Your world in 2522 is pretty strange, even in theory. It sounds too much like our time, except that it's far more advanced with space technology, alien contact etc.
So does it really mean that the bible is wrong? There is no Jesus Christ? What would this mean? All source and thousands of years of religion belif is gone? Is the world really prepared to accept such a thing? Personally, I think only cults would take a stronghold in this to succeed in gethering followers.
Are women still so scrutinized in 2522? What about paranormal stuff like spontaneous human combustion, hollow earth etc? Surely if you are a historian you can tell us more about culture, music, art etc? Does it all die down with religion too? Are there any significant events that affect us on a large scale? Are there things we should know?
Lastly, shouldn't your government send a trained person to come here and of all people why a historian? Shouldn't this be all classified stuff and you shouldn't be here telling people why your here?