In Triplicate, Please!


You'll understand...eventually...

That's just another patronizing remark to make up for your lack of proof. You can't proof that god exists, so you just claim you're right and say that "I'll eventually find out". Now you can tell me that as much as you like, but that won't change my mind about anything.

Why don't you at least consider the possibility that god doesn't exist? Again, there is no proof of his existence and you can live a life just as happy without believing in god. :-)

Bleeding Edge

You'll understand...eventually...
This may help in understanding...

"Frontier science is supporting this different way of looking at ourselves and the world. Most of us live with the materialistic, scientific world view that sees matter as primary, the basis of all being, and any mind-like components of the world as secondary to matter, simply emerging from the complexity of the brain with its 100 billion neurons. This world view informs almost all radio and TV programmes, magazine and newspaper articles, and educational materials. But it is strongly challenged by findings in modern physics. "

Re: Bleeding Edge

Hello, welcome back. Are you just here to post that article, or do you have time to explain your "who I really am" slur?

As to that article, you'll note that Mr. Hodgekinson authoritatively tells us what these scientists research has shown, what they say about it, and the conclusions that they are drawing, all without referencing them by name, or referencing their research. He does reference the Brahma Kumaris cult, though.

It might also be worth noting that the article is written by the same Neville Hodgekinson who denies that there is, or ever has been an AIDS or HIV epidemic in Africa.
Re: Bleeding Edge

or do you have time to explain your "who I really am" slur?
Negative. And just because you choose to interpret it as a slur does not make my description derisive. That you possess both both a soul and a spirit is axiomatic, just as is your conscious mind. Further, I am under no forced obligation to try to convince you of your soul and spirit. That is a job one can only do for themselves. If you demand "proof", I tell you it is already there within you.

Re: Bleeding Edge


That's a shame. You know, the least I would have expected of someone as highly respected around here as you are is that you'd have the guts to stand by something you've said. As it is, what I've seen of your behaviour so far is that you run away, contradict yourself, change the subject, get aggressive and ignore things when challenged too much, rather than discuss or defend your ideas and statements.

I assume that you have acted in ways which have earned you the respect of the regulars at this forum, but I can only assume that you've decided not to do so since I've been here.

And just because you choose to interpret it as a slur does not make my description derisive.

No, the fact that it was derisive does. Unless you can tell me the non-derisive meaning of "control freak".

That you possess both both a soul and a spirit is axiomatic, just as is your conscious mind.

That is a mater of opinion. It is, also, not all of what you said.

Further, I am under no forced obligation to try to convince you of your soul and spirit.

That's correct. You are under no obligation to explain the rest of what you said, either. It's simply that that would be the mature, polite and non-cowardly thing to do.

To reiterate, in case you've forgotten, you said:

Answer the question I posed, rather than changing the course of the ship. Here, again, is more evidence of your tactics of trying to make the conversation go where you want it to go. As a controls engineer, I can easily spot a control freak...and you've got all the markings.

I'll be pointing out this tactic of yours whenever I see it, and holding you true to the exact words you post, from now on. Whine all you want, but you are doing more to expose who you really are than I am.

Then, when challenged, you said:

That is not the "who" I was referring to. You are referring to your extant, conscious self. I am referring to the "who" that is quite a bit deeper. But then again, you might not even recognize that entity exists. For if you don't believe in God, then you probably don't believe in the concept of the non-physical spirit, or soul, would you?

Which, first off, makes no sense, as you claim that you can see the "real me" that you cannot see from a person's "extant self" through the actions of my "extant self". And, secondly, doesn't even come close to addressing calling me a control freak. Which are you claiming is the control freak, the soul or the extant self? How is the one exposing the other? As what?

No, Rainman, I don't believe you for a second. I think you were caught out in a way that you didn't expect, and were scrabbling to make up ground. And the reason that you won't defend your words is because the second is plainly and obviously a made-up excuse with nothing to do with your first statement and you cannot defend or rationalise it.

Still, how you choose to conduct yourself is up to you.

Maybe you'll be a bit more willing to defend specific "scientific" claims you've made. Care to have a go at the post where a friend of mine has a look at your claimed mathematical knowledge and shows it to be full of holes? If you're not concerned about your integrity as a debater and poster, perhaps you may be concerned about the believeability of your claims. As it is, I find it extremely hard to believe that someone who could make the mistakes in the maths that you have would be employed to do that self-same maths in a situation where people's lives may depend on it.
Re: Bleeding Edge

I assume that you have acted in ways which have earned you the respect of the regulars at this forum, but I can only assume that you've decided not to do so since I've been here.

I think that, although I do not always agree with him, Ray has become a valued member of this board. I've read many of his posts with great interest. This is the first thread where I think he's perhaps a bit too convinced of his own right. All in all I'm glad to have him amongst us and of course the same goes for you.

Re: Bleeding Edge

Assume = Ass+U+Me. That is all that assuming gets you.

Still, how you choose to conduct yourself is up to you.
And you are free to continue to bait, troll, insinuate, cast aspersions, and twist words to suit your own agenda. And what is sad is that you do not understand that all of these things you do are driven by your soul and spirit. Ignorance in its worst form....denial.

As it is, I find it extremely hard to believe that someone who could make the mistakes in the maths that you have would be employed to do that self-same maths in a situation where people's lives may depend on it.
Judge not, lest ye be judged. And yet, despite your disbeliefs, if you have ever flown on a large, commercial aircraft designed in America, then you have likely been served, in an extremely safe manner, by my maths and engineering designs. While you choose to try to bring people down in a world of "logic" and debate, I put my knowledge into practical service. Not only have my products sustained human lives during flight, I know for a fact they have actually saved lives in more than one extreme scenario. So cast all the aspersions you wish, it does not change who I am nor what I have done in my profession.

And in that same light, you can cast all the aspersions you wish about the GMS, but these do not change the facts of their existing applications in complex system developments. What I am permitted to say is this: There are autonomous systems, currently deployed in secure (confidental) applications, that employ genetic learning algorithms based on several of the maths that I have discussed. There are things existing in the "black world" that you would argue to your last breath are "ridiculous" or "wrong" because there is no confirmation in the public domain. Another sad exposition of ignorance: limiting your beliefs to only what you can prove to your limited mind. Great thinkers like Heaviside, Maxwell, Einstein, Mach... they all were willing to transcend what "logic" of their day told them. Thank God there have been and are such thinkers.

Happy trolling,
Re: Bleeding Edge

Don't get me wrong, Roel, I believe that this site is better with Rainman on it than without. I've just not seen much in any of the discussions that I've had with him that indicates to me that he is very good at debating. I've been here about two months, and in that period of time, he's backed out of 5 conversations with me that got too heavy for him, and banned himself from the board forever for a total of a week. That does not speak of somone who has the courage of his convictions.

Assume = Ass+U+Me. That is all that assuming gets you.

It's one of two possible assumptions that are reasonable to make under the circumstances. It's either that you are good at debating, but you've simply not given any indication of this in the last two months - or that you're actually bad at debating, and that the respect you have is something that you've not earned. I assumed the first. Should I have assumed the second?

And you are free to continue to bait, troll, insinuate, cast aspersions, and twist words to suit your own agenda. And what is sad is that you do not understand that all of these things you do are driven by your soul and spirit. Ignorance in its worst form....denial.

Well, I assume (yes, that again) that that's the best explaination that I'm going to get with regards to what you're claiming that you've said to me. You're absolutely right about my denial, though. I don't take things on faith, and I will not believe in something that has no evidence. Once more, I'm failing to see why this is supposedly a bad trait of mine.

While you choose to try to bring people down in a world of "logic" and debate, I put my knowledge into practical service.

You have absolutely no idea what I do for a living, nor how I apply my skills in the outside world.

So cast all the aspersions you wish, it does not change who I am nor what I have done in my profession.

My point is that I have nothing but your word for this. I usually tend to believe things that people tell me with regards to personal details of this nature over the internet, but the maths that you have shown in this thread uses incorrect terminology, correlates unrelated things, and is just flat-out wrong. And, when challenged on it, you ignore the challenge. From the evidence that I have seen, I find it hard to believe that you can apply in a professional capacity what you clearly cannot apply in a casual one.
Re: Bleeding Edge

I've been here about two months, and in that period of time, he's backed out of 5 conversations with me that got too heavy for him, and banned himself from the board forever for a total of a week.
Did you ever consider that your answers to my "slur" referring to your soul and spirit may come in your very own responses to me? If you haven't considered this, I think you should. Because that is the only way you will ever understand these deeper parts of yourself (which DO exist whether you believe in them or not). The very fact that you have "kept score" about our "debates" tells quite a bit about your deeper self... and its motivations and plans for your conscious self. Look within. You will find a lot...some of which you may not like.

It's either that you are good at debating, but you've simply not given any indication of this in the last two months - or that you're actually bad at debating, and that the respect you have is something that you've not earned.
And here we see more of your soul and spirit exposed. You seem to elevate "debating" to the highest form of "magick". When in reality it is just a fallout of man's development of less-than-complete language sets. What makes you think that I even want to debate? Perhaps I am only here to share thoughts with people who want to advance certain areas of knowledge that have lain dormant because of naysayers? You obviously think that "it is all about debate", and once again I point out how much this says about the parts of you that you deny. So now I infer that you think "debate" is the ONLY way that one is to ever gain respect? Is that what I hear you saying? If so, I feel sorry for you and your narrow views. You should realize that sometimes people gain respect for what they freely share with others... such as ideas which can spawn new thoughts in people who never considered certain relationships in our universe.

Well, I assume (yes, that again) that that's the best explaination that I'm going to get with regards to what you're claiming that you've said to me.
And again your assumption is wrong. I tell you this again: The BEST explanation you are ever going to get about my reference to your soul and spirit is from within yourself. Such is a fact that has been repeated tirelessly by spiritual masters of our past. Ever study Buddhism? The master is only a cataylst for the student to discover what is already within them.

You have absolutely no idea what I do for a living, nor how I apply my skills in the outside world.
And so, in much the same way you have done, I am left to form my opinions based solely on your behavior in this forum. Actually, this helps the true nature of your soul and spirit to come through without being "polluted" by the life you claim to live.

My point is that I have nothing but your word for this.
So please clarify this statement in terms of: Does this mean you are simply unwilling to go look for other confirmation, or that you are simply too lazy to do so? Call Boeing. Call Northrop-Grumman. Hell, call the US Federal Aviation Administration. For that matter, it is quite easy to find my resume online given that head hunters find it on a weekly basis and call me to see if they can get me to work for their clients. If you put some effort into finding my resume, you will also find names and phone numbers of professional references who will tell you who I am and how well I do my job. You can even call Cal State Poly University, Pomona, Aerospace Engineering department. I'll be returning there in the fall to teach systems engineering once again. In fact, you could stand to take some courses in systems engineering. It will help you with your misunderstandings about things that are "totally unrelated" (to use your own words).

And, when challenged on it, you ignore the challenge.
No different than you ignoring the challenges I have left on other topics. This is how you conveniently "debate" so that you can "win" (since debate is your form of religion, it would seem). You are just a big nag when it comes to me ignoring your subjects. I don't nag, but maybe I should. You never did get back to me on the evidence for the links between information and energy, now did you? I guess you saw that you could not "win the debate" in that area, so you switched tacks, huh?

From the evidence that I have seen, I find it hard to believe that you can apply in a professional capacity what you clearly cannot apply in a casual one.
Are you telling me you don't know the obvious difference between casual and professional domains? You seem to want to make a clear relationship here that is not there. In fact, it is exactly the opposite of what you are implying. In this casual forum, there is no jeapordy of people losing their lives from any of these discussions, now is there? Yet in my professional work, this is pretty much ALL I think about. Yes, contrary to your trite comparision, there is a whole lot more motivation for me in my professional work than there is in my "hobby" of writing on these boards. Your trollface showing again.

But I'll tell you what: You just let me know when you want to discuss the details of time and frequency response of physical systems. That is, in reality, my speciality being a flight control systems engineer. Resonance and power spectral density are things I know quite well, given my field of endeavor. Here is an interesting paper you may want to have a look at. It weaves the GMS in with information entropy... you know, that discussion with me that you "abandoned".

Re: Bleeding Edge

While you, trollface, will not be disposed to believe much (if any) of the material in the attached URL, there IS a discussion of soul and spirit that correlates to physics.

Perhaps some other, more open-minded readers of this forum may find some nuggets of wisdom in this article:

Teilhard de Chardin - Prophet of the Information Age

"Chardin's thesis is deceptively simple, and leads us quickly into deep water, both philosophically and scientifically, for Chardin was that rarest of men, a deep and articulate thinker who was both a master of science and of the spirit. While Chardin participated in the orthodox practice of both science and religion, he was at the same time a maverick thinker in both, and sought mightily to bring the two together without doing harm to either."

Good reading, with many thoughts that would invite serious contemplation.
Re: Bleeding Edge

Did you ever consider that your answers to my "slur" referring to your soul and spirit may come in your very own responses to me?

Not really. You've told me that what I have posted here and on other boards is irrelevent to what you meant, as that's my "consious, extant self". And I certainly don't have any idea how calling someone a "control freak" is meant to not be a slur, so that's definately not in my responses.

The very fact that you have "kept score" about our "debates" tells quite a bit about your deeper self... and its motivations and plans for your conscious self.

I've not really "kept score", as you put it. I've merely got a good enough memory to remember 6 things over the course of 2 months. It's not exactly an astounding feat of mentallism.

You seem to elevate "debating" to the highest form of "magick".

Um, I think it's a highly valuable skill, but I don't think it has any supernatural properties, no. If you don't value it, and are content not being any good at it, then that's entirely up to you.

Perhaps I am only here to share thoughts with people who want to advance certain areas of knowledge that have lain dormant because of naysayers?

How do you advance knowledge of anything without determaning if what you're saying is true or not? Spreading lies and fictions is detrimental to true knowledge, is it not?

But, if you're really saying that you're only interested in talking to people who agree 100% with your ideas and assumptions, then that is, once again, entirely up to you. Just let me know, and I won't bother responding to anything you say any more.

And again your assumption is wrong. I tell you this again: The BEST explanation you are ever going to get about my reference to your soul and spirit is from within yourself.

Maybe I should have said that it was the best explaination I was going to get from you. You're obviously determined to side-step the issue and avoid owning up as much as possible, so I'll let you get away with it because I simply can't be bothered.

Actually, this helps the true nature of your soul and spirit to come through without being "polluted" by the life you claim to live.

I don't think I've claimed anything about my life, other than fancying Jennifer Connelly. What you believe or do not believe about my life outside this forum is none of my concern.

Does this mean you are simply unwilling to go look for other confirmation, or that you are simply too lazy to do so?

It means I have very little interest in doing so.

No different than you ignoring the challenges I have left on other topics. This is how you conveniently "debate" so that you can "win" (since debate is your form of religion, it would seem).

If you feel I have ignored anything, call it to my attention. I certainly won't fail to respond.

As for "winning", if you think that's my goal, then you really are very sadly mistaken about me and my objectives. I've said it before, and I think it's possibly worth saying again - I am not a child, and I have little interest in childish things.

You never did get back to me on the evidence for the links between information and energy, now did you?

Did I not? I thought I'd told you that I had seen no evidence for links between the two. I've been very busy lately, so if you think I've missed something that you consider important, then point me in the right direction, and I'll tell you what I think.

Are you telling me you don't know the obvious difference between casual and professional domains?

Not at all. But if you cannot perform simple mathematical calculations and do not know what basic mathematical terminology means in a casual situation, then why should I believe that you can and do in a professional one?

Yes, contrary to your trite comparision, there is a whole lot more motivation for me in my professional work than there is in my "hobby" of writing on these boards.

Is this you admitting that your maths in this thread has been...let's say "sloppy", at best?

Here is an interesting paper you may want to have a look at.

I don't really have the brainpower to look at anything carefully today, but from a quick skim that seems like a load of pseudoscience to me.
Re: Bleeding Edge

Trollface said;If time and space are relative, then why didn't they come to my birthday party?

Creedo responds;I have trouble reading Trollface's post, as is with respect, to me, they seem to be the same value as watching a person make and extra long defecation, in the woods, which takes forever to get out.

You don't have to make them this long in my book, as a few quick points, would weigh value.

However the say concerning space time, is essentially correct, as space time can never to humans be considered as of being one grand value.

Time space in this area of endeavor, must be considered as time realms, in order for space time to work?
Re: Bleeding Edge

I have trouble reading Trollface's post, as is with respect, to me, they seem to be the same value as watching a person make and extra long defecation, in the woods, which takes forever to get out.

Creedo thinks I talk crap? This is coming from Creedo? That someone else talks crap? From Creedo? Creedo? Really?

Time to start taking my medication again, I think.
Re: Bleeding Edge

I've not really "kept score", as you put it. I've merely got a good enough memory to remember 6 things over the course of 2 months.
And yet you cannot seem to recall how our "information as energy" discussion proceeded, as I will (once again) remind you below. This indicates quite clearly that you DO place your mental attention on "keeping score" in those areas where you believe you are "winning"... and conveniently let your mental attention slide on those things where you have a lower probability of "winning". Indeed, the central focus of the human practice of debate is on "winning". This is why it is part and parcel of the political landscape. Politicians like to "win", or at least think they are "winning".

Spreading lies and fictions is detrimental to true knowledge, is it not?
It depends on how you classify "lies and fictions" as well as "true knowledge". Just because something does not rise to your required burden of proof does not automatically make it "lies and fiction", although you seem to want it to be that way. The evidence of intelligent design, when taken as a whole (meaning integrating various forms of related knowledge), is enough for a good many people, some of them scientific people. You will use words within the context of a debate to try to "claim the high ground", and the terms "lies and fictions" and "true knowledge" is a perfect example. These are tactics of someone who is more interested in "winning" a debate than keeping the debate open-minded. So, with regard to "true knowledge" perhaps you can tell me what the "true knowledge" is with respect to the nature of light? Particle? Wave? Both? And who is the mediator of such "true knowledge"? I know who the mediator is, but you are one who would deny His/Her/Its existence.

But, if you're really saying that you're only interested in talking to people who agree 100% with your ideas and assumptions
More debate tactics intended to make you appear to be "winning". And yet you deny it. In doing so you deny one of many elements of your soul. If you understood Systems Theory, and understood how systems engineers think, you would know that it is ridiculous that any systems engineer would espouse to "100%" of anything. No, I am quite certain there are no people who agree 100% with my views. Yet there are quite a few people who have frequented these boards with whom I have held interesting & enjoyable discussions. It is because these people and myself share ideas that stimulate each other into considering an integration of ideas that we had not previously contemplated. I have found that such people are good at integrative thought...building the big picture out of the smaller pieces to the puzzle. However, you appear to only be interested in reductionist thought intended to "prove people wrong" and thereby make yourself the "winner". I don't believe I have ever witnessed you seeking to "build up" a particular thought that you may have agreed with by adding more to the integration of that thought with other facts. With you it is always about the negative...singling out things that offend you or your "logic" and engaging in debate to tear that person down. Again... evidence of your soul.

Maybe I should have said that it was the best explaination I was going to get from you. You're obviously determined to side-step the issue and avoid owning up as much as possible
And once again you ignore the point I was making, and instead use your debating tactic to make it look like I am side-stepping the issue. I have made it quite clear that the best explanation for what I was referring to will ONLY come from within yourself. But you must decide to walk that path. No one can force you. Many people like you have never wished to walk the path, and so they keep berating others for not telling them things that they have the ability to know on their own. Others will finally take the clues from the world around them and decide to walk down that path. I was one of the latter, and I am glad I took that path. In fact, I believe I was just about your age when I made that decision (you did say you are about 30, right?).

What you believe or do not believe about my life outside this forum is none of my concern.
That is true. But the larger issue of belief, in and of itself, is quite a powerful force, as I am sure you would attest. Your friend Darren Brown makes this point about beliefs from one side of the coin. While his antics do not even rise to the level of "proof" that all such supernatural claims are fake, he does at least show the power of belief. Unfortunately, he only examines the side of belief that infers people who believe in such things are merely gullible. What about the power of belief in people (such as world-class athletes) that serves them in their quest? If a high jumper does not believe he can make the jump, the odds he will make it are low indeed. If his belief in his ability is unshakeable, to the point where he will never even entertain the fact that he CANNOT make the jump, does this not have an effect on the performance of his integrated mind/body?

It means I have very little interest in doing so.
And yet you seem to have great interest in casting aspersions about my professional qualifications with, by your admission, very little hard data. This coming from the guy who incessantly whined about me doing something similar to you (although I never broached your professional life, which is one reason I never even inquired about what you do outside of this forum). I think you should be abiding by the advice that you give out a little more regularly... Especially when it comes to another person's profession which you have very little data from which to make disparaging remarks. I don't care if you poke fun at me and my behavior on this forum, and I have (and will) play right along. When you start to cast aspersions about my professional performance with so little information (especially when there is so much information on me "out there") that is when I am going to call you on your broad-brush debating tactics.

As for "winning", if you think that's my goal
It's not a matter of thinking, it is a matter of in gnosis. I am sure it is evident to others in how you utilize your debating tactics. You will never exit a conversation yourself, as exhibited in several threads, for you fear that this would make you look like "the loser". You wish to outlast the other person, hence your remark about how I "backed out of 5 conversations with me that got too heavy for him". Now what purpose does that serve other than your own ego? If you are so unconcerned about winning, as you say, then you should have no problem in NOT responding in this thread any longer. But I think you will respond, because a debater always wants the last word, because the person with the last word can seemingly claim the highest ground. Masterdebater.

Did I not? I thought I'd told you that I had seen no evidence for links between the two.
So this is where it seems your memory is failing you. If I were keeping score, I could probably find at least two posts of mine AFTER you made your statement about not seeing evidence. After you made this statement is when I supplied both a quote and the URL for a refereed paper that related a form of "evidence" from scientific minds. Not only did you never even respond to the quote I gave you, but you then fell back on the "I can't open/read PDF files". Let's review the history. You said:
The relationship between energy and information would have to be demonstrated to me before I would conceed that.
And then I provided THIS LINK. For those who are PDF-deficient, the title of this paper is "The relationship between information theory and thermodynamics: mathematical basis". And the pertinent quote from the conclusions that I provided was as follows: "This means that the available work (exergy) is proportional to the average difference in information required to discriminate between the thermodynamic system and the environment."
You did not respond any further, and all I got out of you was your PDF argument. You realize, of course, that by not being able to read PDFs you are missing out on a HUGE amount of refereed, scientific papers. Some of which just might hold "proof" of things you do not wish to believe.

But that is just history. Perhaps you need some other data demonstrating the relationship between energy and information? Maybe even something from my speciality domain? Such data exists in any and all closed-loop systems that mankind has created. It is quite well known that information (about the state-space of a system) is the only element used to "close the self-referential loop" of a closed-loop control system. This is the precise reason behind why computers make such fine system controllers...because they process information. Information is the enabling factor that permits not only the shaping of a system's Power Spectral Density (PSD), but also provides for the ability to overcome the natural increase in entropy of the open-loop system response. Simply by manipulating equations that shape information, I can change a system from a chaotic energy waster, into an efficient, and effective, energy miser.

then why should I believe that you can and do in a professional one?
There is that concept of "belief" again. Given the way you debate, why should you BELIEVE anything without "proof"? You see, this is where you will relax you rigorous standards of "proof" when it is in your favor. A sample from this forum domain hardly constitutes "proof" of my abilties or lack thereof. To follow your model with respect to the "proof of God" argument, you should want to line-up a lot of different "proof" about my technical abilities, ESPECIALLY from the technical domains wherein my work is utilized. But can't be troubled with any such "proof" as that...for it might make you look like you were "losing" this debate.

Is this you admitting that your maths in this thread has been...let's say "sloppy", at best?

but from a quick skim that seems like a load of pseudoscience to me.
Yes, this is exactly the kind of knee-jerk response I would expect from you for anything that is not conducive to "winning the debate". Simply brush it off with some authoritarian sounding words which are terribly overused in the realm of debunking. To me "pseudoscience" is a catch-all word meaning "I cannot be bothered to look to see if there is any real science in here, so I will broad-brush it and hope no one notices". Unfortunately, I noticed.

Did you bother to look at the credentials of the primary author? (Dr. Volkmar Weiss). He is quite a "big fish" in the biological and social evolution sciences. He's been published in many peer-refereed publications. In fact, the link I sent you to was published in the Journal "Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals". He was also the author of the book "The IQ-Trap: Intelligence, Social Structure, and Politics." Oh yes, he is also a member of the International Academy of Sciences. So, I think you would be hard-pressed to back up your claim that this is "pseudoscience".

And yes... this paper by Dr. Weiss also talks about information entropy, and its relation to the PSD of brain responses. Resonance and harmonics are also part of this discussion. These are not only related to my domain of closed-loop frequency dynamics, but they also have "fingers" into the deeper meanings of many Qabalistic writings. Relationships that are at the crux of my views that "mainstream science," and their self-defined concept of what constitutes "proof" and "truth," have been ignoring a body of work with real scientific value only because it is associated with "mysticism".

Perhaps we should go back to DNA? I would hope that you would not argue the fact that DNA is a biological storage medium for information? And that RNA is the transcriber of the DNA's information? And that the information inherent to DNA directs how the body uses energy in a closed-loop process? So it would seem this is another example of the relationship between energy and information.

Re: Bleeding Edge

I cannot swear that I'm going to respond to anything either as completely or as well as I should, but I'm really quite drunk at the moment, and I'm just coming off pretty much an entire fortnight of 12 to 16 hour days, so I'm quite wiped out. That said, I do want to address some things.

And yet you cannot seem to recall how our "information as energy" discussion proceeded, as I will (once again) remind you below.

Indeed. I generally find it easier to remember when someone consistantly backs down from their position than when they link to yet more pseudoscience. I'm sorry, I get links like that all the time, yet I rarely find someone as unprepared to defend their own viewpoints and opinions as you. That's why you stick in the memory for me and your link doesn't.

Politicians like to "win", or at least think they are "winning".

You've claimed that you've not insulted me before. You certainly have now - you've comapred me to a politician. Please do not do that again.

It depends on how you classify "lies and fictions" as well as "true knowledge".

This is exactly why debate of any ideas brought to the table is a good thing, rather than a bad one, is it not? If the definition of "true knowledge" is "anything Rainman says", then what's the point unless you're setting up your own cult?

Just because something does not rise to your required burden of proof does not automatically make it "lies and fiction"[...]

Indeed. But if it does not meet my burden of proof, then don't expect me to believe it. I'm only telling you what I think, not telling you how I think you should think.

The evidence of intelligent design, when taken as a whole (meaning integrating various forms of related knowledge), is enough for a good many people, some of them scientific people.

You seem to think that this is significant. My respons is "and?" A lot of people believe a lot of things. The human mind is geared up towards confabulation and self-affirmation. What is that supposed to prove?

So, with regard to "true knowledge" perhaps you can tell me what the "true knowledge" is with respect to the nature of light? Particle? Wave? Both? And who is the mediator of such "true knowledge"?

Actually, my personal authority on this subject would be my dad. He's a laser research physicist, and one of the top men in his field. Of course, I can't claim that he's magically got all the answers, but I do respect his opinion, both as a scientist and as a person. His answer is that light is niether a wave nor a particle, but it is something that can exhibit the properties of one or the other, depending on the situation. I would never pretend that that's an exhaustive answer, but it seems perfectly reasonable to me.

Why? What would you say?

If you understood Systems Theory, and understood how systems engineers think, you would know that it is ridiculous that any systems engineer would espouse to "100%" of anything.

Would it have been more accurate if I'd have said that you don't apreciate dissent?

I don't believe I have ever witnessed you seeking to "build up" a particular thought that you may have agreed with by adding more to the integration of that thought with other facts.

I'm not sure if I have on these boards or not. Maybe you should ask whether that's down to my being an unreasonable sod, or whether that's down to the general level of proof for ideas required around here?

With you it is always about the negative...singling out things that offend you or your "logic" and engaging in debate to tear that person down.

I've never been a fan of "me too!" posts. I figure that if you have nothing constructive to contribute, then you shouldn't contribute it.

That's my criteria - not whether it's agreeing or disagreeing with the person posting, but whether it's constructive to the forum or not. "Constructive" takes many forms, but none of them are "never challenging Rainman", in my book.

And once again you ignore the point I was making, and instead use your debating tactic to make it look like I am side-stepping the issue.

But you have side-stepped the issue. Want to avoid any possible accusations of side-stepping? Tell me how calling me a "control freak' not only wasn't insulting me, but also was derived from my soul, as opposed to what I have posted here and on other forums over the last 4 years. I'm serious. Start a paragraph with the words "Me calling you a 'control freak' wasn't meant as an insult because" and carry on from there.

If you respond in any other way, or don't respond at all then I'm afraid that side-stepping the issue is exactly what you're doing.

In fact, I believe I was just about your age when I made that decision (you did say you are about 30, right?).

Funnily enoguh, I was just talking to a friend last night who said that he was 30 when he got out of a cult religion and just started evaluating evidence for himself. I don't think age has much to do with what you believe.

Oh, yeah, you're right, BTW, I will be 30 this year.

While his antics do not even rise to the level of "proof" that all such supernatural claims are fake[...]

And nor does he claim that. Nor do I, for that matter.

I claim more than Derren does, and all I claim about his work is that certain, specific, effects that are often claimed to be supernatural in origin can be at least replicated by non-supernatural means.

And yet you seem to have great interest in casting aspersions about my professional qualifications with, by your admission, very little hard data.

I have never had much reason, nor inclination to judge your professional qualifications. The reason they are relevent is that you base your credibility, at least partially, on your job. And when you show yourself to be lacking in knowlegde that would seem to be essential with regards to the minutae of what you do, then I can draw few conclusions.

I honestly don't care who you are or what you do, but if you want me to buy the fact that you're good at maths regarding Phi, then a bunch of stuff that's wrong isn't going to do it.

You will never exit a conversation yourself, as exhibited in several threads, for you fear that this would make you look like "the loser".

You say this. Possibly you are unaware of the fact that I have stopped responding to both Chronohistorian and CAT? I also gave you the option in my last post - tell me to stop responding to you, and I never will again.

Now what purpose does that serve other than your own ego?

"It speaks to credibility, your honour".

"I'll allow"


You know what? We may disagree about who's right forever, but I think that has decided one thing for sure: I'm funnier.

Not only did you never even respond to the quote I gave you[...]

I honestly can't remeber. Maybe I thought it was facile, maybe I thought it was useless out of cvontext, maybe I was too busy to give it the attention it deserved. Post it again, or link to the post or something, and we can go from there.

You realize, of course, that by not being able to read PDFs you are missing out on a HUGE amount of refereed, scientific papers. Some of which just might hold "proof" of things you do not wish to believe.

Indeed. I think, though, that the system I'm running on this peice of whatever withholds me from more important peices of software, Digital Performer, Logic and Reason primary among them.

This is the precise reason behind why computers make such fine system controllers...because they process information.

I'm not getting into this biggly at the moment, because I can't give it the undivided attention I feel it deserves, but maybe a good question to ask you would be "how do you define 'information' in this context?"

A sample from this forum domain hardly constitutes "proof" of my abilties or lack thereof.

Well, it constitutes some proof, but certainly not conclusive proof. And with all available proof indicating a lack of knowledge and ability, and you turning down every oppourtunity to prove yourself, or to address the criticisms leveled at your working...well, I'm not writing you off (I'd have said so, as it's polite) I'm merely telling you what conclusions are available to me to draw from the information I have seen.

To me "pseudoscience" is a catch-all word meaning "I cannot be bothered to look to see if there is any real science in here, so I will broad-brush it and hope no one notices".

Well, to me it meant "an article which uses a study of one specific numeralocigal test on chimpanzees as evidence for what the entire scientific community 'widely accepts' (sorry, 'almost universally accepts', to be more accurate) about the memories of primates as a whole [footnote 6]" probably isn't all that scrupulous with regards to it's conclusions". But feel free to prefer your own interpretaion.

Resonance and harmonics are also part of this discussion. These are not only related to my domain of closed-loop frequency dynamics, but they also have "fingers" into the deeper meanings of many Qabalistic writings.

Ah, resonance and harmonics are two of my favourite things in the world. Possibly not in the way you mean, though.
Re: Bleeding Edge

Please note once more, did not say Trollface talked crap, however said the length that Trollface uses in order to get his points out, seems like an extra long defecation.

Trollface won the point, concerning space and time over Rainman, however the length to which Trollface goes, is incredible.

This is all I said and not that Trollface talked crap?
Re: Bleeding Edge

Not much time, as I am on the way to a friend's funeral. But I did want to address two things, for now:

But you have side-stepped the issue. Want to avoid any possible accusations of side-stepping? Tell me how calling me a "control freak' not only wasn't insulting me
It is not an insult to clearly define what someone is actually doing. One's soul is their "feedforward" path to the "inner loop" of their conscious mind. Sorry for using words associated with my profession, but it is the best way I know to describe it, since our minds ARE part of a massive control system. Some people refer to their soul as their "subconscious", and indeed, the makeup of the soul drives the personality in much the same way as Freud's Id/Ego/Superego model suggests.

The point of fact is, if you ignore/deny your soul, then you allow it to "run open loop" on your conscious mind. Your conscious mind unwittingly responds to the "commands" of your soul, with little to no chance of applying feedback to temper the soul's commands. You will likely deny it, but it really is just a big controls problem. You will also demand "proof", and while my "proof" will likely not meet your undefined standard of proof, the ability to re-program your soul (subconscious) is all the proof that anyone needs who has been subject to a "terrible" life by being held captive by their "open loop" soul. When one accepts that they have a soul, this becomes the first step to tempering its output with feedback from your conscious mind.

Let me try it from another tack, which you will likely just try to debunk, rather than fully understand what I am saying: Do you REALLY know who you are talking to while you are debating back and forth with me? This is not a question meant to infer that I am some special, important person. It is a question that wants a direct answer from you. Answer this question, and I promise to give you the "real" answer, which you will only really understand when you entertain the fact that you DO have a soul, as well as a spirit.

If you respond in any other way, or don't respond at all then I'm afraid that side-stepping the issue is exactly what you're doing.
No, you are simply flat-out wrong. I continue to engage you because I can sense that your soul WANTS to be recognized. I continue to engage you in the manner that I do because I am hoping you will "see" (which can only be done in an indirect manner, that bypasses the "logic" of your conscious mind) what your soul is telling you. I am here for no other reason than because your soul called me forth. And the exact same thing is true of myself, and my soul.

I am getting WAY more out of this conversation than you might think. That's because I know it has a deeper purpose. I know who I am debating with in this thread. But now I challenge you: Are YOU getting out of this conversation what is intended? I certainly hope so, but so far the evidence is saying not.

but maybe a good question to ask you would be "how do you define 'information' in this context?
I would define it, in my own words, much the same way that Shannon and Bateson viewed/defined information: Those observations which reduces uncertainty of a given physical state. In my field, the measurement of the velocity of an air vehicle with respect to the airmass is "information", because that measurement reduces uncertainty, and permits trajectory control of the vehicle. But now, to further clarify how I use "information" HERE is a much more precise definition, also based on Shannon's work.

I'm off to pay my respects, and wish my friend well on the next phase of his journey...

Re: Bleeding Edge

Actually, my personal authority on this subject would be my dad. He's a laser research physicist, and one of the top men in his field. Of course, I can't claim that he's magically got all the answers, but I do respect his opinion, both as a scientist and as a person. His answer is that light is niether a wave nor a particle, but it is something that can exhibit the properties of one or the other, depending on the situation. I would never pretend that that's an exhaustive answer, but it seems perfectly reasonable to me.

And exactly how is that it seems perfectly reasonable to you, friend Trollface?

Perhaps there is not any intelligence directing creation, all we see just "happened", a freak of the universe. I have been running an experiement for 20 years or so now....

I have an old computer in my garage. It has been plugged in for most of those years...I am waiting for it to program itself. So far it hasnt done anything except increase my electric bill. Who knows, maybe it will have some kind of program operating tomorrow.
Trinity Integration & Relationships

If the definition of "true knowledge" is "anything Rainman says", then what's the point unless you're setting up your own cult?
Debate tactic. Only intent is to try to make it look as if I had said, or implied this, which I haven't. In point of fact, there is no such thing as "true knowledge". Knowledge is forever evolving, and knowledge is infinite. What was "true knowledge" of yesterday is folklore of today. The Ptolemaic view of an earth-centered universe was considered "true knowledge" in its day, and anyone who challenged it was branded a heretic. When the "evidence" presented by Copernicus was considered more and more within society, the sun-centered universe became the temporary representation of "true knowledge". Since that time we have undergone even more modifications to what is "true knowledge" in that the center of the universe is everywhere. The "true knowledge" of Newton's F=ma was modified by Einstein through the introduction of relativistic effects.

So in our discussions, I am tending to be the one who thinks into the future, and how today's "true knowledge" will eventually be modified. You, on the other hand, appear to take the role of branding thoughts which do not conform to today's "true knowledge" as heretical. You like to stay stuck in the past (not even in the present) with statements such as "there is no evidence to support what you are saying" or "this is just flat-out wrong". If evidence came to light that did support my proposal, then that would mean I was "right" all along. And how would that reflect on you and your tactics?

Let's look at a pertinent example: Not even 10 years ago, many forward-thinking people were claiming that the "empty space" of our universe was actually teeming with energy. Folks like you of that day and age were tearing people new a-holes with statements like "there is no empirical evidence to support such a view. It is flat-out wrong." I wonder where those people are today, now that NASA WMAP (and other probes) are providing evidence for dark energy? Today, we have quite a few theoretical physicists working on the problem of "metric engineering" of spacetime to exploit dark energy. Hal Puthoff, Jack Sarfatti, Ken Shoulders, and some Russian physicists whose names escape me at the moment. In fact, since I interact with Sarfatti, and am on his mailing lists, I often break into a smile thinking about what a "debate" between you and him would look like. He'd eat you for breakfast... and if you think *I* am rude, you should see the way he dresses-down the naysayers of his theories on the exotic vaccuum and ZPE.

But if it does not meet my burden of proof, then don't expect me to believe it.
That's fine. But by the same token, when I tell you that "you will eventually come to understand" it would be good for you to stop taking it as a patronizing insult, and at least acknowledge the possibility that I understand something that you do not, even if I am not great at explaining it to your satisfaction.

You seem to think that this is significant. My respons is "and?" A lot of people believe a lot of things. The human mind is geared up towards confabulation and self-affirmation. What is that supposed to prove?
See my post to Roel on the Global Consciousness Project, as this exhibits one form of evidence for why it *is* significant when a large mass of people focus their energy in a common manner. Back in the 1960s, when one man said "we choose to go to the moon not because it is easy, but because it is hard", there were a LOT of people that grabbed onto that belief that it could be done. In the end, we did it. However, without a "critical mass" of people adopting the belief, and internalizing it within themselves and within a subculture of the American psyche, it never would have come to pass. I will let this stand as "proof" for why it is significant when large numbers of people begin to share common beliefs....things get done...things are created....mankind advances.

I've never been a fan of "me too!" posts. I figure that if you have nothing constructive to contribute, then you shouldn't contribute it. That's my criteria - not whether it's agreeing or disagreeing with the person posting, but whether it's constructive to the forum or not.
That is a nice criteria. So when do you plan on adhering to it? Here is a great case-in-point: When we were discussing relationships of DNA to humans, for purposes of examining potential evidence for a higher-level creative being, I threw out the following ad-hoc suggestion:

DNA strand is to the entire human body, as the human body is to the entire known universe. Without actually performing a calculation for an exact number, I'd say the scalings in these ratios are fairly close. We are SO much larger than our DNA, that one could easily see our DNA saying "yeah...I don't see any evidence in our universe that there is a higher-level intelligent being." That same vastness of our macrocosmic universe outside our bodies can, and does, lead some of us to the same type of conclusion that we may attribute to our DNA. Doesn't mean these conclusions are not only means that the horizons of observability are SO large as to make it seemingly impractical to "prove".
Note that I was not discussing Phi, or even claiming these scalings were related to Phi. I was not even claiming it was "solid proof" of anything. I was using it as an analogy to show how our tiny DNA could also come to a "reasonable conclusion" that there is no evidence of a higher-level creative being (us). Where did you take this? You went off on a reductionist approach into minutia. In fact, here is where you are trying to take a general observation of mine and turn it into something specific, which I did not state, nor was it my intention in my analogy:

But what the example you offered doesn't do is stregnthen your case in the slightest. Yes, maybe we have roughly or even exactly the same difference in size. I can't rule it out as a possibility. But, without being able to measure the universe, I can't think of it as anythign other than a remote possibility. And, again, it's you choosing the criteria. If the scale weren't exactly the same, how close would it have to be to be considered valid? An order of 2? 10? 100? 1000? What margin of error is there in measuring?
This is destructive, not constructive, in that you are trying to lead the conversation away from a subjective measure to an objective measure. And that had nothing to do with the point that I was making, which was just that the relative scales of DNA to humans, and humans to the universe, are SO large as to make it difficult to find "evidence" of a higher level being. THAT was my point, and it is a valid one from a subjective standpoint. Rather than respond to that point, you wanted to take the conversation into a level of minutia that it was never intended to address. That is destructive behavior with regards to the point of "if we are so small with respect to our universe and cannot find evidence for a higher-level creative being, it is just as valid to think that our DNA is so small compared to us that it might not recognize that we are its higher-level creative being." You were only interested in making me "wrong" with regard to some minute detail which was never even part of my argument. That is not constructive to the discussion, especially when I couched my terms to make sure you didn't think I was trying to say "this is absolute proof"., I do not see you as being a constructive contributor to a discussion when you do things like this.

I claim more than Derren does, and all I claim about his work is that certain, specific, effects that are often claimed to be supernatural in origin can be at least replicated by non-supernatural means.
Neato. So it's really just more of a form of entertainment, than it is any solid, scientific attempt to validate what may be real?

The reason they are relevent is that you base your credibility, at least partially, on your job. And when you show yourself to be lacking in knowlegde that would seem to be essential with regards to the minutae of what you do
The minutia of my job involves time and frequency domain maths for closed-loop control systems, as well as systemic relationships between system and subsystem. I've yet to see how you have shown me lacking in these areas. In fact, I have not even seen you willing to step-up and discuss such topics in earnest. I've countered some points of yours where you used the words "totally unrelated" and have shown that the effects were far from "totally" unrelated. In point of fact: Within my profession, a large number of failures are often attributed to someone believing one effect is "totally unrelated" to some other effect. As a result of such a belief, they fail to account for the relationship in their design. After the design goes into operational service, we are unfortunately "enlightened" about that relationship at a time when it is too late to save lives. Exploring and discovering relationships is a very healthy thing in all aspects of life. It's my opinion that you could achieve some significant enlightenment by exploring the relationships between your conscious mind, your soul, and your spirit. I know it has significantly raised my level of enlightenment in doing so.

"It speaks to credibility, your honour".
No it doesn't. My credibility and honor stems from interactions with people who seek mutually beneficial interactions. People who enjoy "proving others wrong" are often more interested in their own ego than in a mutually beneficial interaction. Does your ego really want me to be wrong that badly? Fine. I am wrong. I am wrong about everything I have ever said and done. Your are so much more intelligent and learned than I am, that I often wonder why I am allowed to type to you at all. Does me stating any of this make it so? Of course not. Does it affect my credibility and honor? Hardly. Can you now take these statements out of context in a reply and "show the world" that I am "wrong"? Of course. Does me stating any of this feed your ego? That is for you and your ego to decide....and no one else.

We may disagree about who's right forever, but I think that has decided one thing for sure: I'm funnier.
And even this is subject to the relative nature of our universe. I'd say that you are, indeed, funnier. But at the same time I would have to claim that I am much punnier than thou.

Post it again, or link to the post or something, and we can go from there.
I did. Both. You must have overlooked them...again. Considering that I have posted both the quote and the link at least twice (perhaps 3x) in this thread, I don't think I am going to waste precious finger energy doing it again. You can review/respond to the latest quote/link above.

Ah, resonance and harmonics are two of my favourite things in the world. Possibly not in the way you mean, though.
I infer that you are referring to your penchant for music. A wonderful mixture of both art and science. But "in the way I mean" is an interesting statement, for it may allow us to rejoin a discussion of relationships. Clearly, the harmonics and resonance of sonic energy are two major factors in humans finding beauty in a variety of musical expressions. Now... if you are amenable to the fact that fractal self-similarity does appear all over nature, and that wavelet transforms are based upon fractal self-similarity in the frequency domain... do you think it may be possible that self-similar applications of harmonics and resonance in the luminal energy ranges could reveal to mankind a whole new form of beauty and appreciation? And also in a self-similar vein, we have seen that harmonics and resonance of sonic energy have wide applications for scientific devices (the sonogram used for monitoring fetal development being just one). Do you see the possibility for advances in luminal harmonics and resonances that could drastically change how we interact with our universe?

Re: Bleeding Edge

First up, Ray, I want to say that I'm sorry to hear about your friend.

It is not an insult to clearly define what someone is actually doing.

Unless you are Scott Steiner, Marilyn Manson or possibly Whodini, back in the day, then I have never heard the word "freak" used in a non-insulting manner in any context. Are you trying to tell me that you cannot comprehend how someone could find being described as a "freak" as a little less than polite?

Some people refer to their soul as their "subconscious", and indeed, the makeup of the soul drives the personality in much the same way as Freud's Id/Ego/Superego model suggests.

The point of fact is, if you ignore/deny your soul, then you allow it to "run open loop" on your conscious mind.

I don't deny that I have a subconsious. Your theory here seems to be that if I deny that I have a soul (whch I do, indeed, deny), then my consious mind cannot have any control over my actions - that I cannot kurb my baser instincts. Is the British stereotype not that we're more repressed in our behaviour than you Americans are? I do not believe that anything called a "soul" exists. Yet, I can control my behaviour and am not ruled by my subconsious.

Let me try it from another tack, which you will likely just try to debunk[...]

That you even say this clearly shows that you do not know the "real me" half as well as you may like to think that you do.

Do you REALLY know who you are talking to while you are debating back and forth with me?

I'd have thought that would have been obvious from the fact that I'm debating some of the claims you have made about yourself. Of course I don't know. We live in an age where every couple of weeks there's launched yet another campaign for keeping children safe from paedophiles posing as children in internet chatrooms.

As it is, I don't think that anybody can ever truely know anybody. Even with the advantages of face-to-face contact, body language, prolonged daily contact for most of my friends and family can still surprise me at times. So, no, I don't think that anybody will ever know another person completely.

I continue to engage you because I can sense that your soul WANTS to be recognized.

Okay. There's a few things I want you to note, here. Firstly, I, the alleged "control freak" gave you 100% control over this conversation, and whether it was even to take place. I gave you complete free choice, and the descision to continue down this path has been yours. Now, given this, and that you know how I will challenge things which I find to be lacking in one way or another, you are going to have to get over the fact that I will debate with you. You know what I do and how I do it on these forums and you, alone, have chosen to continue to interact with me in this manner in this place and time. As such, I would appreciate it if you no longer complained about the fact that I will debate you, or that I will attempt to debunk that which I consider bunk. If not, my offer remains open - tell me you do not with to debate with me, and I will respect those wishes completely.

I am here for no other reason than because your soul called me forth.

Hmm, I think this needs a little clarification. How did my soul call you forth, exactly? Directly? Indirectly, through my typing? Are you just talking about this latest interaction, or all of our interactions? If the former, then what does that mean about the times you stopped responding and ignored me? And, if the latter, then why were you here before?

Whatever, I like the new, altruistic spin you've given this conversation.

I know who I am debating with in this thread.

I'm really not sure that you do, certainly not half as much as you think.

Are YOU getting out of this conversation what is intended? I certainly hope so, but so far the evidence is saying not.

I don't know. What is intended? And how come you don't know? You claim to be more in touch with who I am and what and who my "soul" is than I am. Should you not know before I do?

I would define it, in my own words, much the same way that Shannon and Bateson viewed/defined information: Those observations which reduces uncertainty of a given physical state. In my field, the measurement of the velocity of an air vehicle with respect to the airmass is "information", because that measurement reduces uncertainty, and permits trajectory control of the vehicle.

You were talking about the context of it with reference to computers. What is the "given physical state" that has uncertainty reduced in that context?

In point of fact, there is no such thing as "true knowledge".

Would that not depend on how you defined "true knowledge"?

You, on the other hand, appear to take the role of branding thoughts which do not conform to today's "true knowledge" as heretical.

I wouldn't say that. I do say that ideas which challenge established modes of thinking should have something in the form of real evidence or proof to back tham up, rather than loose circumstantial connections and faluty reasoning, logic and "proof".

You like to stay stuck in the past (not even in the present) with statements such as "there is no evidence to support what you are saying" or "this is just flat-out wrong".

You may have noticed that I usually use a fair few qualifiers in what I'm saying. This is because I try to make what I say as accurate and precises as possible. I certainly don't always succeed in this aim, but it is an established mode of address for me, particularly when unable to enhance my verbal communication with gestrures, expressions and noises. So, for me to make a concrete statement like "flat-out wrong", you have to know that I'm pretty sure of myself.

Now, I had a friend go through your mathematical claims about Phi and DNA and their relative scalings, and your thinking, your standards of evidence and your maths simply didn't stand up to scrutiny. You have since refused to address the issue.

I don't think it's being "stuck in the past" to wish for extraordinary claims to have at least a little bit of evidence to back tham up. Do you really think that? That would seem to dismiss the entire basis for science, logic and reason.

I also don't think it's being "stuck in the past" to say that maths which has been incorrectly applied is wrong. Just as it wouldn't be being "stuck in the past" to say that claiming that "E = 2m3c" was flat-out wrong. I'm a fan of qualifiers and avoiding absolutes, but sometimes wrong is just wrong.

If evidence came to light that did support my proposal, then that would mean I was "right" all along. And how would that reflect on you and your tactics?

Again, wanting evidence for claims is not "tactics", unless every scientist on the planet uses the same "tactics". You sometimes have a very odd and disparaging choice of words.

However, what would this situation show about my mindset? That I am only prepared to believe things when they have been proven to my satisfaction, and that I am not easily swayed to irrational and unsupported conclusions, no matter how appealing they may or may not be to me. It would also show that my views are mutable, and are based on evidence as opposed to supposition and insinuation.

