In Triplicate, Please!

Re: A Spiraling Conversation

I'm just not even going to respond to your whining anymore. Mmmmmmmmkaaaaaay?

Instead you've decided to do some of your own. Okay, that's cool. I'd rather copnverse with someone who's whiney than somone who can't keep a civil tongue in their gob.

A simple YES or NO would do: "Would you ever be willing to admit your stupidity in your particular areas?"

It is not a question that I will answer with a yes or a no, for the reasons I have already explained - it is a nonsense question. And, yet, I've already answered it, and two further related questions. Still, if you want me to answer your exact question, exactly as you've asked it, then the answer is "No. Exactly as I said above, and for exactly the reasons I gave above.

Yes, they ARE comparable. They are both responsible for creation, at their own levels of the systemic hierarchy. Did you read that quote I supplied about self-similarity and fractals? Here it is again, since you seem to have conveniently ignored it:

"Selfsimilar growth, ubiquitous to nature (living and nonliving), is therefore governed by universal dynamical laws which are independent of the exact details (chemical, physical, physiological, electrical etc.) of the dynamical system, i.e., a system which evolves with time."

So you're now saying that the methods of reproduction aren't actually comparable after all, it's the fact of reproduction itself that is comparable?

Okay, if that's how broad the criteria you're using is, then humans are also self-similar with plants, hydra, could even make a considerable case for being self-similar with clouds. I mean, I think you'd probably ultimately lose that last one, but you could make a very strong case for it.

First of all, no it is NOT changing the subject, as you seem to imply.

I thought you said that you were going to stick to my exact words from now on (which you seem to think is siome kind of punishment, when it's actually what I'd prefer you had done from the start. In fact, it's something that I've asked you to do repeatedly)? That lasted all of no posts.

I said that the term "self-replicating" has a very specific meaning which is different to "self-reproducing". When I was arguing aginst what you were saying when you were using the term "self-replicating" is a different argument than you saying the same thing only with the term "self-reproducing". Yes, it's a small semantic detail, but it's quite a large one that has huge knock-on effects to the rest of the argument.

As someone who is into fractals and who works within precise scientific boundries you should know that one tiny error in the beginning of a calculation can end up throwing the end results way way off course. "God is in the details", and all of that.

There, is that word better? We are self-similar with our DNA in that we both reproduce our lifeforms.

Yes, that's better. That addressess all of my arguments quickly, consisely, and leaves me with one simple statement that I cannot dispute. More of this kind of thing, please.

No matter what you say, we DO share reproduction in common with our DNA.

Yes we do. As I outlined above, though, I don't think that is of great significance. We share reproduction in common with every living thing, and some non-living ones as well. In fact, "reproduction" is one of the criteria by which common wisdom determines whether something is a life-form or not.

It's kind of like saying that we have "having a physical form" in common with them, or "the ability to move". Hardly Earth-shattering.

You seem to want to focus in on the details and semantics.

Yes. As I said above, they are important. You're building up a big theory, starting from these little foundations, and if the foundations are wrong, then everything built up from those foundations will be wrong, too. do you not think that the details of your theories are important? That's not the sign of a basis in science, that's the sign of a basis in vague mumbo-jumbo.

DNA requires a matched dyad to reproduce, just like humans. There are two distinct half-helixes when the DNA unzips to reproduce.

So you're not claiming that we're self-similar in terms of DNA's asexual reproduction, then? Just with regards to the sexual reproduction? That would seem to contradict the idea that the fact of reproduction was enough of a similarity in itself.

This is where you try to divert from the larger context of the example. You want to make it seem like I am changing my position, when I am merely clarifying the position in response to your point about the semantics of the words I chose. The primary focus has NOT changed, no matter how much your control tactics want to make it look like it has changed.

I thought you were sticking to what I did actually say, not putting words in my mouth? I did not say that the primary focus had changed, I said that you've changed your position with regards to the details. We were discussing cloning. You said that it (self-replication) was something that we had in common with DNA, even before we could self-repliacte. Then you said that we didn't, and you kind of flip-flopped around the whole issue for a while. All I've been trying to get you to do is to clarify and explain what you're saying with regards to the details.

Do we, or do we not share self-replication in common with our DNA? Is the ability to clone human beings relevent to the case you are making or not? I'd just like some definitive answers, please. I'm not trying to distract from anything, I'm trying to get you to explain what exactly you mean. This is your theory, you claim a (at least partially) scientific basis for it, I assume that you've actually thought about these things, and that you have definitive positions on the issues. You cannot expect me to buy your theory if you're not even prepared to explain it except in the most broad generalities. And you certainly won't convince me that it has any scientific merit at all.

