Which of these three do you think most likely, and why?
The first part of option 1 seems inevitable. The invasion seems unlikely, unless they see a chance to capture or neutralize our nukes. I'd lean towards option 1.
Which of these three do you think most likely, and why?
The first part of option 1 seems inevitable. The invasion seems unlikely, unless they see a chance to capture or neutralize our nukes. I'd lean towards option 1.
Well not true. Would a country use nukes on its own soil against it own population? Would a country use nukes knowing that the invading country has them too? Did the light bulb come on yet?
And, if your talking about Iran or North Korea they would just go to their bomb shelters and resume business as usual after it was all over. It would take a while for their country to recover but it would be worth it to them to take out one American city. No decision another country makes is always sane. They have logic to their decisions no matter how twisted it is.
We are talking about a massive invasion and occupation of American cities. I can't think of any foreign power that has the strength to accomplish that. I mean, we may be in a new Great Depression, but we still possess the same military strength. No group or nation can go head-to-head against America, and I can't see that any Depression is going to change that fact much.
Hell, Obama is pretty pro-active, so he might even send in the troops before any unrest got very bad here, in a "for your own good" attempt to keep things from getting out of control.
Obama would first have to suspend the Posse Comitatus Act
Maybe not.
Does the "Great ReCLAMation" have anything to do with Clamorian returning?
You did not read far enough, nor did you bother to look at the details of later legislation:
It is not as easy as you make it sound. Obama would first have to suspend the Posse Comitatus Act, which prevents US military forces from being used as police forces on US soil unless and until he receives a request from a state's governor. After that, he would then have to enact martial law. It would be quite ironic for a socialist-leaning (but denying) Democratic president like Obama to suspend Posse Comitatus and then enact martial law. If he ever did, and it was not a dire emergency, then there would be no better time for unarmed people to arm themselves....if that option had not already been taken away!
The point of saying goodbye is to leave.
I don't think a President has to officially declare Martial Law anymore. I think using FEMA allows him to get around that and still achieve the same end. Sorta the same way that the President is now able to wage wars without actually needing congress to "Declare War" anymore.
Your life is quite dark, it seems. That's too bad.
Thank goodness Ray thinks that it's just Pete's life that is dark, and not the world.
It truly is all about attitude how one deals with life's tests.
Is there a postulate to this experiment? Any experiment seeks to either prove or disprove a thesis. What is the thesis you wish to either prove or disprove? What protocols are there? It seems rather generalist.
An experimenter is not allowed to answer questions about an experiment when said questions are posed by the subjects of the experiment unless answering such a question was laid out in the design of the experiment. Since I am also a subject of this experiment, I am allowed to give you this answer. Sadly, I probably nullified the hypothesis by doing so.