In Triplicate, Please!

Re: Bleeding Edge

How do you advance knowledge of anything without determaning if what you're saying is true or not? Spreading lies and fictions is detrimental to true knowledge, is it not?

Just a point of interest, the following is a sampling of some individuals captivated by the Kabbalah and/or the premises contained within it...

Sir Francis Bacon, Leonardo da Vinci, Cornelius Heinrich Agrippa, John of the Cross, Jacob Boehme, Rene Descartes, Blaise Pascal, Baruch Spinoza, Isaac Newton, Gottfried Wilhelm Spinoza, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Michael Faraday, Marie Corelli, Claude DeBussey, Erik Satie, Edith Piaf, Thomas Paine, Thales, Pythagoras, Plotinus, Francoiz Rabelais, Theresa of Avila, Raymond Lully, John Reuchlin, John Picus de Mirandola, John Baptist von Helmont, Robert Fludd, Dr. Henry More

Perhaps all the contributions of these people were all based on "no proof", "lies' and "fiction" They all should of gave up and went home.
Re: Bleeding Edge

I forgot to reply to your last post, OvrLrd. But my reply would simply have been that I don't really understand what it is you're trying to ask me.

As for this post, as I've already said, a lot of people believe a lot of things. So what?
Re: Bleeding Edge

His answer is that light is niether a wave nor a particle,
it seems perfectly reasonable to me.

What exactly seems reasonable to you...and to what premise do you attribute this as being reasonable?
Re: Bleeding Edge

What exactly seems reasonable to you[...]

It seems perfectly reasonable that light is neither a wave nor a particle.

[...]and to what premise do you attribute this as being reasonable?

I do not understand your use of the word "premise" in this context.
Re: Bleeding Edge

Variant(s): also pre.miss /'pre-m&s/
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 a : a proposition antecedently supposed or proved as a basis of argument or inference; specifically : either of the first two propositions of a syllogism from which the conclusion is drawn b : something assumed or taken for granted

Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
synonym see PRECEDING
- an·te·ced·ent·ly adverb

Pronunciation: 'pre-m&s also pri-'mIz
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): pre·mised; pre·mis·ing
Date: 1526
1 a : to set forth beforehand as an introduction or a postulate b : to offer as a premise in an argument
3 : to base on certain assumptions

1 : a hypothesis advanced as an essential presupposition, condition, or premise of a train of reasoning
2 : AXIOM 3

Please just answer the question! With all due respect, you know darn well what my question means, if not I posted the definition of premise for you. Figure it out.
Re: Bleeding Edge

I know what the word means. As I said, I do not understand your use of it in this context. Could you kindly re-phrase the question?
Re: Bleeding Edge

If you know what the word means..then why don't you have a go at re-phrasing the question in your own words?
Re: Bleeding Edge

Well, I don't care if you get an answer that satifies you or not. If you do, then re-ask the question in a manner that I will understand (which would have taken precisely the same amount of energy as your last post did).

If you don't, then stop wasting my time with petty game-playing. I am interested in debate, not childish point-scoring.
Re: Bleeding Edge

I am astonished that the Trollface that posted previous replies containing complex information would not understand a simple question as posed. Do you really think " I " am behaving like a child, Trollface? All I have done is ask a question, and a simple one at that!
And as far as keeping some type of score, I don't understand your question...could you re-phrase it please?

To re-phrase my original question....

If you believe that it is reasonable to accept the statement that light is neither a wave nor a particle, then what evidence do you possess that supports your acceptance of it being so?


'Light is neither a wave nor a particle" evidence for stateing it seems reasonable to you below....
Re: Bleeding Edge

All I have done is ask a question, and a simple one at that!

I fail to see why you didn't re-phrase the question, rather than try to get all clever about it. It was a simple request, easily granted and instead you chose to throw around insinuations.

And as far as keeping some type of score, I don't understand your question...could you re-phrase it please?

It wasn't a question. What I meant was that it seemed to me that you took the oppourtunity to have a dig at me, as opposed to simply clarifying yourself.

If you believe that it is reasonable to accept the statement that light is neither a wave nor a particle, then what evidence do you possess that supports your acceptance of it being so?

Thank you.

Not to go too deeply into it, but my belief is because in some situations it appears to exhibit the properties that particles exhibit, and in others it appears to exhibit the properties that waves exhibit. This leads one to the conclusion that it is either both or neither. As it does not exhibit all the properties of one or the other (and certainly not all of both) in all situations, in my estimation it is most likely to be neither one nor the other, but something else which can exhibit the properties of one or the other depending on the situation.
Re: Bleeding Edge

I fail to see why you didn't re-phrase the question, rather than try to get all clever about it. It was a simple request, easily granted and instead you chose to throw around insinuations.

Insinuations? It was a simple question and if indeed you are the same Trollface that posted the other information in these forums, you should have understood it without asking me to re-phrase the question.

I am not keeping score at all, and I am not attempting to take a dig at you either. You made a statement that needed clarification and it was like pulling teeth. I expected more from you then what happened. Instead of just answering the question you were the one that turned it into some kind of game.

As a reminder, I am debating only within a friendly discourse, with no hostile intentions whatsoever and hope you dont take my bluntness as personally directed against the real Trollface!
Re: Bleeding Edge

Not to go too deeply into it, but my belief is because in some situations it appears to exhibit the properties that particles exhibit, and in others it appears to exhibit the properties that waves exhibit. This leads one to the conclusion that it is either both or neither. As it does not exhibit all the properties of one or the other (and certainly not all of both) in all situations, in my estimation it is most likely to be neither one nor the other, but something else which can exhibit the properties of one or the other depending on the situation.

That is because a wave form is made up of particules. Your scope of viewing will determine which form you see or perceive. From a distance, you will see the the beam of light. Upon closer inspection, you will see the waveform ( as with an oscilliscope ), and if you look even closer you will see the particles.

Basic physics.
Re: Bleeding Edge

Insinuations? It was a simple question and if indeed you are the same Trollface that posted the other information in these forums, you should have understood it without asking me to re-phrase the question.

Good Lord.

You don't think I'm the real me? Well, okay.

I am not keeping score at all[...]

I didn't say you were. I even clarified what I meant, as per your request.

You made a statement that needed clarification and it was like pulling teeth.

That's an interesting take on it. I kind of saw it the other way around.

Instead of just answering the question you were the one that turned it into some kind of game.

Um, if you ask for clirification, then you're asking for clarification, but if I ask for clarification then I'm playing a game and I'm not the real me? How do you figure that one?

As a reminder, I am debating only within a friendly discourse, with no hostile intentions whatsoever and hope you dont take my bluntness as personally directed against the real Trollface!

Uh...yeah. I'll tell him if I see him.

Basic physics.

Basic physics that a laser research physicist disagrees with, as do all scientific sources I've encountered. What is your source? This is but one source that agrees with me.
Re: Bleeding Edge

I was just astonished that you didnt understand the question the first time. My mistake for reading you incorrectly.

You don't think I'm the real me? Well, okay.

Hope that broke up the monotony of your day!

Basic physics that a laser research physicist disagrees with, as do all scientific sources I've encountered. What is your source? This is but one source that agrees with me.

I have noticed that there is a debate even among the physicists of what light actually is, and they have admitted it demonstrates a duality between waveform and particle... depending upon what experiment you conduct.

"An age-old debate which has persisted among scientists is related to the question, "Is light a wave or a stream of particles?" Very noteworthy and distinguished physicists have taken up each side of the argument, providing a wealth of evidence for each side. The fact is that light exhibits behaviors which are characteristic of both waves and particles."--The Physics Classroom

It seems a can of worms has indeed been opened! In scanning many sites that define light, there are seperate "camps" as to the exact definition of light. Many are adjusting the definition of light to electromagnetic force. Under varying conditions light demonstrates either property depending on what experiment is being performed.

It will be intersting to see what happens since I have e-mailed many authors of the appropriate articules regarding light/electromagnetism. I have invited them to read through this thread and post any enlightening information they could provide.
Bringing it Home

Are you trying to tell me that you cannot comprehend how someone could find being described as a "freak" as a little less than polite?
For your reference from here on: I am no longer going to respond to your debate tactics (and this is exactly what it is) in which you again turn the direction in the way you wish it to go, rather than address the explanations I am now giving you. The operative word was "control", and being a controls expert I have begun to describe to you how the control loops of your non-physical self are structured. Instead, you choose to focus on the modifier of the operative word, in an attempt to show how "impolite" I am. Refer to several posts much earlier in this thread to see I have told you I don't really give a flying flip if you think I am rude. Those who are constantly bothered by such things are not yet over their ego. That ego is part of your soul, which leads us to:

I don't deny that I have a subconsious.

Oh really? Given that we cannot directly experience our subconscious, I would really like to know upon what evidence and/or "proof" you base this belief? And please don't employ the same tactics you did with OvrLrdLegion. I am asking for your logical proof that tells you that you possess a subconscious.

Your theory here seems to be that if I deny that I have a soul (whch I do, indeed, deny), then my consious mind cannot have any control over my actions - that I cannot kurb my baser instincts.

This is absolutely not what I am talking about. And it is not a "theory", it is a technical fact of nested control loops. An inner loop (in this case your conscious mind) is isolated from the outer loop. That inner loop has a natural range of capabilities (called frequency response). That inner loop can even be "intelligent" in that it can self-modify its frequency response of its own loop. However, until it becomes "aware" of the outer loop that drives it (and that means acknowledging it, by applying feedback to it, and that involves having information about that outer loop's outputs) your inner loop cannot apply control of that outer loop. In technical terms of your case, you are "open loop" at the level of your soul.

Now let's review this technical concept, as I don't want you going down some errant path again, and then saying "I didn't understand".

1) Your conscious mind is an "inner closed loop" that does have control of its outputs.
2) Your conscious mind is stimulated by inputs from an "outer loop" called your soul.
3) In order to be able to control the input stims from the outer to the inner loop, you must close that outer loop with state information (feedback) from that outer loop's outputs (which are not the same as your inner loop outputs).
4) You will not be able to gather state information (feedback) for something that you do not believe is there. Because you do not believe it is there (for lack of evidence) you would not know what to measure to use as feedback.
5) Without feedback, your outer loop cannot ever be closed, and that makes it open loop. The best you can do is apply limits to your inner loop, but this still does not give you any information as to how such limits affect the output of your outer loop.

I do not believe that anything called a "soul" exists. Yet, I can control my behaviour and am not ruled by my subconsious.
Your first error is that you do not understand that the classic description of the human subconscious is but one portion of the soul. Freud only deduced that portion of the soul that manifested as readily accessible states (information) from short-term extant outputs (from the inner loop of conscious mind). There are other states induced by your soul, and they are not directly accessible to your physical senses (which are state information gathers of your inner, conscious loop). Those output states of your soul are very low frequency, long wavelength states. The time constants are from months to years, which is why direct senses cannot glean information about them. Feedback schemes must be synthesized by recognizing what is created in your life (and the people that your soul draws to you) over these long periods. Most important in sythesizing this information are what we know as "coincidences". These are physical resonances occurring at the frequency of the soul. A "coincidence" is nothing of the sort. It is a purposeful output resonance state that was created by your soul. However, since you do not believe in the soul, you do not see them as such.

