In Triplicate, Please!

Re: A Spiraling Conversation

It's quite nice being left alone with this subject actually. For those of you who believe in the significane of the Golden Ratio, what are your thoughts on this:

Again, the article seems to be mirroring what I've already said, that you can find this kind of thing pretty much anywhere, if you look for it, and you get to choose your own criteria arbitrarily. Check out the section on the human body, for one.

Look at that, I'm not a systems engineer, yet I still managed to make the exact same points as a man with a PhD in maths. Maybe it really isn't my being "stupid at" mathematics, rather it's down to misapplication of the theorys and out-and-out bad science. Who'd have thought, eh?
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

You know what? I'm not 100% sure just yet, that depends on Rainman, but I've been talking to other people about this today, and summing up Ray's arguments - putting quotes of his from one post to the next next to each other - I've realised just how irrational some of those arguments are. I've also realised that Ray's seemingly not really interested in having a rational discussion about it. If he were, then he wouldn't have ignored my points about confirmation bias every time I've mentioned them over the last month. Yup, I've just looked back over the threads in this forum, and I've brought it up it several times since the first time I mentioned it 3 and a half weeks ago, and have been soundly ignored every time. Or there's the ignoring of my pointing out his mistake with reference to black holes and Dark Matter not being the same thing. Or the whole Drake equation fiasco. These are not the actions of a man who is interested in having a rational and objective discussion about his ideas, but of one who wants to have his ideas confirmed by outside sources. Posts such as CAT's are welcome, it seems, but ones like mine are not.

I think I've given Ray too much leeway, and been too accepting of some of his claims - not cynical or skeptical enough. The whole Phi/human body ratio stuff, for example. When reading up about it, I did actually think a lot of the things said in that article I've just posted, but wanted to give Ray the benifit of the doubt. That's my mistake, and I can't blame Ray for such lapses in my critical thinking. I can only blame myself for getting swept up emotionally, rather than taking a step back and using logic and reason as well as I should have, and can do.

Depending on your next post when you come back, Ray, I think I'm done with this discussion with you. Putting aside the fruitlessness of trying to get you to apply logic in a rational way to the subject (I can only assume that you're too close to it to look at it dispassionately), and the questionability of some of the basises for your arguments (why was I accepting that DNA could be classified as "intelligent" in any way shape or form, or that it could accurately be thought of within the framework of that paradigm? What descision-making processes does it have? What capacity to aquire and apply knowledge does it have? What faculty for thought and reason does it have? Those are the definitions of "intelligence" that are applicable), despite your "threat" to reply to the words that I actually post, as opposed to what you believe you can infer that I might mean from them, your style of debate still consists of a very high proportion of strawmen. This is the antithesis of rational debate, and I'm glad for this moment of clarity and of being able to step back to look at the big picture.

That said, if you do decide you want to have a proper conversation about this, I'm up for it. And I really do want an explaination of that whole bizarre "real you" thing. I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say with reference to my "soul" - the whole thing makes no sense to me. On the one hand, you claim that I'm showing myself up and that you can see through me to what I'm 'really like'. On the other, you claim that no matter what I've posted here and in the other forums, or how much information I give you about my life (and I'd be willing to bet that the information I have freely provided gives you access to know a lot more about me than anyone else you've met online that you've not met in the real world), that all of that is incidental, because you're not talking about the "extant" me, rather my "soul". This is contradictory, to my mind, and I'm interested as to what you're actually trying to say. If you clarify nothing else, I'd appreciate this being clarified. As I said, this is by far the strangest insult or threat I've ever recieved.

Finally, you keep calling me a "debunker" as if that's a bad thing. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to imply (if anything), but the definition of "debunk" is "to expose or ridicule the falseness, sham, or exaggerated claims of". If you believe that what you say is the truth, and will withstand logical and scientific scrutiny, then you should have no fear of a debunker. My being a debunker should give you no cause for concern if what you are saying is not bunk. Debunking is a good thing, not a bad one. Do you think it would be a good thing for any and all flase claims made on this forum to go unchallenged? And, of course, it's entirely false to say that just because I could be described as a "debunker" under certain circumstances that that is the only string to my bow, or that I will be unaccepting of ideas and concepts that are not false, are not a sham and are not exaggerated claims.

