Experiment with Time, your assistance is requested

Yada, yada, yada.

You posed a scenario where some foreign country invades the USA - a USA that is out of food and people are starving. Irrespective of where they come from, assnming they are human and not Martian, what is the daily resource cost for a mech, armor and aviation brigade assuming that there ain't no local food available. How many brigades are required to successfully invade, control and pacify the USA?

Come on - this is your scenario, not mine. Certainly you thought this through before making the statements, yes?

Deleted because of double posting accidently. My post is below.
Yada, yada, yada.

You posed a scenario where some foreign country invades the USA - a USA that is out of food and people are starving. Irrespective of where they come from, assnming they are human and not Martian, what is the daily resource cost for a mech, armor and aviation brigade assuming that there ain't no local food available. How many brigades are required to successfully invade, control and pacify the USA?

Come on - this is your scenario, not mine. Certainly you thought this through before making the statements, yes?

Well I guess time to buy a new mouse. For some reason my post did not make it so here I will post again. Should it appear twice please forgive. My scenario was because of a disruption of energy supplies or crop failer also causing transporation failer. The economy and the American goverment would collasp which would lead to another country sending troops into America. Now, I have already answered your question but for some reason you are not understanding me. The exact cost and size of troops would depend on how far they are from home and what the actual invasion plan is. If the country is starving to death instead of fighting people would be more interested in taking the resources the troops bring with them. To give you an example Mighty Rome which probably stood for far longer than America will fell because of a blockade starving Rome until the people opened up the gates and let their enemy in. Rome was taken with very little fighting though many before them faught and lost the same fight. So, as an example America could very well fall like Rome did.
Yada, yada, yada.

You posed a scenario where some foreign country invades the USA - a USA that is out of food and people are starving. Irrespective of where they come from, assnming they are human and not Martian, what is the daily resource cost for a mech, armor and aviation brigade assuming that there ain't no local food available. How many brigades are required to successfully invade, control and pacify the USA?

Come on - this is your scenario, not mine. Certainly you thought this through before making the statements, yes?


The reason I usually give in to you in a debate is that you usually give me some new scientific information that I did not now before. You give me some new facts to change my way of thinking. Here you are dogmaticly repeating yourself clearly showing that you are here for public denial of my information or to get an emotional responce from me. Come on man I know you are better than this.
What you are not doing here is taking the facts that I am giving you and individually proving those facts incorrect. Heck, you are not even making an attempt to process the information that I have giving you. So please, either get it into gear or give up. Give me something besides dogmatic responses to work with. I don,t think I have seen you like this before. Please stop repeating yourself and give me something new to show me I am wrong.
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

3.will my children live a long happy life?

Probably not, unless you escaped and took them with you. Children were often left behind though, and thought to be a burden during times of mass migrations to Canada and Mexico. I was left behind as a child so I can attest to this.


5.how will i die?

Most likely the same way as everyone else of your time. During the Great Reclamation, either towards the beginning when the bottom drops out of the dollar and most cities and counties go bust, along with several of the larger states. Or immediately afterwards when your city is invaded and you were unable to flee. Several billion die worldwide.


You may die in 2012 when a series of events between Russia and Iran cause an exchange of nuclear ordinance. Israel is forced into a response and the result is that several billion die worldwide as a result of radiation.


You may die in 2015 when the Destroyer of Worlds returns to wipe the face of the planet clean. A great plague is unleashed and although millions have died before due to other tragedies, this particular plague is responsible for billions of deaths worldwide.

It just dawned on me that the theme of fleeing and mass migrations and becoming displaced people is common to two of the answers above. If the answer to question 3 is assumed to be on the level, then the most likely of the three answers to question 5 is the first one, since it contains the same thematic element.
The United States of America, in 2009, was teetering at the very heights of its greatest triumphs, only to succumb to the depths of its enormous debts. The entire capitalistic empire which had hedged the entire worlds markets initiated a free fall slide that demolished capital and destroyed world wide wealth. This Global economic collapse was so much worse than the depression era of the 30's. Millions of Americans were turned into homeless. There was no quick or sudden economic turn around, things did not suddenly "Get Better."

Many of these predictions have proven correct since they were first posted in February 2009.

The recovery has not occurred; things have not "gotten better". And millions of homes have been foreclosed on, and homeless camps ("Obamavilles") are now popping up all over.

Many of these predictions have proven correct since they were first posted in February 2009.

No....a vague prediction is never a correct one. And even less so when the events being 'predicted' are already making ripples and in news stories for anyone who looks. It did not require a genius, psychic, or time traveller to 'predict' that there was an economic crunch on the way. Hell, when I was co-manager of Free Speech America back in 2000 there were regularly posters stating that economic doom was just around the corner, and quoting the likes of George Soros etc.

So all these 'predictions' of economic woe mean precisely nothing. They have about as much significance as me predicting ' there will be a big earthquake in 2010'......something that is highly likely somewhere in the world.

How about predicting something that NOBODY would ever have expected ? Some event that cannot simply be easily foreseen as a consequence of current trends. All these alleged time travellers NEVER predict those sort of things.
Gee, you are such a genius. Can I please join your cult of ignorance?

Do you think I do not know who you are? Think you've outsmarted me, eh? I assure you, nothing could be further from the truth.

More evidence has been collected.
Rain......OTO? or other occult arts? Have a lot of friend in Chicago that have their own temple. Thelimites. (might have spelled that wrong)
Hello RisataLisa:

Rain......OTO? or other occult arts? Have a lot of friend in Chicago that have their own temple. Thelimites. (might have spelled that wrong)

Yes, a little bit of OTO, and a generous dash of A:. A:. also thrown in for good measure! In fact, I have studied and collected from many different traditions of Thelema. And you were close... it is Thelemites. We who use the concepts of Love and Will. If I am in a perpetual state of Love, then I must be doing my Will. Of course, Love manifests in so many different ways as we live out our lives...

Love is the Law. Love under Will.
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

During the Great Reclamation ... the bottom drops out of the dollar and most cities and counties go bust, along with several of the larger states.

"More than 100 American cities could go bust next year as the debt crisis that has taken down banks and countries threatens next to spark a municipal meltdown, a leading analyst has warned.

Meredith Whitney, the US research analyst who correctly predicted the global credit crunch, described local and state debt as the biggest problem facing the US economy, and one that could derail its recovery.

"Next to housing this is the single most important issue in the US and certainly the biggest threat to the US economy," Whitney told the CBS 60 Minutes programme on Sunday night."

Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

The original post on this thread was in 2009, well into the Great Depression 2.0. Also:

Meredith Whitney, the US research analyst who correctly predicted the global credit crunch, described local and state debt as the biggest problem facing the US economy, and one that could derail its recovery.
Debt is quite possibly the single biggest source of artificial bondage to which humanity is currently subjected. Once people realize that they are completely free and debt does not exist outside the mind, the world of yesteryear will be no more. We have the technology and power to feed, clothe, and shelter everyone on earth at this very moment. Only greed and delusion prevent it.