Here is how it works: I clarify my intent by selecting the proper word. Reproduction. It does not change my argument.

Of course it does. If I were to say G = mc^2, and you called me up on it, I couldn't just change G to E and say that it was the same thing. It's not. Arguing that we share the very general term "reproduction" is a very different thing to the more specific "self-reproduction" and even more different to the very specific "self-replication". You cannot argue that arguing one is like arguing the other, because they're worlds apart.

Why, it'd be almost like being very hung-over and tired late at night and mistakenly misusing the term "self-similar" to mean "exactly the same", wouldn't it? Excpet you'd never concentrate on details and semantics only when it suits you, would you? The difference is that when I was called out on my misuse, I simply admitted the mistake, rather than going on about you being petty or disingenuous or patronisingly telling you to go and do more research.

I will start being a lot more rough on you and the PRECISE words you use.

Yes, for the love of God, please start doing that.

I have given other forms of self-similarity, but you just want to focus on the fact that DNA reproduction and human reproduction do not use the same mechanism.

When you say that I'm not focusing on the other similarities you've pointed out, are we talking about the ones that I agreed with you on, and therefore that needed no further discussion? Or what? If you'd like to clarify, and feel that I've not addressed something, point it out, and I'll happily tell you what I think. Rather than, yes, whining, you could just talk to me like one adult talks to another, you know.

You are trying to change the argument AGAIN

How is addressing the specific things that you say and have said, the specific claims that you are making changing the argument?

One is a subsystem of the other. If one is a subsystem of another, they ARE separate things!!!

A subsystem of something is a completely seperate thing to the thing it's a subsystem of? So, as you didn't like my last analogy (not that you addressed it, of course), how about this I share "being able to play the piano" with my hands? Is that a trait that I share in common with them? Or are my hands the mechanism by which I play the piano?

Meiosis is the process by which humans reproduce. If you want to say that it's a sepereate thing that is similar, then you might as well say that we can "walk around on two legs", similar to DNA, too.

This is close to what I have been exhibiting as self-similarity all along. DNA is a subsystem of the human, and we both share reproduction in common.

So, let me get this absolutely are not arguing that one, single, solitary human being is self-similar with his or her DNA? Instead you are arguing that, in a very generalised way, humans in general are self-similar with human DNA? I want to be absolutely clear on this point.

We are self-similar with our DNA in that we are both agents of CREATION. And there is the link... for Creation is the functional aspect of God. Our DNA reproduces (creates). We reproduce (create).

So you would also agree that we are self-similar with every other living thing? From protozoa up to whales?

If you wish to keep arguing your self-exact argument, and dealing in semantics only when they matter to you, then I will stop trying to clarify and explain myself.

Not relevent to the point at hand, but I just thought I'd point out the irony that in this sentence you tell me off for both having made a semantic mistake (although you accuse me of being disingenuous with it) and for caring about your semantic mistake.

How about that both the human body and the DNA triplet-codon structure is an instantiation of the Tree Of Life?

Um, well, the Tree Of Life, in my mind is purely a human construct. And I have no idea how you mean that either tha human body or DNA are a tngiable example of the Tree. What in DNA is "CHESED...THE RULER, MAJESTY, POWER & AUTHORITY, CONSOLIDATOR OF THINGS" (
The key is "seems to believe". Thus, a theory. Would you like to show proof of that theory?


I thought you were addressing the exact words I used, not inferring your own things from now on? I merely stated that Hawking (you're right, I got his name wrong) didn't believe that to be the case, and asked you who disagreed with him on that matter. I never said that Hawking was right. Of course he can be shown to be wrong. It'd be very foolish to simply believe something to be true because he believed it. There's no need to get all defensive about it.

I don't think anyone can say for sure that there are NOT self-similar structures, of some different form or mechanism, below the Planck length.

Sure. But, equally, no-one can say for sure that there are. So the whole thing is conjecture. The standard of evidence I require to find something likely is a bit higher than it simply not having been disproved yet.

Speaking of "standards of evidence", you seem to have abandoned that line of inquiry. Why don't you type out a sentence showing the kind of answer you would find acceptable, with regards to what standards of evidence I would need, so I can copy the form? Or do you admit that it is a unfair and unanswerable question which simply gave you ammo to shoot down any argument Roel or I make without actually having to address any of the points we make?

