Did I sound a bit harsh?
Well, not making up an excuse, I heard a little bit of Dr. Mallet last night. Unfortunately, I turned off the radio though, so I did not listen to the rest of it.
First, an idea is suppose to make some sense, but lately, it seems that some people are not making sense. Perhaps it just has to do with my age group, or all the News, or some of what happened in the Past. Titor's physics may not even be aether physics in that sense either, although one website claims a book even with the math formulae to prove that there should be an aether physics.
I just do not see where in the end they are not really talking about gravity and that statement in Hyperspace where the next step is combining gravity and light in some type of formulae. I just do not have time to go back to the 1900's or so (1920's) to look up everything that was thought about Michael-Morley's Experiment or even that of Maxwell's Experiment. I just take it as my own thought that back at that time, the experiments were not as accurate as they might be done today, and although accurate enough for what they were doing, I read nothing inbetween the lines to suggest that anything is different except the hype and the reason to make money. It seems there is no website to really explain aether physics (as I have found to exist as of yet) so either one buys a book or does not really read all that much about it.
Besides the book "The SS Brotherhood of the Bell" being somewhat read and whatever it is about scalar physics, which I can see about what it is about ( taking the math formulae used at the time and omitting a scalar term in the formulae) I just have not had any time to really examine why I should accept any of it as of yet.
Of course, with lasers and other coherent light beams and such, nowadays, there maybe something there that warrants further investigation. It boils down though to the same problem. If anyone is looking for something to replace N-weapons and be even worse creating those weapons like gamma-ray thingys or anything else, then I suppose all I can say is that humans may never make it off of this Planet. If it is about UFO's and whatever and defending this Planet from some imaginary or real threat that does not really seem to exist as of yet, I call it superstitution. I mean if spacealiens got here, they may just be far enough ahead in technology to warrant at least being nice to them, because in the end as something stated that Ike Eisenhower President back in 1952-56 is supposed to have stated "we could not do anything about it anyway" which in the end makes more sense to me than having Outer Space weapons, all this seemmingly closed-looped time curve that seems similiar to the '70's and cycles in time. I think in the end, you just can not have political parties that seem to go from one extreme to another in a sense. If anything that makes Titor kind of stick around more, even not being here, because in the end, someone else that knew about all of that may be able to predict how people will act -- in the future. It also gets back to being a police person, and although I think there are another million ways to think, it seems my generation and older people seem to be stuck only on those two ideas. I really do not find it all that amusing, and I really am getting tired of the debate that has been going on for the last 40 years, especially when some aspects just remind me that Titor may even be considered real, although the science at this time does not fit. Well, that is sometimes why I get harsh.
So, lately I think I will spend more time doing something else, for these type of people do not seem to be getting any better, and that is all I can say. If spacealiens did want to come here and be more advanced in technology, I really just don't think humans could stop that kind of action anyway. Maybe in the future, but then nowadays I just do not see anymore about bringing it up.
I highly doubt if there was any outside influence stating to be a time traveller would also make any sense to most people on this Planet, even if events seem to be happening at certain times as if what the person stated was indeed happening. Afterall, China has to clean up its pollution or certain events may be cancelled at the Olympics or it seems right now, that China spent $40 billion dollars on the wrong thing - the Olympics instead of pollution.
Perhaps it all has something to do with some people being hot-headed stubborn people on the Planet. In which case the future weapons being thought about only end up being used on humans in the future because the spacealiens were smart enough to go back to their own planet and only watch what humans were doing in the first place. There would be common issues on that, because to them humans may seem dangerous, and to us spacealiens may seem dangerous. Other issues also as something that only may happen if humans ever get off of this Planet.
Superstitution is superstitution no matter how one tries and disguise it. Fortunately for humans the Universe seems to be relatively beneign when it comes to this area of Space in the Galaxy.
Humans though, seem to be presenting always a different version for some purposes I can not fathom anymore. It just leads to more stupid ideas in the future as if humans are working on the problems when it may be just that humans are creating more problems for the future than any human in the future could end up solving. Seems like kind of a burden to put on kids while adults claim they are smarter.
