago would they have even kept it?? So I assume you mean this web site.
John didnt post on any other web site. He chatted in chat rooms that was it.

Well, if quantum theory is real, and there is info in the quanta, then at least to me, everything was included in the first instance, even you, even love, even science, including everything. That makes something or someone responsible for including everything to begin with, and that is where science and religion meet as well as everything else. The only thing that is different is the spreading out of "Time" to disperse all the quanta of info that was in the beginning. I just do not know if any of that though means like some think nowadays that there is only fate or destiny. I hope that there is something that lets an amount of leeway, for perhaps that is what the Spirit is for afterall. At least to me without Spirit, there can be nothing that can not be explained as being like a computer, just a program, just another piece of quanta info. Perhaps with the Spirit it changes everything and leaves the decisions to mean something to anyone who is alive.

As for anything else, again China is in the News, with too much lead in the toys. I wonder why companies like Mattel can not find out this stuff before it happens -- too much lead in the paint I suppose -- according to those (laws?) that define all this safety kind of stuff.

If you need a toy stuck in your mouth, or you have to chew on a toy, then perhaps, a child should learn like touching a hot stove, not to really do that. Humans are likely to excuse theirselves out of existence also, but then where was that Spirit to live then?

It seems to me that it is some sort of madhatter's banter again, but then, I suppose humans are suppose to be stupid, or not watched, or learn anything either when that baby is young. I suppose, but then, there seems to be a lot of supposin' suppose afterall the supposin' by supposing that suppose.
Alright, I have to do something else, and anything else is really not all of that much "supposin'" if other people make it a point to not suppose anymore.
I better end there.
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John



I should drop the 'Shadow Government' shtick...

I think some don't realize i'm really a writer researching spy movies and that 'TheCigMan' is tongue-in-cheek parody of a 'conspiracy theorist' or 'mysterious Military Industrial Complex guy'

I'm just posting news articles...

'TheCigMan' is RIF Project. Reading is Fundamental. From the 70's

Add a little mystery... So people will read the news...

I didn't ask to have a close last name to that 'Remote Viewer' guy

We are not related as far as I know...

It's a coincidence...


To complete my post which was interrupted by me.On another forum,sometimes a person is asking some question like or similiar to:

What is "beyond science and religion"? type thing explaining something looking for unknown I guess?

I wrote "beyond science and religion" is "Nonsense" which in if trying to make sense with the nonsense, perhaps a person can not equate it to good or evil until someone else evokes a meaning to the "Nonsense".

So, I hope you all forgive me, because in this World, sometimes I equate some things other people write (as that question above) as "Nonsense" which to me, should end up being a joke or at least some humor. But again, it depends on the person the other person is relating to, and certainly there will be emotions also there at that point where what one person thinks as "Sense" seems to turn into silly questions that to other people (or to me at least) becomes at that point "Nonsense".

But then what of the "Unknown" or of the "Nonsense" because certainly in my opinion it seems to also exist.


I'm just wondering if this, fairly obvious question, has been asked before. Is it possible that Pamela has multiple personality disorder and just one of her personalities is/was John Titor? If this was the case it would not be a purposeful hoax....just symptoms of schizophrenia. She has mentioned that she used to get missing time/dreams about time travel etc that lessened after could she just be unaware of her mutiple states?

I have read that she has all his emails, including his manual. Dont guys usually choose other guys to trust...not girls? John Titor seemed to answer q's more intelligent/androgenous rather than a in a manly no male-type jokes, innuendo, verbal sparring with females...for a 40 yr old soldier/farmer isnt that odd?

Anyway I am sure over the years this has come up before....if so, could I see the link? Cheers Tracy

I'm just wondering if this, fairly obvious question, has been asked before. Is it possible that Pamela has multiple personality disorder and just one of her personalities is/was John Titor?


No, that's not the case. As I replied in another post today, I've known Pamela for about 7 years. I'm an Admin at Anomalies, she was my original Co-Moderator on Anomalies and at least one of the Admins at Anomalies has met her in person. I used to have very frequent email contact with her, especially while she was my Co-Moderator. She's just an ordinary person involved in our hobby on the Internet. By "ordinary" I don't mean "common". I mean ordinary in the sense that she isn't one of the World Wide Web Whackos.

We have a fairly short list of names for the identity of "Boomer", the author...and Pamela is not on that list.

One researcher is getting quite close to obtaining the first and last name of at least one of the people involved in Group Titor. That name has never appeared anywhere on anyone's "list". The researcher has had the first name for quite a while - a couple of years.

I won't identify the researcher because I've told him/her that if and when the info comes through s/he will break the story, not me. In the mean time, considering that the info may not come through, I've promised not to front him/her. When the time comes it will be that researcher's choice as to how (or even if) to release the results.

I hope if that information was obtained that it would be made immediately available.

I've always found Pamela's treatment by the hoaxer outragous. And her touching, if misguided, devotion to the idea that there still might be some truth in it makes it all the more damnable.

pamela and titor chatted, so i dont see how it wouldve been her. plus pamelas too cool to do something like that. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


I find having multiple personalities very beneficial.
You never get lonely, one of them is always bound to have the right
answer to something and you can always make the least favorite do the dishes.
I believe in giving all my personalities equal time. :D

I find having multiple personalities very beneficial.
You never get lonely, one of them is always bound to have the right answer to something and you can always make the least favorite do the dishes. I believe in giving all my personalities equal time.

Oh, gawd. Now the cat's out of the bag. Pamela, all of them, are on the forum.
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

Original computer remained Edit'able'.

Secondary computer... to be determined.
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

This is going to be my LAST FRICKIN POST on the TTI FORUM. NO MORE WILL I POST... even though I had kept coming back now and then.. but I think it would be WISE to STOP...

I dont LIKE HARASSMENTS and SPIES... Even again, when I called my mom to ask her why she gave out my phone number. She said she forgot to call me about that. She told me that a person by the name of John Titor called and said he was a very important friend of mine....

The world SUCKS.. probably one of you wiseass guys doing this prank on me. I dont even know if its worth posting this sh** on here.

So far, you are part of History, believe it or not!

This time i only direct you to a Nicola Tesla---

-Hey Titorian 45 The info is already on the Net!!!

Quoted and to avoid you an -Alter Vue-:


In 1895, while conducting research with his step-up transformer, Nikola Tesla had his first indications that time and space could be influenced by using highly charged, rotating magnetic fields. Part of this revelation came about from Tesla’s experimentation with radio frequencies and the transmission of electrical energy through the atmosphere. Tesla’s simple discovery would, years later, lead to the infamous Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk time travel projects. But even before these highly top-secret military programs came about, Tesla made some fascinating discoveries on the nature of time and the real possibilities of time travel.

With these experiments in high-voltage electricity and magnetic fields, Tesla discovered that time and space could be breached, or warped, creating a "doorway" that could lead to other time frames. But with this monumental discovery, Tesla also discovered, through personal experience, the very real dangers inherent with time travel.

Tesla’s first brush with time travel came in March 1895. A reporter for the New York Herald wrote on March 13 that he came across the inventor in a small café, looking shaken after being hit by 3.5 million volts,

"I am afraid," said Tesla, "that you won’t find me a pleasant companion tonight. The fact is I was almost killed today. The spark jumped three feet through the air and struck me here on the right shoulder. If my assistant had not turned off the current instantly in might have been the end of me."

Tesla, on contact with the resonating electromagnetic charge, found himself outside his time-frame reference. He reported that he could see the immediate past, present and future, all at once. But he was paralyzed within the electromagnetic field, unable to help himself. His assistant, by turning off the current, released Tesla before any permanent damage was done. A repeat of this very incident would occur years later during the Philadelphia Experiment. Unfortunately, the sailors involved were left outside their time-frame reference for too long with disastrous results.

Tesla’s secret time travel experiments would continue on in the hands of others who were not as concerned with humanity as Tesla. "
end quoted

link to


The Allende Letters deal with the same problem...plase find a copy -PDF FILE of handwritten notes in "The Case For The UFO," book by Dr. Morris K. Jessup

"If a Man Freezes, His position Must be Marked out carefully and then the Field is cut-off, Everyone but that "Frozen" Man is able to Move; to appreciate apparent Solidity again. Then, the Newest Member of the crew Must approach the Spot, where he will find the "Frozen" Mans face or Bare skin, that is Not covered by usual uniform Clothing. Sometimes, It takes only an hour or so Sometimes all Night & all Day Long & Worse It once took 6 months, to get the Man "Unfrozen". This "Deep Freeze" was not psycological It is a Result of a Hyper-Field that is set up, within the field of the Body, While the "Scorch" Field is turned on & this at Length or upon a Old Hand.

A Highly complicated Piece of Equipment Had to be constructed in order to Unfreeze those who became "True Froze" or "Deep Freeze" subjects. Usually a "Deep Freeze" Man goes Mad, Stark Raving, Gibbering, Running MAD, if His "freeze" is far More than a Day in our time.

I speak of TIME for DEEP "Frozen Men" are Not aware of Time as We know it, They are Like Semi-comatoese person, who Live, breathe, Look & feel but still are unaware of So Utterly Many things as to constitute a "Nether World" to them. A Man in an ordinary common Freeze is aware of Time, sometimes acutely so. Yet They are Never aware of Time precisely as you and I are aware of it. The First "Deep Freeze" As I said took 6 months to Rectify."


another link /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

Best Regards
Free E books for your Quest :oops:
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

"Pamela and I were having certain disagreements at first but as things usually goes, I did not try to explain explictly because I was going through the exact same emotional issue as you did regarding your posts on the computer..."

huh? I don't remember John and I having any disagreements.
Sounds like someone is pranking you.

I don't think the real John ever realized how much I had liked him.
Talk about emotional rollercoaster back then. Not to know for sure if someone was really
your friend and the real thing or you got royally used and screwed over.
Thats got to be the worst thing...not to know. Simply because you have two sets of feelings
about the person and you are not sure which way to feel.