See you in a week.
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

Troll, that web site is the laughing stock! Yeah the only thing this man is trying to debunk is misconceptions on variations...

You must have been born on Wednesday looking both ways for Sunday!
I hate to break your bubble but "variations" or not, it still doesn't take away the evidence of SPIRAL & PROPORTIONS!!! It's all there in black and white, if you have any questions call 1800 I'm lost. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Troll, I cant tolerate this behavior, and I refuse to play your game. I've had enough of your annoying cranial rectal idiosyncrasies...
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

I should probably also mention that I've had an independent person have a look at your mathematical reasoning with regards to the "size of DNA relative to humans"/"size of humans relative to the universe", and that they pretty much concur with what I've said about it, although with far more in the way of citing relevent equations, facts and terminology. I'm sure I can get their permission to post it, if you want to have a look.

In the meantime, here is a site they pointed me to which showcases yet more ways and instances in which the idea is seriously misrepresented or falsely applied. It takes special issue with Fred Wilson in a section towards the end. I don't know if you have encountered him, or hold much stock by what he says, but his work can be considered a metanym for a lot of people who invoke phi in this manner.
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

That is simultaniously the weirdest insult and the weirdest threat I've ever recieved
The fact that you do not believe in the soul or the spirit is the very reason behind why you would interpret my comment as either an insult or a threat. And there is really no point in me trying to explain it to you, because you would only begin your normal tack of trying to debate an issue that you do not believe, nor understand. And what point is there in trying to debate it when you do not believe in these non-physical parts of yourself? What is funny is that you would probably believe in the third non-physical part of yourself, namely your conscious mind, because you can perceive it.

Whether you believe it or not, and whether you like it or not, you DO have two deeper layers to your non-physical self. And one of them is immortal. Don't bother debating me, because with the other nonsense on this board....

I am GONE.
Re: A Spiraling Conversation


I have been following your discussion/debate with Rainman, and as far as I can see, neither of you have been able to "prove" your points. What I have seen, however, is two very intelligent people--well, three including Roel--expressing their heart-felt beliefs with all the tools at your disposal to make your points. What comes through to me, more than anything else, is the desire to bridge the gaps between yourselves because you all have RESPECT for each other. I have respect for all of you as well. It matters not to me, in the least, whether you believe in God or not. The fact is, that you all have a respect for NATURE and your fellow man, even if a begrudging one. The lengths that you all have gone to in trying to reconcile the irreconcilable has been honorable even though patience has worn thin at times and, sometimes, cruel things said that were deliberately expressed to undermine the other.

I would tend to side with Rainman on some things simply because I understand where he is coming from. On other points, I would definitely agree with you and Roel. I know this sounds somewhat like I'm "stroking" all of you, but I sincerely feel that I have been where you are at. I certainly don't look at my past and shoot myself down for having been "atheist" myself, because I saw it as part of my own growth experience. I "believed" in myself then and was willing to fight anyone about it--literally. Now I'm not implying that where "I" am is where you ought to be or even that it is where you should be. I'd be willing to bet that we could find many more things in common with each other than those which we might disagree. The same holds true for Biblical things. When you take away all the mystical and "spiritualistic" properties that people have erroneously placed upon "the Book", what is left is a very rational discourse on human relations and how to get beyond these "passionate" roadblocks to a real understanding of each other.

There are some "Christians" that I wouldn't take a million dollars for, and I would't take a nickel for another one just like them. There are some that I wouldn't even take a nickel for. There are some who know nothing of "spiritual" things that I would give my life for. It is what is in a person's heart that matters to me--not what comes out of their mouth. What does it matter if we both see "beauty" in the growth of a seed. I may see God in it, you may see nature; we both revel in its beauty and functionality. We just call it by a different name. We both can be made to feel small in its simplicity and its utter complexity. This is what drives science--to reduce its complexity to simplicity that we can all understand and appreciate. Unfortunately, religion oftentimes does the opposite and clouds the simplicity with complexity that even they ultimately do not understand.

I once had a friend who was fully atheist. When his "atheism" began to affect his "tolerance" for others, my influence brought him back to his "normally" humanistic and concientous ways. When I got a little too high on my own horse, he also brought me back to "reality". We were able to laugh about things which we strongly believed in. He would give the shirt off his back for others and backed up what came out of his mouth. The important thing is that we did not judge each other. He understood my passion, and I understood his. This is why I believe so strongly in a balanced discussion based on mutual respect. The "truth" usually lies somewhere in between. While I believe that the dialogue between you guys has been somewhat "off center", I also believe that it has been important to the overall discussion of "timetravel". It is a very difficult concept to understand--even under the best of circumstances. We all have to "step out of the box" and out of our comfort zones. When I, or anyone for that matter, uses the Book to try and understand difficult concepts of science--not for conversion purposes but for "conveyance" purposes--I believe that we can all benefit from it. Sometimes we get excited about it and want others to get excited about it too. Sometimes we also do not understand why you may not "get it". Sometimes, WE do not "get it". None of us "has it". I think all of us "want it". I hope your regained "clarity" does not lead you back to that point where you felt "less clear". I respect your logic and reasoning power. I hope you can understand that we attempt to draw upon a source that, to some, is illogical and unreasonable. Nature can appear this way as well. Perhaps monotheism is not all that far removed from a single "force" that governs all other forces.
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

[Note: one quoted portion of this post originally contained specific mathematical symbols. As the format of this board seems not to support such code, I have written the functions out in square brackets. Phi is written out]

The fact that you do not believe in the soul or the spirit is the very reason behind why you would interpret my comment as either an insult or a threat.

That is simply not the case.

Initially you said:

Here, again, is more evidence of your tactics of trying to make the conversation go where you want it to go. As a controls engineer, I can easily spot a control freak...and you've got all the markings.

I'll be pointing out this tactic of yours whenever I see it, and holding you true to the exact words you post, from now on. Whine all you want, but you are doing more to expose who you really are than I am.

There you make the direct accusations that I am using "tactics" and that I am a control freak. You also say that you are basing these conclusions on your observations of what I have posted. The threat would be that you were going to "expose" 'who I really am' to everybody.

When I posted easy access to detailed information about myself, to show that I have nothing to hide, your reply was this:

That is not the "who" I was referring to. You are referring to your extant, conscious self. I am referring to the "who" that is quite a bit deeper.

Now here you are saying that you were not criticising the extant me, and therefore not what I have actually posted, or 'what I'm doing' to 'expose myself'. If you are not refering to my extant self, then you cannot say that I have used tactics, you cannot say that I am acting like a control freak and you cannot say that you have based these conclusions on my actions, either here or on other boards.

Now, you have clearly both threatened and insulted me, and then contradicted yourself. You have decided that attempting to have a rational conversation with regards to the nature (or otherwise) of God is not something that you feel that you can do. That's fair enough. I've said before that I have no interest in attempting to force anyone to discuss what they do not wish to discuss.

However, in the case of a personal insult and a threat, which has been contradicted in the next post, I deserve an explaination. You have made very clear and specific claims against me, and I deserve to know what you have based those claims on.

I can only tell you what I believe the case to be. And, if you are unwilling or unable to clarify your position, then you cannot change my opinion. Anybody else will be able to read this thread and make up their own mind.

My theory, based off of what I know of human behaviour and observational evidence of you over the last month, is this: the initial charge and insult was inteded as an intimidation tactic. I believe that it wasn't so much intentional, but more of a knee-jerk reaction to my pointing out of a semantic mistake of yours - ironically, given the nature of the accusation against me, a way to wrest power and control back in the conversation by shifting the focus back on to me, and to distract from the mistake itself. Something of a peice of semantic sleight-of-hand - "prestilititation", if you like.

This prestilititation did not garner the reaction that you were expecting, as I was overly open, to an extreme amount. Having been caught in an incorrect assumption, and having been presented with clear and definitive evidence (which I think you'd find hard to disbelieve) that your base assumption was wrong, the safest thing to do seemed to be to change tack. Knowing of my atheism and general skepticism, you took a gamble on my not believeing in a soul, and shifted focus to that, offering up a spiritual technobabble of a half-justification. Here, you believed, was an area where you could once more claim to have a superior knowledge base, and could dismiss anything that I said to counter your claims as being a result of my ignorance of the subject at hand, rather than you actually having made some claims that you not only could not back up, but actually had direct contradictory evidence in front of you. All subsequent posts by you on the subject have been the same tactic.

For the record, I don't think that any of it is as calculated as it may seem from what I have said there - I think it's more a case of it being base emotions and instincts, trying to establish who is the alpha-male in the "pack" that is this thread. That includes my actions, as well as yours. That said, I do think the shift in focus, and change in story and claims, was a deliberate descision on your part - just not one that you put a lot of thought into.

I do want an explaination of what exactly you have meant by your words. You have directed some very specific charges at me, and I have a right to know upon what basis you make such claims. I believe I know and if you're happy for me to continue believing the above, then there is nothing that I can do to force you to defend your claims. I just thought that you might like the oppourtunity to give your side of the story - mine's an open book.

[...]you would only begin your normal tack of trying to debate an issue that you do not [...] understand.

If I really am partially responsible for chasing you off the board, and if you stick to your word and don't post here any more, then I suspect that you won't reply to this. You can certainly make the claim that I am not overly knowledgeable in the field of mathematics. I do have an aptetude for mathematics, as it happens (as, indeed, do many musicians), but was forced to abandon my study of the subject for reasons beyond my control when I was 18.

However, as I have said, I have had someone who is very knowedgeable in the field have a look at one of your claims. Again, you can return and defend the claims you've made, or you can stay away, the choice is your. In the interests of openness and, yes, debunking I will still post the analysis. Afetr all, anyone reading this thread in the search of enlightenment or clarification on such issues, or who is interested in what you have to say deserves to be in possession of the full facts, rather than just one side of the story.

Rainman: I'd say the ratios are pretty comparable: DNA strand is to the entire human body, as the human body is to the entire known universe. Without actually performing a calculation for an exact number, I'd say the scalings in these ratios are fairly close.

Mathematician: He makes a claim, that two ratios are close ("scalings" is a meaningless word here, as far as I can tell), but then when pressed for clarification — i.e., numbers — for the ratios in question, he says:

R: It's not really what I would consider valid.

M: Well really, we could stop right here. In a situation where it might not even be too difficult for your interlocutor to cook up some numbers to support his claim — I mean, has he defined what he would count as a "DNA strand" or by what measurements he plans to compute this ratio? — he turns away into more murky rhetoric. Let's look at his response a little more closely now.

R: It is what the transcendental nature of the Fibonacci sequence, when used to compute the GMS (Phi), . . .

M: The term "transcendental" actually has a very specific meaning in mathematics (1) A transcendental number x is a number which is not the root of any polynomial with integer coefficients — i.e., a number x is transcendental if we cannot choose any (finite) set of integers, call them a0, a1, a2, . . . , an such that

a0 + a1x + a2x2 + . . . + anxn = 0.

Now (just so we have everything out in the open) the Fibonacci sequence (2, 3) is the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, . . ., where each term from the third onward is the sum of the previous two. All of these numbers are integers, so none are transcendental.

The ratio of consecutive terms in the Fibonacci sequence (2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, . . .) converges to the number Phi; (phi), the "Golden Mean" (4, 5) ; not sure what the S in "GMS" would stand for). As [name deleted] noted,

Phi = (1 + [sqr-root]5) / 2 [Roughly equals] 1.618,

and this number is not transcendental either, for

-1 - Phi + Phi^2 = 0.

So, although the Fibonacci sequence is pretty neat, any "transcendence" it possesses is philosophical, not mathematical (and many of its mathematical properties are shared with many, many other similarly defined sequences).

R: . . . tells us is "close enough" by its pattern of convergence in the floating point domain.

M: I have no idea what this means. The convergence to Phi has nothing to do the way numbers are stored in a computer.

R: Correlation of this computation with fractal structures in nature tell us that within 3 significant figures of matching Phi is close enough.

M: Here he's saying 1.62ish (or maybe 0.618ish) is "close enough" to Phi. I have no idea whether he's provided examples of these "fractal structures" or not (and measurements accurate to three significant figures). The chambered nautilus is typically proffered as an example of a "golden spiral," but its proportions are markedly different: Fibonacci Flim-Flam (using slightly different notation).

Plant life, however, may have a substantial claim to some Phi-related structure. Let's denote by Phi' the number Phi - 1 = 1/Phi [roughly equals] 0.618. This is the "most irrational" number between 0 and 1, meaning that (relatively untechnically) if you start with a dot on any point on a circle and keep placing dots Phi' of the way around, the dots will bunch up the least compared to any other ratio. This would be beneficial for the placement of plant leaves on a stem or other sorts of overlap-avoiding radial growth. I have no idea whether nature requires correlation to the third digit of Phi, though.

Well. There's a little mathematics for everyone.

There is more, but I think that is sufficent to demonstrate that your sceintific and mathematical basis for your claims is not the solid foundation that you claim it to be. In fact, the shakyness of your demonstration of your mathematical abilities has left me questioning more of your claims than merely the one to do with spirituality and higher intelligences.

Naturally, you are at liberty to return and address these claims or not at your discression, but I would suggest that your credibility is not what it once was, and if you wish for people to give value to your mathematical credentials that you demonstrate the validity of your claim(s).

For the record, this is the level of debate and citation that I am used to. When I said that I had had a moment of clarity, this is exactly what I meant, that I should be no less demanding to claims made on here than I would on anything else. I was brought up in a scientific background and I have respect for and revel in debates of this standard.

To everyone who is not Rainman, forgive me, I am in a hurry here, and don't have time to reply to anything else at the moment. I will be back in a few days, and will address anything else then.
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

Still Trolling I see... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Do you really think anybody really reads your posts?

If anything they sure are evidence of ETERNITY! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

I have been following your discussion/debate with Rainman, and as far as I can see, neither of you have been able to "prove" your points.

Maybe not in an overall sense, but there are certain facts and figures of Rainman's that I've been able to disrpove - the idea that humans and DNA are both self-replicating (and, indeed, that that is the same thing as being "self-reproducing" or just "reproducing"), that Drake intended his equation to be a "real" equation, whether Drake had quanified it, whether this quantification would prove anything, the mathematical reasoning for the comparison of sizes of DNA and humans in my post before this one, two web-pages that dispute the siginificance of Phi (the fact that measurements of the human body don't really fit the number, as well as showing that points such as the navel and 'half way down the shoulders' are aritrary and inexact points, among many more)...and, if I had a mind, I have more that I could easily disprove.

The most easily disprovable would be the claim that a human embryo always forms in a "precise" golden spiral. All I'd need to disporve that one is a google picture search for a couple of pictures of human embryos and a diagram of a golden spiral and to put them next to each other. Rainman's given me the margain of error of deviation he'd find acceptable. It's a cliam that's patently false and very easily disprovable.

This may be pretty much a moot point now that Ray has left (both the conversation and the site), but I do think that those who may have been following the conversation should be in possession of all of the facts. Or, at the very least, I hope I can make those who might not be as assiduous as they could be think clearly about applying critical thinking to what they believe and what they are told.

I know this sounds somewhat like I'm "stroking" all of you, but I sincerely feel that I have been where you are at.

It doesn't sound like you're trying to do anything of the sort. I would expect most people to fall somewhere in between our viewpoints. I realsise that, despite CAT's claim to the contrary, my skeptisism of and disbelief in claims of the paranormal or the preternatural or the spiritual is highly unusual, and is not likely to win many converts. Similarly, Ray's claims and beliefs could also be somewhat accurately described as "fringe".

That you side with one of us on one issue and another on another is not surprise whatsoever. I wouldn't be surprised if you also disagreed with both of us on other issues.

When you take away all the mystical and "spiritualistic" properties that people have erroneously placed upon "the Book", what is left is a very rational discourse on human relations and how to get beyond these "passionate" roadblocks to a real understanding of each other.

With the undersatnding that it was written in a specific place and time, I will agree with you. I was actually talking to my stepnother yesterday about this very subject. Her father was studying to be a preist when she was a child. Without being a cad and disclosing the lady's age, it seems that 30 or 40 years ago, people believed in the Bible in a much less literal way than they do these days. Many of the actual miracles that people hold stock by were believed in mainstream religious teachings to be allegorical. As has been said in thsi thread (I think), often more like Aesop's fables than as historical fact.

Of course, this is just a theory, but I would say that part of this more literal approach to religion, as well as the recent re-emerging of spiritualism and numerology and things of this ilk are down to the insecurity and uncertainty of modern living. I woud say that the situation in Iraq, as well as the media attention of and the emphsising of terrorism by Western governments for their own agendas makes this period of time the most uncertain in people's minds sine the cuban Missile Crisis. More so, in fact because in the 50s the governments were (wrongly) trusted by the people. It really took the assasination of Kennedy and the subsequent revelations about him, as well as the discovery that the government had lied about Vietnem to destroy the faith in our leaders that had been prevalent. These days we are intensely cynical about those who make our descisions for us. In the 60s, it was the importing to the US of British newspapers where the casualty figures listed were 10 times higer than the ones the US apapers were publishing, and the atrocities were worse. These days almost everyone (in the western world, certainly) has the internet, and has instant access to reliable (or not so reliable) news sources from around the globe. We know our leaders lie and play semantic games to disguise their true meanings and intentions. "Spin Doctor" is an acknowledged and respected position in the government.

So we have access to more information than before, but we don't trust those we elect (and the apathetic turn outs to vote reflect this), and we feel less safe than we ever have done. Is it any surprise that people are invoking higher powers and setting new rules by which to order their lives?

It is what is in a person's heart that matters to me--not what comes out of their mouth.

Absolutely. It's not like I have prejudice against those who do have beliefs. That's 97.5% of the world. i'd be a pretty miserable guy if I were to dismiss anyone and everyone who fell outside of that 2.5%.

We both can be made to feel small in its simplicity and its utter complexity.

That's certainly true. I think that both belief in a higher power and atheism and skepticism lead to two contradictory ideas. First, that we are small and insignificant. And secondly that we are unique, beautiful and valuable.

Unfortunately, religion oftentimes does the opposite and clouds the simplicity with complexity that even they ultimately do not understand.

This last thing you say is, I think, an important one. It is easy for the skeptic to be precise and clear, I think. The person with beliefs, however, can find it difficult to articulate in precise terms what it actually is that they believe - to quantify it, if you like. This leads to statements concerning "faith" or "the proof that is the universe" or "you'll see when you die". These are all vague, and are rather unconvincing to one who doesn't already believe.

I hope your regained "clarity" does not lead you back to that point where you felt "less clear".

My moment of clarity has been more to do with the style of debate going on here than the debate itself. As I have said, I think that I've been giving too much leeway with regards to what I have let slide without questioning. Partly this can be to do with being a newbie, and wanting to establish myself before ruffling too many feathers. Also particlaly to do with not having had as many debates of this nature of late, and of having almost forgotton what it can be like. I've mainly been debating things such as politics and human rights and things of that ilk recently. A scientific (or pseudo-scientific) debate adheres to a differnet standard, and must be more rigourous. If someone makes a claim that purports to be scientific, then there is a certain standard of proof required. note how because Titor claimed a scientific basis for his claims that that has been what has been attacked.

We can all discuss the likelyhood of civil war in America in the immediate future and, while we can all make educated (or, in some cases, less-well-educated) guesses and formulate reasonable scenarios it is impossible to say with irrefutable certainty that this will not happen. With regards to a picture of the beam of a laser being bent due to high gravitational fields...well, there's real scientific principals that we can compare and contrast the picture against. So, while we cannot say that his vision of the future proves that Titor was a fake, we can say that his picture of the laser pointer beam bending does.

In the same way, I cannot disprove Ray's "tapestry" of evidence all as one homogenous block. But I can challenge the scientific and mathematic principals that he claims form the basis of individual strands of that tapestry. My moment of clarity has been that I should have been more vigilant in challenging the science, and less forgiving in accepting the strawmen. I should not have gone down the paths that the ad hominems, strawmen and other bad debating techniques lead me down. And, once it had become clear that Ray was not prepared to engage in debate on a purely rational basis, I should have left him to it.