You are trying to make the conversation go in a direction where you want it to go, and you claim that people are disagreeing with Hawking (not Hawkins). I never said that, so why should I answer your loaded question? I am NOT claiming that scientists are disagreeing with Hawking.

You said that there were "a lot of people (yes, even well-respected scientists) who think it is very intuitive...and supported by the structure of our universe from galaxies down to quarks." I pointed out that Steven Hawking was not among them, that he believed that there was a finite size that you could reach. If these people think differently, then they must disagree with him on this point. It's not a loaded question at all. I'm not about to jump out from behind a bush saying "A-HA! That means ur rong, cuz Hawking is a well-respected scientist and ur not!11!! LOL!!111!"

If these people disagree with him, then they might be right and he might be wrong. I don't consider him the ultimate authority on the structure of the universe. It's simply that you made a claim about well-respected scientists, I pointed out the view of one well-respected scientists and asked you to counter the claim with evidence of your own.

Again, this is how discussions of this kind of thing work. I'm not trying to trick you. I'm not trying to trap you. I am not playing the childish game you seem to think I am (and, boy, is that baseless accusation ever getting old quickly). I'm simply trying to discuss this with you, taking in your perspective and knowledge-base and offering up mine.

But again, for the record lest you think you are going to twist my words: I never claimed anything of the sort that you imply with your question.

Exact words, please, from now on.

No, I don't. Because that would play into your hand to draw us away from the main topic. I will no longer follow you down these paths.

I see, you bring something up, make a false claim about it, I disprove your false claim and ask if you can substantiate what you've claimed, and suddenly this is a tactic of mine to change the subject? I must admit, I do kind of admire the way that you manage to make you brinigng the Drake equation up, into me changing the subject, all the while claiming it's me who twists words and subjects. But not that much.

That example was only to show varying standards of how we infer possibility and probability, and that related to induction.

What you said was:

And in fact, Drake's quantification of this equation has essentially showed us just how ridiculous (unlikely) it would be to assume we are the only intelligent species in this universe.

Maybe you don't want me to address the words that you do say, but as I'm not psychic, I find it a little bit hard to guess what you mean when you don't actually say anything close to it. I'm sorry, but all I have to go on is what you say, so I think I'll continue addressing that, if you don't mind.

As for the Drake equation being an example of induction, my point is that it's not, as the "facts" upon which any conclusion reached from the equation are highly debateable, to put it mildly (I also personally think the equation is incomplete, but that's a debate for another thread).

Now, you can now say that you didn't mean what you said, and that you don't beleive that Drake did quantify his equation, but all I can do is address the points that you do make. With your "references to how the Drake equation is "accepted by SETI and other astronomical communities", it seemed like you were trying to show the scientific validity of the conclusions you had drawn from the equation and, indeed, by mentioning Drake's supposed quantification that you were claiming some kind of scientific basis for it.

If you don't want me to point out where you're misapplying scientific theories and principals, or falsely invoking the name of science, then don't do it. I certainly won't promise you that if you give a false pseudo-scientific example to support your case that I won't call you on it. Again, if the foundations of what you're saying are false, then anything you build on those foundations is worthless.

Acrobat Reader is FREE. Go freaking download it, and you will forever be able to read PDF files.

And my computer is more than a decade old, operating on Windows 95. It's not the cost, it's the fact that it does not work. Give me a break and stop insinuating petty, childish things about me.

I am not doing more work for you. PDF is an internet standard, and the fact that it is free means you have no reason to not upgrade your capabilities....and then read the paper.

I have a good reason, as explained above. If the software doesn't work on my computer, then the software doesn't work on my computer, and no amount of bullying from you will change that. You would consider quoting one single, solitary sentence from the paper (even telling me the title and author would do) so that I can find and read it too much "work"?

Stall tactic.

Incorrect unkind assumption. See how it works?

You can compute it for youself: You compute Phi (1.618...) from higher and higher digits in the Fibonacci sequence. As you go higher in the sequence (finer approximations of Phi), the result always lies within 3 sig figs of Phi.

Sorry, how does this relate to comparative sizes of DNa and the universe to humans again? What average size of humans did you say you would use for the calculations? What figures am I supposed to plug in to it again?

No. You did NOT say that.

Oh, yes I did.

In one you say it is merely a coincidence. But earlier you said there is no causal relationship...they are not related.

If there is no causal relationship between the distance of the ratio of the Sun from the Earth and the size of the Sun on the one hand and the ratio of the Moon from the Earth and the size of the Moon, then what is it other than coincidence? that's not changing my story, it's couching the same concept in differnet language to make it clearer. obviously I managed to obfuscate what I meant, rather than making it clearer, but that was not my intention.

And then I point out that gravity and angular momentum ARE causal relationships between them.

It is not a causal relationship between them. The distance of the Sun from the Earth is not dependent on the distance of the Moon from the Earth. The size of the Sun is not dependent on the size of the Moon. The distance of the Sun from the Earth relative to the size of the Sun is not dependent on the distance of the Moon from the Earth relative to the size of the Moon. There is no causal relationship between them. One of them does not cause the other.

Yes, they obey the same laws of physics, but that's not what I was disputing. The Sun is not the distance away from the Earth that it is because the Moon is the distance away from the Earth that it is. That's what I was saying. I hope it's clear now.

And oh yeah...did you even bother to look at the web page that the graphic came from? It is a web page all about Phi and Golden Mean Spiral. LOTS of material there. I suggest you look it over. This is another area that I am pointing you towards that you seem to want to ignore.

Wait, because you misunderstood what I said and posted a picture that you thought was relevent (but actually wasn't) to a side-issue to the discussion, you expect me to have right-clicked the picture, discovered the site you got it from from the URL, visited the site, and read it in it's entirety? I do have things to do other than this, you know. I'm not devoting my life to this conversation. if there's something that you feel I should look at, then I suggest that you tell me, rather than say that it's 'too much work'. You'd already been to the site and had the url of the picture in your paste buffer. Would it really have been that much work to type "I think it might be useful to you to look at the whole site" and paste the url, and editing off the ending so it was just <a href="] That's really too much effort?

In case you have forgotten the topic, and might want to wander down some detailed technical pathway at a much lower level[...]

Wouldn't the "lower-level" pathways be self-similar systems of the larger topic?

Would you like to stay on this topic, and discuss some of the other relationships I have pointed out? Like, maybe the GMS, or the Tree Of Life? Those are a couple of interesting ones.

So, I'm controlling the conversation completely, and we can't discuss any of the issues that I think are relevent, but you alone can suggest topics which are relevent? And I'm the control freak? What about the free exchange of ideas? I discuss points you bring up, you discuss points I bring know, we have an equal discussion. You should try it.

That is not the "who" I was referring to. You are referring to your extant, conscious self. I am referring to the "who" that is quite a bit deeper. But then again, you might not even recognize that entity exists. For if you don't believe in God, then you probably don't believe in the concept of the non-physical spirit, or soul, would you?

Wait, wait,'re claiming that when you said I was showing "who I really am" that you were saying that I may be being upfront and honest about who I am as far as my "consious self" is concerned but that you can tell that my soul is using "tactics" in the words that I type that make me a control freak? You're really going to have to explain what you mean, here, because this makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. Please clarify exactly what you mean by the post you made that starts with the sentence "Don't you worry, trollface...I won't leave you feeling lonely", because you've lost me completely.

And, no, I don't believe in a "soul" or "spirit" even slightly.

The fact that I use lots of sarcasm does not mean I hate you.

Never said it did. I just think that your so-called "sarcasm" (and if you think that random ad hominem attacks on me rather than addressing my arguments is "sarcasm", then I suggest you buy yourself a dictionary) is counter-productive to rational debate.

But HOW you argue and debate is every bit as important as WHAT you are debating.

Ain't that the truth? This is why I want you to debate me on the issues and address the exact words that I do say, rather than making inferrences, and assumptions about my motives and addressing them instead. Pretend I'm a scientists you're discussing this with.

You [...] direct the conversation to what YOU think the point is[...]

I ask again how this is a bad thing. Or different from what you do. The last sentence of your previous post is you explicitly stating what you think the point is, and trying to direct the conversation there. Hos is it disingenous and designed to sabotage the conversation (and evidence that I'm a control freak. Or that my soul is, anyway) when I do it, yet the correct thing to do when you do it? Again, why do you think it's right to hold yourself to a different standard of debate than you hold me to? Oh, that's right "life isn't fair", right?

And in fact, I appreciate some of your smartassyness, especially some of the goodies you swing at Chrono.

I argue like that with Chrono because I have a very low opinion of him, and I don't believe for a second that anything productive can come out of debating with him, or that there are intelligent points to be made with reference to him and his claims. My opinion of you is higher and, as such, I tend to address you with more respect than I afford Chrono.

If you think I should have less respect for you and your opinions, and should address you like I address Chrono, then I will. But I don't see what can productively be achieved by the pair of us sniping at each other. I think there may be something productive to come out of us addressing what each other says, so I'd rather do that. If you don't want to do that, then say so, and I'll abandon this conversation.

If you feel insulted, then that says you DO take them personally. Yet you say you don't take them personally.

I'm not insulted (although you have insulted me; there's a distinction there), I just think that the pair of us being snarky with each other would be pointless and counter=productive, when we could be having a meaningful and interesting discussion instead.

Well now, that's interesting. Logic. That means you understand Incompleteness. And thus that there are certain prospects that cannot be positively proved or disproved in a closed system of logic.

I'm not sure what your point is here.

Rather, our physical existence, as best we understand it, is based on dualism. Everything eventually boils down to Matter and Motion. That is what E=mc^2 is relating. Energy is Matter in Motion. Or we can talk about +charge and -charge, or electron spin-up and spin-down. Or how about the balance between Mass and Space?

Again, I'd argue that this really is dualism. It seems like the criteria are too arbitrary and, again, man-defined. E = mc^2 seems like a three-way partnership, not just two. It's true that E = mc^2, but it's equally true to say that E/m = c^2 or E/c^2 = m.

But the idea of mass vs space I don't think really counts. Space is not a thing in and of itself, it's simply defined as an absence of mass. Space is not the opposite of mass in the same way that 0 is not the negative of 4. -4 is the "opposite" of 4. Anti-matter, now, that would be a different story.

Yes, it seems like self-similarity shows up all over nature. Almost like it is one of several "themes of Creation". And then, when you see self-similarity of Phi/GMS throughout nature, you might begin to wonder if it is all by design.

I can certainly see what you're saying here. But it seems to be essentially the same argument that Creationists use to "disprove" the theory of evolution. The honey bee produces more honey than it needs, and honey has antiseptic and other medical properties. therefore it's unthinkable that there isn't an intelligent design behind it. I'm sorry, but that logic doesn't work for me. I don't think it follows.
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

It is ironic that Trollface being of a differing sexual design, should pick up the banner of inquisition against a supposed time traveler, that does not completely relate to this time, due to his non-knowledge of this society.

It was many years before that Richard The Lion Hearted, who was also of questionable sexual determination, charged an opposing line of enemy soldiers and was the first to show valor within a battle.

Well' at least Trollface had not criticize British architecture?
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

Didn't one of the posters mention you as being gay?

Forgive me, if I'm wrong, but I do recall this.

>The hypothalamus is either diminished or nonpresent, so the drive is not there for the opposite sex.
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

Nah, Chrono called me gay as an insult, and I responded by challenging his assumption that I was straight by asking why he assumed that I was not gay. Basically, he had assumed that I was straight, and furthermore that, as I was straight, I would find being called "gay" insulting. By asking that, I was subtley pointing out that, as I'd not mentioned anything to do with my sexuality at all on these boards, that he was making assumptions based on no evidence whatsoever.

I have subsequently posted about my sexuality, mentioneing both Jennifer Connelly and Nicole DeBoer as attractive ladies from which you could deduce that I was at least bisexual with a penchant for brunettes.

As it happens, Chrono was right in one of his assumptions, and wrong in the other. Not that it matters, but for the record, I am straight (and I do have a prediliction for brunettes), but my best friend is gay, and I lived with him for two or three years. As it's inconceivable in the eyes of many that a straight man could be best friends with a gay man, let alone share a house together, to this day we still get mistaken for boyfriends from time to time. I don't find this insulting in the slightest. He gets a lot more wound up about it than I do.
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

this thread went downhill fast haha...
cant people have a conversation without attacking each other? ughhh human nature, we're all better then that.

i enjoy reading what you guys have to say and i try not to but in unwelcomed, but this is getting rediculous.
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

I had a friend that was gay, bi and he took me to a gay bar, at one time.
(just for a drink or two, we were freinds from the work-place).

I did not know it was a gay bar, till the wimen at the bar, seemed somehow' not wimen.

We were friends and that was about the size of it.

Bisexuals were prominent in European royalty, as I feel that nature had compensated by letting men, adopt some of the sexual roles traditionally set aside for wimen, as wimen were meant for reproductive and child rearing clauses.

So wimen unlike today, were not really close to advisors of men, being looked down on as for child bearing only.

Bisexuals by and large are different that a sole gay male, as they have traditionally stepped on the territory between men and wimen.

I think Richard The Lion Hearted was bi, so was Richard The Third and a few others in that set of royal lines.

