If any of you have really time traveled contact me

Re: If any of you have really time traveled contac


As far as i can tell you've pulled this concept out of thin air or other places i dare not think.

Yes I did. But I was dealing with a one dimensional concept. So I did define my density as a one dimensional density. But I'll find out this weekend if Doctor Z's special coil could actually use math like this. Oh, and by the way, my first spinoff application will be to resurrect Norman Dean's Dean drive. The secret he died with just may be Doctor Z's special coil.
Re: If any of you have really time traveled contac

Oh, and by the way, my first spinoff application will be to resurrect Norman Dean's Dean drive. The secret he died with just may be Doctor Z's special coil.

I'm not familiar with that. Any details? I guess if it's secret then nobody knows. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Darby helps Rainman out of professional respect.


The quote "were [sic]a stupid lot" only appears three times on the entire TTI website. The two obvious times that it appears is Reactor's post above and your response where you quote from his post.

The third, and ititial time it appears? From Reactor himself:

In reply to:


Reged: 04/01/08
Posts: 565
Loc: Where ever I hang my hat.
Re: (Un)discovered journals of a time travel inventor? [re: timtravel]
01/22/09 02:57 AM ( Edit Reply


If you ask the staff were all fruit cakes here and a stupid lot of folks. So good luck with your help. On the change our destiny we hear that a lot around here. That is pair for time travel claims.


Note that I added a "sic" notation to the quote above. The reason is because the word isn't "were", it is "we're". And it appears in the original January post and in the most recent post made by Reactor. He used it twice. He didn't lift the quote "were a stupid lot" from anyone else's posts here or anywhere else. He wrote it.

He was quoting himself, no you. It's a case of self-delusion and wishful thinking.

Rainman calling TTI members stupid and saying they have a low IQ post.

Rainmans quote:
Re: Ordered to return [re: linkman]
11/06/08 06:44 AM (

You "time travelers" are really a pretty stupid lot, aren't you? I can't count the number of times "you people" show up, having to brag about your abilities, and all the while totally ignore the structure of the board and our rules.

For the last TIME: Please let it be known that all time travel claimants need to post their claims in the Time Travel Claims forum!!! Geez! I guess we select people with low IQs to do the time traveling, eh?

Thread moved...

"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day" - Time, Pink Floyd - 1973


RMT digs his own grave and you try to help him out of professional respect and I understand that. Why you respect him I don,t know. Maybe you are on the payroll here and want to keep that fact from the others here I don,t know. Lord help him from your comments to him if your were not trying to protect him. Im sure you could do a much better job than I at pointing out his faults. Im sure you will try to find a clever way to help him exit gracefully but I don't think that will change how other people view him.

What math teacher would call his class stupid and tell them they have a low IQ. How stupid does RMT look for telling others that his is trying to teach the scientific method too and trying to teach physics and math too that they are stupid and have a low IQ. You know the answer better than I do so I will leave it there and not put the knife in any deeper. Again, what his his freaking business here? I don,t know and I am still trying to figure that out. He does not believe in time travel and he does not like the people here he is trying to influence and he does not follow the scientific method or any method that I know about of debunking or over-turning a scientific claim.
Re: Rainman is a spy and PSI OP!!! and a Troll

man i never tought we would go off topic by so far , hey thanks everyone for your input negative or poisitive , at least now im sure who will be time travelling soon and who will remain with the sheep heard , btw rainmantime did you ever tought of using an hdr it would help a lot with your spirituality
give it a try you might enjoy
Dr z

Hey bud when you do finally time travel don,t forget about the disfunctional family you left behind at TTI. Any advice or information your willing to share in public would be appreciated. Thanks for stopping in. Come back when you feel like it.
Re: Rainman is a spy.

You are an awfully nice guy to do Reactor's own research for him, Darby. I was pretty sure I never used those words. One, because I rarely use British colloquialisms (i.e. "lot"). Two, because I am VERY careful about using the word "stupid". As a teacher, I think I have to be!

So what gives, Reactor? Some might say that now your credibility is tarnished by attributing your own quote to me. Some might also say that your entire last post is suspect and probably incorrect given the error Darby has pointed out. Note I said "some might say" this.

Would you again care to explain to us how calling for evidence to support a wild claim (i.e. "debunking") is unscientific? Do you have any trusted references that you can cite?


"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day" - Time, Pink Floyd - 1973

Rainman calling TTI members stupid and saying they have a low IQ post.

Re: Ordered to return [re: linkman]
11/06/08 06:44 AM (

You "time travelers" are really a pretty stupid lot, aren't you? I can't count the number of times "you people" show up, having to brag about your abilities, and all the while totally ignore the structure of the board and our rules.

For the last TIME: Please let it be known that all time travel claimants need to post their claims in the Time Travel Claims forum!!! Geez! I guess we select people with low IQs to do the time traveling, eh?

