I am from the year 2522

Re: Lemmon C

TimeNot_0-UFOs do travel through space. They are either zkanam or lizaran. The UFOs probably have the ability do travel though time but don't.

hemis-I don't know who he is.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">Als antwoord op:</font><hr />
I don't know if it is the same in this time.


No it is not terrorism. Even if that site is true it still is politics. Murder is just a tool. Nothing more; nothing less. To bad for those people who got killed though. A couple years ago an radical environmental activist shot a gay and right-winged political leader. Many people didn't condemned the murder though because he was being hated because of his views on how to handle immigrants.

And again The Netherlands are the scene of political violence. This time religion is the major cause. But that doesn't matter. It does demonstrates that, just like the CIA propably did, murder and violence is used for political reasons. Get used to it. It isn't nice, I would agree with that, but it is the harsh reality in this time.

I’d like to know by the way who will be the next person that is being shot. Is it a man with funny hair or is it a black woman?
If murder is not terrorism then how is alqaeda a terrorist group?
If you read the link you will see they didn't just do murder

I have no idea who will be killed. Historically events like that are not important to learn
Yeah chronodude you are so right, what was the name of that guy who got shot in America in the 1960's, jf somebody? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

I have to disagree, history is important, its one of the reasons you came here in the first place wasn't it? Or was that a lie also?
With the rate of change accelerating so much why does it take 500 years to get down time travel? and what about the paradoxes created by time travel? you said earlier that you had a wife and kids in this time, shouldnt there be some laws or at least guidelines against that? just by doing it you have introduced DNA and RNA from your time into ours. And if you are from the future and you have met other races then what happened to the diseases that they grew immune to. Why didnt the same thing happen to their races and the human race as happened to the native americans when the europeans came to america?
Chrono: You said that arabic will be the most spoken language, but, what about chinese? (1 of 4 people speaks chinese now) , what about Spanish (now, is the fastest growing language in the US)? and Hindi?.
Why are you so reluctant to speak about energy? it is because there will be a big energy crash in the near future? or it is because you really don't know anything about energy?.
As a matter of fact you speak as a child (BUT living in this century) with great imagination that saw a lot of sci-fi movies....
Reat_Silver-Read the thread. You will notice I am not the same person as the creator of this thread.
After you have realised that ask me the questions again.

sqryx-Those languages will be big for a short time but arabic will take over.
I don't know much about energy.
Ok even if you arent the same person you should be able to answer all of the questions i have asked they dont pretanit to you personally. I ask why does it take so long for us to develop time travel, nothing personal there, I ask about the paradox situations created by time travel, nothing personal there either, third as ask why there wasnt laws or guidelines against taking a wife and having children in a pervious time than when you were born, again nothing personal, I asked for an explaination of why we and other races werent wiped out by disease, again absolutely nothing person that requirs you to answer about yourself or about the initiator of this thread. so now that I have met your requirment of recognizing that you arent the same person as the starter even though it is of little influence answer the questions please.

With the rate of change accelerating so much why does it take 500 years to get down time travel? and what about the paradoxes created by time travel? shouldnt there be some laws or at least guidelines against going back in time and having a wife and children?((note the change)) just by doing it you have introduced DNA and RNA from your time into ours. And if you are from the future and you have met other races then what happened to the diseases that they grew immune to. Why didnt the same thing happen to their races and the human race as happened to the native americans when the europeans came to america?
Time travel is more complicated than you think. It will take hundreds of years for time travel to become a reality.

Paradoxes are fake. There are no such thing.

There are laws governing time travel. Only people the government selects can travel back in time. You can't bring your family though.

Before time travel everyone goes into a medical scanner. I know it scans but I think it does something else but I am not sure.
Chrono' it looks for parity in the subject, which might be replicated as a form of biotelepathy, in that subject should travel back in time.
I wasnt talking about bring your family from the future back in time i was talking about creating a family for yourself in the past.
What i meant with the diseases was that when you come to a new area that is isolated from the one you came from you bring along mirco bacteria that is native to your area and that you have come to live with and developed a natural immunity to. The problem is that when something from this new area you have came to comes into contact with you, you tranfer some of those bacteria and they have no immunity to them. In case you are still blind to my point WHY wasnt there some kind of record of a epidemic that wiped out most of north america from our lizard friends that are supposivly visiting us. How come they werent infected with earthborn diseases. Planets are very isolated areas this dont survive in a vacuum. The final bit to this is when we meet these other speices how come they werent wiped out? I am not concerned with what a human may bring back from the fuuture because anything that they would have a natural immunity to would be something that we have seen before.
Paradox situations are Fakes??? I suppose if you kill your grandfather you arent going to have a paradox because you simply wont exist, but then you have the problem that YOU were the one to kill your grandfather...does anyone else see a paradox in that?

ps. dont try to tell me that AID/HIV is a disease from our alien visitors
If chrono was for real. Which, frankly i couldn't give a toss about anymore (so bored am i with this whole story, that really offers nothing in return for our attention).