I'm not certain about this, but I think Queen Isabella was technically almost a man, due to a very strong androgen link, within her physical makeup?

I feel that these are the controls of nature, with reference to whether a person is meant to seek an opposite sexed mate and not of erotica, so much.

In said Chronose's time, with very advanced technologies at their fingertips, it should be exceedingly easy to breed out any nondesired sexual traits in humans inteneted to be born.

The only thing that I can think of for them not being bread either male or female, is sometimes within lizard humanoids, there might be a propensity for asexuality, or being able to produce offspring, without a mate?

I'm not sure otherwise.

I have studied on this issue and this deals more with biological mass mechanics, as intended and controlled by nature.

Sometimes mankind does augment, such as with the Catholic Church, where a said some sixty percent of the priesthood being gay, is not supposed to have any effect on the followers by and large, however the latter has proved true, there was an effect.

In this era, there was also the Mormons, the Assembly Of God following and a few others, that wrestled with both hidden homosexuality, as well as sexual scandals.

These trait problems I feel were leftover social archetypes, from the middle ages, when control of the believer was sought utmost, not the theologies necessary to determine a belief system.

I thought it odd, that both bis and homosexuals could have found a way to design a hidden community, for them to relate in, as other thought traditional means of assembly and congress were denied.
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

I thought it odd, that both bis and homosexuals could have found a way to design a hidden community, for them to relate in, as other thought traditional means of assembly and congress were denied.

I think pretty much any oppressed minority manages to find a way to do what they're going to do. If you force somehting out from the open, then all it can do it go underground.
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

A few notes on this phenomenon.

Firstover, the bisexuality differs, from just plain homosexuality.

Plain standard male homosexuals, were a nature's designed end point, as they served a social function as extrapolated from the primitive, where they had been formerly killed, however in most cases, are a non-child producing being.

They're not a minority, but a nature's designed end point.

A lot of times, in families of four males or more, there is sometimes in the fourth child, a homosexual determination.This as if to say by nature's dictom, that, "Extra breeders are not needed, so this child will have become a nonproducing endpoint"?

They aren't a minority, however part of the fabric of what we were; but only designed to not be a child bearing productive end.

Bisexuals in the classic royalty sense, are sort of consorts, I feel due to the unneeded opinions of wimen, in the classical medieval sense of affairs.

This is where say King Johnson would ask his queen, "Do you feel that we should conquer such and such a kingdom, or has this war we've spent, weakened the people too much to fight another great battle"?

She might not have been able to answer in the traditional sense as it is understood, for wimen today who are wives to answer, as she was relegated to one task.This task was to be queen and in some part not concern herself with matters of state, but to worry about children and her place instead.

So what was indicated there, is another man that the king in some capacity, could have been intimate with, however also take his advice.

There is a difference.

This gets into genetic determination of a species and is an extremely complex affair.

>An example of the gay community not being what they once where were incidences of straight males beating on gay males, as they had perceived their own latent qualities, that homosexuals were a threat.

The gay community militerized, and as a result had lost something in the process.

The former stance in the gay community had been assigned modern roles, such as wedding cattiers and gentle consultants to wimen, who wanted a more gentle male oppion.

They are not a minority, however part of what we were?

In offworld societies that I have read about, there are two to three instances of the entire society being hermaphroditic, or non-sexed, so that in some ways this society can balance.

The other side of the coin is, complete control of who gets born male or female.However in this case, there is only a required number of breeders that are permitted to be born at any one time.

The Pleiadean society, for how advanced it is, must make a contributing raid for sperm.
This is from less advanced societies, so that they can continue as a superadvanced race, after the process of purifying that sperm, in order to fertilize that one chosen egg.

For as much as the Pleiadeans tout as being superior to us savage Earthlings.

But in the real sense, they are as helpless as we are and still depend on Earthbased mankind for their offworld sperm donations; so you see there is a hypocrisy to the state of even superadvanced offworld societies.

In Chrono's time, there should in some way, be a lack of scientific ability, glaringly obvious with the mating process.This is as it was said that the Pleiadeans themselves, were ten thousands years advancements, of Earth humans, in respects to our own medical and reproductive technologies.

In Steven's second book, the Pleiadeans had even devised morality plays to show in-front of a male abducted Earth person, about government agents being evil.This play was complete with a pistol, which of course ended in a copulation right with a female Pleiadean of course who was going to have the baby back in the Pleiadean homeworld.

