Chrono: Check this info that Credo Mutwa said it will happen this year. He said it in June 2004: (excerpt taken from David Icke's web site:
"Credo Mutwa, African Sanusi and
official historian of the Zulu nation
This year 2004 is one of those years when many strange things will happen in several parts of the world. Especially toward the end of the October/November period, this is the year when dramatic happenings will take place.
A number of prominent men will die this year and their deaths will cause the change of the course of human history. I see a shadow in the eyes of Osama bin Laden. I see a shadow behind Yasser Arafat. A terrible man will come to power in Egypt and he will replace the peacemaker Mubarak and return Egypt to extremism.
I see great trouble facing President Bush in the USA, especially in September and November.
But I see amazing and beautiful efforts made by unlikely people in Palestine and Israel. These people will reach out to each other. The daughters of India and Pakistan will kiss each other through barbed wire and soldiers will exchange cigarettes instead of bullets.
I see great danger, certain people will try to undermine peace like never before. But Lady of Justice Mapiri ("Lady Wolf") will be present, who will overthrow them.
This is the year when criminals of all cultures will be punished. This is the year people will try their best to create harmony around the world and we need to support them.
If you are a thief and have "stolen another man's cow" - expect to be a prisoner.
If you are a king who has stolen another king's throne, you will be kicked from the castle wall. This is the year when people like Robert Mugabe will get their 'come-up-pence.'
So be careful thieves, drug dealers and thieving kings, your time of justice has come.
Credo Mutwa"
Also Credo Mutwa reveal an Aids treatment:
Why you were unable to predict Arafat's death?, maybe you didn't know?