Thread moved...

"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day" - Time, Pink Floyd - 1973

Again, there is nothing wrong with calling for evidence but if the person making the claim gives good reason for their claim and someone else can not give good reason to refute that claim then the person making the claim wins the scientific debate. Or unless someone else can recreate the the work of the person making the claim and give evidence to prove the claim wrong.

After showing your true colors to others as a professional teacher and a man of science if I was you I would go hide under the nearest rock and never come out.
Re: Rainman is a spy.

Rainman calling TTI members stupid and saying they have a low IQ post.

In reply to:

Re: Ordered to return [re: linkman]
11/06/08 06:44 AM (

You "time travelers" are really a pretty stupid lot, aren't you? I can't count the number of times "you people" show up, having to brag about your abilities, and all the while totally ignore the structure of the board and our rules.

For the last TIME: Please let it be known that all time travel claimants need to post their claims in the Time Travel Claims forum!!! Geez! I guess we select people with low IQs to do the time traveling, eh?

Thread moved...

"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day" - Time, Pink Floyd - 1973

Like I said in my initial reply to you when you accused me of this: Context is everything. When you take this reply to "time travelers" in context, I stand by it based on the INTENTION I had when I wrote it. You wish to place an INTENTION upon it that I did not have. That is an emotional response, but it deserved a reply from me to point out your emotional response.

Furthermore, if you believe this statement of mine above was addressed to all TTI members, then maybe it is you who should be questioning his own EQ (Emotional Quotient). And yes, I mean that, and no, I will not take it back. The context of this is clear. If you need to stretch that far to find me "insulting" you or other TTI members who are clearly not "time travlers" then you have a problem.

And as for:

RMT when you have more than one person saying the same things about you that is a really big clue that you need to accept their words as constructive critism rather than a personal attack. At least look at the fact that you may have a public relations problem or that you come off a specific way to other people.

I tend to look at the demeanor of the "more than one person saying the same things about" me. I do not have much respect for those people, and their own little shenanigans on this board. Period. (You know, people who continually go back and change their posts, delete entire posts, or insult me while trying to tell me I am insulting to them). There are other people on this forum, and they are in the large majority, whom I have a great deal of respect for. They, apparantly, do not have a problem with me. Using your own logic above, you have had "more than one person saying some things about you" and your methodology, or your project. Perhaps you should be taking your own medicine?

And of course, if you don't like me, no one is holding you on this forum against your will. As for the rest of your arguments, they are all emotional and based on erroneous ideas about what good science is. They do not deserve a response from me, as they stand on their own.

Good day, sir.
Re: Rainman is a spy.

Boy so much time spend here writting all of this


this is what i see each time i see somebodty wasting his precious time here arguing about stuff that is not important instead of spending with his family , you have a life go live it your kids need you ,i think the image are self explationary
Re: If any of you have really time traveled contac


In reply to:

I'm not familiar with that. Any details? I guess if it's secret then nobody knows.


Wiki has info on the Dean drive.

Dean Drive

Also another account by Jerry Pournelle on the Dean drive

Jerry Pournelle's thoughts

Re: If any of you have really time traveled contac


Before we go off half cocked and listen to "Doctor" Tom Bearden we should remember that while he does appear in a Georgia Tech class photo of 1970 Nuclearing Engineering students (and may have received his MS - though I can't find his thesis listed at Georgia Tech but I can find them for most of the "classmates" in the photo) he does not hold a PhD degree from an accredited university.

He received his PhD from a mailorder degree mill called Trinity College & University, Sioux Falls, SD. It's a PO Box, located in a small office with a phone and a website. You send in an application, a fee and you receive a "degree". Bearden received his PhD in "life experience and life accomplishment".

This is typical of the Internet time travel guru's, including "Doctor" David Anderson. They list a vague military career reference, an equally vague work history that doesn't actually say that they were employed by the business(s) listed - just that they worked at the location...and could have been a private janitor for all the CV actually states. ANd they don't tell you up front where or when they received their PhD. When you spend some time researching it you discover that it was from a mailorder degree mill. In other words, they want to impress you with the academic title "Doctor" when they actually aren't a Doctor of anything.

When they do that they are attempting to impress you, not me. I can read a CV and know when the submitter is pulling my leg. The question you need to ask yourself is why? The phony CV isn't going to impress or fool anyone in the field of physics so why the need to impress you with the title? Do these people sell books, CD, tapes, t-shirts, coffee mugs and hit the alt-sci/free energy lecture tours and inventor shows charging a rather substantial appearance fee?

Doc, no problem believing whatever it is that you believe. But don't fall for these charlatan gimmicks.
Re: If any of you have really time traveled contac

In other words, they want to impress you with the academic title "Doctor" when they actually aren't a Doctor of anything.