Well, not making up an excuse, I heard a little bit of Dr. Mallet last night. Unfortunately, I turned off the radio though, so I did not listen to the rest of it.
First, an idea is suppose to make some sense, but lately, it seems that some people are not making sense. Perhaps it just has to do with my age group, or all the News, or some of what happened in the Past. Titor's physics may not even be aether physics in that sense either, although one website claims a book even with the math formulae to prove that there should be an aether physics.
I just do not see where in the end they are not really talking about gravity and that statement in Hyperspace where the next step is combining gravity and light in some type of formulae. I just do not have time to go back to the 1900's or so (1920's) to look up everything that was thought about Michael-Morley's Experiment or even that of Maxwell's Experiment. I just take it as my own thought that back at that time, the experiments were not as accurate as they might be done today, and although accurate enough for what they were doing, I read nothing inbetween the lines to suggest that anything is different except the hype and the reason to make money. It seems there is no website to really explain aether physics (as I have found to exist as of yet) so either one buys a book or does not really read all that much about it.
Besides the book "The SS Brotherhood of the Bell" being somewhat read and whatever it is about scalar physics, which I can see about what it is about ( taking the math formulae used at the time and omitting a scalar term in the formulae) I just have not had any time to really examine why I should accept any of it as of yet.
Of course, with lasers and other coherent light beams and such, nowadays, there maybe something there that warrants further investigation. It boils down though to the same problem. If anyone is looking for something to replace N-weapons and be even worse creating those weapons like gamma-ray thingys or anything else, then I suppose all I can say is that humans may never make it off of this Planet. If it is about UFO's and whatever and defending this Planet from some imaginary or real threat that does not really seem to exist as of yet, I call it superstitution. I mean if spacealiens got here, they may just be far enough ahead in technology to warrant at least being nice to them, because in the end as something stated that Ike Eisenhower President back in 1952-56 is supposed to have stated "we could not do anything about it anyway" which in the end makes more sense to me than having Outer Space weapons, all this seemmingly closed-looped time curve that seems similiar to the '70's and cycles in time. I think in the end, you just can not have political parties that seem to go from one extreme to another in a sense. If anything that makes Titor kind of stick around more, even not being here, because in the end, someone else that knew about all of that may be able to predict how people will act -- in the future. It also gets back to being a police person, and although I think there are another million ways to think, it seems my generation and older people seem to be stuck only on those two ideas. I really do not find it all that amusing, and I really am getting tired of the debate that has been going on for the last 40 years, especially when some aspects just remind me that Titor may even be considered real, although the science at this time does not fit. Well, that is sometimes why I get harsh.
So, lately I think I will spend more time doing something else, for these type of people do not seem to be getting any better, and that is all I can say. If spacealiens did want to come here and be more advanced in technology, I really just don't think humans could stop that kind of action anyway. Maybe in the future, but then nowadays I just do not see anymore about bringing it up.
I highly doubt if there was any outside influence stating to be a time traveller would also make any sense to most people on this Planet, even if events seem to be happening at certain times as if what the person stated was indeed happening. Afterall, China has to clean up its pollution or certain events may be cancelled at the Olympics or it seems right now, that China spent $40 billion dollars on the wrong thing - the Olympics instead of pollution.
Perhaps it all has something to do with some people being hot-headed stubborn people on the Planet. In which case the future weapons being thought about only end up being used on humans in the future because the spacealiens were smart enough to go back to their own planet and only watch what humans were doing in the first place. There would be common issues on that, because to them humans may seem dangerous, and to us spacealiens may seem dangerous. Other issues also as something that only may happen if humans ever get off of this Planet.
Superstitution is superstitution no matter how one tries and disguise it. Fortunately for humans the Universe seems to be relatively beneign when it comes to this area of Space in the Galaxy.
Humans though, seem to be presenting always a different version for some purposes I can not fathom anymore. It just leads to more stupid ideas in the future as if humans are working on the problems when it may be just that humans are creating more problems for the future than any human in the future could end up solving. Seems like kind of a burden to put on kids while adults claim they are smarter.