He and big chrono before him are 500 years in the future. Look at mainstream scientists! do you really think they have the mindset and capacity to workout time travel in 2004. They can't even get their heads around radionics let alone TT.

It, i'm sure will take them at least a couple of hundred years yet at their current attitudes.

"only the government selects who goes".

Not very selective are they chrono, if they let families go as tourists and schools as class visits?

Chrono also says that they cannot achieve time travel into the future. Time travel is not science fiction now. neither is future travel. Chrono like every one else is just as dumb to this as his government want him to believe (if he is for real).

Chrono, perhaps you might want to think about what incentives the government would have that they want to keep people from going to the future - or finding this out. though i doubt you'll have the capacity.

One thing i can safely say speaking to both chronos is just how socially stunted and naive they are for people of 500 years time. This is not an insult. only an observation. I guess many things take a lot longer than 500 years do disappear.

Then again i'd put it to you, you'd have to be naive to let the government but a computer chip in your head.

Kind regards,
Reat_Silver-I don't know about the diseases thing. perhaps they have some kind of hazmat shields?

Paradoxes are not real because say you go back in time to kill your grandfather. You will still exist in the time that you murdered your grandfather but no one will know you. If you go back to your time then you will cease to exist so if you stay in the time that your grandfather was murdered you will be ok.

You know you could be onto something with AIDs because the transam were wiped out by an AIDs like virus.

They only let people go as tourists and classes go as tourists if they are cloaked. This stops people from seeing, hearing and feeling them.
They also have to go with a time guard incase they try and destroy the cloak.

I don't have a computer chip in my head.
Chrono: Check this info that Credo Mutwa said it will happen this year. He said it in June 2004: (excerpt taken from David Icke's web site: http://www.davidicke.com/icke/headlines/headlinesjune2004-2.shtml):

"Credo Mutwa, African Sanusi and
official historian of the Zulu nation

This year 2004 is one of those years when many strange things will happen in several parts of the world. Especially toward the end of the October/November period, this is the year when dramatic happenings will take place.

A number of prominent men will die this year and their deaths will cause the change of the course of human history. I see a shadow in the eyes of Osama bin Laden. I see a shadow behind Yasser Arafat. A terrible man will come to power in Egypt and he will replace the peacemaker Mubarak and return Egypt to extremism.

I see great trouble facing President Bush in the USA, especially in September and November.

But I see amazing and beautiful efforts made by unlikely people in Palestine and Israel. These people will reach out to each other. The daughters of India and Pakistan will kiss each other through barbed wire and soldiers will exchange cigarettes instead of bullets.

I see great danger, certain people will try to undermine peace like never before. But Lady of Justice Mapiri ("Lady Wolf") will be present, who will overthrow them.

This is the year when criminals of all cultures will be punished. This is the year people will try their best to create harmony around the world and we need to support them.

If you are a thief and have "stolen another man's cow" - expect to be a prisoner.

If you are a king who has stolen another king's throne, you will be kicked from the castle wall. This is the year when people like Robert Mugabe will get their 'come-up-pence.'

So be careful thieves, drug dealers and thieving kings, your time of justice has come.

Credo Mutwa"

Also Credo Mutwa reveal an Aids treatment:

Why you were unable to predict Arafat's death?, maybe you didn't know?

David Icke! Lol! He's our very own resident looney is ol' Dave. He's just a case in point about what can happen when you have a nervous breakdown :-)
Royal family are lizards eating kiddies and stuff, very funny guy...
Paradoxes are not real because say you go back in time to kill your grandfather. You will still exist in the time that you murdered your grandfather but no one will know you. If you go back to your time then you will cease to exist so if you stay in the time that your grandfather was murdered you will be ok.

hello that is a paradox
sqryx-I don't know anything about that.

Reat_Silver-Wrong. A paradox is when you go back in time kill your grandfather then there is no way for you to be born so your grandfather is actually alive so then you are alive and it keeps on going similar to that. I don't know fully what the theory was on it.

Ibano2104-I think there was an election that year. I am not sure of the date though