Hmmm... I wonder if there is anyone around here who is trying to do the same thing?

I asked someone several times what and from where they received their Doctorate, and this someone never answered. I would expect that if this person were as honest and open as he claims to be, that this person would either answer this question, or simply admit that he is NOT a doctor and only uses it as an online handle.

Unless he has something to hide....?
Re: If any of you have really time traveled contac

mr. doctor z. you said you were going to time travel how again ? and without any formulas? what about infinity and the mandelbrot set of the fifth dimension? if you do not get the energy field correctly you will merge with the objects around you or worse.
Re: If any of you have really time traveled contac

its a work im progress and im actually trying thing not just talking stuff and to you all
DOCTOR Z is my user name everywere not a title you must be +++++m to think i ever took this as a title its just a freaking user name it look better than deadz74 , darby you of all people should know what bearden was aying in his video hes f=ck=ng right and you it ,admit it it we that try and try again that will make this happen, if you dont want to try then stop posting negative comment or pointless stuff i cannot put in practice , same goes for everyone else collaborate and help me achieve this or dont , but please stop trolling this thread its so far off topic now it not funny
Re: If any of you have really time traveled contac

Doctor Z,

If you hear something in Bearden's work that you think is correct, YOU must run with it. For the most part, Bearden is talking nonsense. But on rare occasions, he may have said something that has value. Follow your own vision. Find effects that can't be explained. Learn the language of physics. The odds say that you will fail. However, you may be the one that shows the way.

Watch out for getting shocked!!!


I don't think anyone has told you and I forgot to mention it to you that a rotating magnetic field will induce a current in a conductor or a rotating conductor will get a current induced into it by cutting across a magnetic line. So, I earlier advised you to use a faraday cage if your using a high magnetic field and high frequencies. But, I forgot to warn you about accidently making a electric generator with you sitting in it. I would hate for you to be in your faraday cage and turn your device on and if you survived it come out with your hair sticking straight up and smoke rolling off you saying "IM GOING TO GET THAT DANG REACTOR!!!". Anyway be careful out there.

If your using a rotating magnetic field and sitting in a conductor MAKE SURE YOUR NOT GROUNDED BECAUSE YOU WILL BECOME THE SOURCE TO GROUND!!! Hey Recall, got any good pictures of this to post?

Re: Watch out for electricution

thanks for the warning reactor1967, you and einstein inspire me to out do myself and i know about faraday physic im not that dumb , thank you anyway , i will plaster the inner lining of the car interior if i ever come to do this again but you can also you aluminium foil to protect yourself from high intensity magnetic field , but i dont think it need to be big , it just need to oulse really fast and the power level to stand the duration
cheer to you all we will get somewere but there will be many trial to do before we actually achieve something at all
cheers everyone and lets keep focusing on what we can achieve together on the here and now , just look at me and carlos novela and the hdrkid , before we were sworn ennemies and now we are serious collaborator on debunking the myth of the hdr and what i can actually do
havea good day everyone
let hear other idea as well
Re: Watch out for getting shocked.

I don,t want to play the overly concerned person here and so I am not going to do that because like you said your not that dumb and I hope really hope that is true. So I will keep it short and sweet. Do a lot of testing first. Not only on the whole device but on the sub-systems of the device itself. Take measurements and look at them and make sure they don,t ring any safety bells with you. This would be electrical and radiation measurements. Yes, under certain conditions electrical devices can give off radiation if the right elements and electrical conditions are present. Also, look at microwaves make sure your not going to cook yourself or fry yourself electrically, or submit yourself to deadly radiation. At the very least stick some bugs in your device and run it and see if the bugs survive. At the very least do this. And, if you run bugs or god forbid animals in your device make sure before you step in it yourself that the bugs or animals you put in it live out their normal life expectancy first. I know you may not want to wait that long but if the bugs or animals died pre-maturely then it is a good bet that you will die pre-maturely too if you run the device on yourself. Also, I know I give RMT hell but I respect his message of what he is trying to teach. The math and physics of what you are doing is very important. Even if you or I don,t have that knowledge at least be mindful of it again keeping it short and sweet. And cheers and more fun to you and good luck. PARTY ON DUDE!!!
Re: Watch out for getting shocked!!!

If your using a rotating magnetic field and sitting in a conductor MAKE SURE YOUR NOT GROUNDED BECAUSE YOU WILL BECOME THE SOURCE TO GROUND!!! Hey Recall, got any good pictures of this to post?

May explain...

What Really Happened That Night to Doc:


He forgot the recommendations of Reactor:
1- The use of Faraday Cage:

2- don`t sit on a conductor or:


3-Don`t experiment indoors if the voltage is in KW order...


You may not localize the damn switch..

:oops: :oops: :oops: