Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John
This is going to be my LAST FRICKIN POST on the TTI FORUM. NO MORE WILL I POST... even though I had kept coming back now and then.. but I think it would be WISE to STOP...
I dont LIKE HARASSMENTS and SPIES... Even again, when I called my mom to ask her why she gave out my phone number. She said she forgot to call me about that. She told me that a person by the name of John Titor called and said he was a very important friend of mine....
The world SUCKS.. probably one of you wiseass guys doing this prank on me. I dont even know if its worth posting this sh** on here.
So far, you are part of History, believe it or not!
This time i only direct you to a Nicola Tesla---
-Hey Titorian 45 The info is already on the Net!!!
Quoted and to avoid you an -Alter Vue-:
In 1895, while conducting research with his step-up transformer, Nikola Tesla had his first indications that time and space could be influenced by using highly charged, rotating magnetic fields. Part of this revelation came about from Tesla’s experimentation with radio frequencies and the transmission of electrical energy through the atmosphere. Tesla’s simple discovery would, years later, lead to the infamous Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk time travel projects. But even before these highly top-secret military programs came about, Tesla made some fascinating discoveries on the nature of time and the real possibilities of time travel.
With these experiments in high-voltage electricity and magnetic fields, Tesla discovered that time and space could be breached, or warped, creating a "doorway" that could lead to other time frames. But with this monumental discovery, Tesla also discovered, through personal experience, the very real dangers inherent with time travel.
Tesla’s first brush with time travel came in March 1895. A reporter for the New York Herald wrote on March 13 that he came across the inventor in a small café, looking shaken after being hit by 3.5 million volts,
"I am afraid," said Tesla, "that you won’t find me a pleasant companion tonight. The fact is I was almost killed today. The spark jumped three feet through the air and struck me here on the right shoulder. If my assistant had not turned off the current instantly in might have been the end of me."
Tesla, on contact with the resonating electromagnetic charge, found himself outside his time-frame reference. He reported that he could see the immediate past, present and future, all at once. But he was paralyzed within the electromagnetic field, unable to help himself. His assistant, by turning off the current, released Tesla before any permanent damage was done. A repeat of this very incident would occur years later during the Philadelphia Experiment. Unfortunately, the sailors involved were left outside their time-frame reference for too long with disastrous results.
Tesla’s secret time travel experiments would continue on in the hands of others who were not as concerned with humanity as Tesla. "
end quoted
link to
The Allende Letters deal with the same problem...plase find a copy -PDF FILE of handwritten notes in "The Case For The UFO," book by Dr. Morris K. Jessup
"If a Man Freezes, His position Must be Marked out carefully and then the Field is cut-off, Everyone but that "Frozen" Man is able to Move; to appreciate apparent Solidity again. Then, the Newest Member of the crew Must approach the Spot, where he will find the "Frozen" Mans face or Bare skin, that is Not covered by usual uniform Clothing. Sometimes, It takes only an hour or so Sometimes all Night & all Day Long & Worse It once took 6 months, to get the Man "Unfrozen". This "Deep Freeze" was not psycological It is a Result of a Hyper-Field that is set up, within the field of the Body, While the "Scorch" Field is turned on & this at Length or upon a Old Hand.
A Highly complicated Piece of Equipment Had to be constructed in order to Unfreeze those who became "True Froze" or "Deep Freeze" subjects. Usually a "Deep Freeze" Man goes Mad, Stark Raving, Gibbering, Running MAD, if His "freeze" is far More than a Day in our time.
I speak of TIME for DEEP "Frozen Men" are Not aware of Time as We know it, They are Like Semi-comatoese person, who Live, breathe, Look & feel but still are unaware of So Utterly Many things as to constitute a "Nether World" to them. A Man in an ordinary common Freeze is aware of Time, sometimes acutely so. Yet They are Never aware of Time precisely as you and I are aware of it. The First "Deep Freeze" As I said took 6 months to Rectify."
another link /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Best Regards
Free E books for your Quest :oops: