If any of you have really time traveled contact me

Re: Reactor\'s Paranoid Assumptions

yes to build something that is already been done your method might be correct

And it is even MORE important for things that have not already been done. Because nobody wants to spend a lot of money building something that may not work.

but when dealing with the totally unknonw and unexplore there is not serious method especially when your not an engineer like you , me sir im just a techinical assistant

And if you are not a professional engineer (like myself), how would you know it is not a "serious method" for doing something unknown? In fact, I am telling you that it is. And the US DoD (and many other agencies that spend money on advanced tech) will also tell you it is a serious method. The US DoD DEMANDS mathematical models be built and predicted performance documented from those models before they will fund a new technology system beyond Milestone 1B. (That is a specific point in a project's funding lifespan).

Moreover...you asked for my help. I am telling you the MOST HELPFUL THING YOU COULD DO (no matter what YOUR expertise level may be) is to develop a model that will allow you to PREDICT what any device will do. Then, when/if you build it you compare your actual results with the predicted results. It is in that difference (diff between actual and predicted) where you MAY find more clues about how to make happen what you say did happen (or what you wish to make happen). It is the way ALL complex developments proceed. Every single object in your schematic diagram can be mathematically modeled with the equations of mechanics and electromagnetics. Every one.

what i know is what i did

But others do NOT know that. And here is a shocking fact you should condsider: There are people (lots of people) all over the internet who would actually LIE ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS just to get other people to give them money. I am not saying you are lying, but the fact that others will means everyone who encounters you should question your claims...and ask for evidence.

and i gather all my information from people that are way higher than

What do you mean? Way higher than what/who?

i cannot answer your question because my experiment was a fluke something happen by mistake and that history

We may be making headway. Are you now admitting that you do not know what an "inner singularity" is? And that it is possible you have NO IDEA what a 2-phase electric motor could induce? BTW, it is OK to admit this. Do not think of this as failure. What I am trying to do is get you to give up on GUESSING ABOUT THINGS, and especially give up on scammers and hoaxers on the internet trying to TELL you that it was an "inner singularity". Instead, why not spend some time and money MODELING the e/m field around a 2 phase motor with the voltage input you supplied? THAT will tell you whether the device in your schematic will do ANYTHING close to what you claim it did.

because franckly there is so much to do and so little time and moeny to spend on this i dont want to recreat my experiment again and meet failure ,because for now money is scarce and i have a lot fo time on my hand

Time and money are tradeoffs. Yes, you have plenty of time, but not plenty of money. All the more reason for approaching this scientifically, and FIRST trying to model the device that you drew a schematic of. Look over at wolf's new thread in the TT Discussion forum. He has started with Maxwell's equations and he is laying down some premises about e/m fields. Maxwells equations can help you model every single piece of electronic/electrical gear that is in your schematic. Heck, wolf might even help you build such a mathematical model if you patiently decribe to him what some of those components are such that he can model their R-L-C effects (Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance). Because I, for one, do not know what a "resistor vaccuum tube" is. They are two very different components, with two very different functions, and they need to be modeled as such.

isnt it this that everyone here was waiting for , the opportunity to actually try something real

Not necessarily everyone. Not me, for instance. Because I have enough knowledge of physical systems to know that what you say you want to do is a lot more difficult than you make it out to be. I also know just from looking at your schematic that this device will NOT induce anything "magical" such as what you claimed happened. Don't get mad at me... I am NOT attacking you personally. Rather, I am telling you that my 24+ years of complex systems engineering experience knows that your device is just not going to produce these effects.

I asked you about the motor for a reason: To get you to realize that its output effects will amount to a few things...all VERY mundane:

1) It will dissipate heat. (Lost energy)
2) It will generate mechanical torque, which is NOT being used to turn any other sort of mechanical shaft... hence, this is lost power.
3) It will create an e/m field around it, but one that is so small with such a small Power Spectral Density signature, that at best it could cause a compass to swing away from magnetic north, and possible oscillate.

If you actually believe someone when they tell you it will create an "inner singularity", then you need to press that person to help you MATHEMATICALLY MODEL how and what an "inner singularity" is. And I am quite sure they will not know how to do it, much less even be able to describe how an "inner singularity" arises from the 3 effects I have outlined above.

I am trying to help you. You simply have not realized it yet.
Re: Reactor\'s Paranoid Assumptions

that may be true, but i doubt any of these guys are going to get anything across to you, and i dont think you will get through to them.

That could be true. But the same could be said of some of my freshman aero students. I may not be able to get through to them, but I am going to continue to try until THEY decide to give up. If I give up before they do, then I am not doing my job as a teacher, am I?

The best feeling in the world is when you see a student who you THOUGHT was a "lost cause"...one that seemed you could not "reach" to help them understand how to attack an engineering problem...and then see them on the day they get their aerospace engineering degree. I can easily identify the A+ students who will (with a lot of hard work) sail through the program, get their degree, and be one of the first students from a graduating class to get hired in their new profession. Those students do not need a lot of my time and effort. It is the ones who struggle (but do NOT give up), they are the ones who deserve my efforts and deserve for me to not give up on them unless and until they give up on themselves.

go read my story again

Hi there RMt , go back to my website and read thouroughlly my story if there anything you miss i will try to answer to my best knowledge , now if you could just stop posting such long reply they give everyone a headach to read , darn just get on messenger so i can snswer your question one at a time , i cannot answer a single of your question here because the way you post rely are so chaotic, just join me online on messenger i will be glad to explain to you all i learn from al bielek and gibbs and hutchinson and nichols , as for the continuous question of what is a inner singularity :here the answer
a inner singularity is a space located inside a time slip effect to keep his/her occupant safe from the alternating time outside , if it wasnt for that the occupant would age or regress as fast as the machine time travel (a bubble of space and time calibrate to the user) , we still dont know if any of that is true but that what happen , maybe i only age for one second but after my experiment i didnt felt any worst
so please join me on messenger i will be able to answer all your question im not gonna read the lengthy reply you always post
ive got nothing to hide so you can just post our conversation , and btw im not your student so you dont have to put all your effort on me im not here to learn from you but to collaborate together on building an experiment
im not angry at anyone here i just want to talk one on one its easier its simpler
Re: go read my story again


I once had a design for a liquid skinned vehicle, capable of "flowing", as it were, and creating a seamless craft, also capable of changing its shape, embedded with a specific type of enyzme that provided power to the craft.

Can you help me re-bulld it ?

I forgot what or how I did it, and I only have some old barroom napkins with a vague outline of what was done. If you would be so kind as to take what I have and spend alot of time on figuring out the math, then I don't have to waste my time doing it mysel...er...I mean this way I can make sure I do it safely, if "I" could use "your" expertise with "helping" me recreate the liquid metal craft, that would be great.

Surely, you can take my notes and my word for it, and commit time and resources to help me for you to build it again.

Because you are an areospace engineer and aerospace professor at a well-known University, means that you of all people should be able to want to help "me" figure it out "yourself", not that I really need you to build it anyway, there are other saps that will do my work for me, themselves.


Note: I did speak to some high level people on this, but for some reason, they don't respond to me anymore. All I get is their answering machine's, excepting the one's that changed their phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

Re: go read my story again


Here is photo of liquid metal vessel, this should you help me.


/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Vortex core...

a inner singularity is a space located inside a time slip effect to keep his/her occupant safe from the alternating time outside , if it wasnt for that the occupant would age or regress as fast as the machine time travel (a bubble of space and time calibrate to the user)



/ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Re: Rain Paranoid Assumptions

they are the ones who deserve my efforts and deserve for me to not give up on them unless and until they give up on themselves.

So here, you will see the prototypes of Rain in action...


Re: Reactor\'s Paranoid Assumptions

Reactor's Paranoid Assumptions [re: reactor1967]
03/22/09 10:41 AM ( Edit Reply

Another emotional response, Reactor?

In reply to:

Im being told what I can say or not say. And to top it off, your making paranoid assumptions.


Speaking of paranoid assumptions! Here are some of yours:

1) You assumed that my response to a time travel claimant about his posting a claim on the wrong board was directed at all TTI members (and I assume in your paranoia that you thought it was directed specifically at you).
2) You assumed that when someone started a thread asking for anyone who actually had traveled through time to contact him, that it meant you. (As if you had actually traveled through time.)
3) You assumed that, because the US GOV has International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), that they must apply to you and your pet project.
4) You assumed that someone (myself?) was telling you what you can or cannot say, but you provide no evidence that this is true.

And as for your last assumption: I would like to see the evidence for where you claim I was telling you "what you can say or not say". You will note that you have not been banned, and nor have I forcefully edited-out anything you wrote. If anything, you are the master of revision of your own thoughts...going back and doing wholesale revisions of your posts, or deleting them altogether.

As you see, I can give every bit as good as I can take.

Your move, Dooku.

"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day" - Time, Pink Floyd - 1973

1. No your wrong. You were having an emotional break down due to stress and told everyone here how you felt about us.
2. As far as I know I have the only working time machine around here.
3. Not that it was one of our orginal arguments but ITAR does apply to me because my method can be used to predict when, where, how, why, and with what assets and enemy will attack. It can be used to see what documents come across other polictical leaders desk. It can be used for spying and information gathering as well as predicting events in the markets. Anyone in power would dearly love to have what I have. Not that they can not read my thread and use people smarter than I to make it happen because they can. ITAR applies me yes indeed it does. Hey, how much you getting paid for that info?
4. Your playing the hi-jack thread card. When you or Darby hi-jack a thread it is ok. But you and Darby use the hi-jack thread issue to silence others from time to time. You told me to take meds meaning you want me to stop talking. You made comments to me about staying in my thread meaning again you want to silence me. As far as I can tell you either want to control people or have an secret reason for being here. Why your here I don,t know. Maybe you could go ahead and answer that since your trying so hard to avoid it. I noticed someone else asked you too. Your still not talking?

As you see, I can give every bit as good as I can take.
Your responsible for your own behavior. I still don,t see how you sleep at night from what I have seen of you. You think your so smart and everyone else is so dumb but dude you really can not see how you look from other peoples eys. Your a self appointed leader here and Darby is your second in command. Pam was right about you. You took over this forum and Einstien was right about you that you run amuck. You try to control each thread like a director or news reporter controls an interview. You say others want attention but it is clearly you that want the attention and you show that very intently to the point of hurting other people and running them off. You can,t stand to loose even when your clearly in the wrong.

On my claims being a mute issue. That is ok with me. I,ve can,t go much further right now until I get my ITAR issues worked out and get my being accepted issues worked out. Im over here in this thread because my method is the eys and ears to the future or the past. I would like a second method to be the hands and boots on the ground to the future and the past. Dont think that my journey has ended with my current method because now that I have the information to the future or the past. Now Im looking at what we could do to put boots on the ground. Sure I could search for that informatin with what I have already but I need to have a really goodf idea of what I am searching for first before I can put a actual search in place or I can wait to I receive a message from the future to myself if I ever found it. But no I still look thru the threads here. Will I actually go that far doing something physical. Giving my current family situation more likely than not no. But I still have that interest. To be truthful most people here want a shiny red sporty looking ride to whisk them away through time and space. They don,t care how it works just as long as it does. Most people here can not read the type of math posulates your talking about or the electrical or mechanical blue prints that you want so you can go sell your booty to the highest bidder. Only a few here are interested in what you seek most Others just want to time travel.

RMT - I think it is time for you to stop hi-jacking this thread and let others get back on topic here. No one wants to hear it from you any more.
Re: go read my story again


Using a giant mechanical hand on the aft end of the craft was a clever idea. By having it throw objects in space you can achieve propulsion. While in the atmosphere, simple flapping provides the motive power! Tell me, what is the sound of one hand flapping?

But why did you remove the thumb?

Any plans of adding a time-travel feature?
Re: Reactor\'s Paranoid Assumptions

Time and money are tradeoffs. Yes, you have plenty of time, but not plenty of money. All the more reason for approaching this scientifically, and FIRST trying to model the device that you drew a schematic of. Look over at wolf's new thread in the TT Discussion forum. He has started with Maxwell's equations and he is laying down some premises about e/m fields. Maxwells equations can help you model every single piece of electronic/electrical gear that is in your schematic. Heck, wolf might even help you build such a mathematical model if you patiently decribe to him what some of those components are such that he can model their R-L-C effects (Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance). Because I, for one, do not know what a "resistor vaccuum tube" is. They are two very different components, with two very different functions, and they need to be modeled as such.


There is a heck of a lot of software out there that will help model such things. But, as RMT said it would be helpful to understand such things. Software is not always easy to learn and sometimes it takes time to learn it. I once spent 2 months learning autocad then spent 6 months getting other peoples blue prints and re-drawing them just so I could learn to use the software and I still don,t know everything there is to know about it. I recommend a simple electronic course then then start out with simple math learning software and work your way up. In time you will learn a lot but will you know everything no you wont. Will you remember everything speaking from experiance no you won,t. But you will be smarter if you have the time and desire to learn it. When I was a kid use to build circuits with those circuit building kits. Then I moved up to hobby electronics. Then I went to votec school then I went to college. RMT I don,t know what his child hood was like maybe he did math problems while everyone else watched cartoons or maybe his parents where into such things and he got their interest. More over just be careful. Your head hurting yet? As far as helping you and not trying to teach you anything if can help you I will. I just wanted to point out to you that software can and will model a lot. If want software look at the GNU. You may have to get linux but a lot of it is starting to goto windows. On software there is design software and simulation software. Then there is design software that simulates too. You want the design first then later move to simulation. Of course RMT might throw some stuff my way as far as questions and what not for telling you this but it is true. Good luck to you.
Re: go read my story again

apparently we lost track of the subject , i was not aiming anything bad at RMT so please you all quit it please we must go back on track and make this happen
Re: go read my story again

If your going to model you machine as RMT suggested maybe it is time to find you some software to help you design and model what you need. Maybe it is time for someone to help you with the math. As far as helping you this is my suggestion. That is if what you are going to do is going to be designed from a model. If you get a bunch of people helping you I don,t see the bickering and fighting stoping. Everyone will have an opinion about how to do it and where to start.
Second of all im still on the effect John created and only know where you plan to start from looking at the simple block diagram on your websight. You did not seem like you were going to use a lot of power but John used high voltage off a static charging device. The higher the voltage the stronger the magnetic field will be. The more windings on the coil the stronger the magnetic field will be. I suggest you put out a project plan where you want to start and with what then show what help you need then we can start from there. But, this is just my opinion not fact.

Speaking from experience from working on projects together usually there is a brain storming session. Then there is a project leader appointed. Then there is a project plan. Then different people are assigned to work on each part on the plan. And, everything is designed, and tested. Well if the group was doing it together it needs some organization. So far there is just a lot of talk here. Good luck to you.
Re: go read my story again

My apologies, Timeloop, I didn't really provide all the previous information on our project, as we did in a thread awhile back..hopefully the copied and pasted first post of that thread will answer some of your questions:

"""Yes, we were able to finally construct a working model of the liquid metal/plastic space/temporal vehicle. After many hours of instensive research and collaboration with the local librarian, we were able to make sense of all the design notes written on a variety of paper.

Hopefully, no problems will arise later, since some of the cocktail napkins had accidently been soaked in some spilled spirits. This caused us to lose some of the required mathematical calculations due to the ink being diluted and becoming illegible.

Also we did lose one "page" when Steve thought he saw some governmemt agents and ate the napkin. Turned out the suspected government agents were Jehovahs Witnesses. We are not certain, but perhaps the Jehovahs Witnesses and The Men in Black are one and the Same. Think about it, riding our neighborhoods on bikes ( vehicles with no traceable heat sources / license plates, etc..), going door to door and attempting to gain entry into as many homes as possible. Hmmmmm...

Anyway, after carefuly putting together the components we realized our goal of building a temporal craft. It isnt quite done, we ran out of Elmers glue and are waiting for our associate to return from a run to Wal-Mart. We are certain the duct tape will hold, but it is always good to build in redundent safety systems.

As you are probably wondering what the craft looks like, and we do have a vivid color photo of the wonderous creation, but all in good time. Our testing has confirmed that it does successfuly operate as it should with only one minor detail. When the brakes are released it instantly travels to any point in time and/or space, but then for some reason, it returns just as quickly. Only by blinking our eyes at a specific rate do we notice any shift whatsoever.

Enough of the chit chat..below is our color photo of our liquid metal/plastic craft..."""

[ Pictured in above post. ]

Thank-you for pointing out the flapping hand, we didn't notice that before. Will bring that up at our next meeting at Joe's Laboratory for Temporal and Miscellaneous Secret Science Projects Pub and Grilled Sandwiches.
Re: go read my story again

When the brakes are released it instantly travels to any point in time and/or space, but then for some reason, it returns just as quickly.

As long as it does not travel to Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. I got sick the last time we ate there. I think it was the fish. Yeah, I would definitely stay away from the fish. In fact, I would stay away from that place altogether. Check the Hitchhiker's Guide. There are a lot better places to eat, many of the kosher!

Now what were you on about again?

Re: go read my story again

Check the Hitchhiker's Guide

I would do that, but I saw some mice carrying it off. I believed it had something to do with the Deep Thought experiment, but maybe it was more along the lines of keeping the bad fishy food information a secret. Thanks for the tip.

Now what were you on about again?

Oh, I'd say I was on about the, er, um, oh hell, I forgot.
Re: go read my story again

apparently we lost track of the subject , i was not aiming anything bad at RMT so please you all quit it please we must go back on track and make this happen

This thread was derailed "almost" as soon as it was responded to, as the original post was written 4 years ago, AND the request was for anyone who "has" traveled in time to contact the originator of the thread.

Reactor got the closest to that request, but the rest of the thread certainly doesn't seem to qualify as "on track".

Instead of taking ourselves so seriously, might as well toss in some humor to take the edge off a bit.
Re: go read my story again

This thread was derailed almost as soon as it was responded to, as the original post was written 4 years ago.

The rest of this thread became a thrashing from multiple sides, and instead of taking ourselves so seriously, might as well toss in some humor to take the edge off a bit.

""We tried a desperate game and lost. But we are tough men used to tough ways, and we have to abide by the consequences." -- Cole Younger

The chicken paradox joke:
This struck me funny when I thought of it so lets see how you guys like it. If you were going to send a chicken back in time would you send the chicken or would you send an egg?
Re: Reactor\'s Paranoid Assumptions

2. As far as I know I have the only working time machine around here.

I vote that line for the best humor in this thread so far!

3. Not that it was one of our orginal arguments but ITAR does apply to me because my method can be used to predict when, where, how, why, and with what assets and enemy will attack. It can be used to see what documents come across other polictical leaders desk. It can be used for spying and information gathering as well as predicting events in the markets. Anyone in power would dearly love to have what I have. Not that they can not read my thread and use people smarter than I to make it happen because they can. ITAR applies me yes indeed it does.

You clearly have not studied the laws behind ITAR. I know it makes you feel important to think it does apply to you, but I can assure you it does not.


<font color="red"> "For practical purposes, ITAR regulations dictate that information and material pertaining to defense and military related technologies (for items listed on the US Munitions List) may only be shared with US Persons unless authorization from the Department of State is received or a special exemption is used"
"The list of ITAR-controlled defense articles, services and technology (collectively “USML items”) changes."[/COLOR]

Your little fantasy "technology" is not on the USML, now is it? And all of your musings about your fantasy "technology" are already in the public domain, aren't they? But if it makes you feel more important, you go ahead and think that.

Why your here I don,t know. Maybe you could go ahead and answer that since your trying so hard to avoid it. I noticed someone else asked you too. Your still not talking?

Asked and answered. Perhaps it would behoove you to actually read what I have written before you make errors such as this. Because, you see, just because you might think something I wrote was emotional, does not mean it was actually an emotional response. In fact, in this case, I provided a very succinct and verifiable answer to the question of why I am here. I provided this answer to "doctorz". What remains to be answered is why you are here (esp. if you hate it, and me, so much)?

And for the record: I do not care how far this thread goes off topic, and nor do I care much (if anything) about your opinion of me. I am just secure enough in myself to be that way.
Re: Reactor\'s Paranoid Assumptions

In reply to:

2. As far as I know I have the only working time machine around here.


I vote that line for the best humor in this thread so far!

In reply to:

3. Not that it was one of our orginal arguments but ITAR does apply to me because my method can be used to predict when, where, how, why, and with what assets and enemy will attack. It can be used to see what documents come across other polictical leaders desk. It can be used for spying and information gathering as well as predicting events in the markets. Anyone in power would dearly love to have what I have. Not that they can not read my thread and use people smarter than I to make it happen because they can. ITAR applies me yes indeed it does.


You clearly have not studied the laws behind ITAR. I know it makes you feel important to think it does apply to you, but I can assure you it does not.


"For practical purposes, ITAR regulations dictate that information and material pertaining to defense and military related technologies (for items listed on the US Munitions List) may only be shared with US Persons unless authorization from the Department of State is received or a special exemption is used"
"The list of ITAR-controlled defense articles, services and technology (collectively “USML items”) changes."

Your little fantasy "technology" is not on the USML, now is it? And all of your musings about your fantasy "technology" are already in the public domain, aren't they? But if it makes you feel more important, you go ahead and think that.

In reply to:

Why your here I don,t know. Maybe you could go ahead and answer that since your trying so hard to avoid it. I noticed someone else asked you too. Your still not talking?


Asked and answered. Perhaps it would behoove you to actually read what I have written before you make errors such as this. Because, you see, just because you might think something I wrote was emotional, does not mean it was actually an emotional response. In fact, in this case, I provided a very succinct and verifiable answer to the question of why I am here. I provided this answer to "doctorz". What remains to be answered is why you are here (esp. if you hate it, and me, so much)?

And for the record: I do not care how far this thread goes off topic, and nor do I care much (if anything) about your opinion of me. I am just secure enough in myself to be that way.

"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day" - Time, Pink Floyd - 1973

Your security is your flaws. You sound like a dog barking late at night that barks and barks and barks all night long. You never stop barking. All I know is I had someone long ago tell me that I needed to go to the department of security for the department of commerce and read the regulations involving high technology. Which I did. I am secure in what I have done and I don,t care what you think of me. You lack ethics, you lack principles, you are unlimited in your behavior. You have no stop switch. Case in point you again derailing this thread because you are mad at me. You don,t care for the people here just as I saw you did not when I read your post that you said I took out of context. You don,t care for no one but yourself. I think you are capable of doing anything no matter how wrong it is. I know if I lived in your state my kids would not sit in your classroom with you as their teacher. Rainman keep barking with your dogmatic behavior and your dogmatic words and your dogmatic actions. Like the dogs in my neighbor hood that I have to listen to sometimes I will just have to learn to tune you out.

I am just secure enough in myself to be that way.

Your lying to me with this statement. I have watched you over the past year as I assume you have watched me. Both of us have learned a little about each other. The only time I have seen you care about other people is when you teach. The only time I have seen you really act like a human is when you teach. So, that tells me the only time you feel good about yourself is when you teach. This also tells me that the only thing you really have in your life is your math and your physics and your professional career. Outside of that there is nothing special about you. There is nothing human about you. I don,t believe you really like yourself and I don,t believe you are really secure in yourself as you claim to be. That being said I would have empathy for you were it not for the fact that I have seen you time and time again try to destroy other TTI users here so I don,t feel sorry for you. Outside of your math and physics your nothing but human garbage plain and simple. You have the knowledge but you do not have the moral compass and wisdom to be a real human bean. To be a real person. You wanted this you got it. Un-edited. I still can,t help but feel a little sorry for you that is why I still talk to you. So now go ahead and call me crazy or what ever you want and try to destroy me like you try to destroy others. Again, as I said above in the end your really nothing but a mad dog barking in the night. Good night Mr. Rainman.