That you even say this clearly shows that you do not know the "real me" half as well as you may like to think that you do.
You say this, but how can you know? I am aware of an entire level of you that you do not even admit to being real. I respect the fact that you do not believe in that which you cannot experience for yourself. What I am telling you is that I have experienced, directly, this level of our non-physical being. How else would I have come to figure out that our soul creates extremely low frequency resonances, which appear to us as coincidences?

I'd have thought that would have been obvious from the fact that I'm debating some of the claims you have made about yourself. Of course I don't know.
The rest of your statement after this were fluff. More of your attempts to skirt the real issue. All I needed was the yes or no, and I already knew that you did not know. I am now going to tell you, and I am quite sure that this will invoke your normal routine where you will want proof or evidence. But as Godel has told us, not all things can be proven in a closed system of logic. Are you ready?

You are debating with yourself. Specifically, you are debating with your soul. Since you do not acknowledge its existence, and since a soul needs to be acknowledged by its "inner loop" in order to continue to advance along the spiritual path we are all on (again, whether we believe it or not), your soul invoked me as a resonance. It is absolutely no coincidence that I came here before you, and no coincidence that we are having this "debate". My soul has created resonances in the form of the many people I have interacted with here. EVEN CREEDO has taught my soul something that it needed to learn.

If not, my offer remains open - tell me you do not with to debate with me, and I will respect those wishes completely.
But it is quite clear that, by your continued use of tactics to try to harm my ego (which really cannot be done), that this is not what your soul really wants. It is driving you to continue in this, in order that you might work through this. And quite honestly, my soul is doing the same. The difference is that I am collecting and synthesizing the output states of my soul, as I am aware that I called you here.

Hmm, I think this needs a little clarification. How did my soul call you forth, exactly?
I have given you the "big picture" technical details above. There are some books that can explain this in more "flowery" terms, which you have expressed a penchant for. In fact, I have mentioned two of these books in another thread, just recently AAMOF.

Whatever, I like the new, altruistic spin you've given this conversation.
It's nice that you think so. But in reality I am also doing this for totally selfish reasons. That is because all human relations (there are those relationships again!) are two-way. There is a "purpose" on both ends of a human interaction. We cannot help but exchange information with each other. Whether we recognize or use that information, consciously, is another thing altogether. So I am drawing on and applying a good deal of information from this interaction. For the sake of closing the loop of your soul, I would hope you are doing the same.

I'm really not sure that you do, certainly not half as much as you think.
That is because you are only viewing this on the superficial level, and this response infers I am only debating with you. I am debating with myself....with my own soul. You are simply a surrogate that allows me to hold this debate here in our extant world.

I don't know. What is intended? And how come you don't know?
Oh, but I do know what is intended for me. However, since I do not have access to the long-term states that your soul has created over your life, I am not privvy to what the intent is for you. You will have to take stock of the coincidences in your life where you have run up against people like me. What I can guarantee you is this: People like me will continue to cross your path until you "get" the intent, and incorporate it as feedback to temper your soul. You do not have to believe it, but I am telling you this because (whether you believe it or not, and whether you like it or not) you want to know this.

You were talking about the context of it with reference to computers. What is the "given physical state" that has uncertainty reduced in that context?
This is the last question along this line I am going to answer. For you are doing the same thing here that you did with my "off the cuff" comment on human/DNA. I want you to focus on where this statement came from, and that is my point about the relationship between energy and information (which you have, for at least the 5th time, managed to avoid). Here is your answer, and I would appreciate you dealing with the facts and evidence I have given to you:

The computer is only the processor of the physical state information. In the case of any control system, the information of the given physical state comes from observation of that state which is created as an output of the control system. In the case of your soul, there is state information available to you that you are not using to "close the loop" on your soul. But now, I have given you more than sufficient evidence that there is a clear relationship between energy, information, and the ability of information to control entropy (the organized use of energy for a purpose). I would now like you to either acquiesce or refute the statement that has been lingering in this thread for at least 2 months now.

I don't think it's being "stuck in the past" to wish for extraordinary claims to have at least a little bit of evidence to back tham up.
And once again, you are wishing to engage me in a discussion of "proof" for a statement that was never intended to be applied in that manner. If anything, I am guilty of following you down your path that lead away from the point I was making, and trying to "prove" a statement that was only made as an analogical observation that DOES support my case. Namely: The vastness of ourselves with respect to our universe has, indeed, made it difficult for us to identify any easily-discernible evidence for a higher-level creative system context. The self-similar vastness of scale between our DNA and our body could reasonably result in our DNA not being aware of the evidence for ourselves...yet here we are and we are aware of our DNA. Yes, this argument does assume our DNA is aware, but given the inverse relationship of size, it is also reasonable to assume that we may not be able to detect the awareness of our DNA, especially if we are applying our own view of awareness to our DNA. Here we see another point that I have made that has been lingering, without a direct response from you, for months. I will no longer follow you down paths that "run away" from the point I am making. I will keep re-posting my points until you address them (and not the point you want to make)...just like you continued to do with Chronohistorian.