What is said here, is defiantly not meant to be funny, but is the process of how more than just a few societies continue their reproductive lines.
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

No use in arguing! Some just cannot perceive let alone plow a field over in their right minds. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Some are born "worker ants" , while others have "become the colony"...

How ironic in correlation of ants. When ants are born, their fate is decided by chemical factors which develop them and their roles differently. Some are sent to the tunnels to be workers, others caretakers, breeders and food retrievers while others are sent off to be soldiers (and all) under the control and command of the queen mother. This is intelligent and thoughtful in the manner that the queen has the ability to distribute work in order to maintain a successful colony . (i.g. a system in system is intelligent). We as society function in the same way...

Usually a worker ant is doubtful of his lot in life and sees no point in his existence other than his specific role. When separated from the colony they usually die... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

Occasionally roles do change for the survival of the colony. Worst case scenario, when things go devastatingly wrong with the colony there is usually dastardly plans to wipe out the old colony and start a new one... In likeness and just as easily, when the lines of proper function and communication break down, we humans could wipe out our entire civilization with a biochemical war of sorts...

When Ray talks about the GMS/Phi/Fibonacci sequence he is correct in observing this. The pervasive appearance of phi throughout life and the universe is believed by some to be the language and signature of Gd, a universal constant of design used to assure the beauty and unity of His creation.

The value of phi can be obtained from the Fibonacci Series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 and so on... 144 = 1.6179775 (1.618). Ironically 144 also happens to be the Torahs Gematrian equivalent for "light"...

Phi/GMS is the "singularity itself! Globally as a civilized unit, we are all growing/developing and heading the path towards that "singularity"... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif The unbelievers with their opposed atheistic views really have no choice in the matter! For they, like all the rest of us fit into the growth pattern of the GMS...(like it or not!) We will all serve our purpose. The only difference is that (the visually higher seekers) were not born worker ants with only one goal, but were born creators. So inherently have a higher intuition and knowledge regarding diviness... The world really needs us in this way, or it would not have created us so...

This is an excellent site:

After viewing that site in its entirety one begins to realize that such order CANNOT be produced by chance. The level of order is too sophisticated for a random cause . The patterns that are often revealed are too precise. Only intelligence produces such things . Phi is all around us... It is these precise arrangements that allow us to exist...

I think Ray went exceptionally above and beyond in explaining this, while Roel and Trollface have supplied that certain NOTHING in any form of logical contributions to disclaiming G-d!

Along with Rays most excellent "system in system" theory, it is ignorant to assume that there isn't a modern theory that exists to explain the miracle of conscious life, or the cosmic coincidences of divine proportions that surround our planet. Its called Intelligent Design Theory (IDT) and it does just that, and there is no way to escape it! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

good job CAT
ive studied the same theory for quite some time and its true you cant escape it.

creedo man what are you getting on with?

ps the link doesnt work
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

CAT said>I think Ray went exceptionally above and beyond in explaining this, while Roel and Trollface have supplied that certain NOTHING in any form of logical contributions to disclaiming G-d!

Creedo responds;Los Gatos' I think that this is known what is a salomon mommy ship.Didn't you mean to print, >while Roel and Trollface have supplied that certain NOTHING in any form of logical contributions to disclaiming,(claiming cleaning fluid) G-d!

CAT also pointed out>Along with Ray's most excellent "system of yoga" theory, it is ignorant to assume that there isn't a modern theory that exists to explain the miracle of conscious life, or the cosmic cornchips of divine proportions that surround our planet. Its called Intelligent Design Theory (IDT) and it does just that, and there is no way to escape it!

Creedo also points out;Wasn't it Ray who referred to with concern to mayonase couples having the right to be begally married, so affording a ya-ha policy to their par and a joint return to the jungamia, that as far as he was concerned, any begal attachments to the validation of marriage between couples, that they don't need ?

Well that's making an income so one can file a without return recognition from the flate.

My' how you of all people seem to forget how another regime felt it was necessary that chasews in Wal-mart should be considered nonpopitieal entities, as they were afterall responsible for the fall of the Bic pen whummie spartins?

Look closely at the Life Magazine photograph of Colnouel Sanders as photographed sitting in a chair by Field and Stream and in his eyes, you see the warmth of a loving, caring and yellow chicken wise man.

Memory and hindsight,mmmmm, I'm somehow missing something here?

Does Ray pass out the tickets at the ballgame to wear to, since your such an enamorate of his slamon sandwiches?
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

Creedo, I have no idea how much of that I'm supposed to take seriously. I will, however (if you're being serious) dispute the idea that a child that is born later into a large family is more likely to be gay than one who is born into a small family or who is born earlier into a large family without a cite of some kind.

CAT said:
The value of phi can be obtained from the Fibonacci Series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 and so on... 144 = 1.6179775 (1.618). Ironically 144 also happens to be the Torahs Gematrian equivalent for "light"... do I determine the size of the universe relative to the size of a human and the size of a human relative to DNA from this? How big is "a human"? How big is the Universe?

The world really needs us in this way, or it would not have created us so...

So you're saying that if I were to no longer be an atheist, that I would no longer serve my purpose, as I was not born with the greater intuition to be anything other than a worker ant? Nice to know that I'm doing my cynical, skeptical part in the the orderly running of the universe.

That is a good site, thank you. I've looked at it a bit, but I'll look into it more later. I'm not convinced of some of it's claims that I've seen so far, but it's interesting, for sure.

I think Ray went exceptionally above and beyond in explaining this, while Roel and Trollface have supplied that certain NOTHING in any form of logical contributions to disclaiming G-d!

Just out of interest, if you believe in a non-traditional view of God, why do you write the word in the Jewsih tradition?
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

Replying to my own self here, really. Working out as I go along.

According to this site :

The average length (height) of a human female is 63.7 inches (1.16798 meters). For a male it's 69.1 (1.75514 meters).

And, according to this site:

The total length of the human genome is 1.8 meters.

I'm guessing that we can all see that the ratio is going to be nowhere near the desired number. Still...

1.16798/1.8 = 0.64888
1.75514/1.8 = 0.97508
1.8/1.16798 = 1.54112
1.8/1.75514 = 1.02556

Well, you do better working from a woman's POV, but it's still not there, is it? Okay, so if we get the average (mean) of men and women's heights? That ends up as 1.46156.

1.46156/1.8 = 0.81198
1.8/1.46156 = 1.23156

Re: A Spiraling Conversation

Troll, we're talking about "PROPORTIONS". Review the site (its working now):

It must have been the lifeguards day off when you were in the gene pool!
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

Sometimes in protosocieties, humans grew large, due to the radiation filtered from the atmosphere, so causing large growth, or extra tall people.

In middle humanoid eras, medium heights were occurred, due to the products of excessive breeding, metropolizization and other environmental effects.

In societies that were of extreme age, smaller more streamlined proportions occurred, as that particular civilization was either on the verger of another evolutionary change, or in danger of dieing out.

From the evolutionary standpoint, mankind or humanoid kind, can be at any height at any time, depending on surrounding inputs?

The Torahic primes one extol in the post of Trollface, tell of a set point, by an observers standpoint of view.

This is a prime set of numbers, which extol a stylistic mean, not an overall story of the true lineage of that being.

God is God and can not necessarily be defined by a formula made by mankind.

Say God in order to make man understand God, would prescribe himself to be perceived as a man, however the latter would be the case.

If one says that the soul and spirit should be made from light, then the dark creative force, must therefore be assumed as a balance, not so much a creative force itself?
Re: A Spiraling Conversation

What Rainman said originally was:

Examine the spatial/size relationships of the elements we are discussing in this "systems of systems" view. I'd say the ratios are pretty comparable: DNA strand is to the entire human body, as the human body is to the entire known universe. Without actually performing a calculation for an exact number, I'd say the scalings in these ratios are fairly close. We are SO much larger than our DNA, that one could easily see our DNA saying "yeah...I don't see any evidence in our universe that there is a higher-level intelligent being."

I then asked him how close two each other the figures derived that way would have to be for him to consider it valid and he replied:

It's not really what I would consider valid. It is what the transcendental nature of the Fibonacci sequence, when used to compute the GMS (Phi), tells us is "close enough" by its pattern of convergence in the floating point domain. Correlation of this computation with fractal structures in nature tell us that within 3 significant figures of matching Phi is close enough.

I then asked him if he was going to show his working or not, and this is the answer I got:

Yeah, so get off my back, I gave you the accepted standard of evidence for the replication of the GMS. You can compute it for youself: You compute Phi (1.618...) from higher and higher digits in the Fibonacci sequence. As you go higher in the sequence (finer approximations of Phi), the result always lies within 3 sig figs of Phi.

So, I've done the working for him, and the answer is "no".

1.23156 is not within 3 significant figures of 1.61803.

To be honest, I'm not sure why he brought up Phi in this bit of the conversation, as it seems to have nothing to do with it, but he doesn't like to explain himself, and I think that answers that I've got are the best I'm going to.