Super Moderator
Re: Reactor\'s Paranoid Assumptions
And it is even MORE important for things that have not already been done. Because nobody wants to spend a lot of money building something that may not work.
And if you are not a professional engineer (like myself), how would you know it is not a "serious method" for doing something unknown? In fact, I am telling you that it is. And the US DoD (and many other agencies that spend money on advanced tech) will also tell you it is a serious method. The US DoD DEMANDS mathematical models be built and predicted performance documented from those models before they will fund a new technology system beyond Milestone 1B. (That is a specific point in a project's funding lifespan).
Moreover...you asked for my help. I am telling you the MOST HELPFUL THING YOU COULD DO (no matter what YOUR expertise level may be) is to develop a model that will allow you to PREDICT what any device will do. Then, when/if you build it you compare your actual results with the predicted results. It is in that difference (diff between actual and predicted) where you MAY find more clues about how to make happen what you say did happen (or what you wish to make happen). It is the way ALL complex developments proceed. Every single object in your schematic diagram can be mathematically modeled with the equations of mechanics and electromagnetics. Every one.
But others do NOT know that. And here is a shocking fact you should condsider: There are people (lots of people) all over the internet who would actually LIE ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS just to get other people to give them money. I am not saying you are lying, but the fact that others will means everyone who encounters you should question your claims...and ask for evidence.
What do you mean? Way higher than what/who?
We may be making headway. Are you now admitting that you do not know what an "inner singularity" is? And that it is possible you have NO IDEA what a 2-phase electric motor could induce? BTW, it is OK to admit this. Do not think of this as failure. What I am trying to do is get you to give up on GUESSING ABOUT THINGS, and especially give up on scammers and hoaxers on the internet trying to TELL you that it was an "inner singularity". Instead, why not spend some time and money MODELING the e/m field around a 2 phase motor with the voltage input you supplied? THAT will tell you whether the device in your schematic will do ANYTHING close to what you claim it did.
Time and money are tradeoffs. Yes, you have plenty of time, but not plenty of money. All the more reason for approaching this scientifically, and FIRST trying to model the device that you drew a schematic of. Look over at wolf's new thread in the TT Discussion forum. He has started with Maxwell's equations and he is laying down some premises about e/m fields. Maxwells equations can help you model every single piece of electronic/electrical gear that is in your schematic. Heck, wolf might even help you build such a mathematical model if you patiently decribe to him what some of those components are such that he can model their R-L-C effects (Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance). Because I, for one, do not know what a "resistor vaccuum tube" is. They are two very different components, with two very different functions, and they need to be modeled as such.
Not necessarily everyone. Not me, for instance. Because I have enough knowledge of physical systems to know that what you say you want to do is a lot more difficult than you make it out to be. I also know just from looking at your schematic that this device will NOT induce anything "magical" such as what you claimed happened. Don't get mad at me... I am NOT attacking you personally. Rather, I am telling you that my 24+ years of complex systems engineering experience knows that your device is just not going to produce these effects.
I asked you about the motor for a reason: To get you to realize that its output effects will amount to a few things...all VERY mundane:
1) It will dissipate heat. (Lost energy)
2) It will generate mechanical torque, which is NOT being used to turn any other sort of mechanical shaft... hence, this is lost power.
3) It will create an e/m field around it, but one that is so small with such a small Power Spectral Density signature, that at best it could cause a compass to swing away from magnetic north, and possible oscillate.
If you actually believe someone when they tell you it will create an "inner singularity", then you need to press that person to help you MATHEMATICALLY MODEL how and what an "inner singularity" is. And I am quite sure they will not know how to do it, much less even be able to describe how an "inner singularity" arises from the 3 effects I have outlined above.
I am trying to help you. You simply have not realized it yet.
yes to build something that is already been done your method might be correct
And it is even MORE important for things that have not already been done. Because nobody wants to spend a lot of money building something that may not work.
but when dealing with the totally unknonw and unexplore there is not serious method especially when your not an engineer like you , me sir im just a techinical assistant
And if you are not a professional engineer (like myself), how would you know it is not a "serious method" for doing something unknown? In fact, I am telling you that it is. And the US DoD (and many other agencies that spend money on advanced tech) will also tell you it is a serious method. The US DoD DEMANDS mathematical models be built and predicted performance documented from those models before they will fund a new technology system beyond Milestone 1B. (That is a specific point in a project's funding lifespan).
Moreover...you asked for my help. I am telling you the MOST HELPFUL THING YOU COULD DO (no matter what YOUR expertise level may be) is to develop a model that will allow you to PREDICT what any device will do. Then, when/if you build it you compare your actual results with the predicted results. It is in that difference (diff between actual and predicted) where you MAY find more clues about how to make happen what you say did happen (or what you wish to make happen). It is the way ALL complex developments proceed. Every single object in your schematic diagram can be mathematically modeled with the equations of mechanics and electromagnetics. Every one.
what i know is what i did
But others do NOT know that. And here is a shocking fact you should condsider: There are people (lots of people) all over the internet who would actually LIE ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS just to get other people to give them money. I am not saying you are lying, but the fact that others will means everyone who encounters you should question your claims...and ask for evidence.
and i gather all my information from people that are way higher than
What do you mean? Way higher than what/who?
i cannot answer your question because my experiment was a fluke something happen by mistake and that history
We may be making headway. Are you now admitting that you do not know what an "inner singularity" is? And that it is possible you have NO IDEA what a 2-phase electric motor could induce? BTW, it is OK to admit this. Do not think of this as failure. What I am trying to do is get you to give up on GUESSING ABOUT THINGS, and especially give up on scammers and hoaxers on the internet trying to TELL you that it was an "inner singularity". Instead, why not spend some time and money MODELING the e/m field around a 2 phase motor with the voltage input you supplied? THAT will tell you whether the device in your schematic will do ANYTHING close to what you claim it did.
because franckly there is so much to do and so little time and moeny to spend on this i dont want to recreat my experiment again and meet failure ,because for now money is scarce and i have a lot fo time on my hand
Time and money are tradeoffs. Yes, you have plenty of time, but not plenty of money. All the more reason for approaching this scientifically, and FIRST trying to model the device that you drew a schematic of. Look over at wolf's new thread in the TT Discussion forum. He has started with Maxwell's equations and he is laying down some premises about e/m fields. Maxwells equations can help you model every single piece of electronic/electrical gear that is in your schematic. Heck, wolf might even help you build such a mathematical model if you patiently decribe to him what some of those components are such that he can model their R-L-C effects (Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance). Because I, for one, do not know what a "resistor vaccuum tube" is. They are two very different components, with two very different functions, and they need to be modeled as such.
isnt it this that everyone here was waiting for , the opportunity to actually try something real
Not necessarily everyone. Not me, for instance. Because I have enough knowledge of physical systems to know that what you say you want to do is a lot more difficult than you make it out to be. I also know just from looking at your schematic that this device will NOT induce anything "magical" such as what you claimed happened. Don't get mad at me... I am NOT attacking you personally. Rather, I am telling you that my 24+ years of complex systems engineering experience knows that your device is just not going to produce these effects.
I asked you about the motor for a reason: To get you to realize that its output effects will amount to a few things...all VERY mundane:
1) It will dissipate heat. (Lost energy)
2) It will generate mechanical torque, which is NOT being used to turn any other sort of mechanical shaft... hence, this is lost power.
3) It will create an e/m field around it, but one that is so small with such a small Power Spectral Density signature, that at best it could cause a compass to swing away from magnetic north, and possible oscillate.
If you actually believe someone when they tell you it will create an "inner singularity", then you need to press that person to help you MATHEMATICALLY MODEL how and what an "inner singularity" is. And I am quite sure they will not know how to do it, much less even be able to describe how an "inner singularity" arises from the 3 effects I have outlined above.
I am trying to help you. You simply have not realized it yet.