Again, wanting evidence for claims is not "tactics", unless every scientist on the planet uses the same "tactics". You sometimes have a very odd and disparaging choice of words.
Stop the charade. The "tactics" I am talking about are your debate tactics where you try to twist what I am saying to get me in a different discussion so you can "win" the debate. This is totally separate from the scientific pursuit of "evidence". I took debate in high school and college. Just because I am not as "good" at it as you fancy yourself to be does not mean I do not know the tactics used to "win" a debate. Your tactics are open for all to see in the way you tried to steer OvrLrdLegion away from a question that was very obvious. He was better than I in that he did not follow you down your path.

And is he content to accept your claims without any corroborating evidence of any kind?
Debate tactic. That is not my point. It is not about how Sarfatti and I get along, or whether he accepts my claims. In fact, the reason I brought this up is because his equations, which are attempting to explain dark energy based on extending Einstein's GTR, acknowledge that our non-physical components of self are just as important to the "final theory of everything" as is the physical stuff we perceive around us. He supports and uses John Archibald Wheeler's theories on information, its relation to energy, and "IT from BIT" where matter is directly given its marching orders by mind. Mind controls Matter via the self-observing, self-regulating universe (a controls problem). Since you do not appear to accept these parts of his work (and my own investigations into Qabalah's application to this), I would find it interesting for you to try your debate tactics on him. If you think I am entertaining, there would be great entertainment for all to see you speak to him like you speak to me.

It is, at the very least, patronising to claim to know what I will believe in the future.
First of all, I did not say "believe" I said "understand". You can understand something but still not acquiesce to belief in it (just as you understand the dual nature of light, but do not believe it). Secondly, it is in no way patronizing if I am aware of something that you are not aware. I do know something that you do not, and that is because I have had experiences that you have not. I have correlated these experiences with the coincidences of my life, my study of Qabalah, and the goals I set for my life long ago. I have a complete picture, and you are not yet there. That is not patronizing, it is simply a fact of which you are not yet aware. The very fact that you cannot accept this, and find it patronizing, is another sign of your ego that cannot let go. When (if) you shed the burden of your ego, you will no longer see it as patronizing.

And, are you really saying that if a large number of people believe something, then that something must be true, in one form or another?
Debate tactic. That is not what I said, and you know this is not what I said because of the example I gave. My point was related to "critical mass" of people required to create some future event, not whether something was true or not. This all dovetails in with my continued discussion of the functional aspects of God, namely the ability to create.

Sure, there were most likely issues of funding which couldn't have been achieved without public support, but public support wasn't necessary for the completion of the project.
It is not the public support I was referring to. It was simply knowing that it was possible. The people tasked with the technical challenge were the ones who internalized the belief that this end state could be created. Without this, it would not have been created. Again: The athletic high jumper analogy is appropriate. If s/he does not think they can do it, the probability they will do it is very low.

Over here in England, pretty much the entire country was against the building of the Millenium Dome. And yet, there it is. The vast majority of the country were against us being involved in the invasion of Iraq. And yet there we are.
Irrelevant to the point. Neither of these things were under debate as to whether they could be done. Any person of average intelligence knows (stronger than just belief) that these could be done. Such things do not require a "critical mass" in order to manifest. Such things manifest quite easily. However, there were a large number of people who did not think it was possible to send man to the moon and return safely. In fact, there are still people to this day who do not even believe we have done it, and that it was all a hoax. Critical mass of belief is, indeed, required in order for mankind to make the major leaps in our evolution of our creative powers before they will come to pass. France's failure at the first attempt at a Panama Canal is a perfect example. Not only did the people doing the job not have the faith that they could pull it off, but neither did the people of France. So they failed. Americans came in and "did the impossible". This is a character of our country that is borne of our way of life....which it seems many people in the world do not understand these days.

No, I think that, on the whole, things happen, and they don't care if you believe in them or not.
Not the difficult things. Not those things that people insist on "proof" that it can be done before they believe it can be done. Faith in one's ability to do something that no one has ever done is a critical ingredient in manifesting that effect. Take Mars. I can guarantee you that America will be the first to place a man on Mars. I know this because I work with a great many people who share my belief that it can, and will, be done.

So why, rather than saying this at the time, did you start talking about Phi and the Fibonaci sequence?
Because I got wrapped-up in your debate tactic that took us off this path. This is one thing that my soul is learning from this interaction... to stay on topic, stay on my purpose, and not allow people to sidetrack me from that primary purpose.

I was merely trying to show how the example you offered didn't seem to me to strengthen the point I thought you were trying to make.
Oh but it did. You merely tried to alter the point I was making. See above. It is quite reasonable given our scale of observable horizons within our universe.

So, once and for all, is Phi relevent to the scale of DNA relative to humans, and if not, then why on Earth did you bring it up as if it was not only relevent but highly significant in that discussion?
I don't know because, as I stated, I have not done the studies to determine their precise relative scales. The point is observational horizons, and the size of them not being conducive to observe effects of an external creative entity.

why not try assuming that they've genuinely misunderstood your intention, rather than that they're deliberately trying to be a smart-arse?
Because I know your level of intelligence is high enough to understand what I am saying, and that you are simply choosing to "test the waters" to see if you can swing the discussion. As I said, this is patently obvious in how you chastised OvrLrdLegion for not restating his question for you. It was quite simple what he was asking for, and you don't need a college degree to understand what he was asking for. You were simply looking for wiggle room, and he gave you none.

I can re-post the dissection of your maths, if you like.
Debtat tactic. Those maths are not the maths of my profession, which are time and frequency domain response of physical control systems. So I will just cut and paste my statement again (the whole statement, not the part you took out of context to attempt your trick) as it is still valid:

The minutia of my job involves time and frequency domain maths for closed-loop control systems, as well as systemic relationships between system and subsystem. I've yet to see how you have shown me lacking in these areas.

