Missed histories for the chronohistorians.
From historical evidence offered by Betty Luca, in this time, due to how Earthbased mankind is put together, there is not only thought to be a God, but many gods as well, due to factors of multiethnenticity.
There is also thought to be a God-appliance here on Earth, some two to ten miles in cubicle mass.
It was thought that some Lizarians, had balanced mankind, to be more normal, by some of their inputs.
This factor along with the said Pleiadeans present, was thought to fully constitute what many was?
The advent of the web and the computer was thought to somehow homonogize this process.
The Muslim factor, balanced against the need for oil and petroleum products, was thought by one past seer, to be a dynamic, which has resulted in a theirty-five years war, over what was perceived of an attempted colonialism.
At this time, it seems that aliens who are on this Earth and or are visiting Earth, are in most encounters non-conversive with Earthheld humans, unless that human has been compromised?
To our knowledge base, only a few alien human marriages have been successful, along with evacuations and colonizations, as held by media at this relative time.
The Planet X incoming phenomenon, has not been ferreted as truth at this date, as being either a government or some agency psychological operative, or a real emerging phenomenon.
http://www.zetatalk.com/teams/tteam342.htm Defintion> one tenth less sized non-burning brown dwarf mass, comeing into solar system, this system...?
There had to be a pixel and graphic software interrogator, applied to already shown data of said Planet X, in order to ascertain this discernment?
*Note via the adage of selected online viewings, it is possible to an extent, to observe female species in medical viewed topographic to reconstructive sets, of biological and physiomorphic sets, but by and large in these sets, unless the discriminator is careful, male homosexual set will be derived to full view?
This foresaid would mean that within the software discriminator, the viewing of nonbreeders, which are in viewed sets, may have some of their physiomorphicologies come through the software discriminator?
This further means that by natures design, as balanced against the natural principle of Saphologgies, that the female does not always in some manner possess a diminished hypothalamus gland?Def>Compensatorylovemaking between two consenting wimen, not full lesbinaism in the gene cult way of.
This one fact is apart from bisexuality, which is more based in royal rooting, as bisexuals were in all probabilities, based from the need to intimately consort with another man, during the middle ages, in then marriage cults, due to the enforced nonacademic natures, in some part of wimen.
So the biological social culted gene took hold, however in later years may have been reduced in mid-lineal values, by the non-use need.
Examples singers Sir Elton John and George Michael, who may, be both British citizens.
A proper male can be derived by shadow imaging of collections of females via specialized softwares viewings, online.....However there lies a problem, of constructing a super-being due or depending on the nature of the program discriminator involved in that guess reconstruction.