Is it true, Pamela?

Did I sound a bit harsh?

Well, not making up an excuse, I heard a little bit of Dr. Mallet last night. Unfortunately, I turned off the radio though, so I did not listen to the rest of it.

First, an idea is suppose to make some sense, but lately, it seems that some people are not making sense. Perhaps it just has to do with my age group, or all the News, or some of what happened in the Past. Titor's physics may not even be aether physics in that sense either, although one website claims a book even with the math formulae to prove that there should be an aether physics.

I just do not see where in the end they are not really talking about gravity and that statement in Hyperspace where the next step is combining gravity and light in some type of formulae. I just do not have time to go back to the 1900's or so (1920's) to look up everything that was thought about Michael-Morley's Experiment or even that of Maxwell's Experiment. I just take it as my own thought that back at that time, the experiments were not as accurate as they might be done today, and although accurate enough for what they were doing, I read nothing inbetween the lines to suggest that anything is different except the hype and the reason to make money. It seems there is no website to really explain aether physics (as I have found to exist as of yet) so either one buys a book or does not really read all that much about it.

Besides the book "The SS Brotherhood of the Bell" being somewhat read and whatever it is about scalar physics, which I can see about what it is about ( taking the math formulae used at the time and omitting a scalar term in the formulae) I just have not had any time to really examine why I should accept any of it as of yet.

Of course, with lasers and other coherent light beams and such, nowadays, there maybe something there that warrants further investigation. It boils down though to the same problem. If anyone is looking for something to replace N-weapons and be even worse creating those weapons like gamma-ray thingys or anything else, then I suppose all I can say is that humans may never make it off of this Planet. If it is about UFO's and whatever and defending this Planet from some imaginary or real threat that does not really seem to exist as of yet, I call it superstitution. I mean if spacealiens got here, they may just be far enough ahead in technology to warrant at least being nice to them, because in the end as something stated that Ike Eisenhower President back in 1952-56 is supposed to have stated "we could not do anything about it anyway" which in the end makes more sense to me than having Outer Space weapons, all this seemmingly closed-looped time curve that seems similiar to the '70's and cycles in time. I think in the end, you just can not have political parties that seem to go from one extreme to another in a sense. If anything that makes Titor kind of stick around more, even not being here, because in the end, someone else that knew about all of that may be able to predict how people will act -- in the future. It also gets back to being a police person, and although I think there are another million ways to think, it seems my generation and older people seem to be stuck only on those two ideas. I really do not find it all that amusing, and I really am getting tired of the debate that has been going on for the last 40 years, especially when some aspects just remind me that Titor may even be considered real, although the science at this time does not fit. Well, that is sometimes why I get harsh.

So, lately I think I will spend more time doing something else, for these type of people do not seem to be getting any better, and that is all I can say. If spacealiens did want to come here and be more advanced in technology, I really just don't think humans could stop that kind of action anyway. Maybe in the future, but then nowadays I just do not see anymore about bringing it up.

I highly doubt if there was any outside influence stating to be a time traveller would also make any sense to most people on this Planet, even if events seem to be happening at certain times as if what the person stated was indeed happening. Afterall, China has to clean up its pollution or certain events may be cancelled at the Olympics or it seems right now, that China spent $40 billion dollars on the wrong thing - the Olympics instead of pollution.

Perhaps it all has something to do with some people being hot-headed stubborn people on the Planet. In which case the future weapons being thought about only end up being used on humans in the future because the spacealiens were smart enough to go back to their own planet and only watch what humans were doing in the first place. There would be common issues on that, because to them humans may seem dangerous, and to us spacealiens may seem dangerous. Other issues also as something that only may happen if humans ever get off of this Planet.

Superstitution is superstitution no matter how one tries and disguise it. Fortunately for humans the Universe seems to be relatively beneign when it comes to this area of Space in the Galaxy.
Humans though, seem to be presenting always a different version for some purposes I can not fathom anymore. It just leads to more stupid ideas in the future as if humans are working on the problems when it may be just that humans are creating more problems for the future than any human in the future could end up solving. Seems like kind of a burden to put on kids while adults claim they are smarter.
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

interesting, fine, ill drop it.

"Where'sthe fun in having the answer to a mystery dumped in your lap without any grunt work being done?"

where have i heard that before...hmm.
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

What I want to know is Where is the "big money" to be made off this alleged hoax? Where is the hundred million dollar movie, the action figures, the lunch boxes? That book of thiers, how long has it been on the #1 best seller list? How many books have been sold considering you have a varity of places onine to get the same information? People say it was all a hoax to make a buck. That is one looney theory. Consider this person faxed Art Bell two faxes in 98. Then began posting in 2000 to 2001. That is a four year investment of time for what? A lame book that contains nothing more than what is already available online? Thats tops marketing there buddy.

So cig man, darby, SOMEBODY PLEASE tell me, cause I can't see it, where is the multi-million dollar deal in this phenomina?
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

Titor was a hoax come on people its obvious!

I bet he is really some 500 pound fat guy who stinks and is laughing hard at all the people who are still fussing about him and claiming him to have been real.
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

"So cig man, darby, SOMEBODY PLEASE tell me, cause I can't see it, where is the multi-million dollar deal in this phenomina?"

if you cant see how much potential this story has to make a ton of money, then you must not be giving titor half the credit that you normally do...
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

HAHAHA Ruthless...Thanks.. Check out my reply to you on my 2012 thread please...unless you already did then disreguard my request. ...I have heard your reposnse for years now. He did it for the money he did it for the money yet no "BIG" money has been made from this....Pam isn't makeing millions...IN fact I don't think she has made a dime...Nobody has approached florida jim offering him money for his story? The majority thinks hoax...The majority also thinks idiots with box cutters convinced pilots to give up thier planes..Pilots with military experiance sucumbing to one inch wafer blades....YEA RIGHT...Thats just as good as the nukes Cheny and Condi said Saddam had.... If there is money to be made from this it hasn't been made in 6 years...and it doesn't look promising in the next 6...
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

I don't believe that the Titor story was made up to make money. I do not believe there is a group of people behind this in FL.

What I do believe is that Titor is a phoney. I also believe he is someone that read lots of books and theories on time travel. Anyone could come up with an original schematic that looks like a time machine, and then scan it. That photo with the laser bending is a fake. My GF does photo imagaing and she took one look at it and said it was a fake. He did have a great imagination. Most of what he predicted has not happened. Some will say he predicted war in the middle east? That is crap. There has been war in the middle east for a long time. There are a few key things he said that have not come true. Most important was WACO type events. There are not that many right now.

I have heard some much of what he has said be twisted around. Unless you have the original chats and things, people often make [censored] up. I have heard people say he predicted Hurricane Katrina, 911, Pope dies, ect ect. None of this was ever said by him. You think that someone with that much info on the future would have predicted some major key things.

Some will argue that if he mention somethings like this it would effect the timeline. Lets be real about this. How many people will believe anything some guy post on an internet board?

If I said that there will be breakthrough in space travel in 5 years.
Earthquake in California in latre 2007
The war in Iraq will not end for 5 more years.
Rudy G will be the next president of the US.
Dick Chaney will die of a heart failure
Bin Laden will not ever be captured, but dies in about 10 years.

Now if 3 of these statements come true. And provided you all with a false original schematic and pics of a hoax time machine of some kind. Then made it to look like a military document. Does that make me a time traveler?
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

titorite, ever heard of a fanboy? they spout things like "sony is the best, nintendo sucks, and you suck cause you like nintendo."

i understand you like titor, and i meant no disrespect.
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

Eric... Some things Titor said could be considered cold reading..That " A soldiers winter" poem was not a prediction..some just asked him once if he remembered any poetry from 2036 and thats what he offered... Turns out someone who never heard of titor wrote it more then 3 years after he left.

IF you said

If I said that there will be breakthrough in space travel in 5 years.
Earthquake in California in latre 2007
The war in Iraq will not end for 5 more years.
Rudy G will be the next president of the US.
Dick Chaney will die of a heart failure
Bin Laden will not ever be captured, but dies in about 10 years.

I would not believe any of it. I am really well educated. Bin laden is dead. Cheny is alrady sick but he has the money and power to live if if he should face justice. Rudy has no hope in hell. IN FACT Ron paul despite everything thing has unimaginably become the most likely to get the Nomination and lose to hillary...Amazing that but so is the internet. The war in iraq will go on much long after we leave. We destablized it so it will be years till the get thier act back together ..good job team america. And as for your earthquake... Thier is an earth quake in cali every month... You are absolutly right There will be a quake in late 2007. CAli will also suffer a quake in early 2008 middle 2008 and late 2008.

Titor never NEVER NOT EVER spoke of hurricanes, earthquakes, the closest he ever got to weather was telling people how the sun looked in 2036 when they asked him about it...thats it...and yea from his answers there and many others posts thats how I figured out the caldera of 2012. The shoe fit.

Titor knew WAY TOO MUCH to be a single hoaxer...that only leaves two explanations. one he was real or two a group did it. The only way a single individual knows about the varity of things he touched on was if it really happened to him....


Please bring your girlfriend online and have her answer why she thinks the laser photo is a fake or at least relay the information to us that everyone might be enlightened.... God knows I am trying to get ruthless to spill how he "knows" titor was a fake...everyone seems to "know" this but they are either keen not to talk about it or are willing to lie about thier proof...If anyone can prove it please do so that us believers can correct the mistake of our lives.
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

COME ON RUTHLESS!!! You have already shown abit of elite prowess if you got the goods SPILL IT DUDE! god knows I would want to know...but even more imporatant than me are the people that are closer to it than me.
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

on or here, i forget, the laser picture was proven to my satisfaction to be just a fiber optic cable. the picture was also supposedly photoshopped, because it didnt fit with a corvette reference picture.

i proved to the best of my ability, that theres no way he could breathe inside of that bubble without a rebreather, titor made a crucial mistake there and said "some kind of oxygen supply" meaning a scuba tank would work.

and darby also stated that titor used the same i.p. as someone else. that is all i know pretty much.

if that isnt enough to change your mind, then so be it. i'm not here to change anyones mind. im just here to get the facts, debunk the liars, and hopefully one day, have serious discussions on the subject.

and yes, when i find out the i.p. ill post who it is.
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

ok, lets get down to seriousness. you want to know how i know titor was a fake? i know for sure, because: titor had the character of a good, and honest man. now think about this if you are a good and honest man, and youve just went to 1969 picked up a 5100/5150 whichever it may have been, you stop by in the year 2000 or so, what do you say? nothing like anything he said i'd bet. and why would he be searching for time travel message boards? and why did he have the time? thats like a dairy worker taking a 6 month lunch break, and reading about milking cows. titor didnt say that he wouldnt or couldnt take anyone back, only that "you probably wouldnt like it there." someone should have pressed him more on the issue in my opinion.

and my last piece evidence, and the most important in my eyes, he left pamela. if he was the type of man he said he was, he could not have willed himself to leave her. and i love the titor character, and i wish he was real, but youve gotta be one low mofo to do something like that, to not even let her know anything makes me sick. the guy who did pull off this hoax better hope he never runs into me, cause im going to give him a piece of my mind, and maybe a little more than that. the end.
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

Yes darby IP addys Thats what we need. Privately if you must publicly if you will BUt otherwise...I can inderstand the inside of a dual singularity. And you would have to bring your own oxygen supply... thats probably a must but not being a travelr myself how would I know...just like how would I know a time traveler would have an answer for everything? Titor didn't. People expected him to..gave him alot of grief for not handing out sports scores and stock tips and not knowing who britney spears is gonna marry next...The sick thing is that so many wanted to know about worthless crap like that..I mean what is the friggin point!?

So someone say a photoshoped...Do you have an original photo to go off of? Because I myself have looked at a few laser photos now...not every one is the same...just as the titor postings if you goto the wrong site you will find "additions" that arent there in the original...SO what do we goo off of? Commonality. What is the same consistintly?

As for the question, why come to a time travel site ? WHY NOT! I mean he was a time taveler and if he were anything like me then its only natural that hed type time traveler into a search you know what I do when really REALLY bored? I skip the search engine and start typeing randon things I can think of into the address bar looking for hits...And I tell you I have found all sorks of crazy things. is currently under has yet another new owner. something is cool the is awsome theres a great one...whatever...phrases words...often things that apply to me....Titor likely put his into a search engine and got side tracked by the forum.

As for titor takeing people back...yea actully he made a big joke about it... He did say people could come with him...not spesificaly(at least publicly) but he made a deal about it and then before he left he said that he would not be taking people with him and apoligized for it....and I can see why...not the apoligy but why he wouldn't take anyone wouldn't want to go if you knew whats comeing....hell I don't wanna live into no unless you can find Darbys super secert "I got the proof but Im not sharing(TYPICAL!)" IP address then I will hold fast to my belife.

There is just no way in hell he could of guessed at "a soldiers winter" and gotten it right out of all infinity UNLESS it really happened to him.....

And to add to the falseafiablity LOL what bad spelling hehehehe HAs it ever been considered that the alleged unmasked posts were not titor at all? Just that other poster poseing as titor?
That is really what I wanna know more than anything..Which posts were posted "Uncloaked"?
Very big question...More improtant than the IP itself is knowing what the certain IP said.

God knows jerks of impersonated me for kicks before...Imagine what an ebaumer would of tried to do to him?

Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

"There is just no way in hell he could of guessed at "a soldiers winter" and gotten it right out of all infinity UNLESS it really happened to him....."

well, itd be pretty easy to do, ya just type internet phenomenon into your favorite search engine and good 'ol john pops up. then after reading and getting interested in the story, you come across a chance for you to be part of the story, so you go and write a poem.

look, i am in no way, shape, or form trying to get you to believe titors a fake. if i were to do that, i'd feel like [censored] for crushing someones hopes and beliefs. and i would never let myself live it down. i am merely posting my opinions about it, thinking in the open, if you will.

i wish i could still believe it. but i have what i would call a somewhat special ability. to think about things from all points of view, ponder upon all of the information, and come up with an educated guess based on the available information, the missing pieces, available motives, and the overall mood. i am usually correct. i can only think of a few times i was wrong, i realized my faults, and corrected them immediately, i do not hold onto any weakness. i run from danger, not step in headstrong. i admit defeat if defeated, and i always honor the good. its funny the things that honor teaches you.

the trick is to not let your opinion of the situation get in the way of the truth. gotta look at it like a robot in a way.

i talk way too much...
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

Eric... Some things Titor said could be considered cold reading..That " A soldiers winter" poem was not a prediction..some just asked him once if he remembered any poetry from 2036 and thats what he offered... Turns out someone who never heard of titor wrote it more then 3 years after he left.


This is still not solid proof John is real. I know Larry Cluck is a poet and has written many poems. Just because it was publish 3 years after John left the internet. That does not mean that it was written before 2000.

One thing you said had me thinking though. Chaney and the rest of the Bush Admin. should be brought to justice for killing over 3000 people in one day.
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

Larry Cluck has not written many poems..In fact I only found three. So I emailed him and asked him when did you write a soldiers winter and he was kind enough to tell me that he wrote it in late 2005 or early 2006....And he has never heard of john titor...Did I mention hes a LT colnol? I am gonna take him at his word for honesty
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John

Didn't have too Poem Its published..The two poems similarites end with the title and poets profession....still it was an infinity thing to nail and taken in context with all of the other stuff...I think that hit justifies the watching closely the next memories/predictions which are Hillary and the olympics.

There is one other "a soldiers winter" poem...and thats a strange thing to me...Two poems same title, with in a year of each other This one however is begining to make its rounds amongst military people on least I saw one other military man pick it up and say he got it from someone else..
Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John - Real?


As for "I am not convinced any persons on this fourm or any others is the real deal. I would love to know that time travel is real."

I am certainly real. As Darby's IP tracking database will illustrate. He even has building addresses... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I am not really just a clerk typist at an Abandoned Military Base in a Super Secret Bunker (Don't look for us there) fronting for a team of ex-intelligence officers, researchers, comedy writers, news reporters and patriots of the Shadow Government who want Americans to know the truth of what is going on... <We use IP Spoofing by the way...>

Or am I /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Royal Airforce contact me about John


As for "So cig man, darby, SOMEBODY PLEASE tell me, cause I can't see it, where is the multi-million dollar deal in this phenomina?"

As Darby says in this thread its all "Entertainment"... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Have you noticed that only 10-20 persons are active on this forum? But there are 2900 registered.

I have suggested that the Titor saga is Pys-Op on the Coast-To-Coast crowd.

It just may be a game to see who gets sucked into the story for (such as myself as "TheCigMan" and others) as entertainment for a "certain group of people"

It is a game. A Psychological Game. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

If you get sucked into the story of believing it... You Lose The Game. At Your Expense.

I think people may "buy" into the game for the "truth" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It may a Government Operation to "identify" those who could be "Domestic Terrorists" as well..

It may a "Gang Stalking" operation as well.

Certain people know things about that they could only know if they saw me in person on this site.

I think this is closest to the truth.

Sorry To Bust Your Bubble /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