Furthermore, I would much rather see you address the points that I have made, that you have continued to ignore for lo these many months. It is only fair, since these points I made preceded the departure away from my conjecture (which again, was never claimed as "proof", and you even admitted to this).

Indeed, it's another statement I wouldn't have bothered making, but for the beer. The basic point is that I believe that the best reason for the invention of the LPF is that of resonance and harmonics. An entirely irrelevent aside.
Debate tactic. I am going to nip this one in the bud right here at the start. I don't care if you were drunk, you made the statement, and I posed some direct questions to you that are highly related to this statement. Now you wish to ignore it, and I would infer you are doing this because you do not wish to engage in this conversation, perhaps because you might be shown lacking in these areas. This has shades of the "I can't read PDF files" argument, whose subject you still have not addressed. So while you are busy addressing my old points that I would like addressed, you can also provide some answers to the questions I posed to you on resonance and harmonics. Seeing as how long this response is, I will even go to the extra trouble to repost those questions....for your convenience:

Clearly, the harmonics and resonance of sonic energy are two major factors in humans finding beauty in a variety of musical expressions. Now... if you are amenable to the fact that fractal self-similarity does appear all over nature, and that wavelet transforms are based upon fractal self-similarity in the frequency domain... do you think it may be possible that self-similar applications of harmonics and resonance in the luminal energy ranges could reveal to mankind a whole new form of beauty and appreciation? And also in a self-similar vein, we have seen that harmonics and resonance of sonic energy have wide applications for scientific devices (the sonogram used for monitoring fetal development being just one). Do you see the possibility for advances in luminal harmonics and resonances that could drastically change how we interact with our universe?

Thank you, and good night. Please tip your waitresses...they work hard for you.
Re: Bringing it Home

For your reference from here on: I am no longer going to respond to your debate tactics (and this is exactly what it is) in which you again turn the direction in the way you wish it to go, rather than address the explanations I am now giving you.

So you will at no point admit that calling me a freak was less than polite? Remember how I said you had difficulty facing up to things, and standing up to what you've said? What's your "soul" trying to tell you?

Given that we cannot directly experience our subconscious, I would really like to know upon what evidence and/or "proof" you base this belief?

I've seen plenty of evidence which suggests a subconsious, from hypnotism to subliminal messages, from the consious mind being made aware of minute stimuli to the subconsious producing minute signals which manifest in a macroscopic way (a ouija board being the most famous). I have seen these things in all manner of situations, both in person and through other media.

And, of course, there's the little matter of the fact that we don't consiously control our hearts beating, our breathing rates and al the other little "automatic" systems of the body. Of course, some of them we can control consiously, if we choose to, but not all of them, and not all of the time.

And please don't employ the same tactics you did with OvrLrdLegion.

You know, after this post I think that I'm not going to bother responding to anything which mentions "tactics" at all. I'm sick and tired of the insinuations of game playing, and I'm sick and tired of bothering to try to correct you. If you want me to respond, pretend you're talking to your Russian friend, and treat me with respect.

2) Your conscious mind is stimulated by inputs from an "outer loop" called your soul.

The existence of the soul is not proven. Therefore, the second point that you have made puts what you are saying into the realm of "theory". This is not "a technical fact of nested control loops." Again, you claim I am attacking the science when I am attacking the data you are applying the science to.

Those output states of your soul are very low frequency, long wavelength states.

So, would you say that this claim was in any way simialr to biorhythms?

Most important in sythesizing this information are what we know as "coincidences".

I have addressed comments to you before about what I think with regards to coincidences and confirmation bias which you have studiously ignored (in fact, in the very post I'm responding to, you ignored the concept yet again). Because I can't be bothered to explain it again, here's the skepdic entry: and here's a related article about coincidences: I agree with both articles.

I am aware of an entire level of you that you do not even admit to being real.

This is your belief, not mine. I know what I know you know about me, because I believe that I know me rather well.

How else would I have come to figure out that our soul creates extremely low frequency resonances, which appear to us as coincidences?

I believe that you believe that you have experienced what you think you have. If that helps.

You are debating with yourself.

The only debate I am having with myself is whether I can be bothered with this any more. Overall there's some interesting ideas floating around this thread, but I'm really not sure that it's worth the abuse and effort that talking to you incurrs.

It is driving you to continue in this, in order that you might work through this.

If it is, then it's very nearly lost the battle.

You will have to take stock of the coincidences in your life where you have run up against people like me.

But everybody that I meet "like you", be that in real life or on the internet believes something completely diferent. The only common trait I can think of is a certain laxness when it comes to demanding proof. A certain lack of deep critical thinking applied to their beliefs. Often a certain lack of consistancy with regards to the minutae as a result, too.

And what about the coincidences where I have run up against people who are entirely unlike you. Who are more scrupulous than I am in terms of evidence and proof?

This is the last question along this line I am going to answer. For you are doing the same thing here that you did with my "off the cuff" comment on human/DNA. I want you to focus on where this statement came from[...]

The statement came from you saying that you were talking about computers.

I would now like you to either acquiesce or refute the statement that has been lingering in this thread for at least 2 months now.

I've already said that I don't think that you have given anything like sufficient evidence. I don't know what else you're expecting me to say.

And once again, you are wishing to engage me in a discussion of "proof" for a statement that was never intended to be applied in that manner.

I didn't ask you for proof of anything. You accused me of being stuck in the past because I demanded evidence for claims. I refuted that statement.

How you interpreted that as a demand for proof I have no idea. Proof of what?

Here we see another point that I have made that has been lingering, without a direct response from you, for months.

I gave you my response when you brought it up. No, I do not believe that, even assuming you're right about DNA and awareness, that it is reasonable to extrapolate from that that there must therefore be a higher system.

Stop the charade. The "tactics" I am talking about are your debate tactics where you try to twist what I am saying to get me in a different discussion so you can "win" the debate. This is totally separate from the scientific pursuit of "evidence". I took debate in high school and college. Just because I am not as "good" at it as you fancy yourself to be does not mean I do not know the tactics used to "win" a debate. Your tactics are open for all to see in the way you tried to steer OvrLrdLegion away from a question that was very obvious. He was better than I in that he did not follow you down your path.

Hmmm. You've told me that your abrasiveness comes from your regional oral tradition. Were the censorship rules on this board with regards to language not so strict, you'd get a sampling of good old British colloquialisms for posting crap like this.

Remember, post stuff like that again, and I simply will not address you from now on.

It is not about how Sarfatti and I get along, or whether he accepts my claims.

I'd be guessing that that would mean that either you're too scared to bring it up with him, or that he, too, thinks your claims are nonsense.

I mean, surely the point is that if you think it'd be fun him tearing me a new one if I disagreed with him (which I can't say that I would - I've not read his work), then it's only fair to picture what a debate between the two of you would look like too, no? As I'm the more civil of the two of us, and you seem to believe that he'd find me rude, then surely the greater fun would be in watching you address him as you have addresed me?

[...]just as you understand the dual nature of light, but do not believe it[...]

Actually, I said that I believe in the dual nature of light, but I cannot completely understand it. Nice to see you paying attention, though.

Secondly, it is in no way patronizing if I am aware of something that you are not aware.

I think you can let me decide what I do or do not find patronising, thank you very much. You've told me who I am, you've told me what I think and now you're telling me how I feel? No, I can't imagine how anyone would find that remotely patronising.

It is not the public support I was referring to.

So, when you said "However, without a 'critical mass' of people adopting the belief, and internalizing it within themselves and within a subculture of the American psyche, it never would have come to pass." the "subculture" you were referring to was just the scientists directly involved with the project, and nobody else?

I would dispute even this. I've been involved in projects where people never believed for a second that the desired result could be achieved. And yet it still was. I think belief can help with motivation, and I also believe that it can help with clear thinking and application of knowledge and skills. But that's all.

Because I got wrapped-up in your debate tactic that took us off this path.

That doesn't explain why you snootily brought up something which was completely irrelevent - both to the point that you were making and to my "distraction".

I don't know because, as I stated, I have not done the studies to determine their precise relative scales.

That doesn't answer the question. Why did you bring up Phi, when it's not relevent at all?

How can I debate with you at all, if you cannot keep what you believe or what you believe to be relevent consistent from one moment to the next?

Because I know your level of intelligence is high enough to understand what I am saying, and that you are simply choosing to "test the waters" to see if you can swing the discussion. As I said, this is patently obvious in how you chastised OvrLrdLegion for not restating his question for you. It was quite simple what he was asking for, and you don't need a college degree to understand what he was asking for. You were simply looking for wiggle room, and he gave you none.

Again, you want to remember that I'm not going to answer your posts if they have stuff like this in from now on. But, for the record, are you really saying that you think I'm incapable of misunderstanding anything? That I'm incapable of having my thoughts impared by factors such as exhaustion? That I'm not even capable of those brainless "brain-fart" moments that we all have from time to time?

I suppose I'm somewhat flattered in a bizzare, back-handed sort of way. But, trust me, I can be as much of a dunce as the next guy.

Again, why do you always assume malice or childish behaviour? What does that say about your soul?

Those maths are not the maths of my profession[...]

Really? Then who was it who made this statement?

And then, when you see self-similarity of Phi/GMS throughout nature, you might begin to wonder if it is all by design. As a guy who does design for a living, I gotta tell you that I admire the efficiency of our designer(s). It has set an amazing design standard for systems engineers like myself. Did I tell you I am using fractals/chaos and the GMS in some of my AI system designs for new NASA space exploration projects? Creating systems with the very blueprints of our mutual Creator.

Phi, fractals and chaos have nothing to do with your profession, and yet you claim some measure of authority of them because you use them in you profession? Odd. And contradictory.

Well, to (mainly) quote someone I think you know:

You are simply a rank amateur in both understanding AND applying the mathematical concepts of fractals, chaos, and Phi. Admit it [Rainman]. And yes, now you HAVE done something stupid. For you should know that you are ignorant about these topics (I have been telling you to educate yourself on them), and in your ignorance you decide to try to make yourself look intelligent in these fields by arbitrarily throwing out some computations. That is an act of stupidity: Thinking you are smart enough in an area to believe you can say things and sound like you know what you are talking about. Sorry, it backfired.

Now that I've reminded you of your claim that you do, in fact, use Phi, fractals and chaos theory in your profession, will you address where your maths in these areas has been shown to be lacking? Or will you claim that it's still irrelevent?

I don't care if you were drunk, you made the statement, and I posed some direct questions to you that are highly related to this statement.

Actually, I was merely trying to stay on-topic, rather than go down yet another side-road. I thought it better to clear up what we were already discussing, before adding yet another thread to this conversation. But, if you insist...

[...]do you think it may be possible that self-similar applications of harmonics and resonance in the luminal energy ranges could reveal to mankind a whole new form of beauty and appreciation?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that. However, no, I don't think that we could percieve much in the way of harmonics or resonances with regards to lightwaves, for the simple fact that they are related to each other via simple whole-number ratios. The frequency range of visible light is 348Hz to 769Hz. So, if there are harmonics and resonances, we, as humans, wouldn't be able to percieve them.

Do you see the possibility for advances in luminal harmonics and resonances that could drastically change how we interact with our universe?

Well, I'm not going to write off the possibility out of hand, but let's say that I've never encountered anything remotely authoratative addressing the subject.
Re: Bringing it Home

2) Your first error (...) A "coincidence" is nothing of the sort. It is a purposeful output resonance state that was created by your soul. However, since you do not believe in the soul, you do not see them as such.

A conincedence is a coincedence. If it's a "purposeful output resonance state that's created by your soul" it looses the very essence of a coincedence. This implies that you believe in destiny as well. Again I agree with trollface (sorry). I don't believe in the soul as you describe it either. To me "the soul" is just a flowery description of a collection of processes that take place in the human brain. Nothing more, nothing less.

I am aware of an entire level of you that you do not even admit to being real. I respect the fact that you do not believe in that which you cannot experience for yourself. What I am telling you is that I have experienced, directly, this level of our non-physical being. How else would I have come to figure out that our soul creates extremely low frequency resonances, which appear to us as coincidences?

From my point of view (and I guess that of trollface's as well) it's like listening to someone telling me he has just encountered an alien. Although it might be true, since this person does not provide any evidence I have to rely on his experience.

But it is quite clear that, by your continued use of tactics to try to harm my ego (which really cannot be done), that this is not what your soul really wants.

Ray, you keep on rambling about trollface's debating tactics, but I must say you have a somewhat nasty debating habit yourself. It seems as if you decided for yourself that the things you believe in are the absolute truth. I guess everyone does this in a way, but you often seem to try and force your believes upon us. When you say things like: You do not have to believe it, but I am telling you this because (whether you believe it or not, and whether you like it or not) you want to know this. you leave no room for debate! You do this very often and if you're talking about "debating tactics" I can tell you that this is a very bad one /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

No offence intended.

On my way to the fridge to get another beer...

Re: Bringing it Home

So you will at no point admit that calling me a freak was less than polite?
Not as long as you continue to chage the words I state in an attempt to make them try to say something else....something you want them to say.

What's your "soul" trying to tell you?
Why would you care? You, admittedly, do not believe in your soul, which would be taken to me you would not believe in mine.

And, of course, there's the little matter of the fact that we don't consiously control our hearts beating, our breathing rates and al the other little "automatic" systems of the body.
This is not the soul, and not the subconscious. This is part of the autonomic nervous system, which is centered in the brain stem.

You know, after this post I think that I'm not going to bother responding to anything which mentions "tactics" at all. I'm sick and tired of the insinuations of game playing, and I'm sick and tired of bothering to try to correct you.
And I am sick and tired of you constantly re-stating my points with your own words. This is why I point out your tactics. If you note in the last post, I have begun labeling each of these starting with "debate tactic". The point is to clearly show that you do NOT use the same words that I use in my initial points. If this is not a tactic to make someone's point look like something different from what they have said, then I do not know why you do it? And if you say "to clarify your point", then all you need is my denial that this is what I said, and you should drop it. But you never do. Instead you keep trying to twist my words from what I originally said. Why not just stop trying to twist my words, and I will stop pointing out your tactics? Hmmmm?

The existence of the soul is not proven.
It is for myself, and many others who have been able to connect their "ultra low frequency" events of this life to past incarnations.

This is not "a technical fact of nested control loops."
Yes it is, once you come to the realization that your mind is a control system, and your conscious mind does have an outer loop.

So, would you say that this claim was in any way simialr to biorhythms?
No. Biorhythms have shorter cyclic times, on the order of days, weeks, or a month. The minimum cycles of the soul are on the order of quarter-years and years. For example, there were many things my soul was calling for when I was around 10 years old that later manifested as my degree in aerospace engineering and my work in commercial airplane flight controls. The soul controls long term trends in your life.

I have addressed comments to you before about what I think with regards to coincidences and confirmation bias which you have studiously ignored
I ignore them because they are irrelevant when you learn to use coincidences as feedback to the creations of your conscious mind and soul. Meditation and prayer are a form of focusing energy of creation. Coincidences are created by this focusing of energy. I've done it, and other people with much more poweful soul projection capability can do it even more regularly.

The only debate I am having with myself is whether I can be bothered with this any more. Overall there's some interesting ideas floating around this thread, but I'm really not sure that it's worth the abuse and effort that talking to you incurrs.
So why don't you quite if you feel so abused? I don't like the way you abuse the words I use in my statements to try to twist the meaning of what I say. So we both annoy each other.... that is hardly news.

The statement came from you saying that you were talking about computers.
Keep going further back in the thread. That statement was more evidence to you of how information is used in a computerized control system to control how energy is deployed. Stick to the topic of the relationship between information and energy.

I've already said that I don't think that you have given anything like sufficient evidence.
You see, this is where you are flat-out wrong. The paper I referred to (which you still will not address) had a lot of math in it to prove the conclusion quote that I did post. But even if that is not enough evidence, I referred to the only other evidence that you need to know what the scientific world has accomplished is true. How do you think a control system is able to counter the natural tendency for entropy to increase in a system? I'll tell you: by using information, in the form of feedback. I'm sorry Master Debater, but this is simply an area where your tactics of saying "this is no real evidence" just does not work. Most of the high technology developed in the 20th century centered around perfecting the science of closed-loop control systems. In essence, all such systems utilize information, in the form of feedback, to counter the system's natural tendency to increased entropy. No amount of arguing or saying "that is not evidence" will suffice. Control systems all around the world are using information to control energy every day. So even though it appears you ego does not wish to acquiesce, I will simply make it clear to you: There is a pivotal relationship between information and energy. Your refusal to accept it is simply stubborn denial.

I didn't ask you for proof of anything. ... How you interpreted that as a demand for proof I have no idea.
You are awfully selective in how you review what happened in this discussion, aren't you? Here are your quotes that came right after I offered this simple observation about sized of observational scales:

You freely admit that you don't actually know the sizes (and it's even impossible to) and therefore this is not based on any kind of factual grounding
Unless it were exactly the same, it wouldn't prove anything.
Once again I must state that what you were doing was a debating tactic. These quotes of yours AFTER I admitted my statement was not intended to be "factual evidence" but simply an observation show that you were pushing for some sort of proof. As a troll would, you baited me into the futher discussion. Yes, I freely went, because I was not yet "good enough" at seeing how you turned conversations down roads you wanted them to go. As I said, I will continue to point out these tactics from now on, and I will not follow you down those roads.

No, I do not believe that, even assuming you're right about DNA and awareness, that it is reasonable to extrapolate from that that there must therefore be a higher system.
Well, it certainly is reasonable to anyone who understands that systems embed within other systems. And it is certainly more reasonable than assuming our universe just "ends" and there is no external system that interacts with it. The reason this belief is unreasonable is that all the evidence we see of systems embedding within our universe tells us that it is reasonable to assume that our universe is also a system embedded within another system. So you see, I find your form of reason awfully strange in that it completely ignores how all things in our universe are structured. I think it is much more reasonable to apply what we see around us in our universe as also applying to what is outside our universe. Now YOU have to give me evidence for why it is reasonable to assume something else is going on outside out universe.

you'd get a sampling of good old British colloquialisms for posting crap like this
Go right ahead. Again I must tell you that I am only pointing out how you twist my words. Stop twisting my words, and I will have no reason to point out your tactics. And I have already told you that, since my ego does not control me, that you can hurl all the personal insults you wish...they mean nothing. I only take exception at your trying to show my professional capabilities wanting, as this impacts others beyond me who rely on my work (employers, airlines, and aircraft passengers).

Remember, post stuff like that again, and I simply will not address you from now on.
And yet it seems like you do still intend to twist my words. As long as you do, I will point them out as the tactics they are. Plain and simple. You stop doing this, and I will have no reason to point it out.

Actually, I said that I believe in the dual nature of light
Now you are twisting your own words for revisionist purposes!? Here is precisely what you said:

His answer is that light is niether a wave nor a particle, but it is something that can exhibit the properties of one or the other, depending on the situation. I would never pretend that that's an exhaustive answer, but it seems perfectly reasonable to me.
Here you are saying you believe your father's statement that it is neither wave nor particle. Yet now you say you do believe in the dual nature of light? That sounds contradictory to me. Which version do you believe?

How can I debate with you at all
I've addressed this before. I won't again.

Phi, fractals and chaos have nothing to do with your profession, and yet you claim some measure of authority of them because you use them in you profession? Odd. And contradictory.
Allow me to be a bit more specific about this and the "comments" (and that is all they are) that your anonymous mathematician (where is the proof of him/her?) made:

1) They did not address, in any way, fractals and chaos.
2) They are in no way related to how I have successfully applied the knowledge of fractals, chaos, and Phi scaling in adaptive control systems.
3) They in no way debunk, discredit, deny, or otherwise change the fact that these maths have been successfully deployed in adaptive systems.
4) Mathematical analysis is often capable of saying something is not possible, only to be followed by scientists and engineers showing it is possible. The one example I can think of offhand is exceeding the speed of sound. There were maths prior to Mach who claimed it could never be done. Yet it was done. As an aside, I believe the same is true of the speed of light, as it is a fractally self-similar boundary to the speed of sound.
5) You, and your friend, have absolutely no knowledge of how I have applied these maths successfully in ontological systems, nor how others have done so.

will you address where your maths in these areas has been shown to be lacking? Or will you claim that it's still irrelevent?
Yes, it is irrelevant. See above. Neither you, nor your friend, have shown me lacking at chaos nor fractals, and you have only made some general statements about my general statements on Phi scaling. There is an ontological editor known as Protege. Some, like myself, have had great success in using Fibo/Phi, as well as fractal computational structures, as base schemas in a Protege knowledge acquisition system. You might be quite surprised in how these forms can aid in AI-based reasoning and discovery.

Re: Bringing it Home

Having done a little bit of poking around, I have found this:

It's certainly interesting.

Yeah, it is interesting. But along the lines of what I was talking about in my questions to you, I was thinking something like THIS , or for more information on Ron Mallett, see this page.

The reason I find his work with light interesting is that it is trying to extend the concept of the ring laser gyro from a simple sensing device to a full-up control device. The RLG uses triangular patterns of mirrors and counter rotating beams of light to form interferometric patterns that provide direct measurement of rotational rates. Since they deliver rate-based information, they are temporal sensors. In my opinion, Dr. Mallett is on the right track to finding ways to create closed timelike loops with enveloping fields of light.

Interstingly enough, there are many of us "spiritual wackos" who have connected the specifics of what he is doing with ancient mystical knowledge of the Merkaba. We think that a tetrahedral structure could provide the proper shape to create such an energetic light field.