That seems like an admirable state to be in, as far as I'm concerned. And if it's not good enough for anyone else...well, tough titty, frankly.

I wonder where those people are today, now that NASA WMAP (and other probes) are providing evidence for dark energy?

I have no interest in where anybody else is now. The point is that I am more accepting to the idea than I was when there was no evidence. I was never entirely dismissive of the theory, as the theory was based on sound scientific knowledge, and was to account for a gap in that knowledge. You will note that before people have accepted the theory (in fact, I believe that it's not yet established as scientific fact), that they demanded evidence. That's simply the way it works.

I'm sorry if you find the burden of evidence and proof a hard one, but that's the fact of logic, reason and rationality. Without it, we would still believe that demons caused illness and that the best cure was bloodletting.

He'd eat you for breakfast... and if you think *I* am rude, you should see the way he dresses-down the naysayers of his theories on the exotic vaccuum and ZPE.

And is he content to accept your claims without any corroborating evidence of any kind?

But by the same token, when I tell you that "you will eventually come to understand" it would be good for you to stop taking it as a patronizing insult, and at least acknowledge the possibility that I understand something that you do not, even if I am not great at explaining it to your satisfaction.

It is, at the very least, patronising to claim to know what I will believe in the future. Without evidence, I will not believe something, and that is a simple fact. Unless you provide evidence, then I will not "understand one day".

See my post to Roel on the Global Consciousness Project, as this exhibits one form of evidence for why it *is* significant when a large mass of people focus their energy in a common manner.

If all that is required is "a large mass of people", then why did you feel the need to specifically mention that some scientists believe in a higher intelligence?

And, are you really saying that if a large number of people believe something, then that something must be true, in one form or another? For years it was believed that black people were less human than white people by a very large number of people. A large number of people still believe this, in fact. I, personally, think that this view is wrong, no matter how many people believe it to be true.

But, as I said, pick an example, because there are a lot of people who believe in a lot of things. That doesn't necessarily make any of them true.

However, without a "critical mass" of people adopting the belief, and internalizing it within themselves and within a subculture of the American psyche, it never would have come to pass.

Hmm, I'm not sure I agree with your conclusions here. Sure, there were most likely issues of funding which couldn't have been achieved without public support, but public support wasn't necessary for the completion of the project. Over here in England, pretty much the entire country was against the building of the Millenium Dome. And yet, there it is. The vast majority of the country were against us being involved in the invasion of Iraq. And yet there we are.

No, I think that, on the whole, things happen, and they don't care if you believe in them or not.

Note that I was not discussing Phi, or even claiming these scalings were related to Phi.

Not yet, you weren't.

I was not even claiming it was "solid proof" of anything. I was using it as an analogy to show how our tiny DNA could also come to a "reasonable conclusion" that there is no evidence of a higher-level creative being (us).

So why, rather than saying this at the time, did you start talking about Phi and the Fibonaci sequence?

This is destructive, not constructive, in that you are trying to lead the conversation away from a subjective measure to an objective measure.

Actually, that's not what I was trying to do there. I was merely trying to show how the example you offered didn't seem to me to strengthen the point I thought you were trying to make. As you ran with the point and continued the discussion down this path, how was I supposed to realise that what you were saying wasn't what you were actually saying at all? You may claim to be able to see past the words on the screen to see the "soul" of the person you're interacting with, but I can't. All I have to go on is your words, and if you don't let me in on information, then you cannot expect me to act on that information.

For the record, when I said that your reasoning seemed like confirmation bias at it's worst (a post which I note you didn't include as my actual response, instead skipping over it and citing a post which was a response to a different post entirely as my initial response), your response was to say:

The point was scaling, and resolution with respect to how a system and subsystem are related....especially from the point of observational horizons. Scale and resolution variance are a central pillar of fractal geometry in terms of how boundaries are defined between one scale and another.

And then went on to chastise me for not having studied fractal mathematics. Which is not the same thing as saying that all it was was an analogy at all. Your next reply again chastised me for not having studied that mathematics of fractals, chaos theory and Multiple Resolution Analysis. Which is again hardly indicative of these things being irrelevent, as you were simply making an analogy. And, it was then that you (yes you, not me) brought up Phi and that that's what you expected the ratio to turn out like. In fact, you said "If my off-the-cuff observation of DNA/human and human/universe were computed, and both of these reflected (approximately) the Golden Mean Ratio, this *would* be a strong bit of evidence for statistical significance of their being highly self-similar." How was I supposed to intuit from that that Phi and fractals and chaos theory and, in fact, maths of any kind was irrelevent to the point you were making?

FWIW, I didn't think that Phi was at all relevent at the time, but didn't like to say anything, as I beleived I'd get the same "if you'd studied fractal theory, then you'd see the relevence" responce that I'd already recieved. But it's a good example of why you can be frustrating to debate with. Here you have brought up something irrelevent (Phi), then later claimed that it was not relevent, and even chastised me for having thought that it was. If you cannot be consistent with what you're claiming, what you believe and what is relevent to that - then how am I supposed to argue coherently against that?

So, once and for all, is Phi relevent to the scale of DNA relative to humans, and if not, then why on Earth did you bring it up as if it was not only relevent but highly significant in that discussion?

BTW, just for the sake of novelty, when someone seems to get what you're saying wrong, why not try assuming that they've genuinely misunderstood your intention, rather than that they're deliberately trying to be a smart-arse? Remember the saying "never assume malice where ignorance will do"., I do not see you as being a constructive contributor to a discussion when you do things like this.

I think that people see people's behaviour in different lights is a given.

So it's really just more of a form of entertainment, than it is any solid, scientific attempt to validate what may be real?

I'm not entirely sure what you're saying here. Derren has shown that certain effects which some claim are of supernatural origin - such as seances and the manipulation of people through the use of voodoo dolls - can be replicated through non-supernatural means. You cannot disprove all supernatural claims, no. It can be shown that the effects of a seance can be exactly recreated by known corporeal means - it cannot be proven that a seance held by a specific person at a specific time didn't contact the spirits of the dead.

In exactly the same way, you can debunk all the counter-arguments, and show the proof and evidence as much as you like, but some people will still believe that man has never landed on the moon.

I've yet to see how you have shown me lacking in these areas.

I can re-post the dissection of your maths, if you like.

My credibility and honor stems from interactions with people who seek mutually beneficial interactions.

You misunderstand my intent, there. I was phrasing what I was saying as if in a courtroom setting. The "your honour" was as if addressing a judge. I'm sorry if that was not clear but, truth be told, I think I was remarkably coherent and articulate considering that I'd drunk 12 pints of strong beer at the time.

The point was that my pointing out how you had capitulated on 5 discussions with me, and then flat-out ignored any mention of the subjects therein speaks to your credibility. If you cannot defend the ideas you espouse, and are unwilling to debate the basis of those beliefs, then that is detremental to your credibility as someone who a) has faith in their own ideas, b) has the necessary tools to debate on anything other than a surface level, c) is consistant in and can stand by what they claim and d) has the knowledge they claim to have. That's the point, not my ego.

I infer that you are referring to your penchant for music.

Indeed, it's another statement I wouldn't have bothered making, but for the beer. The basic point is that I believe that the best reason for the invention of the LPF is that of resonance and harmonics. An entirely irrelevent aside.