I hope you can understand that we attempt to draw upon a source that, to some, is illogical and unreasonable.

You must understand how hard it is for me to accept the illogical or unreasonable. Again, this comes down to the question of faith. I would be being slightly misleading if I were to say that I don't have faith. Everybody has faith. If you want to take it to the extreme "Man In The Shack" level, then I have faith that the world around me exists. My "Mad Scientists with electrodes in my brain" example that I am fond of isn't just as silly as it may seen (and neither is my Hubert one). sure, it's a silly example, but the point is that we do not know that it isn't true. All our brains know is what it interprets electrical impulses as (all our input is "second hand", you might say). And we only know that we respond to electrival impulses because some electrical impulses have been recieved that our brains have interpreted as hearing someone tell us, or reading a book which says so, or whatever. So the existence and state of the universe is, in itself, an act of faith.

However, the observational evidence of my 29 years so far has corroborrated this theory and justified this faith. I cannot say the same with any other kind of faith. If anything, any and all observational evidence presented to me by the universe so far has shown there to be no supernatural, no preternatural and no higher being(s), no matter what form they may or may not take. Some people claim that they have feelings of euphoria or bering loved, or something when they pray, or think about their deity, and this is proof for them. I, on the other hand, am well aware of phychological tricks that can be played on the mind, self-hypnosis, the power of suggestion, particularly self-suggestion, and so on and so forth. Sure, I can't prove that it's not God (or whatever) that creates such feelings. However, I can prove that you can experience the same things without God (in as much as you can prove or disprove things of this nature).

A good example of the above, maybe, was shown on TV a couple of weeks back. I'm a big fan of mentallist Derren Brown. He describes himself as a "psychological illusionist", and has performed stunts such as playing Russian Roulette live on TV and, more recently, a televised seance designed to expose the trickery behind this particular form of spiritualism. Anyway, on his weekly show he took a young woman who was wiccan in to the woods. He discussed with her the belief in spells and the belief that objects have invested in them some of the spirit of the person that owns them. He then showed her a doll and took a ring off her finger, placed it into the inside of the doll, and wrapped some string around the doll's legs. The woman found herself unable to move her legs. He asked her why she couldn't move her legs, but she couldn't tell him more than that she just couldn't. He then asked her to count to ten while he wrapped more string around the doll's head. Her voice was muffled by the time she got to 2, and she couldn't even open her mouth to say 4.

He then sat down next to her (she was still standing still at this point) and spoke for a while about how we believe what we believe but that we maybe don't really think about our core beliefs with as much scrutiny as we should do. He told her that she could move and that she could speak, all she had to do was to decide that she could. She still couldn't. So, he got her to look at her hand. In actual fact, he had not even removerd her ring in the first place. When she saw that, the "spell" was broken.

Now that does not disprove wicca, or magic, or even voodoo. But it does show that you can achieve the exact same effects with psychological techniques. The choice is, given this evidence, do you believe that there are two seemingly identical ways of achieveing the exact same effect, one of which has a scientific explaination and one of which has a spiritual one, or do you begin to question the validity of all similar claims of a spiritual nature?

Nature can appear this way as well.

I think that the difference is, though, that when we encounter somethig in nature that seems illogical or unreasonable, we question why it is, and we look for a logical and reasonable explaination of it. The underlying reason for something in nature being the way it is is never accepted as being unreasonable or illogical. We do not always know what that explaination may be, but "having faith" is not enough. The explaination for things with a more spiritual bent, is often illogical and unreasonable. If the underlying explaination for something doesn't stand up to logic or reason, then why should I divest myself of the skills of logic and reason and arbitrarily embrace one of the many possible explainations which are presented, none of which can present more evidence than any of the others. Say I were to believe in a God, why should I believe in the Judeo-Christian God, rather than Allah? Why Zeus, rather than Wodin?

Oh, more on Derren Brown, including the clip I mentioned can be found here.

[Edited to add]I've just re-watched the Voodoo clip, and I got a few of the minor details wrong. nothing significant, though. It's still an astounding peice of television, and in some ways sums up a lot of my feelings towards the more spiritual side of life.

<font color="red">TROLL ALERT!!! [/COLOR]

Your name says it ALL! Still trying to Troll ay! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Definition of a Troll:

A person (worker ant) who delights in sowing discord on the Internet. He (and it is usually he) tries to start arguments by twisting the conversation in a guised way and upsetting people BY ATTEMPTING TO GET THE LAST WORD. Whether their data is valid or not, it is mute...with the continuance of negativity or opposing opinions...

Trolls are utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise). You cannot negotiate with them; you cannot cause them to feel shame or compassion; you cannot reason with them. They cannot be made to feel remorse. For some reason, trolls do not feel they are bound by the rules of courtesy or social responsibility...

Trolls crave attention, and they care not whether it is positive or negative. They see the Internet as a mirror into which they can gaze in narcissistic rapture. It is futile to try to "cure" a troll of his obsession.

They are also immune to Carpal Tunnel! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The sad fact is that trolls do discourage people. Established posters may leave a message board because of the arguments trolls ignite, and lurkers (people who read but do not post) may decide that they do not want to expose themselves to abuse and thus never get involved.

Another problem is that the negative emotions stirred up by trolls leak over into other discussions. Normally affable people can become bitter after reading an angry interchange between a troll and his victims, and this can poison previously friendly interactions between long-time users. In the end, Trolls threaten our continued enjoyment of this beautiful forum for ideas. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

Well I know the only true way to get rid of a Troll is to "ignore" them, but I've decided to post this to further educate others of this malevolent sickness...<font color="blue"> The proof will be in Trollfaces following post. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/COLOR]

I guess we can't have a picnic without ants! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Roel, That's "your" opinion!

.........AND SOLELY "YOUR" OPINION.........

Its not my fault that your comprehension lacks...

Roel, That's "your" opinion!

Well, actually its not. I just made that statement to illustrate how silly your statement was.

Just because you don't agree with the things trollface said, does not mean that he threatens our continued enjoyment of this beautiful forum for ideas. It all depends on what your personal believes are. I don't share your believes, so in my opinion trollface had some really good points!

Its not my fault that your comprehension lacks...

I could just as easily say that your comprehension lacks, but I won't because it's simply not true. You just believe in different things than I do.

Re Roel:

Roel' getting in an argument with CAT, is like standing in-back of a female rhinoceros at the zoo.

At first you get a little inkling that either something's wrong, or something's going to happen.

The next thing you know, is that you're all drenched.

Don't pay her no mind, she's like that!?


Roel, "pragmatic" points of view do not sit well with science...then why are you here?

You know its a proven fact that if you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn white...a snail can also sleep for 3 years...

You'll understand...eventually...

[...]"pragmatic" points of view do not sit well with science...

Science is all about pragmatism.

Consider this. My last few posts have consisted of nothing but factual, (yes) pragmatic points about certain specific topics relevent to the subject at hand. Your last few posts have been consisted of nothing but pointing fingers, name-calling and mocking. Which one of us did you say was exhibiting trollish behaviour?

BTW, "trollface" is a nickname I've had for about 12 years now. Nothing to do with the definition you quoted.

Well if it isn't the voice from the abyss, what a perfect time for you to chime in?

Science is all about pragmatism.

Not in your twisted demoting case... The info that you have supplied, is mouse farts!

Trollee babes, the more you complain, the longer Gd lets you live... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Well if it isn't the voice from the abyss, what a perfect time for you to chime in?

I've been working. I don't schedule my life around conversations on the internet.

Not in your twisted demotional case[...]

Can you explain what you mean? "Demotional" isn't a word.

The info that you have supplied, is mouse farts!

If you have a problem with the accuracy of anything that I've posted, then challenge it by providing facts of your own, and we can discuss them in a rational manner, like adults.

From now on, unless you have something constructive to contribute I will ignore your posts.

From now on, unless you have something constructive to contribute I will ignore your posts.

I WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/loveit.gif what took you so long to figure it out? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif